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The Digital Self

No, this is not about McDonalds.

01 We feel less of ourselves when we are not validated online.

02 Our day is incomplete without having to check our socials.

03 The FOMO is real!

Cyber identity
A social identity that an internet
user establishes in online com
munities and websites
Our Team Layout
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impress your audience impress your audience impress your audience impress your audience
and add a unique zing and add a unique zing and add a unique zing and add a unique zing
and appeal to your and appeal to your and appeal to your and appeal to your
Presentations. Presentations. Presentations. Presentations.
“the experience of trying to
exist in more than one
incarnation of yourself at the
same time.”

“There’s more than one of us

online, living simultaneously
not under our control”
“Whenever an
individual interacts
with others in the
online world, he or she
portrays a mask of
their identity”

… this is where the offline-self informs the

creation of a new self, which in turn, informs the BLENDED
offline-self through further online interactions
with those he or she first met. IDENTITY
Refers to the process of creating a digital artifact which is carefully
chosen representation or expression of one’s real world self.

“in attempt to share that

online identity or digital self
with the world, we engage
our decoy selves to manage
the day to day anxieties and
challenges that comes
before us” –– Winnicot (1965)
refers to the attempt to control the
impressions and opinions that other
people have of one’s self.

this is when we attempt to present the
best possible version of ourselves and
convince others that our actions and
intentions are clean and unselfish.
According to ERVING GOFFMAN, human social
interaction can be compared to a theatrical
performance, where the actors in a stage play are
humans performing for others in real life.

“… every social status that humans have is
a part in a play and the role associated
with it, serves as the script.”

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