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1 Solution sheet: Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off

with LOGO!Learn

26 Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off

Status LEDs

Circuit diagram



Figure 1: Learning card 26 - Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off

Functional description
When button S1 is activated, the contactor K1 closes and remains in this position. When
button S2 is activated, the contactor K2 closes and also remains in this position. At the
same time the time delay relay K3 switches on and the contactor K1 switches off. Once
the set time (5 sec.) has elapsed, the contactor K2 opens automatically.

Correlation list
Symbol absolute Comment
S1 I1 Button
S2 I4 Button
K1/P1 Q1 Status LED (Pilot lamp)
K2/P2 Q2 Status LED (Pilot lamp)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

2 Solution sheet: Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off
with LOGO!Learn

Exercise 1
Solution field 1 shows a suggested solution.

❏ Enter the program (see solution field 1) into the programming unit (PC).

❏ Transfer the function block diagram into the LOGO!.

❏ Test the circuit with the training device LOGO!Learn.

Solution field 1

Figure 2: Logic circuit for Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off
(Function block diagram)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

3 Solution sheet: Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off
with LOGO!Learn

Exercise 2

❏ Transfer the solution “function block diagram” as a ladder diagram into solution
field 2.

❏ Enter the ladder diagram into the programming unit (PC).

❏ Transfer the ladder diagram into the LOGO!.

❏ Test the circuit with the training device LOGO!Learn.

Solution field 2

Figure 3: Logic circuit for Sequential circuit with time delayed cut-off
(Ladder diagram)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

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