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Journeys 101:

Getting Started with Cart Abandoners

Omnichannel Journeys
1 hour

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1 day

Performed Page Viewed

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Journeys 101:

Getting Started with

Omnichannel Journeys

For most businesses, a gap exists between what’s considered

table stakes for customer engagement, and what they’re

currently capable of implementing.

In the past year, the pandemic set a new pace for digital

transformation, and a new standard for engaging customers.

With stay-at-home orders in place, businesses sped up their

digital strategies to survive – implementing new customer

channels in nearly half the usual time.

decrease in time to
46% implement new channels.

Source: Twilio, State of Customer Engagement Report 2021

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys

And while businesses plan to add, on average, four new

customer channels this year (notably live chat, chat bots, IVR,

and video), 83% of companies admit they’re unable to turn

fragmented data points into comprehensive user records. It’s a

catch-22 that’s difficult to solve: businesses are racing to

“meet customers wherever they are,” but can’t meaningfully

engage with them once they get there.

But omnichannel, one-to-one marketing at scale is within

reach with the right data and technology. It begins with a

single view of the customer, and depends on real-time data


Often when we talk about customer engagement, we

reference what’s become a mantra of personalization: sending

the right message, to the right person, at the right time. But

this trifecta is a moving target – one that evolves with each

customer touchpoint. In this guide, we show you how

businesses can overcome the challenges of customer

engagement with Journeys, Segment's customer journey

builder designed for the digital-first era.

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys

What makes customer
engagement so difficult?
Marketing teams are often structured to focus on individual channels – split across
email, social (paid and organic), content, and so on. It’s a divide-and-conquer
mentality that has one significant drawback: siloed data and workflows.

On average, marketing teams use eight different channels for their campaigns, and
21 different advertising and marketing platforms. But only 30% of B2C brands say
they have functional organizational alignment.

Without knowing the full context of a customer journey, teams are more likely to
launch messaging campaigns that come across as redundant or irrelevant. An
example of this is including customers in an ad campaign or email blast for a
product they’ve already purchased. These types of poorly targeted campaigns can
quickly grate on customers’ nerves – 45% of consumers said they’re less likely to
purchase from a brand after an unpersonalized experience. Not to mention the
strain this puts on ad spend.

As teams continue to add more platforms and apps into their workflows, another
issue emerges: usability. 70% of MarTech users said they struggle to integrate the
advanced capabilities of their tech stack into work processes.

More than 75% of respondents said

75% they struggle with siloed data and a
lack of internal skills and tools.

Source: Forrester, Why Businesses Are Prioritizing

Customer Data Platforms

These obstacles have played a large part in driving CDP adoption across industries.
Customer data platforms enable high-fidelity data collection to create unified
customer profiles (laying the foundation for personalization). But the best CDPs
empower business users to activate personalized experiences at scale based on
intelligent customer data.

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys 3

Effective customer engagement depends not just on the quality of your data, but

your ability to act on it – at the right time. This means moving away from inefficient

processes that require a complex choreography across teams and tools - an

approach that's too technical (and time-consuming) to scale.

Peter Reinhardt

CEO at Segment

Companies will only survive the transition to a digital-first world if they move

fast enough.

It’s no surprise then that automation has moved to the top of the wish list when it

comes to businesses’ preferred CDP capabilities. In a Segment-commissioned

survey from Forrester, 51% of respondents said they wanted to use insights in

real-time to target the right users with the right message, which would “add more

automation to the personalization process.”

This was one of the driving forces in our decision to develop Journeys, which allows

teams to design continuous, multi-step customer journeys based on real-time


Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys 4

Build deeper customer

relationships with Journeys
With Journeys, Segment users can orchestrate highly sophisticated customer
journeys, at scale, to deliver meaningful personalization campaigns on any channel,
and across any connected application.

It allows businesses to adjust the customer experience in real-time, to reflect

consumers’ individual actions, preferences, and feedback. This allows teams to
identify the most effective conversion drivers across the customer lifecycle.

We put together a few industry-specific examples of how Journeys can help

businesses strengthen engagement across channels to reap the benefits of
stronger customer acquisition, higher lifetime value, and increased revenue.

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys 5


Repeat Purchase Campaign

These days, retention is king. Many businesses are shifting their priorities to focus

on driving customer retention to keep their customers coming back for more and

maximize lifetime value.

In this journey, we focus on converting one-time buyers into repeat purchasers by

delivering communications in their preferred channels.

One-Time Purchasers

14 days

No New Transactions

Events Trait

2 Branches Email service

Most Frequent
provider, SMS Order Completed
UTM Source
service provider

Most Frequent UTM Source Email Most Frequent UTM Source SMS

Send to destination: Email Send to destination: SMS

1. Create entry condition with the step name: One-Time Purchasers

Conditions: All users who performed Order Completed exactly 1 time

2. Wait for Duration: 14 days

3. Condition: No New Transactions

Conditions: All users who performed Order Completed exactly 1 time

4. Multi-branch split (2):

Have trait Most Frequent UTM Source equals Email

i. Send to destination: Email

Have trait Most Frequent UTM Source equals SMS

i. Send to destination: SMS

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys

Low Recency Purchase Winback

What’s the best way to drive return purchases? Leverage customers’ intent and

lifetime value signals.

In this journey, our goal is to drive returning purchases with personalized

messaging based on intent signals, like user engagement and customer lifetime


Low Recency Purchasers

LTV greater than 1000

If True If False

Send to destinations Send to destinations

1 day


Events Trait

Performed Page Viewed

Advertising Order Completed,

platforms, Email Page Viewed with
Lifetime Value
service providers property: utm_source
Send to destinations

1. Create entry condition with the step name: Low Recency Purchasers

Conditions: All users who performed O d

r er C mpl t d x
o e e e actly 0 times

within 1 8 0 days A ND who performed O d

r er C mpl t d
o e e at least 1 time

2. T /
rue false split: H ave a Computed T rait C t m
us o er L if tim V l
e e a ue greater

than 100

For the T rue branch, add “ Send to D estination ” and connect Email and

Advertising destinations

For the F alse branch, add “ Send to D estination ” and connect Email

destinatio n
3. Wait for D uration: 1 da y
4. Wait for Condition: Per f m d
or e Pa g Vie ewe d at least 1 time where

utm_source e quals [ ad or email destination ] within 1 day

5. Send to D estination: Emai l

At this point, you can send a discount to your engaged customers, who are

more likely to complete the purchase

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys


Trial to Paid Conversion

Free trials have an ultimate goal: convert these accounts to paid members. To

clinch this conversion, businesses can launch a campaign that unifies their paid

and owned media strategy.

In this journey, we’ll unify our email and advertising strategies to increase

conversions of trial to paid subscriptions.

Advertising platforms, Email service providers,

Support applications

Required Events Trial Started, Subscription Started

Trial Started

5 days

Performed Subscription Started

If True If False

Send to destinations Send to destinations

1. Create entry condition with the step name: Trial Started

Users who performed Trial Started at least 1 time and

Conditions: All

who performed Subscription Started exactly 0 times

2. Wait for duration: 5 days

3. /
True false split: Performed Subscription Started
For the True branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email and
Support destinations

For the False branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email, Support,
and Advertising destinations

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys
Onboarding Flow

Onboarding sets the tone for your customer relationships. When done well, it can

increase the overall satisfaction with your product and act as a safeguard against


In this journey, we’ll build an onboarding flow that’s designed to maintain new user


Advertising platforms, Email service providers,

Support applications

Required Events Account Created, Tutorial Completed

Account Created

1 hour

Performed Tutorial Completed

If True If False

Send to destinations Send to destinations

1. Create entry condition with the step name: Account Created

Conditions: All Users who performed Trial Started at least 1 time

2. Wait for duration: 1 hour

3. True/false split: Performed Tutorial Completed

For the True branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email, In-App,

and Support destinations

For the False branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email, In-App,

Support, and Advertising destinations

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys


Paid Subscription Acquisition

The soon-to-be death of third-party cookies threatens to cut programmatic ad

revenue nearly in half. As a result, publishers have been pushing to increase

subscription rates to strengthen additional revenue streams and better leverage

their first-party data.

In this acquisition journey, we focus on converting trial members to paid


Free Trial

1 hour

Send to destinations


Events Trait
7 days

platforms, Email Subscription Started
Plan Typ
Performed Subscription Started
service provider s

If True If False

Send to destinations Send to destinations

1. Create entry condition with the step name: Free Trial

Conditions: All Users who performed Subscription Started at least 1

time and who performed Subscription Plan Type equals free

2. Wait for duration: 1 hour

3. Send to destination: Email tool

4. Wait for duration: 7 days

5. True/false split: Performed Subscription Started where Subscription

Plan Type equals paid

For the True branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email


For the False branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email and

Advertising destinations

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys
Re-engagement Campaign

Businesses need to be proactive about re-engaging users once they notice waning


In this journey, we’ll personalize ads and email messaging based on users’



Events Trait Low Recency Engagement

Page Viewed, Plan Type,
platforms, Email
Subscription Started Favorite Article
service providers
Category greater than 10

If True If False

Send to destinations

2 Branches

Favorite Article Category Engineering Favorite Article Category Marketing

Send to destinations Send to destinations

1. Create entry condition with the step name: Low Recency Engagement
Conditions: AllUsers who performed Page Viewed exactly 0 times any time
within 60 days AND who performed Page Viewed at least 1 time

2. / Performed Subscription Started where Subscription

True false split:

Plan Type equals paid

For the True branch, add a multi-branch split :
i. Have Computed Trait Favorite Article Category = Engineering
1. Send to Destination: Email, Ads
ii. Have Computed Trait Favorite Article Category = Marketing

1. Send to Destination: Email, Ads

For the False branch, add “Send to Destination” and connect Email only


Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys

Start your journey today

The pressure to deliver consistent, cross-channel customer

experiences has intensified in the past year. To keep pace (or

better yet, stay ahead of the curve) businesses need to

leverage their customer data in real-time – and deliver

hyper-personalized experiences at scale.

Schedule a demo today to learn more about designing

omnichannel customer experiences with Journeys.

Journeys 101: Getting Started with Omnichannel Journeys

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