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Task 2



- Diversity in Menu -Issues on Food
-Original Recipe -Negative Publicity
-High number of products -Unhealthy food menu
-Loyal Customer Base -Lack of marketing efforts
- -Limited Vegetarian Options

-Changing Menu to target Health Conscious - Trend towards healthy eating.
- Lawsuits against KFC.
-Cheap menu people love
-Catering to the Vegetarian Population
-Quality of food

Instruction: Choose one company that’s operating here in the Philippines. Analize and make
a SWOT analysis of your chosen company.

Guide Questions:
1. How does each factor influence the business operation of your selected company?
2. What is the importance of each factor for the business operation?
3. Give conclusions/recommendations based on the analysis.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
6 pts 4 pts 3 pts 1 pts. Total
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
An introduction of the An introduction of the company is There is a limited Introduction. There is no Introduction.
company is presented presented in a somewhat clear
Introduction in a clear and concise and concise manner.
manner. The
introduction provides
insight and
background into the
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Report contains 5 points for SWOT Analysis contains 4 points SWOT Analysis contains less than SWOT Analysis contains less
Paragraphs each category. for each category. Only 2 3 points for each category. Less than 2 points for each category.
Atleast 3 sentences sentences are provided for each than 2 or fewer sentences are Only a few or no sentences are
provided for each segment explaining their provided for each segment provided for each segment
point explaining their research. explaining their research. explaining their research.
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
All points in each 3 or less points in each category
SWOT Content Some points in each category fit
category fit correctly fit correctly into that category as
correctly into that category as a Almost all points in each
into that category as a strength, weakness,
strength, weakness, opportunity, category are incorrect.
a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat. Most points
or threat and some are incorrect.
opportunity, or threat are incorrect.  
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
Spelling, Grammar, The presentation is
Punctuation The presentation contains a few The presentation contains many The presentation contains many
free of grammatical,
grammatical, punctuation, and grammatical, punctuation, and grammatical, punctuation, and
punctuation, and
spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.
spelling errors.  
Recommendations, Excellent Good Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
opportunity cost,        
threats There are three There are three recommendations There are less than three There are no recommendations.  
included in the
recommendations included in the
conclusion. The included in the conclusion. The
conclusion. The recommendations
recommendations are recommendations are NOT clearly
are NOT clearly associated with
made based on associated with findings from the
findings from the SWOT Analysis.
findings from the SWOT Analysis. They are
They are presented in a
SWOT Analysis. They presented in a somewhat clear,
somewhat clear, and professional
are presented in a and professional manner.
clear, and
professional manner.

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