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In this blog, I am stating all the rules with charts so that you all can understand this strategy

better. Just follow each & every rule precisely to take maximum advantage of this strategy.



Two Candle Formation

3 Min TimeFrame.

50 EMA

RSI (3) UpperBand 80. LowerBand 20


1. We need two Bullish candles for Long entry. The second candle should close above the
first bullish candle’s high, & the first bullish candle’s low should be lower than the
second bullish candle’s low.

2. Second Bullish Candle’s RSI(3) value should be higher than 80. (First bullish candle’s
RSI value could be anything. Doesn’t matter.)
3. Second Bullish Candle should be above 50 EMA (First bullish candle could be above or
below 50EMA. Doesn’t matter)
4. Buy above second candle’s High + 1rs, SL will be First candle’s Low -1 rs.


1. We need two Bearish candles for Short entry. The second candle should close Below the
first Bearish candle’s Low, & the first Bearish candle’s High should be higher than the
second Bearish candle’s high.
2. Second Bearish Candle’s RSI(3) value should be less than 20. (First Bearish candle’s RSI
value could be anything. Doesn’t matter.)
3. Second Bearish Candle should be below 50 EMA (First Bearish candle could be above or
below 50EMA. Doesn’t matter)
4. Sell below second candle’s Low – 1rs, SL will be First candle’s High +1 rs.


1. The range of two candles High & Low shouldn’t exceed more than 200. (If it is more than
200, then we will ignore Setup)

2. After the trade gets activated, we will ignore every other setup which occurs during the trade
till running trade hits its target of sl.

3. Ignore the setup if the next two candles after the setup don’t break it’s High in the case of
Long & Low in the case of Short.

4. Risk Reward of this strategy is 1:1

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22nd May 2020

Today we have seen the power of bulls and banknifty looks very bearish. Our Banknifty 3 M
strategy gave us only one trade which fulfilled our criteria and setup.

We got multiple setups in morning session in Banknifty but they were either more than 200
points or few did not break the low in next two candle. Hence we waited till 12 PM where we got
the perfect bearish setup.The target is achieved and we booked 109 points in this.
Today we managed to book 109 points and our P&L looks like Rs 20*109 = Rs 2180/-
(brokerage and taxes extra).

We still have a week to go for May contract and let’s see how our Banknifty 3M strategy

21st May 2020

Today Banknifty shows us how expiry can be tricky and we can see momentum on both side.
Our Banknifty 3M strategy gave us 6 trade setup.

We got our 1st bullish setup at 10.24 am but this up move was rejected by bears. We booked a
loss of 79 points.
We got our 2nd bullish setup at 11.33 am but again bears does not want it to go more higher and
took it down. We booked a loss of 61 points here.
We got our 3rd bearish setup at 11.51 am after bulls have given up and with no time we booked
66 points.
Now bulls started showing strength and we got our next bullish setup at 1.03 pm. However bears
brother came into picture and took it down immediately. We booked a loss of 128 points here.
Now bears is in full control and we got our next bearish setup at 2.03 pm and the momentum was
so quick that we booked our profit of 132 points immediately.
We got our next bearish setup at 2.24 pm but it did not hit our target points. We need to close
this trade at 3.15 pm closing value which is 17660. We got only 1 point profit only.
Today we managed to book -79-79+66-128+132+1 = -69 points . If one would have traded with
one lot than the P&L would be of Rs 20*69 = – 1380 (brokerage and taxes extra).

20th May 2020

Today Banknifty was completely choppy and sideways till noon and than we have witnessed the
bull power. Our Banknifty 3 M strategy gave us 5 trade setup.

We got our 1st bearish setup at 10.18 am but this was rejected by the bulls. We booked a loss of
126 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 12.51 pm after tug of war between bulls and bears. This
downword move is also rejected by the bulls. We books the loss of 56 points here.
In second half we are seeing the bull power and this gave us our next bullish setup at 1.45 pm.
The move is so strong that it hit our tgt with no time. We booked 93 points here.
We got our next bullish setup at 2.06 pm and we booked our next target for 163 points.
The last setup we got is at 2.30 pm but this turned out to be the near the day high zone. Bears
came here and pull the banknifty down and we booked the loss of 136 points here.
We managed to get 5 trade and booked -126-56+93+163-136 = -62 point loss. If one would have
traded with one lots our P&L would have been 20*62 = Rs – 1240/-. (brokerage and taxes extra)

19th May 2020

Today Banknifty gapped up opening in early session and than we saw the fall. Bulls tried very
hard to take banknifty to higher level but couldn’t and it gave bearish closing. Our Banknifty 3M
strategy gave us 5 trade today.

The 1st bearish setup we found at 9.30 am, however bulls rejected this and took banknifty to
higher level. We booked the loss of 150 points here.
Bulls took complete control over bears and we got our next bullish setup at 9.48 am and with no
time it hit our target. We gained 119 points here.
We got our next bullish setup at 10.18 am and bulls were quiet dominant here. We achieve our
tgt and gained another 143 points here.
After morning bulls show, bears woke up late in noon and started rejecting all bulls move. We
got our next bearish setup at 12.54 pm and with no time it hit our target. We gained 177 points
We got our last bearish setup at 1.36 pm and bears were taking it to lower level. It missed our
target only by 10 points and we have to exit our position at the closing price of 17439. We
booked 52 points here.
Our banknifty 3M strategy gave us 5 trade today and we managed to booked
-150+119+143+177+52 = 341 profit points. If we would have traded with one lot than our P&L
would be of 20*341 = Rs 6820 (brokerage and taxes extra).

18th May 2020

Today we have witnessed the bear show in Banknifty. It has clearly broken all supports and gave
a very bearish closing as well. Our Banknifty 3 M strategy gave us 3 trade for the day.

We got our 1st bearish setup at 9.24 am and with no time we hit the target. A good positive start
always boost trader confidence for the day. We booked 140 points here.
We got our 2nd bearish setup at 10.15 am and this also hit our target with no time. We booked
again 109 points here.
We got our 3rd bearish setup at 10.45 am but this trade took us for the ride as the tgt was missed
by 4 point. However we have kept the SL and tgt we wait. We have awaited for the whole day
and banknifty started consolidation and exited this trade at intraday closing price of 17536. We
booked 108 points here.
Today was a great start for this week and we managed to get 140+109+108 = 357 points. If we
would have traded with one lot our P&L would be Rs 20*357 = 7140/- profit( Brokerage and
taxes extra).

Let’s see how banknifty surprise us tomorrow!!

15th May 2020

Today Banknifty gap down opening but it was completely sideways and very choppy. Our
Banknifty 3M strategy gave us 3 trade today.

As the banknifty gave the gap down, we got our first trade at 9.54 am and this traded made us
wait for more than 2 hours before it hit our SL. We booked the loss of -110 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 1.15 PM but this down move could not sustained and it hit our
SL. We booked the loss of 79 points here.
Banknifty started showing strength and we got our next bullish setup at 2.12 pm. However it did
not hit our SL or the target. We exited the position at 3.15 with the price of 18794. We booked
the loss of 77 points here.
Today we managed to get three trade with the end result of -110-79-77 = -266 points. If one
would have traded with one lot the P&L would be of 20*266 = – Rs. 5320/- (brokerage and taxes

14th May 2020

Today Banknifty gap down opening and traded on a lower level throughout a day. Our Banknifty
3M strategy gave us 5 trade setup.

We got our 1st bearish setup on the first two candle after the market open i.e at 9.18 am but this
move was rejected and we saw some profit booking. We loss 121 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 9.51 am and with no time we booked our profit. We gained 68
points here.
We got our 3rd bearish setup for the day at 10.24 am, however bulls try to take banknifty on the
higher level. It hit out SL and we loss 117 points here.
Now Banknifty started showing strength and we got our next bullish setup at 12.42 PM. This
gave us a quick upword momentum and we booked another 62 points here.
Now bears started selling huge and banknifty started falling during closing session. This gave us
our next bearish setup at 1.18 PM. We gained another 100 points here.
We did not get the correct setup post this and we managed to get -121+68-117+62+100 = -8
points for today. If one would have traded with one lot we would have booked small loss of
-8*20 = -160 (brokerage and taxes extra).

13th May 2020

Today banknifty gave us huge gap up opening and it has surprised all of us and that is what we
love about banknifty. However it become complete sideways throughout a day. Our banknifty
3M strategy gave us 4 trade setup.

We got our 1st bullish setup at 10.24 am and we are expecting it to trade higher. However higher
level got rejected and we booked loss of 106 points here.
Bears trying to take banknifty again back to lower levels and this gave us our 2nd bearish setup
at 12.42 pm. This hit our target and we gained 110 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 1.09 pm. This lower level rejected by bulls and it hit our SL.
We booked the loss of 108 points here.
Banknifty started trading on a higher level and this gave us our next bullish setup at 1.24 pm.
This hit our target with no time and we booked profit of 99 points here.
Now Banknifty is not going up or low and it become complete sideways for the next trading
hours and we did not get any trade setup.

So we booked total -106+110-108+99 = -5 points. If we would have traded with one lot our P&L
will be of small loss of -5*20 = Rs -100 (taxes & brokerage extra).

Let’s see how this perform tomorrow!

12th May 2020

Today Banknifty Gapdown opening and looks like bears wanted and will take it to further down.
Banknifty took reversal and bulls took it to higher level. Our Banknifty 3M strategy gave us 7
trade setup.

We got our 1st bearish setup at 9.30 am. The selling pressure was huge and with no time we hit
our target. We gained 110 points.
We got our 2nd bearish setup at 10 am and we are hoping the quick movement. However, bulls
rejected this level and it hit our SL. We loss 70 points here.
Banknifty again started showing selling pressure and this gave us our next bearish setup at 10.39
am. However, bulls again rejected this level and it hit our SL. We lost again 86 points.
We got our next bearish setup at 11.21 am and this finally hit our target. We gained 66 points
We got our next bearish setup at 11.42 am but this was again rejected by bulls. We loss 39 points
We got our next bearish setup at 12.42 PM but this again got rejected by bulls. We again
accepted the loss of 72 points here.
Now Banknifty started showing strength and we got our final bullish setup at 1 PM. However
this move also could not sustain as bulls and bears having a tough fight. We book our loss here
for 168 points.
We got more setups post 2 pm but all are of more than 200 points and as per our banknifty 3M
strategy we need to ignore them even though they hit the target.

Today we had a loss day and we booked 110-70-86+66-39-72-168 = -259 points. If one would
have traded with with one lot the P&L would be of -259*20 = Rs -5180/- (Brokerage & taxes

Let’s see how our strategy performs tomorrow as banknifty showing some strength.

11th May 2020

Today Banknifty gap up opening and could not sustain on the higher and gave us very bearish
negative closing. Our Banknifty 3M strategy gave 6 trades today.

We got our 1st bullish setup at 9.18 am but this move could not sustain. It hit our Sl and we loss
156 point here.
We got our 2nd bearish trade at 10.09 am. Banknifty slowly and steadily moving in our trade
direction and hit our target. We gained 154 points here.
We got our next bearish setup immediately at 11.30 am after hitting our 2nd trade tgt. However,
bulls had different plans here and they took banknifty to upward. Our SL got hit and we loss 100
points here.
We got our next bullish setup at 12.51 pm. However, bears rejected this level and started taking
banknifty down. This hit our SL and we loss 118 here.
Now banknifty started falling very fast and this gave us our next bearish setup at 1.45 pm. This
gave us quick 126 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 2.30 pm and this also gave us quick 125 points with no time.
Over all today, we managed to get -156+154-100-118+126+125 = 31 points profit. If one would
have traded with one lot the P&L would be of 31*20 = Rs 620/- (Taxes & Brokerage extra).

The fall is huge and we can see the next downfall in tomorrow session.

8th May 2020

Today we have the huge Gap Up opening in Banknifty but this was just the dead cat bouncing
and banknifty falls and gave negative closing. Our banknifty 3M strategy gave us 4 trade today.

The buying pressure was more in early morning session and we got our first bullish trade at 9.36
am. However, bears rejected the higher level. This hit our SL. We lost 83 points here.
Banknifty was totally in control of bears today and this give us our second bearish setup at 12
PM. In first downword more it miss our target by 1 point, however later on it hit the tgt with no
doubts. We gained 97 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 2.15 pm and with no time it hit our target. We gained another 77
points here.
We got our last bearish setup at 2.39 pm however it did not hit our target of 19191 level. Hence
we need to close our position at 3.15 pm and exited the trade at 19250 level. This trade gave us
90 points.
Today we gained -83+97+77+90 = 181 points and if we would have traded with one lot our P&L
would be 181*20 = Rs 3620 ( Brokerage and taxes extra).

7th May 2020

Today we witnessed the complete sideways and choppy market in Banknifty. Our banknifty 3M
strategy does wonders on trending days but under perform in sideways market. Today we got
total 3 trades.

We got our first bullish setup at 9.48 am, but this upward move was rejected by bears. We lost
148 points here.
We got our second bearish setup at 10.39 am. This trade has made us wait for more than an hour
before it hit our SL. We lost here 113 points.
The final bearish setup we got at 1.36 pm. However this move could not last and it hit our SL.
We lost again 64 points.
As an weekly expiry we are anticipating to see some action and big moves but saw completely
opposite, a choppy market. Our today’s P&L would look like -148-113-64 = 325 points. If we
would have traded with one lot, the loss would be 20*325 = Rs 6500/- (Brokerage & Taxes

6th May 2020

Today Banknifty open flat and started falling but bulls took complete control and gave higher
closing. Banknifty was completely sideways through out a day. Our Banknifty 3 M strategy gave
us 5 trades today.

We got our 1st bearish setup at 9.30 am. This got rejected by bulls and hit our SL and we lost
145 points here.
We got our 2nd bullish setup at 10.24 am and with no time it hit our target. We gained 162 points
Banknifty trying to go to the higher level and this gave us our 3rd bullish setup at 10.57 am.
However, this move could not sustain and we lost 125 points here.
We got our next bearish setup at 11.39 am. However, this is rejected by bulls immediately and it
hit our SL. We lost 137 points here.
We got our next bullish setup at 11.54 am. This bullish momentum also could not sustain and it
hit our SL. We lost again 70 points here.
This was the last setup we got as per our rules. We got few more setup in last session but for
more than 200 points. Hence ignored the setup.

Today we had a loss of -145+162-125-137-70 = 315 points. If we would have traded with one lot
than our P&L would be 315*20 = 6300/-.

Let’s see how this will perform in tomorrow weekly expiry day.

5th May 2020

Today Banknifty open gapup but could not sustain on the higher level. We got 5 trade today with
our Banknifty 3 M strategy.

We got our first bearish setup at 9.54 am and it took almost 2 hours to reach our target. We
gained 186 points here.
We got our 2nd bearish setup instantly at 12.18 pm. Here bulls tried to take banknifty on higher
levels and our SL got hit. We lost 85 points here.
Now Banknifty started showing some strength and we got our 3rd Bullish setup at 1.03 Pm.
Bulls tried hard but got defeated by Bears. This hit our SL and we lost 176 points here.
Please note that we got next bearish setup at 2 Pm. However this setup was for more than 200
points. Hence we need to ignore it as per our rule.
Banknifty is in control of bears and we got our next bearish setup at 2.09 Pm. We hit our target
with ease and gained 140 points here.
The last bearish setup we got at 2.30 Pm. This also hit the target and we gained 182 points here.
Today we got 5 setup and we gained 247 points in total (i.e 186-85-176+140+182 = 247) with
our 3M strategy. We follow all rules to this strategy and we are earning. If we would have traded
with one lot, our P&L would look like 247*20 = Rs 4940 (brokerage & taxes extra).

4th May 2020

Today we all have experience huge Banknifty Gap down opening and a sharp fall. Our banknifty
3M strategy gave us 4 bearish trades.

We got our 1st bearish setup 9.33 am and with no time we have achieve our target. We gained
148 point here.
We got our 2nd bearish setup immediately at 9.57 am. However, our 3M strategy tested everyone
patience today. We really have to wait for more than 3 hours to get our targets. However this was
worth awaiting and we gained another 131 points here.
The 3rd bearish setup we got at 2.03 PM. This was an easy go as selling pressure was huge in
Banknifty. We gained another 129 points here.
The last bearish setup we got at 2.45 pm which was immediately rejected by Bulls. It hit our SL
and we lost 102 points here.
Over all good and profitable start for this month. We got 148+131+129-102 = 306 points with
ease. If we would have traded with one lot, the P&L would have been 306*20 = Rs 6120/-
(brokerage and taxes extra).

If any of the trader is facing any issue or have any doubts in this strategy, can please let us know
through comment. We will definitely try to resolve it at the earliest.

30 April 2020

Today Banknifty took all of us for a roller coaster ride and gave us lots of opportunity to mint
money. Our banknifty 3M strategy gave us 7 trades.

After the huge gapup opening, we got our first bullish setup at 9.21 am. It hit our target in no
time and we gained 85 points.
The momentum was so bullish that we got into second bullish setup at 9.30 am. This give us 76
point additional for the day.
Bulls took complete control in morning session and we got our 3rd bullish setup at 10 am. We
gained 91 point with ease.
We got our 4th bullish setup at 11.09 am but here selling pressure started building up. This hit
our small SL and we lost 98 points.
Now Banknifty trying hard to go on the higher level and we got our next bullish setup at 11.54
am. We can clearly see the selling pressure again building up and it hit our SL. We lost another
67 point here.
Banknifty started falling with no time but our strategy gave us the next bearish setup at 12.39
PM. Selling pressure was huge and we gained 124 point with ease.
We got our last bearish setup at 2.48 Pm and it hit our target of 21343. Please check April future
low for today which is 21342.9 which means we captured another 106 point profit.
Our today’s P&L would be again profitable eventhough we have seen huge upword and
downword move. Today we got 85+76+91-98-67+124+106 = 317 points. With one lot we would
have generated Rs 6340/- (Brokerage & Taxes extra).

29 April 2020

Today Banknifty Gapdown opening and bulls took complete control over bears and closed the
market on the higher levels. Our 3 min banknifty strategy gave 8 trades and like we know on a
trending day it gives more winning trade.

We got our 1st bearish setup at 10.33 am, but lower level is rejected by the bulls and it hit our
SL. We lost 50 point here.
We got our 2nd Bullish setup at 11.12 pm and it has tested all of us patience before our target
achieve. We gained 61 point here.
We got our 3rd bearish setup at 1.30 pm and here we lost 34 point.
We got our 4th bearish setup at 1.48 Pm and this was rejected immediately by Bulls. It hit our SL
and we lost 37 point.
After consolidating and sideways movement, Banknifty started moving upwords with strength.
We got our 5th Bullish setup at 2.03 Pm. This gave us quick 68 point.
We got our 6th Bullish setup at 2.18 Pm and we got another 96 Point here.
Banknifty trend and momentum shifted and bulls in full control. We got next bullish setup at
2.33 Pm. This gave us 100 point.
The last and final Bullish setup we got at 2.42 pm. This gave us 136 point.
We all have been waiting for such trending days and Banknifty 3M strategy give us multiple
entries with quick profit. Today our P&L looks positive and we managed got 8 trades i.e -50+61-
34-37+68+96+100+136 = 340 points.

If we would have traded with one lot than our profit would be 340*20 = Rs 6,800/-
( Brokerage+taxes extra).

Let us see how this perform tomorrow on the Expiry Day!!

28 April 2020

Today Banknifty gapup opening again and bulls become aggressive to close the Banknifty on the
upper level. Our 3 Min Banknifty strategy gave four trades.

We got out 1st bullish setup at 10.51 am and the target is achieve without any hassle. We gained
54 point. Positive start of the day.
Banknifty was feeling the selling pressure on the higher level as we have seen yesterday. We got
our 2nd bearish setup at 12.21 PM, but the bulls become so aggressive that it hit our SL. We lost
66 point here.
We got our 3rd bullish setup at 12.45 PM and the target is achieve. We gain 48 point.
The last 4th bullish setup we got at 1.09 PM. The moment it gives us entry banknifty moved
sharply and hit our target. We gained 117 point here.
Today at closing we end the day with positive P&L. Total we got 4 trade 54-66+48+117 = 153
point. If we have traded with one lot, our P&L would have been Rs 3060/- (Brokerage and Taxes

27 April 2020

Today after the gapup opening, bulls could not hold the banknifty and we can see selling
pressure at the higher levels. Our 3Min Banknifty strategy gave four trades today.

We got our 1st bullish trade setup at 9.30 am it miss our SL by 8 point pheww!! and achieve our
target of 148 point. Good start of the day!
After a long wait, banknifty tried to go up and we got our 2nd bullish setup at 1.03 Pm. It could
not hold on the higher level and it hit our SL. We lost 114 point.
We got our 3rd bearish setup at 1.45 Pm, but this was rejected by the Buls and banknifty moved
up. Here we lost 109 points again.
We can see clear selling pressure and a consolidation, we got our 4th bearish setup at 2.18 Pm. It
was a quick down move and we it our tgt and gain 59 points.
Today we end the day with 4 trades with 148-114-109+59 = -16 points. If we would have traded
with one lot our P&L would be Rs -320/- (brokerage & Taxes extra) for the day.

24 April 2020

Today market was choppy and sideways. We got entry into three trades.

1st trade setup we at 10.12 am with two bearish candle formation and RSI 3 below 20. However,
we need to avoid this as the high of the 2nd candle was above the 1st candle.
The next setup formed at 11.36 am, however the next two candle did not break the low. Hence,
we need to ignore this.
The right setup we got at 12.27 Pm but this upward move couldn’t sustain and it hit our SL. We
lost 111 points.
The next right setup we got at 1.09 Pm, but this bullish move was also not able to sustain and it
hit our SL. We lost again 144 points.
Banknifty was not able to hold on higher level and we get our last bearish setup at 1.54 PM. The
target of 19418 was achieved at 2.18 pm. We gained 146 point profit.
Today we end the day with a small loss. Total of three trades -111-144+146 = -109 points. If we
would have traded with one lot the loss would be Rs. 2180/- (brokerage+tax extra).

23 April 2020

Today was trending day & So Banknifty Intraday (3Min) strategy has managed to bag 236
Image courtesy :Gautam Shetty

22 April 2020

Today Banknifty Intraday (3M) strategy could’t perform well as today was very choppy day.

Out first trade got generated at 9.39 AM & Hit the sl @ 10.33 . We lost 147 points in this trade
2nd Trade generated at 11.12 am & Hit the SL at 11.27. & We Lost 124 points in this trade
3rd Trade Got generated at 11.33 & Hit SL at 11.45. & We lost 158 point in this trade.
4th Trade got generated at 1.15 Pm & Hit Target this time (Phew!) & we gained 116 points
5th Trade got generated at 1.30 pm & Hit Target at 1.54 & we lost 171 points in this trade.
6th & trade of the day was generated at 2.09 & hit the target at 2.30 Pm . & we gained 165
Then 7th & Last trade of the day was generated at 2.33 pm & Hit the target at 2.48 Pm. & gained
136 points in this trade
So today we overall had 7 trade of -147 -124 – 158 + 116 -171+165 +136 = -183 points.

So today was a Loss Day of –183 points due to this Strategy.

we would have traded this with one lot we would have has -3660/- +brokrage & Taxes .
21 April 2020

Today We Got total 5 trades.

1st trage was generated at 9.21 am & hit it’s target at 11.36. This trade gave us 196.3 points
then one set was made at 11.36, but it’s low was not able to break by next two candles, so we
ignored the setup
2nd Setup generated at 12.24 & it’s target got hit at 12.30. This trade gave us 109 point.
3rd Setup generated at 12.48 & it’s sl got hit at 2.18 . Target just missed by 6 points & we lost
112 points in this trade.
4th Setup generated at 2.24 & it’s Sl got hit again at 2.39 . We lost 100 points in it.
Then our last setup of the day which is 5th Setup generated at 3.39 & it’s target got hit at 2.45.
We got 86 points in it.
So Today total we got 196+109-112-100+86 = 179 points throughout the day.
15th April 2020

Today on 15th April 2020 We got a total of 5 Trades according to the above Strategy Mentioned.

1st trade got generated at 9.51 & its target got achieved at 10.48

This trade has given 174 points

2nd Trade was generated at 11.45 & its SL got hit at 12.15

This Trade has given Loss of 113 points

3rd trade was generated at 12.27 & its Target got hit at 12.45

This trade has given 92 points.

4th trade was generated at 1.12 PM & its Target got hit at 1.21PM

This trade has given 97 points.

5th trade was generated at 1.48PM & its Target got hit at 2.09

This trade has given 186 points.

So today Banknifty Intraday Strategy has given total 436 points 

So if it would have traded with 1 lot then 436 *20 = Rs.8720/- 

I have tried to explain each & every step of this strategy & I hope after reading this detailed step
by step blog about it with charts, there won’t be any room for confusion at all.

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