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Module Title: Corporate Governance (CG) and Ethics

Module Code: Bachelor of Business in International


Assessment Title: CG & Business Ethics

Assessment Type: Research Paper and Presentation
Restrictions on Time/Length : Word Count – no more than 2500 words +/-
10% (excluding referencing, bibliography,
appendices) for the Research Paper

Assessment Weighting: 100% of overall grade

Mode of Submission: Electronically – through Moodle

Assignment Objective:
The objective of the assignment is to assess the student’s ability to read and understand an
academic topic related to ethics and corporate governance; discuss the key implications of the
topic by way of business report that is appropriate for a professional reader/ audience:

Assignment Requirement

A. Written Report

Evaluate any four elements of THE CODE (UK Corporate Governance Code) with reference to a
Global company or Global organisation of your choice.
(40 marks)

B. Presentation

Design and present a Poster that assesses the role of ethics in the workplace picking an
organisation of choice. The structure of this presentation will be discussed in class and
presented in Weeks 11 and 12 in class. Be as creative and articulate as you like.
(50 Marks)

C. Individual Reflection

Each student is to upload a personal learning log (250 words maximum) one week after Lectures
finish in Week 12.
(10 Marks)
Total (100 marks)
NOTE: Harvard referencing and bibliography required

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