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Today you learned that our reactions to the stressful events of Pandemic or any other form of disaster

were normal and valid. How does this new learning that my reactions and feelings toward Covid-
19/disaster were normal after all help me?

This reactions help me to feel valid to myself also because like everyone else, I also feel the
things that they feel. I feel more belong to the society that I am in. This help me to become more
confident because I have learned that there is nothing wrong with how I feel since as mentioned above,
It was just all normal and valid and I am happy about it.

How can you apply this learning to your life especially after experiencing such a pandemic?

I can apply this learning to my life through always reflecting about this and always reminding
myself with it. That my feelings, emotions, and reactions are just normal and valid so there is nothing I
should be afraid and ashamed of. Furthermore, after experiencing such a pandemic, I felt more strong
and independent because I have to do a lot of things on my own. I also felt that God is really good to us
because He didn’t let us down during this time of Covid-19.

What do you feel? What do you think was the point of Catching, Checking and changing your feelings?

I personally think that Catching, Checking and changing my feelings could really help me as an
individual. Catching feelings make me recognize what I feel towards someone or something, it also
makes me feel valid and normal because I know that I am able to feel something to whatever or
whoever. Checking it makes me think if they are really necessary and if they could help my development
as an individual. And lastly, changing them if I have realize that they won’t do any good to me. The point
of these 3 is that, it makes me feel human because I am able to do them.

What was the reason why you had to reframe your thoughts?

I think that reframing my thoughts is for the better because foe example, I am overthinking
things and being depress for a while, I know to myself that I need to alter my attention into something
good which actually makes me feel better. For me, I need to reframe them to achieve my inner peace.

BEFORE (my feelings during the AFTER (my feelings right now)
pandemic/disaster) AFTER (my feelings right now)
I felt anxious I feel more relax
I felt worried about something I feel more at ease
I felt tired I am now relieved
I felt something heavy inside It somehow lighten
How can you apply your newfound knowledge to your daily life? After going through the activity, I
learned that the feelings that I CAUGHT could be… Fear

After a while, I CHECKED the feelings and realized that I could… go pass through it

CHANGED my feelings into the following: Unbothered, Worriless, and Strengthen faith.

Needs Form

Family/Relative/Friend Current Immediate Need Refer to

Roger Guevarra (Father) None None
Rina Guevarra (Mother) Capital for a small business Relatives abroad
Ruth Guevarra (Sister) Motivation Parents
Rachelle Guevarra (Sister) Emotional Support Parents
Renz Guevarra None None

Why do you think it is important for all of you to learn about whom you can go to for your own needs
and the needs of your family?

I personally think that it is important for all of us to know whom we can go for our own needs
and the needs of our family so that in case that we face problems, we already know whom we can get
help to, whom we can support us and help us in our needs so that we won’t have to think where to get
help at that current moment anymore. It is so that we are ready of what is yet to come.


Many people in this world have been able to make me fly and soar, but not at all. They base
what they do to me by looking at my own abilities in life based on what I felt adn what I saw to those
people, and those people who would motivate me to fly high or soar will drive me to do the things I
wanted the most. My source of strength is our heavenly God, my family especially my parents, my
teacher, and my friends. They are my source of power so I can fly high in my life and reach my goal. They
believe in my goals and encourage me to achieve them. When I am downhearted for any reason, I talk
to them and they help me find useful solutions to my problems. They are like the wind that help me fly.

What have you realized about yourself after drawing the kite?

I realized that just like the kite, I can also fly high and reach my goals and dreams in life with
God’s perfect timing. Just like the kite, I also need someone/something to be able to do this. Just like the
kite, I need some wind and this wind represents my Family. Mentors and God who helps me to fly and
guide me towards my dream.
How are you similar to the kite? What are your strengths as a person?

By being a free-spirited human, I am similar to the kite. Whatever I like, I can do it and I can fly
high wherever the wind blows me. My strength is my family, to whom I am linked like a kite string. I'm
still attached to the string no matter how far I go, and I'd go back to the hands holding it. A kite flies
because it is tethered. People who are not tethered or grounded in values, education, reality and
character are like a kite without the tether, they are blown around and crash into the ground but they
do not fly. You can surmise the rest. And I think that is my strength as a person. A kite does not fly in the
sky by itself. It needs people on the ground to pick it up before it can do so. This may be seen as how we
can need others as individuals to assist us through life. As we move on with our lives, we will meet
incredible people who will support us along our journey, raise us up.

The next time you feel weak, imagine your saranggola in order to remind yourself that you have a
number of sources of strength? Finally, can you write a poem with one stanza and 4 lines (isang
saknong na may 4 na linya o taludtod ng tula) about your sources of strengths?

Ang pisi ng aking saranggola,

Pananampalataya dapat ang kasama,
Di mapapatid,di mapipigtas,
Gaano man katayog,o gaano man kataas.

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