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NAME: Velasco, Brixter R.

CODE: 3398
Course&Year: BSChe-2 DATE: 24/08/2021

Missionary Response

We are the unchangeable manifestation of missionaries of change.

“We are the assigned stewardess of this world”. Thus, we are called to serve and perform our
missions. However, rather than calling it a mission; I want to call it as purpose. Our life’s purpose which is
to be kind and help other poeple is align to the belief that, “we are made based on His image”. In addition,
instead of churches’ assigned tasks, it’s more of God’s given purpose to us which we wholeheartedly

In this present time of progressive technology and pandemic where actual interactions are
limited, the program I would like to suggest is to have a Bible study through online platforms. It will help
spread the good words of God to people who are feeling weary and troubled. Just like how Jesus stand up
in the synagogue in Nazareth to read scriptures “to preach good news to the proclaim freedom
for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the
Lord’s favor...”(Luke 4:18-19). We all need somebody to uplift us during this trying times; someone who’ll
carry out his/her mission in favor of God’s work in redeeming humanity.

For an instance, in our chruch, we are preached to be the light and salt in this world that will
spearhead the change amongst our community. Furthermore, reading the Bible; it is noticeable that God’s
compasion and concern can be seen for those in need. By doing this activity we are acting out what God
wanted to do and see amidst the evil that’s sorrounding the world. Furthermore, we can know what other
people are going through in terms of financial problems, mental challenges and other societal issues that
they’re experiencing which will determine what help we can do to that specific person.

In the meantime, we still live in the world where there is enormous need, poverty, injustice and
pain. As God’s people or missionaries, we are ought to show His compassion. We are called to be his hands
and feet in this hurting world. Thus, we are the unchangeable manifestation of missionaries of change.

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