Reflection Paper in Philosophy Allegory and Rene Descartes - Matias

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Matias, Jieraelld DJ.

Reflection Paper
Stem 12 B – Copernicus Intro to Philosophy of Human Person

Papel de Conocimiento
(Paper of Knowledge)

Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” is concerned about on how humans perceive things or the
truth in particular. It shows how we gain knowledge. Plato claims that truth from what we
see and hear are not real knowledge, and that there is another way of finding the truth
which is philosophical. The allegory shows how the cave, shadows, escape and the
return of the prisoner symbolized different things a person would know if he/she would
even try to look at things differently. This allegory really made me think hard after
several of reading and watching it. It made me contemplate on a lot of things. It also
amazed me on how the minds of Socrates and Plato works. It is a good representation
on how a person should think or the kind of mentality that a person should have. A
person’s knowledge is not acquired only through the senses, the truth should be found
in a philosophical way. Not everything that we see and hear is the truth. Also in this
allegory of Plato there is one saying or quote that applicable in this allegory and I
quoted “too see is to believe”. People should learn how to think out of the box. We
should not conform ourselves to what is considered to be universal. There is no harm in
trying to look for the answers in things that makes us wonder. Going out of what is
viewed to be a norm would not mean that you are trying to break the rules. Feeding our
curiosity is not bad thing because we are just fulfilling our desires as a natural human
being who born curious.
On the other hand, Also I have learned the “Cogito Ergo Sum” or “I think, therefore I am”
by Rene Descartes about the methodic doubt and there are two first is the skeptical
doubt it means has no other purpose but to doubt for the sake of doubting. The second
is the methodic doubt aims at fighting that which is beyond doubt. By this two method of
doubting the important one is the methodic doubt because in this method which is you
are doubting beyond doubt and in this method also you will find the absolute answer or
the real truth.
This two knowledge we can simply apply it in our daily lives or we experiencing it rather
and we don’t even know about those moments in our lives where we encounter such
thing like this. For the allegory of the cave of Plato we are already experienced it and
until now we are experiencing it for example we are the student’s we can say that we
are the prisoners in that cave why? Because of the reason we are born with brain but
not knowledgeable enough to understand the other thing. By being a child or prisoner in
our younger years our knowledge is only limited, what we can see and hear is what we
believe but as the time goes by we are growing but not an idiot or fool person but a
knowledgeable human being who can tell what is right from wrong and what is true from
untrue by the help of the teacher’s or the liberator from the allegory.
From that idea of the allegory of the cave by Plato we can connect the idea of Rene
Descartes of “Cogito Ergo Sum” or “I think, Therefore I am”. By the help of the teachers
for us to free from ignorance and by the help of Rene Descartes philosophy from now
on we are not the fool and idiot prisoner from the cave but we are the new design what
people should be a knowledgeable, to reason out what is true and to doubt beyond
doubt to find an answer that there’s no doubt. By being a student in this generation we
are thinking that we are knowledgeable enough by the help of our liberator who help us
to escape from our ignorance but for me there is a missing piece for the puzzle to be
solve and an evidence to solve a mystery.
That missing piece to solve the puzzle is we need to doubt in everything what we can
see like in the social media as a teenager we easily say “yes this post is legit”, “hmm.
This post is hundred percent correct” to a certain post, shared post, and etc. but behind
that post there is no such as powerful evidence that certain post is valid in that case we
need to put a fuel in our engine to start doubting and find concrete proof in that certain
post or thing like Rene Descartes did in his time.
The challenging part is applying those idea or knowledge from the two great philosopher
Rene Descartes and Plato in my life because first who I am? I am only a student and a
teenager who have living my life as a small unit in this world. Second, what can I do?
What castling spell or a magic spell I use so that applying it in to my life is easy. Lastly,
when do I start? Because right now I want to do is to fulfill my dreams in life and live my
life to the fullest.
Those question’s, those challenges rather I have might encounter by applying those
ideas in my life there is an answer like I told to myself everyday “always there’s a
process, don’t limit yourself from what you can do, do your best, never give and just be
yourself and some day you will be successful in your life”.

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