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Care, Core, and Cure Model

“Individuals could be conceptualized in three separate domains
: the body (care), the illness (cure), and the person (core)”
 Patients should receive care only from professional nurses.
 Nursing involves interacting with a patient in a complex
process of teaching and learning.
 Care is focused on individuals, families and communities.
 And care is focused on maintaining optimal health and
quality life from birth to end of life.
Nursing care can be delivered in three interlocking levels;
 Care ---- hands on bodily care
 Core ---- using self in relationship to patient
 Cure ----- the disease applying medical knowledge.
o Lydia Hall received her basic nursing education at New
York hospital school of nursing in New York Pennsylvania
in 1927. She earned her Bachelors in Public Health Nursing
in 1037 and Masters in Teaching Natural sciences in 1942.
o Her experiences in nursing include clinical, educational,
research and supervisory roles.
o Interlocking circles like;
o The care circle---- hands on bodily care
o The nurturing component of care and is exclusive to
o It involves the concept of “mothering”(care and comfort of
the person) . and provide for teaching-learning activities.
o The professional nurse provides bodily care for the patient
and helps the patient to complete such basic daily biologic
activities like eating, bathing , eliminating and dressing.
o The nurses goal is the comfort of the patient.
o Providing care for the patient at the basic needs level
presents the nurse and the patient with an opportunity for
closeness. As closeness develops the patient can share
and explore feelings with the nurse. This opportunity to
explore feelings represents the teaching-learning aspect of
 The Core circle: using self in relationship to patient
 The core circle of patient is based on the social sciences.
 Involves the therapeutic use of self.
 The nurse is able to help the patient verbally express
feelings regarding the disease process and its effects, as
well as discuss the patients role in recovery or healing
 The patient is able to maintain who they are (self identity)
 The patient is able to develop maturity level when the
nurse listens to him/her and acts as sounding board.
 The patient is able to make informed or conscious
decisions based on understood and accepted feelings and
 The professional nurse, by use of the reflective technique
9acting as a mirror for the patient) helps the patient look
at and explore feelings regarding his or her current health
status and related potential changes in the life style.
 The motivation and emergency necessary for healing exist
within the patient rather than in the health care team.
The Cure Circle --- the Disease ==== applying medical
The cure circle of patient care is based in the pathological
and therapeutic sciences and is shared with other
members of the health team.
The professional nurse helps the patient and family
through the medical, surgical and rehabilitative
prescriptions made by the physician. During this aspect of
nursing care, the nurse is an active advocate of the
nurses role during the cre aspect takes on a negative
quality like avoidance of pain rather than a positive quality
like comforting.
This is negative in the sense that the patient views the
nurse as a potential cause of pain, e.g one who is involved
in such actions as administering injection, versus the
potential comforter who provides care and comfort in the
care circle.
Interaction of the Three aspects of nursing:
 Hall emphasizes the importance of total person
 The three aspects interacts and the circles
representing them change size, depending on the
patient’s total course of progress.
Applications of Lydia Hall’s Care. Core and cure model”
Case history of Gerard Martin
Nurse Agnes ferriol is assigned to care for Gerard martin in
the Orthopedic surgery unit. She decided to apply Lydia Hall’s
theory on patient care for Gerald martin.
Gerard Martin is a 16 year old 4rth year high school student
from Isabela. He is a star in the basketball team and has
aspirations for a basketball university scholarships . one week
ago he was involved in accident while playing basketball in their
Barangay sports center in which his left arm was fractured and
his left foot was sprained.he had bumped his head on the floor
also. The required surgery and casting for his left arm and
splinting of his foot have been completed . he is now on
physical therapy.

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