Unit 2

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Unit 2

Sport And Fitness

College Sports
a. Do you remember the TV interview from the computer lesson? Answer the following
questions about the interview.

1. What is the name of the TV show? College Sports.

2. Who is being interviewed? former volleyball Olympic champion Tina Lawrence.
3. Why is she being interviewed? Tina recently you've made a name for yourself as the coach of the
Smithtown University women's volleyball team.
4. Was the guest optimistic or pessimistic about the future? optimistic
b. Match the host’s questions to Tina’s answers.

1. Your team was expected to win the
women’s college championship this year. a. I sure hope so!
What happened? b

b. Unfortunately, several of our team

2. How did the team take the loss? c
members came down with the flu.

3. So can we expect a Smithtown victory c. It was a terrible blow to the team’s

next year? a spirit.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. What do you remember about Tina Lawrence and the team? Mark the sentences true ( )
or false ( ).

1. Tina Lawrence is the coach of a girIs basketbaII team. FALSE /

2. She had been an OIympic champion.FALSE /

3. Her team did not make it to the finaIs.TRUE /

4. The girIs on the team did not compete because they were iII.FALSE /

5. None of the members of the team couId not handIe the disappointment. FALSE /

6. The girIs wiII regain their confidence by weightIifting. TRUE /

d. Tina Lawrence spoke to the team after the competition. Complete her speech with the
words below.

bIow • buiId up • concentrate • exhausted • expected • finaIs • handIe • strength

“We were expected to win every event in the competition, but l’m afraid

we didn’t. l know some of you had the fIu and were exhausted. However,

now we have to concentrate on getting back into shape. l know it’ s been

a bad blow to our team’s spirit, but l’m confident that you can

aII handle the upset. Now we’re going to build up

your physicaI strength With Iots of practice you’II soon be in

winning shape. l’m sure we’re going to get to the finaIs next year!”

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

e. Match the words from column B to the words from column A to form an expression.

1. come down with c a. shape

2. in no condition g b. the finaIs

3. get back into e c. the fIu

4. make it to b d. their strength

5. handIe a e. to compete

6. buiId up d f. an upset

7. regain h g. hard

8. take it g h. confidence

f. The “College Sports” host also interviewed Liz Heart, a member of the Smithtown
University team. Read the answers Liz gave and write the host’s questions.

1. Host: how many tournamnest did you participle in?

Liz Heart: This is my first year on the team.

2.Host: you also played sick?
Liz Heart: No. I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get sick.
3. Host: how do you feel about the outcome of the game?
Liz Heart: It was a terrible blow. I was very upset.
4. Host: currently what are you doing ?
Liz Heart: Well, right now I’m handling it by concentrating on getting in shape and
thinking of next year.

5. Host: do you tink they win the following year?

Liz Heart: Yes. I think we have a very good chance of winning.

g. Practice the dialogue with a partner in class.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

Health and Fitness Today

a. Do you remember the text from “Health and Fitness Today”? Answer the following questions.

1. What does the heaIth cIub manager advise as the two main ways to prevent heaIth
probIems? exercise
2. Give an exampIe of how heaIth cIubs are fIexibIe. We have to take stock whith daily
3. What do most heaIth cIubs offer? healthy food and what is necessary to do different
4. What does heart speciaIist Marvin Kane recommend? eat healthy and do not exercise
5. What is the doctor’s advice on how to choose a heaIth and fitness program? Find a
suitable program for our needs

b. Complete the poster advertising the health club.

Unique as magic (club slogan)

At the winxclud (name of club)

we say, “ with effort will be like magic ”

We offer:

• diet balanced
• the necessary of the exercise
• appropiae rurins

If you are interested in joining, contact us (make a suggestion)

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. Read the conversation between Kevin, a new member of the health club, and Jack, a
veteran member. Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions below.

deveIoped my muscIes • fIexibIe hours • give up Iunch

harmfuI • nutritious meaIs • variety of activities • your own pace

Kevin: Hi, l’m Kevin. This is my first time at the cIub. How Iong have you been
training here?
Jack: Hi, Kevin. My name’s Jack. l’ve been a member here for about three years.
l Iove using the weight-Iifting equipment. As you can see l reaIIy have
(1) deveIoped my muscIes.
Kevin: lsn’t too much exercise (2 harmfuI?
Jack: Not if you go at (3) your own pace.
Kevin: Weight-Iifting isn’t aII l’m interested in. l’m reaIIy Iooking for a
(4). variety of activities
Jack: WeII, there’s a swimming pooI here and if you are ready to
(5) give up Iunch, come pIay tennis with me during
my Iunch break.
Kevin: l have a reaIIy busy scheduIe. How can l find time for everything?
Jack: No probIem. This cIub has (6) fIexibIe hours . You can
come and work out before you go to work.
Kevin: WeII actuaIIy, l’m starving. Perhaps l’II get a sandwich from the cafeteria.
Jack: l better warn you. They onIy serve (7) nutritious meaIs here.
lt’s hard work staying fit!

d. Fill in the chart with advice on things you should or shouldn’t do in order to stay fit.
Things you shouldn’t do
Things you should do
You shouldn’t _________________
You should ___________________
eat fost food
make proper diets
Sleep bad
Get regular exercise
Does not have hours of exercise
To rest well


Intermediate 3 Unit 2

Ten Miles
a. Do you remember the dialogue “Ten Miles”? Which phrases express a reprimand?

1. you shouldnt have run so far

2. you sholdnt lift weughts without a partenr nearby

b. Here are some sentences about health and fitness. Decide what each person is expressing.
Mark the correct column.
Giving advice Reprimanding

1. You shouId eat more fruit and vegetabIes. ***

2. You shouIdn’t have over-exercised. You’re exhausted. ***

3. You shouId check with your doctor before you join

fitness program. Giving adivce

4. You shouIdn’t have swum straight after a heavy meaI.

You couId have gotten a cramp. REPRIMANDING

5. You shouId exercise daiIy or eIse you’II deveIop

heaIth probIems. Giving advice

6. Stop eating aII that junk food. You shouId eat nutritious
meaIs if you want to stay in shape. Giving advice

7. You shouIdn’t have stayed so Iong at the gym.

You missed an important meeting. REPRIMANDING

c. Write a dialogue in which you ask a doctor for advice about choosing a fitness program.
Use the words and phrases from activity b. to help you.

You: Excuse me, doctor. Do you think you couId give me some advice on choosing
a fitness program?
Your doctor: has to make habit change from time
You: how I do it
Your doctor: starting with good breakfast an another running down the block
You: that’s a good idea
Your doctor: let me know whe youtr 1 week old how you feel
d. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

More Conditionals: Past Conditionals

a. Look at the three pictures below. Match the quotation to the situation.

1 2

If I had eaten more

carefully, I wouldn’t have
3 gained so much weight.

If we hadn’t caught the flu, we

b. would have reached the finals.

If I had spent more time in the

c. gym, I would have won the race.
1. C 2. B 3. A

b. Look at the fourth picture. Write your own speech bubble using the Past Conditional.

If had been obedient, this would not have happened

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Intermediate 3 Unit 2

c. Heart specialist, Martin Kane, gives some of his patients some advice. Match the clauses
in column B to the clauses in column A to complete the sentences.

1. lf you had watched what you ate...
a ....if you had stopped eating such fatty
2. lf you had been more carefuI Iifting weights...
b . . .if you had foIIowed my advice.
3. You wouId have succeeded with your diet...
c . . .you wouIdn’t have had to go on a
strict diet.
4. lf you had chosen a program to match
d . . .your injury couId have been avoided.
your needs...

5. You wouIdn’t have had so many problems

e . . .you wouIdn’t have dropped them on
your feet.

1. A 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. B

d. Read what happened to these people. Complete the sentences using the Past Conditional.

1. Jim didn’t have enough money to join a heaIth cIub. He didn’t become fit.

lf he had enough money to join a health cIub, he would have become fit.

2. The heaIth cIub cIosed earIy Iast night. Susan didn’ t exercise.

lf the heaIth cIub handn´t close earIy Iast night, Susan could have played

3. Tom didn’t take his tennis racket to work. He couIdn’ t pIay tennis during his Iunch break.

lf Tom had taken his tennis racket to work, he could have tennis during his Iunch break.

4. Dr. Kane did not give his patients enough information about exercising. His patients
injured themseIves.

lf Dr. Kane have given his patients enough information about exercising, they wouldn´t
have injured themseIves.

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Unit 3
Problems At Work

a. Do you remember the news report about the steel plant strike? Mark the following
statements true ( ) or false ( ).

1. The steeI workers and technicians intend to waIk out of their jobs next week.FALSE /

2. The workers are striking because their wages haven’ t been increased. FALSE /

3. The workers have gone on strike in the past. FALSE /

4. Experts beIieve it is stiII possibIe to save the steeI pIant. TRUE /

5. AII negotiations have stopped. TRUE /

6. ln the past, the company aIways kept its promises. FALSE /

7. The workers are optimistic of a Iast minute settIement. FALSE /

8. SoIid SteeI may have to cIose down.TRUE /

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b. Read the following statements. Mark whether the workers or the management of Solid
Steel made them.

Workers Management

1. “We tried to Iisten to their demands but they are

determined to quit their jobs.” management

2. “We toId them that we refuse to keep working without
getting a raise in pay.”workers
3. “They keep accusing us of threatening them, but aII we
want is to be taken seriousIy.” workers
4. “We were prepared to give them some incentives, but
they weren’t prepared to Iisten.” management
5. “We thought that another strike wouIdn’ t be effective.
We decided to take a more dramatic stand.” workers

c. A reporter decided to interview David Warren, chief warehouse clerk at the plant. Complete
the radio interview with the phrases below.

accept incentives • caII for a strike • cIose down

continue with negotiations • increase in wages • throughout the worId
waIk out of

Reporter: ls it true that your men pIan to (1) waIk out of. their jobs if
their demands aren’t met?
David Warren: DefiniteIy. Our workers have had no (2) increase in wages for the Iast five
years. lf negotiations faiI then the company wiII have to (3) cIose down.
Reporter: Why didn’t you (4) caII for a strike as in the past?
David Warren: The Iast one didn’t heIp. We beIieve that the management needs to act
now. After aII, they have the money. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest steeI pIant in
the area and its products are weII known (5) throughout the worId .
Reporter: ln other words, Mr. Warren, are you saying there’s IittIe hope in reaching
a settIement?
David Warren: Quite honestIy, my men won’t (6) accept incentives to go back to
work. They aIso do not want to (7) continue with negotiations
WeII, thank you for the interview, Mr. Warren. lt seems that it may indeed
be too Iate to save SoIid SteeI Corporation.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 3

d. The workers decide to prepare signs to explain the reasons for the walk out. Write the
text for the signs. Share your slogans with the class.

Salary increase

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Fifty Days and Countlng
a. Do you remember the text “Fifty Days and Counting”? Circle the correct answers to
the following questions.
1. What caused the waIkout at FIemming SteeI?
(bad working conditions / a cut in wages / the strike)

2. Who did Chuck Roste bIame for the difficuIt situation?

(the foreign competition / the workers / the management)

3. Who did the workers bIame?

(the management / their wives / foreign competition)

4. What has so far prevented the pIant from cIosing?

(the workers’ wives / the management / both the workers and the management

5. Why is the titIe of the story “Fifty Days and Counting?”

(The strike will only last fifty days. / The strike started fifty days ago and no one knows
when it will end. / The strike is fifty years old.)

b. The writer of the newspaper article tries not to repeat the same words and uses synonyms.
Find the synonyms in the text for:
1. a waIkout strike
2. a cut in wages drecrease in wages
3. shut down close down
4. workers employees
5. cIosing its doors close down the plant

c. Complete the following sentences.

1. lf the management (1) had been aware (be aware) of the strength of the competition, we
(2) would be (be) in the pIant now.
2. lf it (3) weren´t (not be) for the pIant, many peopIe
(4) weren´t (not be able) to make a Iiving.
3. lf it (5) weren´t (not be) for the IoyaIty of the workers, the
pIant (6) would not (not survive) as Iong as it has.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 3

d. Read a dialogue between some of the wives of the strikers. Complete the dialogue with
the words and phrases below.

cut in wages • financiaI difficuIties • IoyaIty • make a Iiving • pIant

predicted • quit • solution • under the circumstances

Nina: We can’t aIIow the pIant to cIose. How eIse wiII our husbands be abIe to
(1) make a Iiving ?
Debra: l disagree. Our husbands can’t work on such Iow wages. They aIready took a
(2) cut in wages. How can we manage on so IittIe money? For the Iast
few years, we aII knew the pIant has suffered (3) financiaI difficuIties.
No wonder my husband is ready to (4) quit ; he feeIs the pIant has
no future.
Fiona: l bIame the management. They shouId have (5) predicted that foreign
competition wouId be harmfuI.
Nina: l agree. The management doesn’t appreciate our husbands’ (6) IoyaIty.
The (7) plant wouIdn’t have Iasted this Iong without their good wiII. Fiona: But what
about a (8) solution to the probIem? AII the negotiations
have been (9) unproductive
Debra: l suggest we join the strike. l think we couId make a difference if we stand aIongside
our men.
Nina: BriIIiant idea! The radio and teIevision wiII Iove it! l can see the headIines, “Women
support striking husbands!” (10) under the circumstances there’s no other choice!

e. Write a news report about the women’s decision to join the strike at Flemming Steel.
Remember to include:

• What happened
• When it happened
• Who was involved
• Why the event took place
• Quotes from the women (see activity d)
• A headline

f. Share your news report with the class.

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a. Match the responses in column B to the statements in column A to form a dialogue.

1. Are you thinking of quitting? C a. You were wrong.

2. l’ve heard you were pIanning to Ieave. A b. Don’t be.

3. l’m thinking of quitting, myseIf. D c. Why do you ask?

4. l’m sorry to hear that. B d. You’re kidding.

b. Express your intentions about the following situations:

1. You feeI that you are not getting enough attention from your teacher.
2. Your boss asks you to work an hour Ionger every day without extra pay .
I disagree
3. You win a miIIion doIIars in the Iottery.
4. The company you work at cIoses.
I have to find another work

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Intermediate 3 Unit 3

c. Look at the pictures of the people in unhappy situations at work. What do you think the
people intend to do? Write a sentence for each picture using an expression of intention
(thinking of, planning to)

I hate my boss. What are you going to do

about the cut in wages?

1. 2.

there are many pending I'm going to save more

They’re wasting time. Why do they

take such long coffee breaks?


to rest the mind and legs more

d. Write three things that you are thinking of doing about a situation at work or at school.
Use expressions such as: I’m thinking of…, I’m planning to…, I intend to...,. Share your
sentences with a partner in class.

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More Relative Clauses: Non-Restrictive
a. Put commas around the non-restrictive relative clauses.

1. FIemming SteeI which is Iocated in HamiIton is the Iargest steeI company in the country.
2. David Warren who is chief warehouse cIerk at the pIant supported the workers’ demands.
3. The workers who are stiII striking had aIready had a decrease in saIary.
4. Foreign competition which was the cause of the company’s financiaI difficuIties was the
reason behind the pay cut.
5. Hank Wiskowski who represents the empIoyees beIieves that the management shouId
have seen the probIem.

b. Combine the two sentences into one sentence by using the relative pronouns, who or
which. Read the sentence to a partner.

1. Mrs. Smith went on strike with her husband. She is one of the worker’s wives.
Mrs.Smith , who is one of the worker´s wives ,went on strike with her husband
2. SoIid SteeI is the Iargest pIant in our region. lt is going to cIose down tomorrow.
Solid steel which is going to close down tornorrow,is the largest plant in our region
3. Hank Wiskowski disagrees with the management. He represents the empIoyees.
Hank wiskowski, who represents the employee , disagrees whit the management
4. The workers are stiII striking. They went on strike fifty days ago.
The workers , who wen on strike fifty days ago , are still striking
5. lncentives were rejected by the workers. They were offered by the management.
Incentives , which were offered by the management , were rejected by the workers

c. Complete the sentences using an appropriate relative clause. Share your sentences with
the class.

1. My boss, ___Who is very good_____________________________________________, is very


2. The dress shop, _____Near the corner__________________, is now importing cIothes from the Far

3. My coIIeague, ___Jess________________________________________, has decided to quit.

4. The management, _____Who represents us________________________, has refused to negotiate

with us.

5. The products,_____Offered by them_______________________________, have become too

Unit 4
A Helping Hand

a. Do you remember the radio call-in, “Point of View,” from the computer lesson? Mark the
statements that the radio host said during the program.

1. We want to hear what you think. ( ***)

2. l don’t think society shouId feeI responsibIe for them.

3. You’re on the air. ( ***)

4. l’d Iike to comment on what Mr. Dawkins said.

5. l’m sorry, but l have to interrupt you. ( ***)

6. What are your views on the situation of the homeIess? ( ***)

7. We have another caIIer. ( ***)

8. Do we have someone on the Iine? ( ***)

9. Thank you aII for Iistening. ( ***)

10. Join us again.( ***)

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b. Match the phrases from column B to the phrases from column A to complete
the sentences.


1. We wiII discuss the situation... a....on whether or not you’re wiIIing to work.

2. What is our responsibiIity... b....who don’t have enough money to pay the

3. Keeping a job depends... c....of the homeIess in America’s cities.

4. HomeIess peopIe are usuaIIy capabIe... d....peopIe who have had some bad Iuck.

5. The homeIess may be senior citizens... e....as members of society?

1. C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B

c. What did you think of the opinions expressed by the callers on “Point of View”? Mark
whether you agree or disagree with the statements below. Then exchange answers with a

Agree Disagree

1. Keeping a job usuaIIy depends on whether or not you’re wiIIing to ***

2. l don’t think the society shouId feeI responsibIe for these peopIe.

3. l don’t beIieve in heIping peopIe who won’ t heIp themseIves.

4. The homeIess are reaIIy no different from you or me.

5. lf the estabIishment had taken steps to heIp these peopIe, the
situation wouId be different today.

d. Imagine you call the “Point of View” program to express your opinion about the homeless.
Write a dialogue between the radio host and yourself. Use the words and phrases from
activities a. and b. to help you.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 4

Does Homeless Mean Helpless?

a. Decide which of the following statements from the article, “Does Homeless Mean Helpless?”
express a fact or an opinion. Underline the words which helped you decide which sentences
express opinions. Mark the appropriate column. Check your answers with a partner.

fact opinion
1. Thousands of youngsters and eIderIy peopIe Iive on the
_______***____ ___________

2. Our government shouId have done something about this

probIem years ago.
___________ ___***________

3. lf Iow-rent housing had been provided then, there wouId

not be such a probIem today.
___________ ___***_

4. WiIIy Burns has spent the Iast nine years on the street.
*** ___________

b. Who said what in the article? Mark the appropriate column.

Mrs. Jacks Mr. Burns Kevin

1. “l am not capabIe of Iiving Iike other citizens.” ******

2. “Wherever l went, l’d stiII feeI Iike l didn’t beIong.” *****

3. “No positive steps have been taken to offer these

peopIe an aIternative Iife. MRS JACKS

4. “l came from a home where
there was a Iot of vioIence.”
5. “l can’t heIp wondering why
peopIe want to heIp me.” MR

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c. Which of the people in activity b. might have made the following statements?

1. “Life has been pretty bad. l have no hope for the future.”
(Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin)

2. “Life in a retirement home is wonderfuI. lt’s a pity not aII senior citizens can afford it.”
(Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin)

3. “l chose to Iive on the streets. lt’s what l prefer.”

(Mrs. Jacks / Mr. Burns / Kevin)

d. Add another statment each person might have said.


e. Match the words in column B to the correct words in column A.

1. take _C__ a. housing
2. provide __A_ b. a difference
3. give ___E c. steps
4. make __B_ d. an aIternative Iife
5. offer __D_ e. a point of view

f. What steps could be taken to help the homeless? Read the following ideas and choose
three that you agree with.

1. Distribute free meaIs to peopIe who Iive on the streets.****

2. Force the homeIess to go into sheIters.
3. Have sociaI workers visit the homeIess once a week. .****
4. Have doctors go out on the streets to examine the homeIess. .****
5. Provide Iow-rent housing. .****
6. lnvite the homeIess into your home.

g. Look at the title of the passage “Does Homeless Mean Helpless?”. Do you think homeless
means helpless? Write a short paragraph saying how you think homeless people can be
helped. Use your own ideas or those in activity f. Give your paragraph to a partner to read.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 4

Do You Need Help?

a. In the dialogue, “Do You Need Help?” a young man tries to help a woman. Write the
phrases from the dialogue that express the following:

1. offering heIp Let me help you

2. accepting heIp Well ok
3. refusing heIp I can do this
b. Here are some more sentences about offering, accepting, and refusing help. Decide
which each person is expressing, and mark the correct column.

Offering heIp Accepting heIp Refusing heIp

1. Can l heIp you carry your shopping bag? ***


2. l prefer to depend on myseIf, thanks. *******

3. PIease, Iet me give you a hand. lt’s reaIIy ****

no troubIe
4. l don’t want your heIp. l can manage
by myseIf. ****

5. WouId you Iike me to heIp you find a job? ****

6. Can l at Ieast offer you a hot meaI and

a cup of coffee? ****
7. l’ve toId you before - l Iike doing things my
own way. ****
8. Oh, aII right. You can drive me to the
doctor’s. ****
9. Yes, that’s very kind of you. ****

10. ls there anything eIse l can do for you? ****

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c. Write two alternative dialogues. In Dialogue 1, a homeless person accepts help from a social
worker. In Dialogue 2, he refuses help. You can use the phrases from activities a. and b. to
help you.

Dialogue 1
Social worker: Do you need heIp finding a pIace to stay?
Homeless person: Yes
Social worker: I can help you find one

Homeless person: Really ?

Social worker: Yes , go around the corner
Homeless person: Thaks

Dialogue 2

Social worker: Do you need heIp finding a pIace to stay?

Homeless person: YES

Homeless person: SERIOUSLY WHERE IT IS
Homeless person: THAKS

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Intermediate 3 Unit 4

More Relative Clauses: Review

a. Read the following descriptions of characters from the unit. Choose the correct relative
pronouns to complete the texts. Then, match the pictures to the descriptions.

1. “Point of View” is a radio caII-in program

(1) whose/whom/which is Iistened to by ordinary
citizens aII over the country.
(2) Whatever/Whenever/Whoever you are and
(3) whatever/whenever/whoever you think - we at a.
“Point of View” want to hear from you.
So caII us now - and Iet’s hear (4) what/that/which
you have to say! __D_

2. Poor Kevin came from a home

(1) whose/where/that there was a Iot of vioIence.
As a resuIt, he ran away from home and ended up
on the streets. Now, (2) wherever/whenever/whatever
he goes, he feeIs he doesn’ t beIong. He has a very b.
negative attitude about the future and feeIs that
(3) whatever/whenever/whoever he does wiII
end in faiIure. __C_
3. WiIIy Burns, (1) whose/whom/where Iife for the Iast
nine years has been spent on the streets, cIaims that
he is homeIess by choice. He says that he is an
exampIe of someone (2) whose/which/who isn’t

capabIe of Ieading a normaI Iife. c.

(3) Whatever/Wherever/Whenever happens, he
prefers to depend onIy on himseIf. B

4. MariIyn is a sociaI worker (1) who/where/which

works with homeIess peopIe. She beIieves that the
homeIess are capabIe peopIe (2) who/that/which
have simpIy had some bad Iuck.
(3) Whatever/Whoever/Whenever the reason peopIe d.
have for being homeIess, MariIyn beIieves that
society aIways has the responsibiIity to heIp out. A___

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b. Complete the description of Mrs. Jacks by adding the correct relative pronoun.

Mrs. FIory Jacks, (1) ____Who________ Iives in a retirement home, is satisfied with her Iife.
However, she has to do (2) ___Whatever_________ the staff at the home teIIs her to do.
Sometimes, when she is IoneIy, she speaks to (3) ________Whoever_____ is around at the
moment. She reaIIy misses her oId neighborhood, (4) _____Where______ she had Iived for
over 40 years.
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