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Process Safety

Pressure Protection
Manager™ (PSPPM™)

Comprehensive design, rating and data

management for your last line of defense
PSPPM™ is an enterprise-level process safety Our Expertise
application used by oil and gas, refining and
Siemens pioneered the equipment-based
chemical process industries for design, rating
Pressure Relief Analysis (PRA) methodology
and data management of pressure relief and
and is the world’s leading provider of pressure
disposal systems in accordance with industry
relief technology. Siemens expertise is unique
standards and best-practice methodologies. "PSPPM has been a significant PSM
asset as it both satisfies our
Company-specific guidelines, recommended
• Developers of Best Practice approach to documentation requirements and
and generally accepted good engineering provides us with quick executable
Pressure Relief Analysis and corporate
practices (RAGAGEP), and regulatory files for relief device
standards implemented by major
requirements stress the importance for modifications."
international oil and gas, refining and
process plant operators to comply with
chemical companies. – Technical Program Manager
process safety best practices and keep process
safety information evergreen. • Global Process Safety Consulting
Services provider with nearly 5,000
PSPPM utilizes a single data repository that
projects completed.
provides process safety engineers and
managers across the world a collaboration • Our people are API and DIERS contributing
platform to ensure visibility into the adequacy members, subject matter experts in
of relief and disposal systems and manage the pressure relief design and analysis, and
design basis for such critical process safety product development and software delivery
barriers throughout the plant lifecycle. experts.
PSPPM is enhanced using Siemens product • PSPPM offers users a robust process safety
development methodology which includes information management system with over
secure design practices and quality assurance 40 calculation methods for relief device
processes. sizing, flare header analysis and
maintaining evergreen data throughout the
plant lifecycle.
Additional services available: Our Value, Our Customer Core Capabilities

 User training • PSPPM Cloud: Enables customers to • Equipment- and system-based pressure
 Product demonstration quickly scale usage across their enterprise relief analysis determines all overpressure
 Customer support portal and provide faster access to software scenarios and the adequacy of installed
 Onsite or remote installation enhancements. Cloud delivery may pressure safety valves, rupture disks, and
 Process & Safety Consulting and
increase the return on investment for piping vents.
Engineering Services
PSPPM and associated process safety
• Calculation methods to determine
consulting services through productivity
required relief rates and stream properties,
gains and optimized total cost of
including two-phase relief scenarios based
on API and DIERS methodologies.
• Unprogrammed PSM Inspections: If a
• Design verification for pressure relief and
regulatory officer knocked on your door
disposal systems at various phases in the
today, how prepared would you be?
plant lifecycle.
Without PSPPM, you would need to spend
significant resources to put together the • Disposal system analysis includes rating
documentation. An investment in PSPPM methods for knockout drum separation
will have your process safety information efficiency and hold-up capacity, and flare
and design basis available in a matter of tip pressure drop and radiation.
Published by minutes, saving your organization potential
Siemens 2019 • PSPPM interfaces with industry-leading
citations, time and unforeseen costs.
relief header simulation software to
Siemens Energy, Inc. • Evergreening: Trevor Kletz was fond of determine disposal system pressure and
Process & Safety Consulting repeating: "There’s an old saying that if you temperature profile for back pressure
All Rights Reserved
think safety is expensive, try an accident." calculations.
Printed in USA
Order No. CSDS-SPPM-1118 Based on our extensive research over 25+
• Single repository for immediate access to
© 2019 Siemens Energy, Inc. years executing projects, findings show
PSM-related information and management
only 60% of pressure relief devices meet
of design basis for different plant modes of
USA Headquarters design standards. With PSPPM, relief device
4615 Southwest Freeway Suite 900 operation.
information can be kept up-to-date,
Houston, TX 77027
accurate and accessible – helping ensure • Advanced reporting capabilities (standard
Regional Offices:
safe plant design and operation. or custom) for improved analysis and
Asia Pacific: Singapore design deficiencies tracking and mitigation.
• Interoperability: According to an NIST
report, lack of informational interoperability • Role- and resource-based security allows
Europe: Belgium
CEE: Romania has a high impact on the cost of capital for the management of user access to data.
United Arab Emirates: Abu Dhabi investment and projects. While designing Permissions can be granted as widely as an
new processes, associated equipment and/ organization, as narrowly as a single
1 (800) 658-8809 or piping, PSPPM allows you to easily operating unit, and any level in between.
+1 (713) 570-2900 design pressure relief and disposal systems. • Flexible licensing models tailored to your
Information needs to be entered only once
requirements including software updates,
Customer Support in PSPPM and it is available to all
technical support, different user types,
1 (800) 333-7421 stakeholders instantaneously which allows
installation options, and license terms. for fast, error-free information hand-over
from engineering to operations.
The technical data presented in this
document is based on an actual case
or on as-designed parameters, and
therefore should not be relied upon
for any specific application and does
not constitute a performance
guarantee for any projects. Actual
results are dependent on variable
conditions. Accordingly, Siemens does
not make representations, warranties,
or assurances as to the accuracy,
currency or completeness of the
content contained herein. If requested,
we will provide specific technical data
or specifications with respect to any
customer’s particular applications.
Our company is constantly involved in
engineering and development. For that
reason, we reserve the right to modify,
at any time, the technology and product
specifications contained herein.

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