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· Summer 2003 Vol. 65, No. 4

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Younever know till you ask. Right ?
Still, we often hold back, thinking our questions are dumb or intrusive . Those thoughts
certainly were on my mind as I pondered asking Leland Melvin, the University's only astronaut
alumnus , for an interview . I really would be treading on taboo territory , I thought- he has just
suffered a tragic loss.
The entire nation was riveted by the explosion of the space shuttle Columbia and was grieving
the deaths of the seven crew members. How must it have felt to someone ins ide that close-knit
family of astronauts ? What would the tragedy mean to the future of space explorat ion?
We would never know unless we asked . So, timidly, I e-ma iled Melv in an interview request .
Here's his prompt and g racio us response :

h l() )) After taking the families [of the Columbia crewmembers]to th e White Houseto meet the
President ... I would love to share what 's currently going on with theAstra Corps, the
[Columbia] crewand the futur e of the spaceprogram. TheColumbia7 are dear friends and
just truly remarkablepeople. It would beniceto talk abaut them to the University community.
By asking a que stion , I got more than I bargained for .
So did Robin Hoffm an. The recent Richmond graduate is $25 ,000 richer for submitting the
winning entry in the University 's third Quest program .
Her quest ion? How do we know which questions to ask?
Hoffman contends it is essent ial t hat we ask ourselves not only which quest ions we should be
asking, but also whether the quest ions are as important as the answers.
Even with all she has gained through asking her question , Hoffman admit s she initially
wavered . She thought it was too obvious , or that it surely had been asked before .
Hoffman and I both learned the value of asking . The risks are m inimal and th e rewards
immense .
Quest ions can lead to change . That fact is borne out in several article s in this issue. First , a
son's inquiry into hi s father 's ability to earn a nearly-completed degree led to an historic and
headline-generating event. The University ended up awardin g honorary degrees to all veterans
whose undergraduate days were disrupted by World War II.
Two results came from another quest ion : Why do people in th is countr y have to lack appropriate
shelter? In response , Richmond students built a house and organized a summit . Finally, a
group of students questioned why the state of Virginia spends several billion dollars a year
controlling invasive species. The outcome? A bill drafted in part by Richmond student s that
CORRECTIONS addresses this question.
Thelocation of studentsin a Finally , my questions to Leland Melvin , posed du ri ng a face-to-face interv iew at NASA
photograph on page12of the
Springissuewasincorrect.The headquarters , resulted in an art icle that should be enl ighten ing to everyone associated with
studentswerein Paris,not London. his alma mate r.
Informationin the 1982section I may not have won a hefty sum by asking questions of Melvin , but I am much richer than
of the Spring2003ClassNotes I was before encountering this dynamic , charming , insigh t ful and amb it ious alumnus .
entry should haveread:Steve
And there 's no question, I hope , readers will reap some of those riches .
Hart , R, 1.'85, is a plannedgiving
officerfor TheCollegia t e School,
the VirginiaAssociation of Fund
jL,, 15,.,..,,
Anna Barron Billingsley

Tothe editor:
Lettersto the The Vantage Point article by Dr. Richard Wright
As Dr. Wright also noted, management and
organized business can no longer operate "in a

EDITOR (Spring 2003) was so excellently written it

prompted me to write a response. I am an
alumnus of the business school and was involved
box," but corpora te and entrepreneu rial managers
must gain cross-cultural awareness into the
languages and habits of other countries.
Tothe editor: in its earliest days. I have been teaching business Yes - interpersonal and interorganizationa l
courses, first as a high school teacher and for the skills in a service-oriented economy are a must
Just a note to tell you that even though I
last 15 years as an adjunct college professor. for business schools to fit into their curricu lum
didn 't know a single person you profiled in the
Dr. Wright pointed out three areas of our as we train our students for today's increasingly
"Class of 1978 Reunion " series (Spring 2003), I
business environment - the need for cross-cultural competitive globa l arena. Distance -learning
just loved that format. The "then and now "
awareness, the need for entrepreneuria l skills and through the computer has become another key
photos really brought these people to life and
the need for networking capabilities. I would like part of our teaching.
enhanced the description of their impressive
to add a fourth - the need for service-oriented Dr. Wright and other professors in the Robins
accomplishments. I hope you'll continue to do
skills. As Peter Drucker, the noted management School are to be complimented for their far-
this; it really was clever and made for very
author, has pointed out in his lectures and books, reaching endeavors to acquaint Richmond students
interesting reading.
Nina Novak, L'77 service industries have become a critical part of our with studies in partner schools in other countries.
, D.C. business environment. An example is the travel and C. Norman Woerner, B'52
tourism industry, which includes hotels, restau-
rants, cinemas and casinos.

Pleasedirectlettersto AnnaBillingsleyat

or MarylandHall, Universityof Richmond,Va.23173.
Sum.mer 11

Man on a Mission
Leland Melvin reflects on the risks and
rewards of space travel

Gimme Shelter
Student blitz results in miracle on
Merriewood Ridge, p. 18 DEPARTMENTS
Student initiatives lead to summit
and solutions, p. 21
2 Aroundthe Lake
commencement,p 4
12 Worth Noting
The Right Balance On the front cover:
Students blaze a trail in two environments LelandMelvin, photo
13 Q&A
ALD,R'63ANDG'64 courtesy of NASA/Bill
26 Class Connections
24 On the back cover: Class Connections deadlines, p. 32
DelayedGratification Grandfather,granddaugh-
University with a heart honors veterans ter grads: GeorgeG. 47 VantagePoint
W'71 Ritchie,Jr., World War II
Life Lessons101: Realisticallyapproach
vet and honorary degree
the real world
recipient; and Dabney
Shell DeHaven.

ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR The RichmondAlumni Magazine,of

RICHMOND which this is Volume 65,No. 4, is
Dan Kalmanson Editorialoffices

published quarterly for the alumni and
RichmondAlumni Mogozine friends of the University of Richmond.
Maryland Hall
Brian Eckert Opinions expressedin this magazine
University of Richmond,VA23173
are those of the authors and do not
EDITOR (804)289-8059
FAX(804)287-6491 necessarilyrepresentopinions of the
Anna Barron Billi ngsley editor s or policies of the University
Alumni Affairs Office
Linda N. Evans, W'71 JepsonAlumni Center © 2003University of Richmond
Randy Fitzgerald, R'63and G'64 University of Richmond,VA23173
Lisa Cumbey and Cathy Vaughn, FAX(804)287-1221
Design Manifesto Changeof address
Alumnioffice Website
Winni ng Quest ion

know which
question<; to

Howdoyou ask'!"'

Submitted by ,\In, I.:

questions RobinHoffmanchats with PresidentCooperafter the surpriseannouncement
of her Quest Ill win.

"How do we know which questions to ask?" an unexamined life is not worth living, and perhaps an
Good question . With it and a 1,500- unexamined question is not worth asking," her essay begins.
word accompanying essay, Amy Robin "As the Richmond Quest approaches its third installment and
Hoffman, '03 netted $25,000. Hers was the students pose question after question, it seems like an
winning entry in the University's third appropriate time to consider the value of questions them-
Richmond Quest competition, which every selves."
other year looks for a compelling question Hoffman, an Oldham Scholar and self-proclaimed book-
the entire university community can worm, continued, "It is imperative that we ask ourselves
explore through a series of specially whether the questions are as important as the answers."
developed lectures, programs and courses. In making the announcement of the Quest winner,
Hoffman, an English and women 's studies University of Richmond President William E. Cooper said
double major from Cincinnati , Ohio , plans questions are at the root of the educational process.
to attend the University of Connecticut to Hoffman's question could be used as the basis for Quest
pursue her doctorate in English literature. courses on how preliminary decisions about which ques-
(See related article on page 13.) tions guide the course of scientific inquiry, how novels and
Hoffman had some additional questions other forms of literature ask questions about the human
after the March announcement that her experience, and why doubts and questions are important
entry, one of nearly 250, had wowed the in understanding religions.
selection committee. Why had nobody Here are some of Hoffman's suggestions for speakers
submitted the question before? Why was and programs relating to her question:
her question deemed more worthy than • Lynn Margulis on her struggles to gain scientific
the reams of papers, essays and other recognition for her answers to unorthodox questions
assignments to which she had devoted about the evolution of the cell and other biological
more time and thought? mysteries
She accepted the • A panel of College Board, Educational Testing
check without question. Services and others on standardized testing
She will use the money ·· • Alex Trebeck, host of Jeopardy!, who could speak about
to pay off her Dodge his career of giving answers
Neon, buy lots of CDs • Cameron Crowe, director and former writer for Rolling
and upgrade her living Stone, on interviewing famous rock musicians and
conditions in graduate then moving his "questioning" to a different medium
school. • Michael Frayn, Tony Award-winning author of the
She said the idea for play, Copenhagen, on his interest in the historical
the question came to "what-if 's" surrounding World War II
her in a 2 a.m. brain- Previous Quest topics have been "When does discovery
storm in the waning inspire change?" and "Is truth in the eye of the beholder?"
weeks of the competi-
tion. "Socrates said that
JulietteL. Landphair,who greaterharmony," said Leonard the men's co-curricularand
servedsinceJune2002 as Goldberg , vicepresidentof residentialcomponentof the
interim deanof Westhampton studentaffairs. university,to centralize
College , now holdsthe position Landphairholdsa housingunderRichmond
permanently.TheUniversity from TulaneUniversityand Collegeand academicadvising
namedherto the positionin M.A.and Ph.D.degreesfrom underWesthamptonCollege.
April, andthe appointmentwas the Universityof Virginia. She Asdean, shesaid, shehopes
effectiveimmediately. hastaught coursesat "to continueto recognizethe
Landphairpreviouslyserved Richmond,Randolph-Macon students' desiresto be
as interim directorof the Woman'sCollegeand together, but to affirm their
WomenInvolvedin Livingand Universityof Virginiaon identitiesas Westhampton
Learningprogram. women's studies,U.S.history Collegestudentsand
"DeanLandphairhasshown andfeminismin the United RichmondCollegestudents."
an ability to handlecrises, States.Shehasservedon - LINDA EVANS
creativelymeetthe demandsof panelsand madepresentations
an evolvingcampusand at numerousconferences on
studentculture,andgenerally historyandwomen's studies.
bringthe academicand As interim dean, Landphair
studentlife programsinto workedwith RichmondCollege ,

USA headquarters
Philip Morris USA has New York offices. The
agreed to lease the relocation will integrate
entire Alcoa-Reynolds the company's manage-
building at Richmond ment staff with the 6,800
Quadrangle, the former employees and functions
Reynolds Metals execu- already located in Rich-
tive offices, which the mond.
University acquired "This agreement will
through a generous gift- benefit the University of
purchase agreement in Richmond by providing
2001. the resources to fund our
Philip Morris USA, a strategic priorities in the
subsidiary of Altria short term, while preserv-
Group Inc., is relocating ing this historic property
its corporate headquar- for future use by the
ters from New York to university," said President
the Richmond facility. William E. Cooper.
Around 700 employees
were working at the

RICH MO N D Alumni Magazine I 3

ore than 900 diplomas, including some Schlesinger, judge of the U.S. District Court, Middle
designated for a special group of war District of Florida, is a 1965 graduate of the law school and a
veterans, were awarded May 3 and May 4 recipient of its William Green Award for Professional
in graduation ceremonies marked by an Excellence.
emphasis on honor and sacrifice. Speaking for the law school faculty, incoming dean
Robert S.JepsonJr., R'64, told the graduates and more Rodney A. Smolla told the graduates that "one of the hardest
than 6,000 people present at Sunday's 173rd commence- things in life is to balance the needs of one's family with the
ment exercises: "Remember always that your fingerprints on demands of professional life.
time will be determined by what you give, not by what you "If you lose friendship and companionship and love,"
have taken." Smolla said, "you lose the meaning of life. If you let your job
What the University gave to a group of 63 World War II take over, you may conquer the universe but lose your soul."
veterans was closure. These were people who had their Jepson, renowned philanthropist and CEO of two
Richmond education interrupted by a call to duty, and never companies, delivered a "lesson on life and leadership. " He
received a diploma. To a rousing standing ovation in the told the graduates, "Your grade will come years from now,
Robins Center, 18 of the vets - decked out in cap and gown based on a lifetime of actions . I hope you get an A."
- collected from President William E. Cooper certificates Those actions, he added, are "a clear window into your
conferring honorary bachelor of letters degrees . soul." Jepson couched his recipe for success in seven
"Your accomplishments have built post-World War II personal leadership tips.
America and helped provide a platform for freedom in many 1. Dare to dream.
other parts of the world," Cooper said. "You have waited over
half a century for this day." (See story, page 24.) 2. Commit to excellence.
Drawing on his seven years as a prisoner of war in 3. Foster a genuine concern for
another conflict, Vietnam veteran Paul E. Galanti told others.
graduates of the School of Continuing Studies - celebrating 4. Demonstrate integrity and high
its 40 years of existence - that "no matter how bad things ethics .
seem in your personal life, others have had it worse." 5. Be willing to take risks and learn
That's why it is essential to hold tight to the freedoms we from failure.
enjoy in this country, said federal Judge Harvey E. Schlesinger,
who addressed the 157 graduates of the University's School of 6. Develop a tolerance to stress.
Law.He warned about increasing assaults on Americans' 7. Commit to a conspicuous sense of
liberties that "start as a trickling stream but could soon stewardship.
become a torrent."

4 Summer 2003

Jepson founded the University 's Jepson School of Galanti , the

Leadership Studies - the first of its kind in the country. And Continuing Studies
while he said he had achieved many honors in his lifetime , commencement
none was greater than the opportunity "to be commence- speaker , told
ment speaker at my alma mater ." graduates that "one
Cooper, who awarded Jepson the President 's Medal, said individual can make a
Jepson had that opportunity as the result of "a great big difference in life."
confluence of events," including the University 's decision Galanti retired from
two years ago to have an alumnus as graduation speaker and the Navy in 1983 and went on to become executive director
the milestone reached this year as the Jepson School of the Virginia Pharmaceutical Association , CEO of the
celebrated its 10th anniversary . Medical Society of Virginia and executive director of the
The University bestowed its President 's Medal on Jepson Science Museum of Virginia Foundation. He received a
for his support over the past 20 years, which has included master of commerce degree in 1976 from Richmond's
two terms on its board of trustees and contributions that University College, now the School of Continuing Studies.
established not only the leadership school , but also the Receiving diplomas at the School of Continuing Studies
alumni center and the university 's main stage theater. commencement were the first graduates of Public Safety
Receiving honorary degrees were: U.S. Treasury Secretary University, a program for members of Richmond public
John W. Snow of Richmond , doctor of commercial science; safety agencies who complete their educations in exchange
Myron T. Mann, R'71, an international businessman who for a service commitment to their employers.
lives in Australia, doctor of commercial science;Jane S. Rosalind Reilly, who teaches English in the School of
Richardson , Duke University biochemist who developed Continuing Studies, received the annual distinguished
kinemages , the standard of illustrating proteins in research , faculty award. She told graduates that as a girl she had
doctor of science; and Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University always wanted to walk on the moon . Her journey "into inner
biblical scholar , doctor of divinity. space" has been just as fulfilling as her childhood dream, she
Undergraduate degrees were awarded to six students said. "We lift off together to new insights and inspirations ."
who completed studies in the University's newest major - Sarah Gunn, president and owner of The Toymaker of
environmental science. (See story, page 22.) Williamsburg received the distinguished alumni award. She
The University carried out another tradition of having a advised graduates to stay in touch with the University and to
specially selected student address her fellow graduates. This "think about going further with your education. There 's
year,Jessica D. Aber called on her peers to keep in mind the always the next step."
three words on the back of their Spider cards - honor and Jepson concluded his remarks to members of the Class of
integrity - as they venture into the broader world. She said 2003, whom he described as "the best of the best ," by urging
the Richmond diploma should serve as "a constant reminder them to run toward life "with hearts full of hope and with
of your commitment to honesty and integrity " in a world stars in your eyes." And when you get there , he said, "tell 'em
where Pulitzer Prize winners plagiarize, athletic coaches lie UR sent you."
and corporate executives deceive.

RIC HMO N D Alumni Magazine I 5

Richmondspins wider web triangle
at GoldmanSachs It brought them together . It tore them apart. And, now it
is reuniting them once again .
TheSpiderweb is growingat early alsohelps.Four of t he alumni The Fulbright.
GoldmanSachs.Bynext month, a at Goldmangot their starts assum- This prestigious scholarship has played a big part in the
dozenalumniwill beemployedby mer interns. lives of Richmond history professo r Matthew L. Basso and
oneof the oldestandmost presti- "The10-weektraining program his wife, Angela Smith.
giousglobalinvestmentbanking reallytaught methe ins and outs of The two met when both
firms. In the last threeyears,seven howWall Streetworks,"saidRyan were graduate students at
of the recentadditionsto Goldman Fitzsimons,'01, "and I wasable to the University of Minnesota .
havebeenhiredfollowing gradua- focuson exactly what I waslooking to Basso was working on a
tion andtwo studentswerehired pursueasa career choiceandmake it Ph.D. in American studies,
laterally from brokeragefirms. Two happen." and Smith, a New Zealand
studentshavealsobeenhiredfor Fahim Rashid,'04, who will com- resident studying in
internshipsthis summer. pletean internshipthis summer in America on a· Fulbright
"Havinggoneto UR," saidGeorge Goldman's Londonoffice,said,"I fellowship, was working on
WeiIde,B'74,RichmondBoardof wanted to take advantage of some a Ph.D. in English literature .
Trusteesmemberand Basso ended up getting a
senior partner at Goldman job as an assistant professor
Sachs,"I've madeit a S idersat GS
of history at Richmond , and
personalchallengeto GeorgeWellde (1980FICC- NY) the couple had a lovely
recruitthe bestand ChrisMcFadden (2000Equities- NY) wedding in April 2002 at
brighteststudentsfrom Timothy Leahy (2000Equties- NY) the University's Jenkins
the University to workat RyanFitzsimons (2001FICC- NY) Greek Theatre.
Goldman." BrandtPortugal (2002FICC- NY) But shortly thereafter , Smith had to return to New
Sincejoining the Board EricGenco (2002Equities- NY) Zealand to fulfill the obligations of her Fulbright agree-
of Trusteesin 2000, ChadPollock (July2003FICC- NY) ment. She had pledged to spend two years sharing her
WeiIdeand DonnaWin- Matt Leone (July2003FICC- NY) knowledge with fellow New Zealanders, and so she began
ston, headof Fixed VeraSotirova (July2003FICC- London) teaching at Massey University in Wellington.
Income,Currency& Com- Not willing to wait that long to live with his new bride ,
JoshLofgren (July2003FICC- NY)
modities(FICC) recruiting Basso sought a vehicle to take him to New Zealand . He got
Scott Walters (May2003FICC- NY)
at Goldman, have a Fulbright of his own . He secured additional fund s from
DanZimmerman (July2003Equities - ME)
partneredwith Andy the dean of arts and sciences at Richmond. So, after one
Ferguson , directorof Summer Interns for2003 academic year apart, Basso and Smith have been reunit ed
Richmond'sCareerDevel- ElizabethCampbell (FICC-NY) in Wellington, where Basso will condu ct research as a
opmentCenter,to identify FahimRashid (FICC- London) Fulbright scholar.
andconnecttalented Established in 1946 and sponsor ed by the U.S. Depart-
Richmondstudentswith ment of State, the Fulbright program provides fund s for
opportunitiesat GoldmanSachs. world-classtraining andget some students, scholars and professionals to undertak e graduate
Throughmockinterviews, coaching 'insideinfo' on what being an invest- study, advanced research , university teaching and teaching
from Goldmanemployees,network- ment banker is all about." in elementary and secondary schools.
ing opportunitiesandopendialogue "GoldmanSachshasbeenvery Basso's Fulbright "wasn 't just luck ," he said. "I appli ed
betweenCDCstaff andGoldman's satisfiedwith the quality of Rich- for the New Zealand Fulbright becau se I wanted to be with
recruitingteam,studentsarepre- mondstudents," saidWinston.She's my wife and because I was intrigued by the pos sibility of
paredfor the intenseinterview mademult ipletrips to Richmond to doing a comparative study."
process. advise,coachand recruit students, Basso has researched life on the U.S. homefront durin g
Richmondstudentscompete wit h who aretypically hiredfor jobs in World War II. "People generally think of the Greatest
graduatesfrom everytop university. sales,trading andinvestmentbank- Generation as those who fought, " Basso said. But thr ee of
WelldecitedRi(hmondstudents' ing positions."Year afteryear,t he every four men did not. War was an anxiety for them. They
well-roundededucation,strongwork overallcandidatepool growsstron- felt their status being challenged ."
ethic, curiosityaboutthe markets, gerandthe studentswe've hired In the course of conversations with his wife and her
andcommitment to successas havebeenverysuccessful; that's family and friends, Basso thought he might do similar
strongfactorsinfluencing the selec- what keepsus coming back." archival research about the New Zealand homefr ont.
tive Goldmanhiringprocess. - ALISSAMANCUSO POOLE "I was interested as a historian and as a husband
Embarkingon their careersearch wanting to know about this countr y where my wife was
from ."
One thing Basso already has discovered about New
Zealand: "The fly-fishing is unbeliev able ."
After 16 months in New Zealand , Basso and his wife
will establish their home in the United States.

6 summer 2003
'..._,. -,

\ ' ·•.
"Nojurist saveJohnMarshallhasplayeda moreimportantrole in
shaping the jurisprudence of his time," Coopersaid.
Rehnquist,Carrico,andotherspeakers at the symposiumoutlined
\ f ( serious challenges - past,present and future - to the rl
independence of America'sjudiciary. (1)
\ Rehnquistdescribedthe conceptof judicial independence as"en- r:--
tirelynovel"whenput forwardby the nation's founders. >
f "I believethe creationof an independent
the authorityto declareunconstitutional
lawspassedbythe stateor

federallegislatures , is probablythe mostsignificantsinglecontribu-

tion the United Stateshasmadeto the art of government ," hesaid.
ThepanelincludedH.JeffersonPowell,professorat the DukeUni-
versitySchoolof Lawandan authorityon judicial independence and
constitutionallaw; KennethW. Starr,a partnerwith the firm
Kirkland& Ellis,formerindependentcounselandformerfederal
judge;andPennyJ.White, professorat the Universityof Tennessee
President William E. Cooper and Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Collegeof Lawanda formerTennessee SupremeCourtjustice.
Particularlyin stateswherejudgesmuststandfor election,"selec-
tion andretentionof judgesarebeinghijacked " by interestgroups
that raisehugesumsof moneythat theyofferthosewilling to state
favorableopinionson issueslikelyto comebeforethe court,White
said. Thesejudgesaredangerously closeto becoming"politiciansin
ChiefJusticeWilliamH. Rehnqu ist of t he U.S. SupremeCourt was Starrwarnedof "legislativeintrusions" or "powergrabbing" that
keynotespeakerat a symposiumon campus this spring that dealt can erodethe independence of the judiciary.Thisconflictbetween
with the threats to judicial independence. the legislative and judicial branches is mostvisiblein confirmation
Thesymposium , whichincludeddistinguished lawyers. judgesand hearings,he said. There,legislatorsoften demandstatementson
legalscholars, waspartof a daycelebrat ingthecareerof Chief Justice specific,controversial issuesfrom prospective judges. Andthe pros-
HarryL.Carrico , whoretiredthis year fromthe Virginia Supreme Court. pectsoften declinebecausetheyseeeachcaseasworthyof careful
Rehnquistcameto Richmondfrom Washington to honorCarrico, review by an openmind.
an old friend, for his "longanddistinguished career on the bench." "Judgesreachconclusions througha processof decision-making
Carrico , whoservedon the court for 42years, cont inues to have a that is differentfrom the otherbranches " of government , Powell
longandvaluedrelationsh ip with the University of Richmond said. Theymustbefreefrom externalpressures andfrom expression
Schoolof Law. LawDeanJohnR. Paganunveiled a portrait of Carrico of their own predisposit ionsandbeliefs.
that will hangin the MootCourt Room at the law school. SaidCarrico , "I hopethat from this meetingwill comethe strong
UniversityPresidentWilliam E. Coope r presented Rehnquist with message that it is absolutelyessentialto preserve the independence
the law school'shighesthonor, the William GreenAwardfor Profes- of the judiciary of this greatnation."
sionalExcellence . CooperpraisedRehnquis t for "a career - ROB WALKER
characterized by the pursuit of excellen ce."

Spiders attention
Ever given much thought to fat females - the very mates lab and in the wild. They found structure on his jaws to prop the
the mating habits of spiders? most likely to devour them. males consistently preferred female's jaws open, so that he
No - not the sexual proclivi- The finding is surprising females who were fat for their can mate without getting eaten.
ties of you an d your fellow because biologists did not leng th , rather than just large After he achieves success at
alumni or the dating trends of think spiders were so discrimi- overall. "This is the first mating and surviving, the male
Richmond undergraduates. nating in whom they chose as evidence that an invertebrate spider makes a mad dash to get
We're talking about the eight- mates, said Smallwood, whose species ... chooses its mates away. "He's got two or three feet
legged variety. previous research efforts based on body condition, i.e. on her head and he is pushing
Biology professor Peter centered on long-jawed weight divided by length - for all he 's worth ... [while] she
Smallwood has devoted a great squirrels . how fat is trying to bite him," Smallwood
deal of thought - and research His you are said. "Every now and then she
- to the subject, and his spider for your manages to catch him and eat
findings have garnered nation al research size," him ."
media attention. What team Smallwood Smallwood's spider sex
Smallwood and his colleagues studied the said. research was featured on
discovered turned spider sex creatures The,,
research on its head. Male both in the male uses and in the Los Angeles Times
spiders are strongly attracted to a special and Canada's National Post.

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 7

All things considered,Totenberg
provokedand predicted
Government'sneedto violate securityandpreventionof tyranny Totenbergopenedhertalk with
civil libertiesin wartimewill be in the form of concentrated ex- an assessment of the Supreme
judgedanewby the Supreme ecutive,legislativeand judicial Court'sfuture membership. She
Court, NationalPublicRadio power.In the UnitedStates·war saidsheexpectsChiefJustice
legalcorrespondent Nina againstterrorism,poweris con- WilliamRehnquist to announce
Totenbergtold a Universityof centratedto an unprecedented his retirementthis year,while the
Richmondaudienceon April 15. degree , Totenbergsaid. Republican Partythat appointed
Althoughfreedomshavebeen Hundredsof immigrantshave him controlsthe WhiteHouse
restrictedduringwarsseveral beendeportedfor infractions andCongress . And, sheexpects
times in Americanhistory,no that wouldhavebeenconsidered Bushto nominateWhiteHouse
previouswar hasbeenlikethe minorjust a fewyearsago. Also, counselAlbertoGonzales assuc-
currentoneagainstterrorism- Totenbergadded,immigration cessor. Totenberg saidBushhas
no clearenemyandno definable judgesareroutinelyoverruledby low interestin judicialmatters,
end.In sucha setting,shesaid, the attorneygeneralandcannot but wouldusethe opportunityto
civil rights arein peril. act independently. "Theexecutive repayconservatives andthe reli-
Totenberg ' s talk - Leadership branchhasclo~eddeportation giousright, who havea huge
andChangein theSupreme Court hearingsto the public," shesaid, interestin anycourtvacancies.
Post-9/11 - wassponsoredby the notingexamplesof how Totenberg,who wasaccompa-
RichmondQuest,the Jepson PresidentGeorgeW.Bushand niedby her husband,described
Schoolof Leadership Studiesand AttorneyGeneralJohnAshcroh the Richmondcampusasoneof
the RichmondSchoolof Law. haveclaimednewpowersfor the most beautifulin the nation.
Duringpreviouswarsandhos- themselves . "Whatis to prevent - BRIAN ECKERT
tilities in whichour countryhas anyoneof usfrom beingpicked
beeninvolved,the highcourt has up off the streetandbeingheld
hadto strikea balancebetween without accessto a lawyeror our
two conflictingneeds : national families?"sheasked.

Andy Ferguson helps students find their on. Ferguson's attitude is "you've got to keep
calling. As Richmond's director of career growing."
development, that has been his calling for 19 In a role that he describes as "a complement
years. to the parish priest," Ferguson said that he will
But five years ago, Ferguson started hearing perform both sacramental and service tasks. He
something he hadn't heard very distinctly since may get involved in prison ministry or other
his student days: a call toward the ministry. And social justice issues , as well as contribute to
he did what he tells students to do. He listened. parish education programs.
Now, after intense training, Ferguson has His motto might also be : You've got to keep
been ordained as a permanent deacon in the giving. The most fulfilling aspect of his job,
Catholic Church. That means he can preach Ferguson said, is to "help give order to the
sermons , baptize babies, perform weddings and confusion" many students feel about their
conduct funerals. futures . Speaking from his own experience, he
Those activities are just a sideline, though, to said he tells students that "it's important to listen
his University job, which he intends to keep till to that inner voice and that there's not just one
he reaches a ripe retirement age. "I love my job," way to satisfy it."
Ferguson , 49, said. "It's very fulfilling." Ferguson's philosophy is that "everybody's
He equates his ordination and the steps called to do something." Determining that
preceding it to "building an addition to your calling, he said, "is a matter of being open."
house." There 's a lot of disruption, work and Fortunate ly, in his case, he said, he deferred his
upheaval in the process, but the finished religious rumblings and followed the inner voice
product provides so much enjoyment. He looks that led him to being a counselor and a dad.
forward to fully enjoying his "addition " after he Ferguson and his wife Jennifer , a physician, have
retires . Unlike many people, this specialist in a 12-year-old son , Drew.
career development has a profession to fall back

8 Summer 2003
The Jefferson Hotel was the site of
the 10th anniversary gala.
James MacGregor Burns received a standing ovation at the dinner.
l<eynote speaker David Gergen with Julee
Wilson, incoming student government
president for the leadership studies school.

JepsonSchoolcelebratesdecadeof developingleaders
TheJepsonSchoolof LeadershipStudies'April celebrationof its 10th mondfor a commemorative,black-tiedinnerfeaturingremarksby David
anniversaryfeaturednationallyknownleadersin a varietyof activities, Gergen,journalist and former WhiteHouseadviser.
rangingfrom scholarlydiscussionsto an elegantdinner. Gergen,directorof the Centerfor PublicLeadershipat the JohnF.Kennedy
JamesMacGregorBurns,a renownedhistorianwho is a seniorfellow at Schoolof Governmentat HarvardUniversity,describedleadershipasthe
the Schoolof LeadershipStudies, kickedoff the festivitieswith a talk about "X factor in humanaffairs."
his latest book,Transforming Leadership:A NewPursuitof Happiness. "Individualsmatter; individualleadersmatter," Gergentold his audience
Followinghis talk, a receptionwas heldfor about 400 friends,faculty of students,alumni and communityleaders.
membersand alumni of Jepson,the country'sfirst stand-aloneschool A counselorto four U.S.presidents- three Republicans and one Demo-
for leadershipstudies.It is namedfor its principalbenefactor,business crat - Gergenemphasizedthat leadershipstudiesshouldbe primarily
executiveRobertS.JepsonJr.,R'64. directedat young people,manyof whom areturned off by the hurly-burly
Jepson,who deliveredthe commencementaddresson campusthe follow- of politics and public policy.
ing weekend,was not presentfor the weekend-longanniversary "Weneedto re-engagethe youngergeneration;go deeperand build this
celebration.However,he wasvery muchon the mindsof participants. field," he said.That's exactlywhat the JepsonSchoolof LeadershipStudies
JoanneB.Ciulla,a foundingfaculty memberwho holdsthe CostonFamily hasbeendoing for a decade- and is continuingto do.
Chairin Leadershipand Ethics,describedJepsonas a "bigger-than-life AsJonathanZur,presidentof the JepsonStudentGovernmentAssocia-
character" who "let us do our work; let us makeour mistakes." tion, put it, the schoolis producing"sociallyengagedcitizens."
Throughoutthe weekend,visiting scholarsfrom acrossthe countryjoined
Burnsin discussionson developingan integratedtheory of leadership.
On Sundayevening,activitiesshifted severalmiles east, from the
University'sleafycampusto the ornateJeffersonHotelin downtownRich-

Rising seniors Meredith Cox and Charissa Lopez-Linus wanted to look their best for Ring Dance.
So, they traded privacy for vanity. They wrote in to The Learning Channel's A MakeoverStory and
said they needed help. A camera crew came on campus to film the transformation of the two
young women, who were treated to new dresses, hairstyles and beauty sessions. For the end
results, catch the show, which is scheduled to air sometime this fall.

RIC HM OND Alumni Magazine I 9

Excellingin all fields,
After claiming a school-recordfive
Atlantic 10championshipsthis year,
Richmondcapturedthe conference's
Commissioner'sCupby a com-
Cupis a compilationof points
awardedin descendingorderof
finish in eachof the league's22
championshipsports.In only its
secondyearasan all-sportsmember
of the league,Richmond,who also
wonthe women'sracebysevenpoints,
Senior field hocl<ey players led Richmond to an undefeated conference regular season and the Atlantic 10 tournament title.
won conferencechampionshipsin
baseball,field hockey,women's
soccer,swimmingand diving, and NCAATournamentat-largeberth by hockey)and sophomoreMaryAdams
women'sindoor track and field. winning matchesagainstseveralof andfreshmanBrookeBoncher
TheSpiderscapturedtheir first the nation's elite teams. (swimming)werehonoredas being
Atlantic 10baseballchampionship Whenthe winterchampionships the most outstandingperformersin
with a 7-4 win and a sweepof the surfaced,Richmondagaindominated their respectivesports.SeniorJeff
best-of-threeA-10Championship conference standings.Matt Kredich Myerswasnamedthe Atlantic10
SeriesagainstMassachusetts. The andhisswimminganddivingteam Men'sBasketballStudent-Athleteof
victory marksthe fifth conference brokeeightconference recordsand the Year(seerelatedstory),while
title earnedby headcoachRon won 13of 20 total eventsin a com- teammateTonyDobbinsearnedA-10
Atkins and the seventhtournament mandingchampionshipperformance. DefensivePlayerof the
appearance. LoriTaylortook her women'strack Year.SeniorElizabeth
CoachAngeBradley'sfield hockey and field team to the most exciting CookearnedAtlantic
championshipto date,as the title 10 SwimmingStudent-
team finished 6-o in regular-season
conferenceplayand then won the camedown to the last race.The Athleteof the Year.
tournamentchampionship.The Spidersoutran host RhodeIslandto In other sports,
field hockeyteam advancedto claim Richmond'sfirst-everindoor the men'sgolf
the NCAATournamentwherethey track conferencetitle. Earlierin the team, led by senior
defeatedRiderbeforefalling to year,Taylorand the women'scross KyleHess·fifth-
Old Dominion. countryteam finished second. placefinish, tied for
Thesuccesscontinuedwhen Peter TheSpiderbasketballteams Tim Bezbatchenl<o helped fourth at the A-10
Albright'swomen'ssoccerteam also addedpoints to extendthe carry the team to the NCAA
capturedits first Atlantic 10 Tourna- Commissioner'sCuplead.The tournament .
men'sand women'steams both
men'stennis team
ment championshipand then
finished third in the Atlantic 10West quarterfinals,while Spiders celebrate a advancedto the
advancedto the SweetSixteenof berth in the NCAA
Division.First-yearmen's head compiling a 21-11overall championship
the NCAATournament.Richmond tournament.
coachJerryWainwrightled the record,9-7in league play. matchbeforefalling,
finished third in the regular-season
Spidersto their sixth-straight AngeBradley,Matt while the women'steam gar-
winning season(15-14, 10-6)and Kredichand LoriTaylorearned
CoachJeffGettler'smen'ssoccer neredthird placeat the
their third consecutiveberth in the Atlantic10Coachof the Yearhonors.
team alsofinishedthird in the regu- conferencetournament.
NIT.First-yearcoachJoanneBoyle SeniorRuthChege(track),seniorJill
lar-seasonstandings,but earnedan - SIMON GRAY
and her Spidersadvancedto the Murphy,junior LydiaDecembrino
post-seasonfor the first time in andfreshmanMichelleSwartz(field
12 years,reachingthe WNIT

10 Summer 2003
onthecourtandintheclassroom z
Jeff Myers, '03, had big shoes to fill. This 6-1, 180- CJ
When Scott Ungerer graduated and left the Spider pound guard from :::
basketball program following the 2001-02 season , many Rockford, Ill., rt)
wondered who would be the next Richmond point guard. started the final 52 r-
Ungerer, a versatile 6-7 player who could contribute at any games of his
of the five positions, was so valuable to his team that he set collegiate career. A ~
the program record for minutes played per game - 38.4 - sharpshooter ,
his last season . Even more important, people wondered, Myers ranked
would a replacement be able to command the same respect second on the
from his teammates and opponents that Ungerer had team with 11.0
developed over his four-year career. points per game
Myers proved capable on both counts - and was last season and he
honored for doing so by being named the Atlantic lO's ranks sixth all-time
Basketball Student-Athlete of the Year. with 145 career three-pointers.
Anticipating the void left by Ungerer, first-year head But what the statistics, as impressive as they may be,
coach Jerry Wainwright was eager to work with the don't show is Myers' fire and determination. He is the
dynamic backcourt duo of Myers and Reggie Brown. "One player who pumped his fist following every key bucket,
of the things that I was most excited about in taking this and he is the one who slapped teammates on the back to
job," Wainwright explained, "was the ability to coach an encourage excellence on every possession .
extremely talented backcourt ... one of the best in the Many times during the 2002-03 season, the outlook
league. " appeared grim as the Spiders' opponent seized momentum
However, the duo was diminished when Brown suffered and pushed out to a formidable lead. But it was an under-
a back injury. The senior and leading returning scorer was sized Myers who would stop-and-pop a jumper from inside
sidelined for all but three games. That meant Myers had to the lane, or - as he did twice during the season - drain a
carry the load - and the expectations - of a program three-pointer from the top of the key to keep hopes alive.
quickly moving into the upper echelon of Division I He graduated with a degree in rhetoric and communica-
basketball. tions studies . With his 3.43 grade point average, combined
He did so admirably, starting all 29 games and leading with his on-court skill, Jeff Myers has proven to be the
the team with 36.1 minutes per game . Myers ended up with quintessential student-athlete .
the eighth-best point guard performance in Spider history, - SIMON GRAY
providing 119 assists for the season and 315 for his
Richmond career.

Spidershost five home footballgames

TheSpiderfootballteam entertains an excitinghomeslate for the 2003 season.Intrastate rivalsVMI
and Williamand Maryreturn to URStadium,as does Villanova,a I-AAplayoffsemifinalistfrom last
fall.Alargecrowdis expectedwhen RhodeIslandkicksoff the homeseason duringFamilyWeekend.
Seasontickets cost $75.Admissionto singlegames is $15for adults and $5for children12and under.
Formoreinformationor to purchasetickets, pleasecall1-877-SPIDER-1.

t ~· a

Sept. 13
Sept. 20
1 p.m.
Oct. 4 at Maine 3 p.m. Orono,Maine
Oct. 11 at James Madison 3 p.m. Harrisonburg,Va.
Oct.18 NewHampshire 1 p.m. URStadium
Oct.25 VMI(Homecoming) 3p.m. URStadium
Nov.1 Villanova 1 p.m. URStadium
Nov.8 at Massachusetts TBA Amherst,Mass.
Nov. 15 at Northeastern TBA Boston,Mass.
Nov.22 WilliamandMary 1 p.m. URStadium

RIC H MON D Alumni Magazine I 11

Jepson scholar saystherewas no leadership
focuses on leaders' involvedin relief efforts.
role in pursuing Hisstrategycallsfor recruiting
paid "freedomleaders"who will
happiness live nearthe poor,listen to them,
Put leadershipto work to solve
mobilizelocal leadershipand
the mostdireneedsof humanity-
operatein thousandsof commu-
hungerand poverty- saysJames
nities overa long periodof time.
MacGregor Burnsin his new
Localleaderswould eventually
Col. Gina Sgro Farrisee, book,Transforming Leadership:A
W'78 supplantthe outside"freedom
NewPursuitof Happiness.
leaders,"he says.
Wes Allison, R'91 Burns,winner of the Pulitzer
Prizeand NationalBookAward,
leadership'svital role is "to create
is seniorfellow at Richmond's
and expandthe opportunities
JepsonSchoolof Leadership
that empowerpeopleto pursue
Studiesand WoodrowWilson
happinessfor themselves."
Professorof PoliticalScience
ofwar emeritusat WilliamsCollege.
leadership distinctionto his
He laid the foundation -----
Wes Allison, R'91 was on the front lines of for the burgeoning
battle with the Army's 101st Airborne Division. But electeda fellowof
field of leadership
he didn't carry a machine gun; he carried a laptop the pretigious
computer. Allison, a reporter with the St. Petersburg ago in Leadership,
emyof Artsand
Times, was embedded with the troops during his first book on
the subject.Trans-
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The war in Iraq marked the Farrisee, 47, said in an his first major reex-
first time military officials article in the Richmond Times- aminationof the subject,
allowed reporters on a large Dispatch, "You can't help but focuseson leadershipin the
scale to live among the troops. be personally involved, and political arena,while also looking
As one official put it to Allison: that's a good thing."
"We want the most credible at science,the arts and industry.
A bad thing, she said, was
information to get out, and we that families first heard about Ratherthan revisitingfamiliar
know it's most credible when loved ones' deaths through an territory, Burnslooks at leader-
we don't have anything to do unofficial means: embedded ship in a contemporarycontext.
with it." reporters. Burnsestimatesthat two
Among military officers, Even though the Army uses billion people,or one-third of all
Col. Gina Sgro Farrisee, W'78, a computerized casualty-
humanity,live in poverty.Their
was the one to put an official reporting system, embedded
stamp on sobering news. As media could carry live coverage most dire needis food. "Past
the Army's adjutant general, of the battle front, Farrisee approachesassumedmoneyand
Farrisee was ultimately respon- pointed out, and soldiers technologywerethe keysto
sible for notifying families of sometimes called home before overcomingpoverty,"he says.
Army casualties in the war. a unit could report the loss Bythe 1990s,countrieswere
She saw each report of through official channels. experiencing"aid fatigue." He
soldier deaths and signed the Family members may have
eventual telegrams to the known the reporter was with
bereaved. their son's, brother's, sister's or
Farrisee, who was featured spouse's unit during a battle,
in the Spring 2003 Richmond
Alumni Magazine, is the Army's
she said: "They were seeing it
happen live."
top personnel administration Youmayhavesharedclothingandintimatesecretswhenyou were
"The media did a wonderful
officer, and she has been livingin the dorms.Butarethere collegechumsyou havecontinuedto
job of not announcing the
elected for promotion to sharethings with, includingoffspringwhoopt to attendyouralma
names," she said, "but just by
brigadier general. being embedded, spouses and mater?
"I think about what the families recognized that there Wel<nowof two girls- daughtersof membersof the classof '74 -
families are going through - was a very good chance that it who lil<etheir moms,arebest friendsandhavedecidedto become
the sacrifices their loved ones was their loved one." Spiders.Canyou tell us aboutothers?CallAnnaBillingsleyat 804/289-
made to serve the nation." 8059or sendan e-mailto

JosephClarkeRobert,professor of history
emeritus , died March 8 at the age of 96.
Dr. Robert, who served as the 17th president of
Hampden-Sydney College, resigned from that Thisis the firstinstallmentof whatwe hopewillbe a
post after five years to return to his first love - regularfeatureforthe magazine.Weplanto pose a similar
teaching. He became Richmond's William Binford set of questionsto a diversegroupof Universityfaculty
Vest professor of history in 1961and served in that
capacity until his retirement in 1971.
members,alumni,staff andstudents.ForourinauguralQ&A,
He also was the author of several books, the subjectis AmyRobinHoffman,'03,winnerof the third
including works on the history of tobacco, RichmondQuest.Here'sherentry:Howdo we knowwhich
Ethyl Corporation and the Gottwald family, as questionsto ask?
well as a book about slavery in Virginia.
While at Richmond, Dr. Robert taught courses on U.S. history and
Q. Whatdrewyouto Richmond?
the history of the South, while also working with graduate students.
"Even in his senior years, students would seek him out and visit him A. Myfatheractuallyfound it in a bookof 311bestcolleges.I hadbeen
because they respected his approach to teaching," Frank C. Robert said lookingfor a small,liberalartsschool(noneof the othersto which I
at the time of his father's death.
appliedweresofar south).I
A native of State College, Miss., Dr. Robert received his undergraduate
degree from Furman University and his masters and doctoral degrees knewI wantedto bea scholar
from Duke University. From 1938to 1952, he was a faculty member at andI wantedexcellent
Duke and served for a time as associate dean of the graduate school. I wasimpressedby
Later, he became president of Coker College in Hartsville, S.C.
Dr. Robert, who lived in Richmond, was president emeritus of the the campus,but the Oldham
Virginia Historical Society and held honorary degrees from Furman and scholarshipreallyclinchedit.
Washington and Lee universities, and from the Medical College of Virginia.
Thehands-downthing that kept
In addition, he was president of the South Carolina Association of
Colleges, a Watauga Fellow at Harvard University, a Duke University Fellow meat Richmondwasthe
and a Humanities Fellow at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Robert
was a member of the Southern Historical Association, the Richmond
Academy of Medicine, the Commonwealth Club, the Forum Club, Phi Beta
Q. Whatmattersmosttoyou?
Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa and Sigma Chi.
A. Books.
Retired tax lawyer and adjunct professor Carle
E. Davis,L'53 and former secretary to the Board Q. Whatkeepsyouawakeat night?
of Trustees, died April 9. Mr. Davis, who was 83,
A. Rightnow,that wouldbegraduateschool,
retired in 1992 as a senior partner at the
Richmond-based firm of McGuireWoods, where mycareer,startingoverin a newcity ...Basically,
he had worked since 1953,helping to build the becomingan adult.
firm's tax practice.
"He was, for many years, the premier tax
Q. Whoinspiresyou?
lawyer in Virginia," said Tom Word, also a tax
attorney and senior partner at McGuireWoods. A. Deadpeople.All my research focusandall the booksthat have
"He was extraordinarily hard-working." inspiredme - the authorsareall dead.That'snot to sayI haven't
As an adjunct professor at the University of
beeninspiredby my parents mygrandmother(whoarealive).My
Richmond beginning in 1950, he taught accounting and tax classes in
the University's evening school and later the law school until 1989. favoritewriter is EdwardGorey[a prolificauthorandartist, who died
"In the classroom, he was an old-school professor," former Virginia in 2000 andis bestknownfor hismasterfulpenandink illustrations
Attorney General Richard Cullen, L '77, told the RichmondTimes-Dispatch. andhis ironic,offbeathumor].
"He had rules such as the one he called 'statute of limitations.' That
meant when he started speaking to begin class, you weren't allowed to
come in. We didn't dare come late." Q. Whatis the secretto yoursuccess?
Originally an accountant with a Richmond firm, Mr. Davis decided in I alsowasalwaysbroughtupin anatmosphere
A. Genetics. that valued
1946 to seek his law degree. He continued working as an accountant while I
he attended law school at Richmond.
A native of Covington , Va., he had earned his undergraduate degree alwayssawpeoplereadingandI sawbooksaroundthehouse.I got
at Concord College in Athens, W. Va. During World War II, he trained encouragement andconstantsupportfrommyparents.
landing-craft groups at Little Creek and Fort Pierce, Fla. He also served
in the Pacific as a landing-craft driver. Q. Whatdoyou wantto bewhenyougrowup?
When Mr. Davis joined what was then McGuire, Eggleston, Bocock &
Woods, the firm had eight attorneys. He was one of two specializing in
A.A universityprofessor,a researcher
tax law. Today, McGuireWoods employs about 600 lawyers, more than
70 of whom practice tax law. Q. Forwhatwouldyouliketo be remembered?
Despite all of his professional achievements, Mr. Davis revealed at A.Thatmy passionfor booksandliteratureinspiredotherpeopleto
his 60th wedding anniversary earlier this year what made him most
proud: "Family is the most important thing, my greatest accomplishment."
find valuein them ...that I inspiredpeopleto think in newways.
In addition to his wife, Dorothy Calfee Davis, survivors include three
daughters, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Q. Whatotherquestionsdoyouthinkyoushouldbeasked?
A. HasQuestchangedyour life?[Answerto the answer:"No,not
on campus."]
really. I'm just moreawareof my presence

RIC HMO ND Alumni Magazine I 13

- r··-

11· t
! J
Il ~
Leland Melvin Leland Melvin, R'86, had a decision to make. It was shortly after 9 a.m.

on Feb. 1, and he was heading west on U.S. 29. His boss had just

reflects on the called and told him devastating news: NASAhad lost communication

with the shuttle Columbia.

risks and Melvin could keep driving and, within an hour, be at his destination

- his family's home in Lynchburg, Va. There, he could begin to

rewards of absorb what was happening while surrounded by loving relatives.

Or, he could head back to his departure point - NASAheadquarters in

space travel Washington. There, he could begin to absorb what was happening while

surrounded by members of his space "family."

By Anna Barron Billingsley

r-t you ..d_on. 't : ·.
"· IJ
. .
carmade a 180-degree
Melvin's demanding speaking schedule , feeling . have math .·and
turn. "I realized this was a really bad even more resolved to generate interest
situation. I was already thinking about in the astronaut program . (And he did
the next step ... about how I could eventually get to Lynchburg for a visit
help," he said. With that U-turn on a with Mom and Dad.)
rural Virginia highway, Melvin con- Interestingly, teacher nominations
firmed his commitment to his chosen spiked in the aftermath of the Columbia ,....Leland-Melvin
profession and to the discovery of tragedy. Unlike the program that took
unexplored realms . Christa McAuliffe away from the
He is an astronaut. classroom for a year and sent her into
For many students , Melvin serves as a
"We're always on the edge," he said. space on the fatal 1986 Challenger
role model. You can study science and
"We push the envelope." That can mean mission, the EAP requires that selected
not be a nerd. You can be a top-notch
sacrificing personal comfort and safety teachers leave the teaching profession
athlete and still pursue a career. You can
for the good of the program. and become career astronauts. By the
be an African-American and become an
Melvin did spend time with family application deadline at the end of April,
astron aut.
later that day - not his own, but the nearly 9,000 nominations had come in
In the eyes of Richmond chemistry
family of his friend and fellow astronaut bearing the names of nearly 5,000
professor William Myers, Melvin
David Brown, one of the seven Columbia teachers.
possesses the perfect combination of
crew members who perished during "It's phenomenal the response we 've
characteri stics. "Extreme athleticism, "
the shuttle 's re-entry into the atmo- gotten, " said Melvin, adding that NASA
Myers said, "but as sharp as anybody
sphere . "The main message I got from is looking for teachers with "true
who comes along. Plus, he's personable. "
Mr. and Mrs. Brown was the importance passion."
"It was obvious he was going to
of carrying out Columbia's legacy," Not unlike Melvin, who has relished
succeed wherever he went ... and that
Melvin said. the face-to-face contact with students.
he would be able to do just about
He is doing just that. Even though he "Their enthusiasm, their spirit is so
anything ," recalled Myers, who had
is not yet scheduled for a shuttle flight infectious," he said. You can 't help but
Melvin as a student in introductory
and even though the shuttle program is be hopeful about the future of space
chemistry . "He was probably about as
indefinitely shuttered , Melvin is on a exploration "when you see the gleam in
good an athlete as we've ever had here ,
mission. As co-manager of NASA's their eyes."
but he also had the kind of mind that
Educator Astronaut Program (EAP), he
made him curious and hungry for
is recruiting astronauts and inspiring
knowledge and education."
the next generation of explorers.
Temporarily based at NASAhead- It wasa hurthamstring that
quarters in Washington, Melvin travels ultimately put Melvin in the astronaut
around the country taking space into corps rather than in the NFLHall of Fame.
the classroom and stimulating interest After a stellar college career as a wide
in the EAP.The program, which marks receiver, he was drafted first by the
the first time NASAhas recruited Detroit Lions and then by the Dallas
teachers for its permanent astronaut Cowboys, but was quickly put on the
corps, was launched on Jan. 21, a little injured reserve list. A chance meeting
more than a week before the shuttle with a Richmond faculty member while
explosion. awaiting play as a professional led to
Other than to attend and participate Melvin's enrollment in the materials
in the funerals of his comrades, Melvin, science master 's program at the Univer-
39, hardly missed a beat. He kept his NASAAdministratorSeanO'Keefestood with sity of Virginia, and eventually to a job
LelandMelvinat the ArlingtonCemeteryfuneral at NASA's Langley Research Center.
of AirForceLt.Col.MichaelP.Anderson,a crew
memberaboardthe SpaceShuttle Columbia.

RJCHMO N D Alumni Magazine I 15

. .
How did he develop this sense of
. . you 're·. ...
When he decided to apply for the
astronaut program, Melvin knew he was groundedness combined with a soaring
among thousands and that he had a less ambition? "Alot of my inspiration came
going, it~ about
t·he JQurney-.
. ''
than one percent chance of being from my parents," Melvin said.
drafted on the first round. He beat the Still living in Lynchburg, where
odds and became one of 30 astronauts Leland grew up, Deems and Grace
- Leland Melvin
in the Class of 1998. Melvin are both retired middle
Since then, he has undergone intense school teachers. They
training and has fulfilled a variety of admittedly tried to
roles for NASA.He worked with the expose Leland and I , I , I I . I

cosmonaut program in Moscow for two his sister to as "I believe Leland
years, learning to speak Russian in the many different is special." One
process , and he 's been involved in the opportunities thing that sets
space program 's robotics branch. and experi - him apart,
"Allthe things [in my life] aligned ences as according to
themselves in the right way to put me possible. Deems Melvin,
where I am today," said Melvin during a Besides is the family's
recent interview in his Washington excelling at firm faith
office. "I feel like I'm here for a reason." tennis, basket- foundation. He
He often does what Dal Shealy, his ball and football, said the two of
Richmond football coach, encouraged Leland played them, like Leland,
him to do before a game: visualize the clarinet in his high believe it is his calling to
outcome. While he pictures himself in school's concert Melvinspendsmuch
go into space. Their son's
space and imagines the feeling of band, took piano of his time these choice of occupation, he added, "just
weightlessness, he realizes his earthly lessons and tinkered dayssharingspace makes us pray more ."
with schoolchildren.
purpose right now is "to help kids get with photography. Leland Melvin is the first to acknowl -
motivated." "He was always exploring," Grace edge that he is in a risky profession. He
"In addition to turning students on to Melvin said, adding that they bought knew that before the most recent NASA
science, said Melvin, who is single, "I him a chemistry set when he was in disaster. "When you step into an orbiter,
believe it is essential for me to highlight elementary school. it's not like going to the corner store to
the need for students to develop an One of her son's favorite books as a get a quart of milk," he said. "This is
academic and career plan of action that child, she said, was The Little Engine serious stuff."
includes alternatives, a plan B, if you that Could. That "I think I can" philoso- But, he added, "without much risk,
will." He added, "If that's my final phy stuck. "He always believed there there's not much gain." Interviewed
calling, that's a pretty cool thing." were no limits to what he cou ld do." recently for a segment that aired on
National Public Radio, Melvin was
asked if the risks give him pause. No, he
LelandD.Melvin,R'B& replied, adding that space exploration is
Hometown: Lynchburg , Va. "something we have to do to further our
Major:Chemist ry civilization."
Campusactivities: varsity football , Omicron
Delt a Kappa, student government association , Notonlyaretherenew realms to
Gamma Sigma Epsilon be discovered and new technologies to
Alumniactivities: Board of Associates, be developed, he said, but space
Athletic Hall of Fame endeavors can break down barriers on
Reason for choosing Richmond: " It was the right this planet. With the international space
fit for me."
Messageto young people: " If you don't have math
and science,you 're lim iting yourself."
Howhe'd like to be remembered:As a " good guy."
Melvin began his career at NASA's

16 Summer 2003
station, Melvin said, "two global super Internship
gavealumna earlv
powers are peacefully conquering space
One of the things he looks forward to If not for an aversion to living in Texas, Little did she know that she would
most when he's in space is the view. "I Susan Gunn Quisenberry, W'65 and Board interpret literally her teacher's sage advice:
will look at Earth and see no borders, no of Trustees, might have been part of mission The sky's the limit. Whole new realms
control during one of the shuttle flights. opened up to her in the summer of 1964.
political boundaries."
Instead, she settled for simply having a hand She caught a vision of what NASAreferred
As for when he goes up and how he in the design of the spacecrafts. to as a "space transportation system." The
fares, Melvin said, "God knows my time." Still, that was a big deal at the time for a mock-ups they were working with bore a
He added, "Many times in my life, female college intern the summer after her close resemblance to the eventual space
milliseconds of timing have kept me junior year. Quisenberry was one of a shuttle, Quisenberry said. Of course, it
handful of Westhampton students who were would be 17 years before the aeronautics
safe. What's going to happen is going to recruited by NASAto work at its Langley caught up with the artistry.
happen . It's a matter of fate, of destiny. I Research Center in Hampton, Va. When the first shuttle was launched in
truly believe that whether you are Assigned to one of the center's wind 1981, and with each subsequent launch,
waking up and tripping over a shoe or tunnels, Quisenberry began working with a Quisenberry said she has felt "very con-
group of engineers who were creating mock- nected." She said she has been "interested in
getting into a shuttle and something is
ups of the space shuttle. Of course, she said, the space program ever since" her internship.
happening to the orbiter, we shouldn 't "that was long before anything was devel- She also has been interested in her alma
live in fear." oped to get it off the ground and out of the mater. Now associated with Quisenberry
Myers is certain his protege will end atmosphere." Warren, a Richmond-based information
In fact, Quisenberry had such a rewarding technology consulting firm, she spends a
up in space - maybe more than once. "I
summer, she planned to pursue a graduate great deal of time on the University campus.
don't think wild horses could keep him degree in aeronautical engineering with an She has served as president of the
from going," Myers said. "I will worry eye toward landing a full-time job at Langley. Westhampton College Alumni Association
about him, though." Unfortunately, she said, those plans were and was one of the architects of the plan to
thwarted when during her senior year, merge the alumni associations. She is
While not going into great detail
President Lyndon Johnson moved the bulk of serving her second term as a trustee.
about causes of the Columbia explo- NASA'sshuttle operations to Houston. A At least she doesn't have far to travel
sion, Melvin expressed confidence that Richmond native, Quisenberry had no desire when on University business. Quisenbery
problems will be addressed and the to move to the Lone Star state and, she said, and her husband, Bob, live on Boatwright
shuttle program will resume soon. "I didn't like what was left at Langley." Drive - a few space shuttle links away from
Instead, Quisenberry went into another the campus.
Melvin's immediate plans are to finish emerging, but male-dominated, field:
up his EAP assignment in August, pick information technology.Just as she was on
up his dog ,Jake, from his parents in the forefront of space shuttle dtlsign, she was
Lynchburg and return to his home in /i;i
a pioneer in the computer in<lustry the
1960s. Her first job was w:ith a subsidiacy of
Houston, where he will undertake other
AT&T."It was a good field for women,'' said
jobs with the space program. Quisenberry 1 whd conceded she might be
And if he never slips into that flight considered nerdy by today's standards. -put,
suit and climbs aboard a space-bound she asked, "Can you be a geek and still l!>eon
shuttle? "Being in space would be icing May Court?" I
Back then, she actually W:(S told it "wrs
on the cake," Melvin said. There's always not ladylike" to m~jor, as she did, in math
plan B, he said, noting that photography ai;id phys~cs. She even was asked }\'hy sqe • H
remains a career interest. was taking up space that ma'e studel).tS I
should have been oq:upying.
After all, he added, "it's not about
rnstead of det~rring fuer,cbmm,ents like 1 i fT
where you're going, it's about the
journey." ... tha ~"jµstr,nade me dig my heels)~ hard!r,"
saicl Qui~enberry, 59. One motivatioh, ~he I
said,, came from her high school physies
teacher. The qnly girl in class_her sehio[ year,
Quisenberry was told she. could do a11rything. HT
t9I! l'l -

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 17

Day 2 : 1 4-6 s t u dC'nt volunt('e n, on hand , roof rni s ed , rain.

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Do.y 5 : 1 68 s tude n t volunteer s o n hand , i nter i or walls a n d s idi n p: fi n ishC'd , sun l'C>C'k('d th1·oup:h.

Dny 6: 32 7 s t u dent vol u n t eers on hand , detail-work, r nin ti np: and clt.'n n - ur comrleted j }'nrtly su nn y . Dny ?: Hou se> dc>d i cn t c>d, clear and bright.

The sweet odor ofcutwoodpermeatedthecool,damp Metropolitan Richmond Habitat for Humanity . The house

air and the rhythmic thump thump of hammers resonated even under construction in a one-week "blitz build" was

before the house under construction came into view. sponsored by University of Richmond students as part of a

The setting was Merriewood, a subdivision of homes about multi-faceted project called "Merriewood Miracle."

15miles from campus in Chesterfield County - all built by By LindaEvans,W !71

A virtual army ofRichmondstudents, 1,000 Gathering support from the student body wasn't difficult,
strong, arrived in busloads to work four shifts daily over six said Matt Connors, '03, also a member of the planning commit-
days in April to build the one-story house on Merriewood tee. "People know Habitat is a great organization that really
Ridge Drive. Their goal was to complete the house and hand makes a difference, " he said . "With Habitat, no matter what you
over the keys by the end of the week to Rolonda Archer, 22, a do - whether it is painting a wall, putting up a wall or
single mother of two girls. In addition to student volunteers, building a roof -you can see what you have contributed to
University electricians donated supplies and time to do the the end goal of building the house. "
electrical work, and dining services prepared lunches for Moore agreed. "This project offered students the chance to
Habitat staff and a core group of students who stayed on site see lives changed for the better in a dramatic and sustainable
all day. way. Habitat for Humanity is a brilliant program because it
Student involvement with Habitat is not new, but "this year's allows families to create partnerships with donors and
student-led initiative to combine fundraising with a one-week volunteers, working through 'sweat equity' side by side with
blitz project is unprecedented, " said Robb Moore, '94, associ- volunteers on their own house."
ate chaplain and a Habitat adviser. In fact, Richmond students
have worked with Habitat since 1988, raising nearly $300,000 Beneficiaries of Habitat homes must
and helping construct more than 150 houses. Neil Singh, '04, donate 350 hours in "sweat equity" toward the construction of
president of the campus Habitat chapter for the past two years, their own house and other Habitat homes. They also must
said the University has raised more money per student for meet other criteria, including ability to pay back a 20-year, no
Habitat than any other university in the nation. interest loan.
The idea for Merriewood Miracle originated when members Midway through the blitz week, Archer was in a back
of the University's Habitat chapter and representatives of the bedroom at the top of a ladder, putting in some of her "sweat
Greek system decided to join forces on a project that would be equity" hours. The house was taking shape: siding covered
larger than either organization could tackle alone. They agreed about a third of the outside walls, the roof was shingled and
to think big and conceived a project that would make a major windows were in place. Archer said that having to work on the
impact on the community. house herself, side by side with the students, "makes me
In less than a year, they appreciate and value it more. It's a blessing. "
raised more than the She praised the Richmond students. "They are awe-
needed $50,000 to fund the some," she said. "I couldn't believe they finished the roof
home. Among other yesterday . They work really well."
activities , they sponsored Archer, a certified medical assistant who had been living
"Trick or Treat Street," a with her mother, was thrilled to see her
Halloween children 's future home going up so quickly. "I've
festival. They organized never had my own place - not even an
two SK races; sought apartment, " she said. Her two daughters
donations from alumni At the 6K race, Hughes Bates -Arnesha, 5, and Zyaisa, 2 -were
and parents; and , in the allows Rolonda Archer and her excited about the move, she added.
daughters to check out the
case of the fraternities amount of money raised to
"They'll have more space to be them-
and sororities, gave up build their home, selves."
some of their program- Amy Grant, community resources
ming money. A surprise $6,618 donation from alumni coordinator for Metropolitan Richmond
Andrew , '96, and Anne Perkins Wert, '97, who live in Japan, Habitat, said, "It's a testament to the
matched the proceeds from the 2003 Run for Shelter. students that they would keep coming out"
Because they wanted to make a difference in an entire in spite of the unseasonable chill and
neighborhood, students decided to expand the project by drenching rains. The project was signifi-
devoting the last day to refurbishing two nearby Chester- cant, she said, because "University of
field County schools. Three hundred Richmond students Richmond Habitat has been very strong,
spent the day at Bellwood and Bensley elementary and to see them stepping up to the next
schools painting, landscaping and carrying out small , level is the ultimate achievement. This
building projects. "We felt to really get that bigger shows their leadership commitment and
community sensation, we needed to do something shows the community that you can't
everyone in the area could benefit from," said Drew underestimate people because of their age."
Train, '03, a member of the Merriewood Miracle plan-
ning committee.

RICHMOND Alum ni Magazine I 19

Singh said the campus Habitat chapter has reached new sustained leadership on campus, continued encouragement
heights with the building blitz. "Students have had to sacrifice through Habitat 's local and national offices and because many
their time to work on the project , and their dedication , students who arrive as freshmen already have Habitat experi-
especially with the weather, shows that they are willing to ence from their high school days."
better the lives of people around them." Volunteering for the building blitz wasn 't just an excuse to
play hooky from class. Several courses used the project to
Prior to the blitz, Habitatmembersworked combine mental acuity with manual labor.
each Saturday at various building sites side by side with Seven faculty members received service-learning awards to
members of the community. "Richmond students are very integrate the project into spring courses , said Laura Byrd Earle,
service-oriented, " said Hughes Bates , '03, vice president of the the University's faculty development specialist. "Student
chapter. "They thoroughly enjoy giving back to the community organizers were interested in making the connection between
in every possible way." the service project and what [they] were learning in the
Tim Holtz, '91, knows that better than most. The first Habitat classroom ."
chapter president at Richmond , he then served as executive For instance, students in one of Stuart Wheeler 's urban
director of Metropolitan Richmond Habitat for Humanity from practice and policy courses produced a documentary film that
1993 to 2000. The University "has built houses before, has chronicled the project, looking at such things as the history of
raised lots of money and has completed other support projects Merriewood, changes in the lives of people living there and
for Richmond Habitat, but the sheer volume of Spiders changes in the community itself because of the project. Ron
scheduled for the week and the number of components to the Hugar ch~llenged students in his expository writing class to
project are more than ever before. " investigate the issues , ideas and possible controversies
surrounding activism and the benefits entailed in a community
improvement program.
Education students worked at the site "to experience a
community where their future students may one day live" and
bought books for the two Archer children and a local elemen-
tary school , said faculty member Mavis Brown.
Students in Jane Berry's positive psychology class viewed
the experience in terms of growth, potential and human
strengths . Incoming law school dean Rodney A. Smolla, who
worked alongside students for a shift, said , "We try hard to
instill in our students a sense of public service ."

Having the support offacultyprovided

"the energy the students needed, " said Alison Bartel ,
associate director of student activities and director of
Greek life, who worked tirelessly with the students
throughout the planning phase . These faculty "convinced
them that they could realize their potential. "
And meet their deadline. As pressure mounted to finish
Holtz said the primary fund-raising the mammoth project in the designated week , "everyone
project until 2002 was the UR Century Bike had that extra sense of motivation that pushed us over
Race, first held in 1988. "It was student- the edge and into success, " Train said. "It was much more
conceived and led and raised $17,000 in its fun than I could have ever thought. Even though it was
first year." In subsequent years, it raised cold and wet, people were in good moods, the Habitat
between $13,000 and $30,000. staff was wonderful. "
Habitat is a good match for students , he On Sunday, said Singh, "when we cut the ribbon and
said , because the organization "welcomes celebrated, we were not only celebrating an end to a
group support , provides tangible outcomes , week-long build , but the beginning of someone else 's
is fun and has historically been open to the dream. "
involvement of young adults. " He believes Kathy Garvin, executive director of Metropolitan
that the chapter has thrived "as a result of Richmond Habitat , told students they would be able to
"look back with great pride" on what they had
accomplished - not only for themselves and the
University, but for the community as a whole.
Moore credits Habitat, IFC and Panhellenic
leaders "for not only dreaming big," but also
working together. Merriewood Miracle "offered
opportunities to help bridge the gaps between
student communities on this campus. These
student leaders have created a terrific precedent
for student cooperation."
On a personal level, students took away
enhanced leadership skills, confidence and
insight into spearheading a large project from
scratch. Merriewood Miracle showed Bates that
"we are capable of doing things that we some-
times doubt." Connors saw a simple vision turn
into "an amazing community service project
through hard work and perseverance ," and he
learned, finally , that "attitude is everything. "
Added Train: "It really pulled together every-
thing I did and learned in college into one event
where I could see if I had learned enough to be
ready to move into the real world ." y

StudentInitiativesLeadto Summitand Solutions

homeless people, other Jepson was held in March, but students City's commissioner of homeless
students learned that poor health also pursued individual projects services, a deputy assistant
and nutritional habits as well as related to homelessness. secretary of the Department of
lack of childcare create additional "This project cultivated in me a Housing and Urban Development
barriers to preventing and sense of how important it is to talk and the executive director of the
overcoming homelessness. to the people who are actually U.S. lnteragency Council on
Finding solutions was the affected by the problems that are Homelessness. Eachsaid that
challenge to Jepson students who being explored," said Chris Homeward's emphasis on
looked at proposals from 19 Botterbusch, '03, who developed a collaboration was a key to ending
Ending homelessness means community organizations before program called "Rent Smart homelessness.
more than finding adequate forming a yearlong collaboration Awareness" to educate homeless Linda Gibbs of New York City,
shelter. That's what students in the with Homeward, a nonprofit women about tenant rights and to whose office serves 38,000 people
Jepson School of Leadership organization that coordinates inform landlords about the in shelters and countless others
Studies learned after closely services for the homeless in the advantages of renting to low- living on the streets, told the
examining what some experts have metro Richmond area. "When we income families. Jepson students: "Your work here is
called our "social disgrace." took on this endeavor, we didn't Evers,an exchange student energizing and a good model of
Noah Nelson, '03, and Christina know what to expect," said Teresa from Germany, was surprised to collaboration."
Rasch,'04, learned that providing Williams, Jepson associate dean. learn that 70 percent of homeless Homeward director Reggie
cost-effective and efficient The school undertook the project individuals in Richmond have jobs. Gordon agreed. "I feel as though
vocational training becomes a to commemorate its 10th "Several interrelated issues lead to we had accessto some of the best
challenge. Daniel Evers,'06, and anniversary. "There were no this situation," he concluded. and brightest minds in the local
Sarah Hormell, •03, learned that models for us to follow, but there The summit brought together academic community," he said. "I
illiteracy renders individuals more were objectives that we hoped to on campus representatives of was completely impressed with the
susceptible to homelessness and achieve." community, faith and governmen- intellect, issue analysis, problem-
may even permanently trap them Initially asked by Homeward tal agencies that deal with solving skills and compassion
within its cycle. just to host a forum on homeless- homelessness. In addition to demonstrated by the Jepson
Through research and inter- ness, Jepson students took the students and Homeward officials, students."
views with service providers and project much further. The forum presenters included New York - Linda Evans,W '71

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine [ 21

After about six years of discussion , numerous environmen-
tal events and a faculty-student environmental reading group,
environmental science was approved four years ago as a
major. Courses for the major tap into various disciplines,
including natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, law
and business. The capstone is a senior seminar, which this
year had legislative as well as environmental impact.
One distinctive requirement of the environmental studies
curriculum is that students in their final year identify and address
a community-wide environmental problem. Students in the Class
of 2003 chose invasive species - plants and creatures like gypsy
moths, snakehead fish and kudzu that are costly and difficultto
contol and can cause harm to environmental and human health.

Theideaforinvasive Ieqislation
species came from the senior
seminar leaders - Peter D. Smallwood, associate professor of
biology; and Stephen P. Nash, associate professor of journal-
ism. Nash, an accomplished environmental journalist, has
reported for such publications as BioScience, National Parks,
Tbe Washington Post and the Christian Science Monitor. His
book Blue Ridge 2020: An Owner 's Manual, published in
L to R: 1999, looks into what might happen to the
LucasNagy natural systems of the Blue Ridge Mountains in
Brianwebb the coming decades.
Kyle Hegamyer
Smallwood's interest in the interaction of
Matthew Rose environment and politics began during his high
school days. He lobbied the Dayton , Ohio, city council against
plans to cut down for logging 700-year-old oak trees from a
city park . He is fond of quoting Margaret Mead: "Never doubt
that a small group of thoughtful , committed citizens can
change the world ."
That saying became the class mantra, as the students
tackled the topic of invasive species. Among the students '
findings was this staggering statistic : Invasive species cost
Virginians an estimated $1.4 billion to $3 billion each year .
Students blaze a trail in two environments By spring semester , the students had found a sympathetic
legislator, Del.James H. Dillard II (R-Fairfax), who agreed to
sponsor a bill if the students drafted one. Modeled on similar
By RandyFitzgerald,
R'63and G'64 legislation in Missouri, their proposed bill would coordinate
the efforts of state agencies to control or prevent infiltrations

N ot content with being pioneers in the classroom,

the first six students to graduate from Richmond

with an environmental studies degree also made history

by invasive species that are already in or threatening to
invade Virginia.
The project - exciting, yet unpredictable - made lesson
planning difficult for the two team teachers. "The first half of
spring semester was very much improvised, " Smallwood said .
"We would work on pushing the bill for as long as the bill was
still alive...we had no idea how long- or short- that would be."
in the halls of the Virginia General Assembly. Mixing Smallwood and Nash, however, were on board for the full
ride. On Jan. 8, House Bill 2436 took the first of 21 separate
steps on its way to passage .
academic prowess with political acumen, the Class of After the students had prepared cue cards and received a
lobbying primer from Dillard , they lobbied members of the
2003 environmental science majors drafted, proposed state legislature, wrote newspaper op-ed articles and set up
an informational Web site about the bill. One of the six
students, Kyle Hegamyer of Frederick, Md., donned a suit and
and successfully lobbied for a bill that could save the headed downtown to testify for the bill before the House
Agriculture Committee.
state a billion or more dollars.

22 Summer 2003
On Feb. 18, the work at a law firm or federal agency in Washington as a legal
bill was approved assistant. If he finds he likes law, he will go to law school to study
by a 100-0 vote in environmental and corporate law or go to graduate school to study
the House ; the urban planning, with a concentration in coastal development.
Senate echoed with Rose will join AmeriCorps, a network of national service programs
a 40-0 vote in favor. that engages more than 50,000 Americans each year in intensive
With Gov. Mark R. service to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health and
Warner's signature, the environment. He will attend graduate school after that.
the bill established Ladley is waiting to hear back on applications for positions in
AllysonLadleyand Kyle Hegamyerpracticetheir a nine-member environmental education .
lobbyingtechniques with Del. James DillardII. council to provide Lucas Nagy, who also received a degree in business manage-
"state leadership ment systems , will return to California. His dream job , he said ,
regarding prevention and control of invasive species and prepara- would be working with a company that builds green housing -
tion of an invasive species management plan." The council is made which he describes as "environmentally sound as possible ." He
up of executive branch agency heads and chaired by the state wants eventually to earn a masters degree in either environmental
secretary of natural resources. science or business administration .
Because the bill utilizes existing state government resources Andrew F. Newcomb, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences,
and personnel , its cost is expected to be negligible, a strong selling says he believes the students are well-prepared for success: "I
point to legislators, according to the students. "We learned to make believe our environmental science majors , thoroughly grounded
the bill simple and inexpensive," said Rose. in question-asking, problem-solving, decision-making and critical
Findin g the time to lobby and tend to their three or four other thinking, will be extremely attractive both to graduate schools and
courses was one of the hardest things to do, said Allyson Ladley of professional programs in environmental science, resource
Leola, Pa. "We knew how important it was to spend the time down management, public policy and law."
at the General Assembly building , but our real job is to be Newcomb considers Richmond 's environmental studies
students. It was tough to find the right balance." program distinctive. "I know of no other comparative institution
In the end , she said, passage of the bill - "a huge accomplish- that draws from such a broad range of disciplines and offers so
ment " in her view - made all the efforts worthwhile . many opportunities for integration and collaboration. "
Their status as students certainly didn 't hurt, said Byron DeLuke
of Lewiston, N.Y."They [the legislators] were happy that students Bioioqyprofessor
JohnW Bishop,
who coordinated the environ-
were involved in the process ." Face-to-face contact and honing mental science program until his retirement last May, agrees with
their two- to three-minute presentations made a big difference, he Newcomb about the academic soundness of the program. While
added . there may not have been "a perceived need" 10 years ago, Bishop
The six students ended their yearlong adventure by sending said, circumstances today demand an emphasis on environmental
their research to federal agencies and to the 14 other states that science.
are considering similar legislation . That was the motivation earlier this year for President William E.
Cooper to sign the Talloires
wholaunched the class's Declaration, said June Aprille,
statewide efforts, will have an opportunity next year to take his "Neverdoubt
that Richmond's provost. By doing so,
newfound legislative experience to a national stage. He will go to she said, he committed "the
Washington as an AAASCongressional Science Fellow, one of only asmallqrour,
ot University as a whole to further
two in the nation. Sponsored by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, the program "takes scientists out of the
thouqhffe, enhancement of environmental
education and to continuous
scientific world ," Smallwood said , and "puts them in the legislative committeddtizens improvement of our own
arena for an academic year." He will be assigned to the staff of a
member of Congress or
environmental practices."
Aprille also said she
the Senate. rld WO . hopes soon to create the
The post-graduate Richmond Environmental
! - ".
plans of his students are Council, which will
as diverse as their coordinate several
backgrounds. campus-wide environ-
Brian Webb of mental initiatives . "I am
Harrisonburg , Va., who sure ," she said , "that
has a double minor in environmental studies
business and economics, students will have a key
wants to find "ways of role to play." Y
mixing business and the
environment." He plans to

The day Gov. Marl<Warnersigned the invasive species bill was a pinnacle in the environmental
science students• path tow.ard their degree,
lll CH MON D Alumni Magazine I 23
By Linda Evans, W'71 Universitywitha heart honorsveterans
0 ed Bane was surprised
when he opened a letter from
freedom. It is fitting that
we now honor them in this
aerographer 's mate - a type
of meteorologist. Following
He was so touched by the
honor that he cleared a space
President William E. Cooper small but significant way. It's the war, she worked in on his wall to hang the
telling him he was eligible for unfinished business for these various positions, retiring in diploma beside his late wife's
an honorary bachelor of heroes." 1983 as a claims representa- photograph. "I know it's one of
letters degree from the tive for the Social Security the best academic universities
University of Richmond. First in the nation
Administration. in the country," he said. "But it
Bane, 81, was even more University officials believe
Robert Reinhard, R'47, of also has a heart."
surprised to find that his son that Richmond is the first
Richmond was inducted into The day was doubly happy
James had initiated the process, university in the nation to
the Army infantry in February for one veteran's family. Both
appealing to Cooper to award award honorary degrees to all
World War II veterans whose 1944 after being enrolled at George G. Ritchie Jr., R'45, of
the degree to his father. Ned the University in the summer Kilmarnock, Va., and his
Bane, R'45, had left the studies were interrupted by
and fall of 1943. Shipped to granddaughter, Dabney Shell
University in the last semester the war.
southern France, he was DeHaven of Richmond,
of his senior year to join the Bane passed the aviation
cadet exams during his senior wounded and spent six received degrees - his an
Army Air Corps during World months in a hospital, where honorary bachelor of letters
War II. Just a few credits shy of year, only to be sent back to
the campus to await his call-up. he celebrated his 19th birthday. and hers a bachelor of science
graduation, he had been When he was released from degree.
unable to return to complete When it finally arrived, he
spent the next two years in the the hospital, he went home Finest hour
his degree requirements. and eventually entered the
Bane's excitement multiplied military. Upon returning home, At a luncheon prior to the
family business.
when he learned he was Bane said, he tried to go back ceremony, the honorees heard
among a group of about 60 to school, but discovered that Fulfillment of a dream from Paul Duke, R'47, retired
people - all veterans of World housing was impossible to Among those eligible for PBS senior commentator. He
War II who fell short of find with so many returning the honorary degree was Earl reminded them that with some
earning their Richmond degrees. Gis wanting to take advantage Hamner, R'44, author and 30 conflicts currently raging
Seventeen of them attended of educational benefits. creator of The Waltons around the world, wars remain
the May 4th commencement Bane eventually became television show, who was "our cultural curse."
ceremony, while the others director of Pulaski's parks and unable to attend the ceremony. World War II, he said, "was a
received their degrees in the recreation department, from Lewyn M. Oppenheim , R'44, classic struggle of good versus
mail. One was presented to which he retired 20 years later. also missed commencement. evil, good guys and bad guys,
the widow of an honoree. Atypical of most of the However, he wrote Cooper big heroes and big villains."
"It is a big thing to me that returning vets was Rosemary saying "miracles never cease The war "marked a big turning
he [James] would do that," said Ives, W'43, ofKemersville, N.C., and now a dream finally point for the United States. It
Bane who lives in Pulaski, Va. one of two women eligible for comes true. " was a time when we rallied
"I wake up sometimes and the honorary degree. A student Richmonder Willie Cross, from a lethargy of isolation
think 'This can't be right."' at Westhampton College from R'38, joined his three and marched forth with a
Cooper, whose own father 1939 to 1941, she left the grandchildren as Richmond spontaneous sense of national
fought in World War II, University and entered the graduates when he received purpose and unity.
believes that honoring the U.S. Navy as a WAVE. his honorary degree . Both he "In short," he said to the
veterans this way was the right "I thought it was a wonder- and Oppenheim were group of veterans preparing
thing to do. "These men and ful thing to do and that our featured in a USAToday for one of their most memo-
women honored us all by their country really needed us," she article and were taped for a rable moments, "[WorldWar II]
many sacrifices in the name of said. It also appealed to her to story that was distributed to was our finest hour." ...,.
be on her own at the age of 20. 22 Gannett-owned television
She served two years as an stations around the country.

24 Summer 2003
1··,.f '

,,:, ..
'.• .
• ;-: .. ;>1'

Willie Cross displays his military

honors as he waits to be awarded
an honorary degree.
Schoolof Arts
and Sciences:A
RobinsSchool Beginningwith this issue of the
of Business:B magazine,births and marriages
Schoolof Continuing Studies:C are incorporated into the class

GraduateSchoolof Arts
and Sciences:G
RichardS. Reynolds
the RobinsSchool
of Business: GB
information . Also, note that we
use W, B or Rto designate the
school of alumni through 1992.
Forthose graduatesof 1993and
beyond, only the classyear will be
used. Wewill continue to use
Honorarydegree: H
JepsonSchoolof abbreviations for those with law,
LeadershipStudies: J graduate or honorary degreesand
University of Richmond those who graduatedfrom the
Schoolof Law:L Schoolof Continuing Studies,
RichmondCollege:R regardlessof their year of
Westhampton College: W graduation.

1932 1940 JeanNeasmith Dickinson

wrote that the exhibit of the art of
the late Elizabeth"Its" Holden
A recentletter from Margaret
ForrerDarlingwith her description
of Christmasin New England
the University library. Contact
Toni if you can help. Thanks!Toni
reports that 14members of her
AliceSalleeLyons,W, is living as an RobertH. FennellJr,,R, has retired
Slipekat the Cedarfield brought back beautiful memories family enjoyed a gathering at
independent resident at as a professor emeritus from
Retirement Home was beautiful of when we livedthere. Sheand Brad Thanksgiving. After that, she and
Morningside of Hopkinsville, an University of Colorado after 52
and greatly appreciated. Jeanhas had an exciting trip last summer to Mac headedoff to Florida for
assistedliving facility in Kentucky. years of teaching, researchand
been busy building another home Oregoncruisingthe ColumbiaRiver warmer weather, an Elderhostel at
service as a pathologist. Heand
on the bay at Virginia Beach.Her "in the footsteps of Lewisand Stetson Collegeand a cruise on a
his wife live in Ashland, Ore., near
daughter,Julie Ann Gatewood, Clark."Theirtrip alsoincluded a visit "smaller ship" before returning to
1933 their two sons and theirfamilies.
continues to serveas head of
Richmond's New Community
to Mount. St. Helens.
Antoinette "Toni" Wirth
Richmond. She truly lives up to her
slogan: Keepon the go! Would like
E.Derwin Booker,R, a retired Whittet asksthat any classmates to hearthe slogans of many other
educator, celebrated his 92nd
birthday last winter. He has four
1941 School,where Jeanwas cineof the
founders. Her son, Enders
Dickinson IV,recently retired in
who have pictures from our 60th
class reunion sharethem so they
classmates. Pleasekeep in touch .

grandchildren and two great- VirginiaLeeBallBray,W, stays Dearborn, Mich. may be included in the class
grandchildren. He is active in the busywith heryard in the summer Marion YanceyPetroff and scrapbook, which is now stored in
JamestowneSociety,the James and with her gardenclub and book Chris both participate in a tai chi
Monroe Chapter of the Sonsof the reviewgroup. Shereadsa lot and classand are active in their nearby
American Revolution and the loveswatching basketball, golf and Episcopalchurch. Marion also
Northern Neck Historical Society. tennis on TV. Herdaughter teaches enjoys another exerciseclass,
high school in YorkCounty;one gardening(vegetables and
son works for NASAin Floridaand flowers), DARmembership and

1936 hasthree children; and the other

son is in Charlottesville,Va.She
antiquing with daughter Martha
in Marion's hometown of
CammieWhisnant Dunaway,8'84, gets paidto
eat Doritosand listen to rap music. Asvice presi-
occasionallyseesKathrynKrugat Clarksville, Va.
From the Westhampton
the beauty salon. Shealso stays in LouiseMorrisseyMoyerwrites dent for the kidsand teens marketing divisionof
touch with MarionYancey. that sheespeciallyenjoysthe Frito-Lay,shealsosupervisesmorethan 60 people,
Martha Riis Moore JeanneWilkinsSpears,W, lives
1600 Westwood Ave.,
beautyof her retirement conceivesproductideasand figuresout how to
outside Richmondin Sandston, community at Christmastime.
Apt . 219 E presentthem. A big part of herjob, though, is to
Va.,and is unable to drive sinceher Threeof her children live nearby(so
Richmond, VA 23227 stroke. Shehasfive grandchildren
get into the headsof young people.
shecanenjoy grandchildren)
I havefound other Richmond between the agesof 2 and 17. including Gail,her oldest, whom
What do they like?Who do they listen to? Howdo
graduates here recently, including JamesA. Wagner,R, has a manywill remember.Louise you get their attention?
ThomasAustin, R'29, who is an granddaughter who was accepted especiallyenjoyedthe presentation TwistedCheetosis one way. GoSnacksis another.
avid traveler and this past early decision into Richmond's of Danielat the Sight and Sound Salesof the miniature chipspackagedin a canister-
summer went on a freighter cruise Classof '07- Theatrein Lancaster,Pa.,last fall. stylecontainerhavetaken off sincetheir introduction
to the Mediterranean and Baltic MargaretBrittinghamLovig last year. Dunaway'steam cameup with Twisted
seaports. From the Westhampton met WendyEastmanof Richmond's
Cheetosas well as GoSnacks,which hasprovento
Margaret BowersGillspent ClassSecretary plannedgiving department for
severalweeks last fall visiting lunch recentlyin SantaBarbaraand
be one of Frito-Lay'smost successfulnew product
Martha Beam de Vos
Richmond friends. wasdelighted that BarbaraFuller launches.
110 Canterbury Road
SusanBonnetChermside Southern Pines, NC 28387 Cox,W'43,ofour little sisterclass Now,she'sworking on a new line of snacksthat
spendssome of her time painting, joined them. Margaretis alsovery are low in fat, low in sodiumand low in sugar. But
RecentlyI was rereading the
with watercolors being her most
biographical sketches of our class
proudof the student from Santa they still appealto kids and they taste good. How
recent interest. Shewrote, " I won Barbara,AraceliGil,'06, who is
as compiled for our 45th and 50th doesshe know?Shedoesa lot of sampling
a red ribbon (secondplace)for my provingto bean outstanding
reunions, and I thought what a (SlimFastluncheshelp offset her carbohydrate
watercolor 'Whitehall Creek' basketballplayerfor the Spiders.
(Annapolis, Md.). Theyear before, I
privilege it was to have been a part
Bettie WoodsonWeaverhas
overload,Dunawaysays).Shealsohasa built-in
won a red ribbon for my painting
of such a group of achievers.
recently completed a History of test-marketer at home- her 4-year-old son, Davis.
Our deep sympathy goes out Actually,Davisis part of the reasonDunaway
' Flowering Garden.' I am also WinfreeMemorial Baptist Church
to Kira NicholskyCurwen,whose
working with ceramics." 1852-2002. An historical marker on holdsher currentpositionat Frito-Layheadquarters
husband, Dr. Geoffery Curwen,
FrancesWilliam Parkinsonis
died in Januaryafter a lengthy
Route60 in Midlothian identifies in Dallas. After severaldifferent jobs in various
moving to The Chesapeakein the church. Her daughter, Bettie parts of the countryduring her 13-yearcareerwith
Newport News, Va. illness. They shared 59years of
Brandt,W'64, typed and edited
marriage. Someof her children Frito-Lay,includingvice presidentof the
Pleasewrite or call me and tell the manuscript for her.
me what you are doing.
live nearby.
Congratulations, Bettie!
corporation'snational salesforce, Dunawayand
JosephineFennellPachecois her husband,Lendy,were readyto settle down.
settled in her retirement Shetravelsfar lessnow. Herteam doesevery-
apartment in FallsChurch, Va. thing from productdevelopmentand working on
advertisingcampaignsto developingpackaging
and setting prices.

26 Summer 2003
1942 From the Westhampton
in northern Pennsylvania.Janice
lives in Bloomsburg, Pa.,about 45
huge, and I' m getting smaller."
Shestill has a shady garden and 1944
minutes from the resort. " It 's a plants bulbs. Shehastwo
William M. Bruch,R, is a part-time Lucy Burke Allen Meyer Herbert E.Feinberg,R,teaches
beautiful lake on top of a children, four grandchildren and
pediatric consultant for Social 2408 Copper Hill Place various subjects to students who
mountain," Gracesaid. three great-grandsons.
Security Disability and enjoys his· Midlothian, VA 23112 are homeschooled.
e-mail : Lucy_Bee Graceenjoys the activities at DorothyQuinnKeelingtook
10grandchildren. Cedarfield, a retirement careof a sick friend in Norfolk for10
HarveyL. Hudson,R, is still From the Westhampton
community in Richmond: the days.Sinceher husband's death,
working as a Richmond-area Time moveson, but our class ClassSecretary
pool, a Bible study group, Dot said her children "are trying
advertising consultant for Moore members are marching aheadwith ballroom dancing and lecture hard to take careof me." Shelives Billy Jane Crosby Baker
Cadillac, MasseyWood & West Oil their activities. AnneSmith 2300 CedarfieldParkway,#241
programs with interesting alone in her house in South Hill but
& Propane,and Franco'sFine Palazzoand her husbanddrove to Richmond,VA23233
speakersevery week. Shelikes to travels once a month to Richmond
Clothier. He also has a radio show, KeyWest, Fla.,for a vacation with be called "Marty," a nickname to an investment club meeting. Sadly,there are severalmore
"Harvey Hudson's Passing her son and his family who came from "GraceMarguerite." Although the membersaren't deaths to report: Nell White
Parade,"on WVNZ1320,and he from Albany,N.Y.Theywanted to Also enjoying Cedarfield, Mary making any money at the moment, Gillespieon Sept.12,2002; Mary_
does television work on public TV get out of snow country and into GraceSchererTaylorsaid she likes she saysthey havea good time AldersonGrahamon Dec.26,
channels 23 and 57- heat.Theyrented two condomini- the fitness classesand the chatting. 2002; and DorisHedgepethNeal
LoieWalkerSeacat,W, had her ums that enclosea garden "so it's balance classes.She has almost on Jan.18, 2003.
family all together at Christmas. nice for the two grandchildren to recoveredfrom two hip surgeries
Heryoungest grandson graduated
from Harvardthis spring and her
play."Herson, Clay,is a restoration
architect and is rebuilding a 200-
last year. Shehas three grown Thomas Austin, Nell's daughter, SueGillespie,
is seeking classmates' memories
granddaughter is in law school at
the University of Pittsburgh.
year-old housefrom China.He
children and noted that a
granddaughter will be married in R'29,isanavid of Nell. Pleasesend your thoughts
to Molly or me and we will be glad
made two trips to China preparing
to bring the structure to the
the fall. Shewrote, " I told [my
granddaughter] if I'd had all that
andwent to send them on to Sue.

be placedoutside Boston.
Friendssince secondgrade and
time to plan a wedding- a year- I lastsummer ona Mary and Billy Graham moved
to Irvington, Va.,over 20 years

in college.Janice LaneDarlington
might have changed grooms."
to ago. Thereshe supported Meals-
on-Wheels and the Irvington
and GraceNorrisReeseplan to
meet this summer as they have
said she didn't take any long trips
thi s year. She's busy with her
theMediterra- Baptist Church,where she was a

everyyear at EaglesMere, a resort flowers and shrubs. "My garden is nean andBaltic member of the Hattie Simmons
Bible Classand the Woman's
seas. Missionary Union. Mary was
always a gracious hostess for her
church and for University groups.
Sinceshe lost her husband a Doris had beenactive in
year and a half ago,JaneBlake RoanokeRapids,N.C.,especiallyin
"It's a lot of fun," Dunawaysaid. "Andit's challengingto constantly Longestsaid she is adjusting to her church,FirstUnited Methodist,
comeup with new ideasthat will grow our businessand grow it pr?fitably." living alone. She'sstill in her and its Katie LeeThorneCircle.She
Challengehasbeena constantin Dunaway'slife. "One of the things I home in GloucesterCourthouse, wasa volunteerfor Meals-on-
learnedfrom the Universityof Richmondis that if you set high goalsfor Va.Sheis active in the Gloucester Wheelsand the ParentsReading
yourself andyou work hardto achievethem, pretty muchanything is Woman's Club and the North River Programat an elementaryschool.
Circle of the King's Daughter, a Doriswas devotedto friends and
servicegroup. Living next door to family, especiallyher six grandsons.
After working for severaladvertisingagencies, the Baptist church, she said it's MollyWarnerStephensonand
Dunawaywent backto schooland earnedan MBA easyto attend servicesat 8:30 on Jim had a goodyear.They
from Harvard.Upongraduation,she beganher Sundays.Shewent to Pennsylva- participated in their church's
careerwith Frito-Lay,which hastaken her not nia with a church group to the summer institute at Virginia Tech,
only to Dallasbut alsoto Princeton,N.J.,and to Amish country for two days last then in an Elderhostelprogram in
Portland,Ore., and has had her handling summer and later to Virginia WestVirginia and another in
Beachto seethe Christmas lights. Maryland - all beforevisiting
productsfrom popcornto pretzels.
I would like to hear from the family in Washington, D.C.Then
"Wehave amazing brands," said Dunaway, rest of you. Do call or write. they went on to SkyValley,Ga.,in
who stocksher own cupboardexclusivelywith
August to join Dot MonroeHill and
Frito-Laysnacks."Youwon't find any her husband,Stonie;AnneMcElroy
Pringlesin my shoppingcart," she
added,noting that her favorite 1943 MacKenzieand her husband Mac,
R'43,and EdGranley.In late fall,
snackduring her collegedayswas HelenHerrinkFix,W, and her they went to an Elderhostelin
peanut M&Ms. sister,CharlotteSayre,W'51, Seattle and then spent a weekwith
Uponvisiting the Richmond enjoyed a tour of Canadiancapitals son Larryand his family, who are
last fall. Theytraveledto Toronto, going to Sicilywhere he is assigned
campusduring high school,
NiagaraFalls, Ottawa, Quebecand for threeyears as executiveofficer
Dunawaysaidshewas of a Navalhospital. Sicily sounds
Montreal, where they found the
luredfrom her homein languagenot to be a problem. like a good placeto visit!
Winston-Salem,N.C., by In her first experienceawayfrom a
one thing: pink metropolitan area,RosemaryIves,
azaleas. W, sold her housein Richmondand
What shegot, moved to Kernersville,N.C.
though, was much B.JudsonMcclanahan,R,is a full
time pathologist in active practice
more than aesthetics."I
at Central Florida Regional
feel stronglythat URplayeda Hospital in Sanford.
significant role in my personal
development,primarily in
teaching me to haveconfidence
in pursuingmy dream."

RICHMOND Alumni MagazineI 27

BetsyRiceand DemieBrowne from the university representatives grandchildren. A picture insert From the Westhampton you about Feb. 5, 2003. On that
Blairrepresented our class at the that their son, JohnAtkinson,R'76, accompanying the article showed ClassSecretary day, the class of '47 honored me
scholarship Dinner in late has been appointed to the Science Ellen in 1963with her book, One with a beautiful surprise luncheon
Mildred Daffron Horigan
February. Our recipient for 2002- Advisory Committee. Foot in Washington . The article at Marion Miller's home. I
4640 Stuart Avenue
03,JessicaAber,•03,not only has a Ruth Latimeris enjoying the was an appropriate tribute to a thought it was to be our regular
Richmond, VA 23226
double major in political science int ellectua l stimulation of the well-regarded public servant and first Wednesday lunch . Besides
This is the easiest lette r of the year our usual Richmond group, Betty
and criminal justice, but she is community college. his accomplished wife.
Allen and I were in Cincinnati to write-news from Christmas and Joe Yeattscame from
also chair of the Westhampton Virginia NicholasSaundersis
cards. It would be lovely to receive Michigan, Susie and C.L. came
College Honor Council. She is from happy that she moved to for Thanksgiving and in Florida for
one from each of you. from Bassett, Va., and Ollie
Nevada and plans to attend law Lakewood Manor in Richmond. Christmas. I'm now wr itin g the
GladysKauffman Metz and promised letter to each of you and HowieBinghamKiserwrote Stirlingand Marie Lesieurcame
school after graduation.
that grandson Davis is in his from Delaware. LenaSmalldrove
Art had an excellent Elderhostel hoping for an overwhelming
second year at Princeton and is in from Suffolk, Va., and Jean
experience in Williamsburg in response .

1945 December. They studied the

hi story of the Colonial Christmas
planning to major in Near Eastern
studies, which means he will be
SandlerSergicame down from
Rockville, Md. LaviniaWatson

Frankw.MannJr., R, is enjoying
volunteering at the
traditions. They also saw Mary
CampbellPaulsonin her lovely
1947 studying Arabic. Lisa continues to
be a teacher.yearbook adviser and
public relations officer at the
Reillywas visiting in the area and
she joined us. Still , I didn't have a
new home at the Chesapeake clue. Betty Yeatts said we had
Rappahannock Art League's new RussellT.CherryJr.,R, is enjoying Pennington school. Howie and
House in Newport News, Va. some business to conduct. She
gallery in Kilmarnock. His son is serving as pastor of Firs't Baptist Lisa attended the 50th reunion of
AnnSeayJacksonreported then presented me with a
working in the Maryland attorney church in North Carolina and as Kent's class at Colgate Divinity
that PeggyClark Huberpassed beaudful~aquethatshehad
general's office and his singer/ adjunct professor in the School.
away on Dec. 13,2002. written and Joe had framed, a
songwriter daughter, Aimee, has Department of Philosophy and GinElletthas turned her talents book of wonderful campus
just released her lat est album, Religion at UNC-Pembroke. to being a tour guide on a small pictures and a Westhampton
Lost in Space. MarylouMassieCumby,W,

From the Westhampton

1946 enjoyed almost a mo~th's visit to
Europe, touring Great Britain and
scale. She has taken groups from
Cedarfield, a retirement community
on the outskirts of Richmond, to
College chair. To say I felt like
lightning had struck is an
und erstatement. I was totally
ClassSecretary LouisRubin,R,founder of Spain with her younger son, Rick, scotchtown (Patrick Henry's home), surprised and extremely touched.
Algonquin Books in Chapel Hill, who runs a computer business in Fork church and Montpelier. On one
Gladys Kauffman Metz The chair is one of the last to have
N.C., has spent most of his life Cary, N.C. She spent the fall with of these trips, they had lunch in a
4 46 Park View Drive the wc seal on it. Every time I look
wr iting , teaching, editing and her daughter, Bee, in Colorado and home that once belonged to Gin's
Mt. Holly, NJ 08060-1253 at it, I get a very special feeling. I
launching literary careers. New Mexico and enjoyed colorful grandmother. It is now used for have no idea how it was all pulled
Kathy Mumma Atkinson Included among his many rock formations in those states as receptions, weddings, luncheons , together, but I want to thank
717 Camp Woods Road students were John Barth, Lee well as in Utah and Arizona. She etc. Shealso led a tourof the everyone who had anything at all
Villanova, PA19085-1004 Smith, Annie Dillard, Jill Mccorkle also spent some time at the North Fredericksburg area-S t . George's to do with the luncheon and gifts.
and Kaye Gibbons. Rim of the Grand Canyon and had EpiscopalChurch and Kenmore.
AnnClark Howewrote that she is 1appreciate it more than words
a great weekend in Phoenix with AnnWiley Kellyand Tom are
consulting in science education can say. 1truly believe the WC
and is secretary of the Wake From the Westhampton pleased to have daughter Kitty Class of '47 is an except ion al group
county Democratic Women .
DorisMills Harrellis preparing
Alta Ayers Bower
... that 98,4 percent
moving to Richmond . Kitty's
husband will be a pastor at Grace
of women.
until next time, please keep in
for a move to Lakewood Manor in 105 46th Street Richmond'sfaculty members and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church . touch.
hold a doctorate or Ann and Tom enjoyed a riverboat
Richmond . She reported that her Virginia Beach , VA 23451
equivalent advanced degree?
son, Lou, is engaged to be married. e-mail : cruise through Holland, Germany
A phone call from Liz Parker
cone told of her grandchildren -
that she and five other members
Bee's children, Mike and Cara, who
attend college in Arizona.
and Austria. She recommends it
for our age group.
Carolynstorm Pattie and son
one is graduating from Davidson,
ofourclass met for a pleasant DorothyHughesFreitag,W, and M. CaldwellButler,R,has a
one is studying for a semester in Allen spent the last holidays with
lunch at the Virginia Museum in her husband , Dean, celebrated granddaughter, Sarah, who just
London and one has been daughter Page in her new home in
late January. Attending were Bev their 50th wedding anniversary finished her freshman year at
accepted at Richmond. Keyser, w .va. Her twin
Ryland,Amy HickersonDalton, last summer with family and Richmond, marking the third
Dot FrancesAtkinsonwrote grandchildren, Laura and Taylor,
CalleyGoodeJackson,Lelia friends. She has three sons, one generation of hi s family to attend
that her latest book on King are juniors in college.
PhiliipsTooneand GailAbbott. daughter and seven grandchildren. the University.
William county was buried in the The travelingYeattses- Betty
Frances Anne continues her Mary LouCoghillMiller, W, and v. EarlDickinson,R,was elected
time capsule at the courthouse for and Joe- were all over the place in
int erest in history, currently her husband, Charlie, are living in co-chairman of the Jamestown-
the building 's 300th anniversary. 2002. May saw them in Anderson,
enjoyi ng a new biography of Irvington, va., but spend summer Yorktown Foundation.
BitsyRosenbaumHurwitz has s.c., visiting daughter Katey. In
Douglas Freeman. and fall on their boat with their Williams. Kirk, R, recovered
been skiing in New York and June, they did the Canadian
She also sent me an article boat cat, Princess. nicely from knee and hip
Vermont when the wind has not Rockies with a group by bus. In
from the Richmond Times- SimeonP.Taylor111, R,and his replacements.
been too strong or the July, using up frequent flyer miles,
Dispotch about Bill Proxmire , wife, Millicent HutchersonTaylor, VirginiaSmith Kynett, W, is
temperature too low. they flew to Albuquerque, N.M.
husband of EllenHodges w•4 s, spent six weeks in Belgium enjoying boating and golfing. Her
we were glad to hear from Betty visited her brother and Joe
Proxmire.It reviewed his and France last spring. They daughter and son-in-law are busy
Betty LawsonDillardthat Berry visited a sister in Silver City. Mid -
considerable accomplishments visited their daughter, who is at running their restaurant , Laura's
Hill, which we visited in South October, they were in Amsterdam,
while in the U.S. Senate from 1957 the embassy in Brussels. They House, in Chimney Rock, N.C.
Boston, is now a beautiful but the Netherlands, for a special
to 1989, his famous "Go ld en took a cruise on the Seine River Irvin Robinson,R, does some
pricey bed and breakfast. exhibit of paintings and statuary.
Fleece" awards, his public from Paris to Normandy. They met volunteer work and still plays a
KathyMummaAtkinsonand Marion collier Miller had a
relations genius and his their son, RichardTaylor,R'79, fair game of tennis.
Jackhad a pleasant and informative very special Christmas holiday.
dedication to a healthy lifestyle. and they toured the battlefields of Oscars.Wooten,Sr.,R,has been
visit from Ann Rohde,major gift Her grandson.Joh n Miller, was
Sadly, he has Alzheimer's and is Normandy and the Bulge. retired for 20 years.
officer; and Andrew Newcomb, arts married at a New Year's Eve
living in a long-term care facility
and sciencesdean. They learned ceremony in Nags Head, N.C.
near Baltimore where he has a
I understand that two of our
busy schedu le of activities . Ellen
classmates, BetsySlateReillyand
was quoted as saying that he is
ToniReidZuercher,have sons
very comfortable. He and Ellen
living in the Richmond area.
have five children and nine
1want to take a few lines to tell

28 Summer 2003
1949 Our sympathy goes out to
ElementarySchoolfor 22years
beforesheretired in 1985.
tragically and unexpectedly lost Pleasestart making plans to
RawleighG.Clary,R,and his wife
her daughter, Bonnie LeeRevene, attend our 55th reunion, which will
spent eight daysin Canadalast fall.

You Theyvisited New Brunswick,Prince

EdwardIslandand NovaScotia.
on March 16.Both mother and
daughter attended Jane's
induction ceremony. Bonnie, cited
be in late April 2004. Information
will be forthcoming this fall.

remember, William N. Gee, R, has retired

three times. He has started a new
by the RichmondTimes-Dispatch

position as director of medical
affairs for South Georgia Medical
as a "Shining Star Teacher,"had
successfully battled cancer.Her 1950
death was from an apparent
Center in Valdosta. LouisA. Crescioli,B, and his wife,
pulmonary aneurysm. Sheis
LibbyWilenskyHendler,W, and Marjorie, vacationed last fall in
survived by her husband and two
her husband,Sam, celebratedtheir Nassau,Bahamas.They also
50th anniversarythis past winter. visited ParadiseIsland.
BethWilburnHookerhad a
Their son, Bruce,hasstarted a GeraldP.Kynett Jr.,B,and his
luncheon for a group of wife, Virginia May Smith Kynett,
cycling camp in California.
Westhampton gals who get
JamesR. O'Brien,R, is a volunteer W'48, spent the New Year's
together at least once ayear.I was
holiday aboard their new vessel,
Homecoming docent at the New Mexico
Museum of Natural History.
there, along with CynthiaPatrick
Hi-Spirits.They havespent many
October24-26,2003 Otte, ElaineLeonardDavis,Audrey
years cruising Florida, the
From the Westhampton Bahamasand the West Indies.
Detailsto come.Formore information,
call theAlumni Officeat (804) 289-8030.
ClossSecretory M. Caldwell FrancisM. Martin, B, and his wife ,
Glenna, celebratedtheir 50th
Mildred Lee {Mimi)
Anderson Gill Butler,R'48, wedding anniversary last fall.
Edward"Rip" Radcliffe,R, a
9019 Wood Sorrel Drive
Richmond, VA23229
hasagrand- retired dentist, sailed his 38-foot

From the Westhampton Helens,and on a very clear day, Someof this newsis a follow-up to daugfiterwho yacht in the 4th Annual Southern
ChesapeakeVolvo LeukemiaCup
ClossSecretory Mount Rainierin Washington, 70
miles away.Therewas an historian
the last newsletter's information.
HarrietSmith Powellis getting
justlinishedher Regatta. He is a member of Fishing
Elizabeth Koltukian Cowles
5918 East 54th Street
on board who added much to the along much better, and her freshman year, BayYacht Club.
JohnBoydSutton, R, and his wife,
Tulsa, OK 74135-7724
tour, and he had previously lived
in Virginia and Washington, D.C.
husband is on the road to complete
markintheg Joan,celebratedtheir 50th
wedding anniversary last fall by
The W'48 Christmas Bunch met at
They took a jet boat ride on the
SnakeRiverto Hells Canyonand
and Ida EanesPatrickare both
doing well sincethe recentdeaths
thirdgeneration touring Austria and Switzerland
the Virginia Museum on Dec.12.
The 10included FrancesOrrell
"The Riverof No Return." of their husbandsand their lives ofhislamilyto and finishing with a tour down the
RhineRiverto Amsterdam. They
Pat AdamsWoodheaddied on
Dec.9, 2002, in Stroudsburg Pa.,
aregetting backto some degreeof
attendthe were with their daughter and her
husband, who were celebrating
EmilySmith Powers,FayeHines
where she had made her home for
30-plus years. AliceGoodman
induction into the URAthletic Hall
University. their 25th wedding anniversary.
Betty HickersonButterworth, John is minister of music for a
writes that Pat had visited her in of Famewasfabulous.Shelooked small Baptist church; chaplain of
Mary CrossMarshall,Virginia Richmond last summer, after Saupe,Ida Patrick.Joyce
lovely,still endowedwith her Goforth, Carolina Village, a retirement
Kreyer,SarahBrennerRubinand having had severalTlAs and a VirginiaShawWarren,JeanMoody
blonde hair andwearing a red community ; associatechaplain of
DorisMooreShea.Two others, hospital stay. Alicewrites that Vincent, HarrietSmith Powelland
jacket, blue slacksandan attractive PardeeMemorial Hospital; and
JeanneCarlton Bowmanand Betty HickersonButterworth's Martha Hall.Ida hastwo
matching redand blueshirt. She director of a singing group.
Millicent HutchersonTaylor,had sister, Amy H. Dalton, W'46, lives granddaughtersat Richmondand
wore a lovelyspiderpin on her lapel, CharlesS.Taylor,R,who retired
planned to attend, but did not near her and she seesher Cynthia has one. All three girls are
givento her by JoyceGoforth.Her from United PressInternational
make it . JeanBiscoewas using a occasionally. extremely happythere.
talk wasexcellentand quite after 36years as a reporter, rewrite
cane, Virginia Kreyerwas on a Margaret SabineBrizendine JeanHarperHamlett and her
humorousyet very sincere.Thenext deskman and editor, servedas
walker and severalothers were Schwartzand Chuck spent two husband,Carson,spent a month in
speakersaid,"shewas a hardact to best man at the wedding of his
limping from bad kneesand weeks in Februaryin Hawaii. They GreenValley, Ariz., using a rented
follow."Jane's four children andtwo son, Charles5. Taylor Ill.
uncooperative legs. flew to Honolulu , boarded the condo astheir baseand traveling
grandchildrencamefor all the Milford A. Weaver,B,and his wife,
Virginia has moved to NorwegianWindcruise ship and the entire state. They"lucked out"
festivities alongwith other family Dot, split their time between their
Williamsburg , from GardenCity, toured most of the islands. It was with delightful weather while
membersand someclosefriends. home at Smith Mountain Lake
N.Y.FrancesLineberryand Berlin a fabulous trip and a wonderful visiting the GrandCanyon,which is
Asa surpriseto her.Jane'stwo sons and King's Grant Retirement
planned to be in a cottage in experience. unusual in the winter months, and
arrivedfrom California.Beth Village.
Westminster Canterbury After Christmas, my daughter, also missedthe snow and ice here
WilburnHookergavea lovely MacDanielWilliams, R, has
retirement community in Mary (SanAntonio, Texas);her in Richmond.
dinner party for manyof the guests. recently written a book, Caregiver
Lynchburg, Va.,as of March 1, three sons;and my son, Jim (Plano, FrankieRobisonKinghad knee
I attended, alongwith theseother to Caregiver,that focuses on
moving from Churchville, Va. Texas);and his family spent a few surgery and is on the road to
Westhamptonclassmates:Peggy Alzheimer's disease.He uses it in
ArleenReynoldsSchaeferand dayswith me in Tulsa.We had an recovery.
HarrisBarnett,Martha Hall,Joyce workshops for caregivers.He
Joehave visited severalplacesthis accumulation of snow still on the FloGrayTullidge'scondition is
Goforthand AudreyBradford writes twice-monthly articles for
year, including Virginia Beachand ground from Dec.23,and the five about the same. Her husband,
Saupe,who hadjust had foot ThePetersburgProgress-Index .
Massanutten. Also, they flew to Texasgrandchildren (ages9 to 18) Tom,takes her out in a golf cart so
surgerybut camouflagedher pain Flora). Zbar,W, is retiring from
Portland, Ore., at the end of reveledin the white stuff, which she can view the animals and
and wasa goodsport.Janeand the University of South Florida,
November and took a motor coach they never had seenbefore!I drove farmland around their riverfront
severalof her friends and family but will continue to teach some of
tour of the city. Theytook a week's down to Planoin Februaryfor the Tappahannockhome. I know she
membersstayedwith me. Pleasego her favorite courses.Shetraveled
cruise on a paddlewheel river boat baptism of my 9-year-oldgrandson would enjoy cardsfrom her
and view her great picture in the to EasternEuropefor three weeks
on the Columbia, Willamette and - a fine occasion. classmates.
Hallof FameRoom. last summer and spoke at an
Snakerivers, following the path of It has been rewarding to be JoyceParrishWillsdied on Feb.7
Lewisand Clark.Theywent international arts conferencethis
W'48 class secretaryfor the past in a Richmondhospital. Sheand her
through eight locks, saw Mount spring.
five years. As I write this in husbandhadtwo daughtersand
Hood, Mount Adams, Mount St. February,I look forward to our four grandchildren.Joycehadbeen
55th reunion in April. the clinic attendantforTuckahoe

RICHMOND Alumni MagazineI 29

Fromthe Westhampton
almost non-stoptravelerwith trips
to Florida,the Carolinas,Minnesota,
1951 and, becausethey lived at St. Simon
for years, being there is like going
Fromthe Westhampton
Frances Chandler Long home.
SuzanneHolt Bagley,W, lost her Harriett Singleton Stubbs
South Dakota,Wyoming,Norway FrancesAllen Schoolstook a
2630 N. John Marshall Dr. husbanda few yearsago and is now 601 Blenheim Drive
(wheresheviewedthe Northern Mediterranean cruise from
Arlington, VA 22207 caringfor her103-year-oldmother, Raleigh, NC 27612-4944
Lights)and a cruiseto the western Barcelonato Venice,visiting six e-mail:
PennyWilks Fitzgeraldand Earl, while alsostaying involvedin
Caribbeanwith her family. countries. Shealso spenttime
Mary HowardHollowayand Bill churchand community activities. In The Westhampton CollegeClassof
BarbaraWhite Baldersonand visiting family members-in New
and JoyceBetts Pierceand Jack addition, she's enjoying her 6-year- 1952Memorial Scholarship has a
Lesgot together in Williamsburg Orleans at Halloween and in Bay
had a wonderful visit at The old granddaughter. book value of about $113,000and a
with DorisBaldersonBurbank St. Louis, Miss., atThanksgiving.
Homesteadin Hot Springs,Va. JamesR.BryantJr.,R,hasbeen market value of about $216,000.
and "Banny," Helen Lampathakis Mary LeeMoore May and
JoanneWaringKarppiand Bill retiredfor sometime andstaysbusy Isn't that wonderful? It is
Kostyaland Dick, and Wilda husband Edspent Christmas at
alsojoined friends atThe with grandchildren,golf andtravel. considered part of the University's
Whitman Oakley and Bud. The Greenbrier.
Homestead.Joanneroutinely stays MaryanneBuggLambertand Charlotte Herrink Sayrespent endowment fund, which is the
busywith Community BibleStudy, 34th largest endowment among
DAR,ChevyChaseWoman's Club,
Petemet BarbaraBeattie Fanney
and Skip for dinner when they JodyWeaver a fabulous five days in New York
City with her two sisters and all U.S.universities in a survey
National Symphonymonthly
matinee concertsand exhibits at
were in Williamsburg.
LibbyGivensPierreand Bucky
Wampler, W'SS, niecespriorto Christmas. They
shopped and visited museums
conducted by the National
Association of Collegeand
the National Art Gallery.
attended an Elderhostel in Arizona playspianoor and RockefellerCenter. University BusinessOfficers.
ElizabethCourtney Hill, •03,
Doug, whose grandchildren
and visited Libby's sister while
they were there.
keyboardina Mary BoothDavislost her
husband, Jim, on Dec.23.They had has receiveda scholarship from
continue to be their pride and joy,
fill their sparetime volunteering.
love having their family close by
bandwhose moved into a retirement home in our fund for each of the past four
years. Shesent a thank-you note
KayMallory Loudermilkhas to celebrate holidays and members in- Maryland. Our sympathy goes out
to Mary Booth and her family. to Mary Anne Edelin November,
ended a three-year term on her
church's board of missions; her
birthdays together.
MarjorieParsonOwenand her
cludeherson GwenPriddyDonohuewas
recently inducted in the Collegiate
copied here:
"My name is ElizabethHill./ am
husband, Don, completed a sequel
to his history of the Baptist
family seeall the Spiderfootball onthedrumsor School CoachesAthletic Hall of a seniorat the Universityof
Richmondand am from Newport
ConferenceCenter.It was
and basketball gamesand havea
grand reunion when they arethere. bass. Fame. Gwentaught and coached
at Collegiate most of her career. News,Va.I am a recipientof the
distributed at the West Virginia LibbyRowseWilson is Shewas inducted into the WesthamptonCollegeClassof 1952
State Convention annual meeting. treasurer of the RoseCanyon University of Richmond Hall of Memorial Scholarshipand am
JuliaWannPittmanand Al had a ElizabethMunseySpatz,W, and her writing to expresshow important
Homeowners' Association, which Famea few years ago. Accolades,
delightful trip to Spain.At home, in husband,Bob,spent a month in the this scholarship is to me. I have
is composed of 156homes, and Gwen,on your achievement!
Beaufort,N.C,Al is a docent at the Italian, Swissand AustrianAlpslast beenvery involvedhereat the
she enjoys the company of Cocoa,
BeaufortHistoricalSocietyandJulia spring. Theyalsovisited Normandy University.I was a University
her springer spaniel.
and spenttwo weeksin Francewith
is active in the DemocraticClub.
Golf is the favorite pasttime for
AudreyLynnJonesand Welford,
visiting friendsin Sacramento,Calif.;
EleanorWright Woodward,W,
1952 Dancer,in the UniversityBand, and
I am a BonnerScholar.My work
with the BonnerProgramhas led me
whether at home in Richmond or and her husband, Manning, are SamCardwell,B,was awarded a to becomea memberof the
Okla.; Memphis,Tenn.;Birmingham,
on vacation trips. enjoying their retirement "Torch of Strength" during TuckahoeRescueSquadand ta
Ala.;and Columbus,Ga.
MarySueMockMilton and Cecil community in Newport News,Va. Lynchburg's 3rd Annual Business developa network of friends
MarianneBeckDutyand Lesflew
celebratedtheir 40th anniversary Theyjust returned from two Hall of FameAwards Dinner. He is outside campus.I am a business
to Churchill, Manitoba,wherethey
with a trip to Savannah,Ga. weeks in Tuscanyand Rome. the retired vice chairman of major with a concentration in
hadgreatfun dog-sledding,
A number of classmatesjoined Crestar Bank (now SunTrust). marketing and a minor in
observingthe formidablepolarbears
JeanTinsleyMartin and Royin Fromthe Westhampton Mary AnneCoatesEdel,W, and
and other nativeanimals,andseeing communications. I just recently
Richmondat their 50th anniversary ClassSecretary SuePetersHall, W, are newly- accepteda position as a financial
the remarkableauroraborealis.
celebration. elected members of the board of consultant with Waddelland Reed,
JeanHart Joynerand Floyd Frances Arrighi Tonacci
BarbaraColemanAugustine directors of the F.W.Boatwright so I will bestaying in the Richmond
sing in the Derbyshire Baptist 5401 Windingbrook Road
and Jim are busy preparing to sell Society. areaafter graduation. I am excited
Church choir, the outstanding Richmond, VA 23230
their house before moving into Charlesw. Gibson,R, is the about the future. TheUniversity has
concerts of which are attended by e-mail:
their condominium at Leisure interim pastor of Corinth Baptist given and allowed me to experience
many of our classmates. So many of our classmatesare
World in Leesburg,Va. Church in New Kent, Va.
NancyChapinPhillips,who has a great education and a wonderful
celebrating 50 years of married c.RalphMartin, B,became
LuciaMacClintockBarbour attained the status of Diamond four years. Thankyau for the
life. LibbaEanesBaskervilleand chairmanof the boardof J. S.Archer
saysshe finally made it to Quebec Life Master in the American support that has helpedme to
Channing observedtheir 50th Co.Inc.,and his sonwas promoted
City on a cruise up the EastCoast. Contract BridgeLeague, had great reachthis point in my life."
wedding anniversary last June. In to president.Heand his wife,
LeeReevesChildressand fun playing in the World Mixed-Pair A cardfrom JoyceBellCody
November,Channing had a Jacqueline,celebratedtheir5oth
'48ersJeanBiscoeand Jackand Championship in Montreal. includeda photographof hereight
quadruple bypass.Theywere wedding anniversarylast winter.
Betty Butterworth were on the Betty LaneBarnhillBragg, grandchildren.Fiveof these
supported by their children during SarahBarlowWright, W,
same ship. though now a full-time Texan, grandchildrenswim on the Lancaster
this stressful time , and Channing entertained two houseguests,
JoannaMaiden Owensand returns to Tennesseefor visits. She Pa.,team andthreearevolunteer
is doing well. KathleeneCookeO'Brier,W, and
Russellenjoyed a white Christmas took an Alaskan cruise that ended coaches.Lastsummer,Joyce received
Libba reports seeing fellow ShirleyWingfield, W'54, last
in Meadowview, Va., with 12 in Fairbanks. a surprisepresentationof a plaque
Emporian Betty TredwayBlake. summer in Smithfield. They
members of their family. Anyone interested in attending recognizingherfor spearheadingthe
Shehastwo daughters: Bet, who strolled around the historic town
LouCovingtonRandalland the annual Richmondgathering, efforttofound the swim team 30
lives nearby; and Belle,a of Smithfield and had a full day at
Harryjoined 11family members in pleasecontact JaniceBrandenburg yearsearlier.(AndJoycedoesn't
pharmacist in Chester, Va. the Marine ScienceMuseum and
Houston fort he holidays,following Halloranas soon as possible. swim!)lsn'tthata nicestory?She
Travelcontinues to be on the Virginia Beachoceanfront.
a trip to Tacoma,Wash.,to meet spenttime in Williamsburg,Myrtle
agendafor many of our
their new granddaughter,Alexis. Beach,S.C.,the BlueRidge
classmates. EleanorWright
Woodwardand Manning visited
addition to our 50th reunionin
the P~namaCanal.
Anne RogersCrittenden and
Crit spend some of the winter
months at The Cloisters at Sea
Island, Ga.They love playing golf

30 Summer 2003
SuePetersHall,Mary Lee
MooreMay,W'51,and MaryAnne
CoatesEdelhave a great bridge Getconnected!
table twice a month. The fourth is a
lovely Mary Baldwin alumna. Mary
Ann says she schedules her whole
Logonto Lii1.D :1,
TheUniversity's onllnecommunity
month around these events! (Mary isa password-protected WebsiteforRichmond
Anneand Suehave been elected to
alumni offering:
the board of directors of the F.W.
Boatwright Society.)
• Apersonalized startpage
EleanorBradfordTunellhad a
F~ • A searchableonline alumni directory
• An alumni careernetwork

., -,
wonderful trip to Vietnam,
Thailand and Cambodia last spring. • A volunteer connection
BarbaraFerrePhillipssays her • Permanent e-mailforwarding
93-year-old mother is doing well .
• Andmore.
enough that Barbara can get away
for a few trips.
planning a trip to Australia.
, -,/~ r . Formoreinformation,visit
faq.asp,contactthe alumniofficeby
e-mail at,
' ~ or call(800)480-4774.

CharlesL. BairdJr.,R, maintains
Scandinavia was the June
his interest in public health,
particularly the Virginia Heart
was described by a newspaper
columnist in glowing terms, Sue
Jennie Another of our class song
leaders, EmilyMenefeeJohnston, destination for GracePhillips

Institute, which he helped found praising her "insight , her honesty

and her skill as a storyteller."
Murdock, sends news of the marriage of son
Rob, an architect, to Ginny White ,
Webband Newton, preceded by a
mini-vacation with high school
CarlP.Dickey,B,and his wife, Six people were inducted into metPresident an interior designer. Em and Bill classmates at a Nags Head beach

Marjorie, have been traveling

around the world. They spent a
the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame in
Portsmouth on April 26. Among
Bushin Roanoke are very supportive of Spider
basketball and football games ,
house. Also bound for the coast ,
but farther south, was Margaret

month in South America , where them was our own LauraMapp.

Quoting from the Richmond Times
andwasrecog- TurnerWillis where they visit with Barbara
and Bob. Church
EnglishLester.Her destination
was my favorite beach, Pawley's
they visited friends they had made
while living there over 30 years ago. Dispatch (Jan. 22, 2003): "In 37years nizedbythe activities consume much of the Island in South Carolina.

DorisJohnstonMacEwan,W, has
retired to Orange, Va., only six miles
(1961-1998)at Bridgewater College,
Mapp was one of the most
president rest of their time, especially a
ministry to widows and widowers.
Thanks to JeanCrittenden
Kauffman'sefforts, the above-
from Somerset, where she grew up. successful women 's coaches in volunteerism. They also enjoy Richmond 's
intellectual and cultural activities,
mentioned Barbara, Alice, Nancy
and I joined Marty GlennTaylor
Mary Aylett Creath Payne,W, has Virginia. She accumulated 876
victories as head coach in which were difficult to schedule and JaneSoyarsGloverfor lunch
been appointed by Virginia
basketball , field hockey and tennis. state Experienced Teacher when Bill was still practicing prior to attending the Richmond
Governor Mark Warnerto the
She also served as associate Institute . When she isn't working medicine. They have two Academy of Medicine Alliance's
Public Guardian and Conservator
athletic director and associate at Collegiate , she and John grandchildren who live in Radford. annual antiques show.
Advisory Board.
professor of physical education." volunteer much of their time to NancyJohnsonWhite escaped If you like to read news about
Laura, Cos and Susie-we are the University's Lake Society and Virginia's icy winter to visit Ruth your classmates, send in
to cultural activities. Burrellis
1954 so proud of you!
serving on the nominating
committee to select officers for
Owen Batt and Arnett Kizzia
Bromellin Florida. Reminiscing
was accompanied by three-
something about yourself to the
address at the top of this column.

From the Westhampton

ClassSecretary 1955 the newly structured Richmond
alumni board. Recent trips
included Nova Scotia and French
handed bridge. Ruth's younger
son, Paul, and his family visited
Edith "Edie" JacksonJones PaulL. Dvorak,R, has retired and
Nancy and Gene in Richmond.
1200 McDowell Drive Canada. Their granddaughter JeanRuddleMigneault and
is now doing volunteer work and AliceHolladayCombs,W, is a
Greensboro,NC 27408 accompanied them to a Wyoming Earl saw GraciaMasonEvinsand
traveling around the U.S. and breast cancer survivor and lives in
ranch, where they enjoyed the her son , David, during the
SusieKeganNuttle has retired overseas. Niceville , Fla. Her daughter, who is
beauty of the Tetons and rafting Christmas holidays in
from the bank board in Alton F.Owen,Sr.,R, has retired also a breast cancer survivor , has
on the Snake River. Williamsburg , while Bobbie
Chestertown , Md. , ending a 30- as mayor of Jarratt , Va., after 20 twin girls.
JodyWeaverWampler plays ReynoldsWyker and Polly
year banking career. She and Bill years of service. Judith Northen Eastman,W, is
piano or keyboard in a band whose BundickDize had their annual
spend a lot of time fly-fishing. William F.ThomasJr.,B, has still working part time as a marital
members include her son on the Christmas luncheon with Virginia
Last year, she caught a 21-inch retired after serving more than 22 and family therapist. She also
drums or bass. She and Zed have "Sunshine" Murden.
rainbow trout! She is on the board years as a Juvenile and Domestic sings in the church choir. Her
moved from Richmond's North AliceMcCarty Haggerty
of the Adkins Arboretum, 400 Relations District Court judge. youngest daughter is a child
Side to Ashland, Va., a loca\ion attended the kickoff of the
acres of native meadows and psychologist and lives in Los
convenient to both their son and nationwide celebration of the
woodlands on the Delmarva From the Westhampton daughter, who is finance manager
Angeles with her husband.
Lewis and Clark bicentennial in
Peninsula. She's also taking ClassSecretary DorothyGodfreyGill, W, lives in a
for Old Dominion Electric Charlottesville, Va., where Sue
drawing and painting classes. condominium in Prince George,
JoyWinstead Cooperative. Both children are Smith VanWicklerwas planning
CostelloWashburnBarneshas Va., where she works in real estate.
3121-AStony Point Road Richmond alumni and the one of the events - a reception for
an article in Chocolate for a She has three wonderful
Richmond, VA23235 wamplers have two grandchildren hundreds, possibly a thousand,
Woman's Courage,published by grandsons.
e-mail: and two step-grandchildren. visitors. Sue and Van are working
Simon & Schuster . Cos'segment joywinstead@earth link. net with the Home Front Chapter of
Burrell Williams Stultz has been the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage
honored by Collegiate School in Foundation .
Richmond with a Master Teacher
award and chosen to attend the

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine[ 31

Thelma FlynnHelm, w,and her
husband, Marshall, spent three
weeks in China last fall building
1958 working part time. Theyattend
athletic events and follow the
grandkids' sports. Daughter Kim
Rayw. Bowles,B, is enjoying
relationships with Chinesepeople is a special agent for the FBIin
retirement after 30 years in the
and touring three cities: Beijing, Portland, Ore., where she is on the
U.S. Marine Corpsand 10years in
Chengdu and Xiamen. Theyvisited International Terrorism Squad,
private enterprise.
college campusesto talk with and daughter Jennyis an
RebeccaBranchFaulconer,w, has
students and spoke in two private operating room nurse at Roanoke
beenteaching art education at
schools. Theyalso renewed
friendships with two young
businessmen who had spent
Asbury Collegein Wilmore, Ky.She
has four grandchildren in
Community Hospital.
Walter A. Stosch,B,was recently Deadlines
many holidays in their home for
two years while attending Wake
Lexington, Ky., and one on the way
in Asheville, N.C.
honored for his efforts to promote
cooperation between business
and government. He receivedthe
ForestUniversity with their son 15
years ago.
RobertC.Jackson,R, is retired as a
senior director at Pharmaciaand is
now president and CEOof a new
LeadershipAward of the National
Council for Public-Private
Robert). Paciocco,R, has retired Partnerships.
company, Newtime Design. In the
as executive director of the Mid-
winter, he works part time as a
EastCommission after serving for From the Westhampton
PSIA-certified ski instructor at a
almost 18years. Hestays busy ClassSecretary
small resort in northwestern
doing things at his church,
Illinois. Peggy Dulin Crews
volunteering as a chaplain at Pitt
GroverW.Johnson,R, and his 6385 S.W.110 Street
County Memorial Hospital in
wife, Frances,attended Mountain Miami, FL33156
Greenville, N.C.,and working in
Dulcimer Weekat Western e-mail: Materialreceivedby Appearsin
the yard and on his boat.
Carolina University and went Merrill and I are blessedwith a
ElliceSimmondsSmart, w, August 5 Winter
camping with friends last fall at granddaughter, Charlotte Atwood
participates in Senior University November5 Spring
Kiptopeke State Park, Va. They Crews(Attie), born J~n.14.The
for 12weeks eachyear and is February5 Summer
have sevengrandchildren. proud parents are our son, Shawn,
preparing a book manuscript for May 5 Fall
DavidA. Mccants,R,hasbeen and his wife, Evans. They live in
namedemeritus professorof South Miami , Fla. Letus hearfromyou!YouhelpkeepRichmondalumniin touchwith eachother.
BarbaraPratt Willis, w, has been
communications by Purdue It was nice to hear from Grace
appointed by Virginia Governor
Mark Warnerto the Boardof LaneMullinax. Sheand her
husband, Frank,both work at in Richmond. Sibby is enjoying From Portland, Ore., we have
Regentsof the JamesMonroe Law
Office Museum and Memorial
... the Universityof Richmond
Medical Collegeof Virginia in the lots of tennis and some golf. news from Pat MacDonaldAllen.
ElizabethRamosDunkum's Sheis still a judge for the
Library. has141internationalstudents Department of Medicine. They daughterisveryfortunate, asshehas American RoseSociety.Husband
who make up 5 percentof recently visited Poland,the Czech
the student population? Republicand Hungary. Mom tutoring someof herstudents. Dick is teaching at th e Oregon

1957 University. Heretiredafter34 years

of serviceat the FortWayne
regularly travels to Atlanta to buy
for the local hospital gift shop.
Thisisa fun andrewarding
experiencefor Elizabeth,too.
Mary Trew Biddlecomb
Health SciencesUniversity, and he
is singing with the Multnomah
Athletic Club Balladeers. They
LucilleBurnett Garmon,W, after campus, wherehe was professorof Lindquiststill does some continue to enjoy their
Babysitting nine grandchildren
retiring from the State University communications and associatevice substitute teaching and tutoring grandchildren.
keepsher busy,too .
of West Georgia Department of chancellorfor academicaffairs. and is enjoying her grandchildren. Marion GatesBreeden
Ballroom dancing is on the rise
Chemistry, has been rehired on a Mary AliceRevereWoerner,W, Shetook some time , along with continues to enjoy being on boat
- just ask Mary Beth Stiff Jordan
part-time basis. has traveled to Australia, New BevEubankEvans,BonnieLewis trips . They did dock it at Vero
and her husband, Bob.Theyare
AnnAveryHunter, w, hasfour Zealand, China, Arizona, New Haynie,JenksMarrow,W'6o, and Beach, Fla., and return ed home for
teaching a ballroom dance course
grandchildren -two in Richmond Mexico, Florida,Alabama and JoanneChristman, wife of Red the holidays.
each week at the junior college in
and two in Winston-Salem, N.C. Hilton Head Island in South Christman,R'63, to shop in Justmakingthis issue'sdeadline,
their area. A sad note from Mary
JennieSueMurdock,W, met Carolina, as well as on a few Lancaster,Pa.However,they were CynthiaPattersonDouglasreported
Beth is the passing of her younger
President Bush in Roanokewhen shorter trips . Shealso works with snowed in at a beautiful historic that her husband, Bobby,retiredas
sister who attended
he was en route to the National D- the American RedCross. inn. They were treated royally and pastorof FirstBaptistChurchin
Westhampton in 1965,Lauranne
Day Memorial in Bedford.The played bridge all day! Columbus,Miss.Hehasaccepteda
Stiff Jacobs.Weextend sympathy
president recognized Murdock for The nicest news from Mary position asassociational directorof
to the family.
her volunteerism .
William PowellTuck,R,has
published two books: TheLord's
1959 SylviaOlney Kelleyand
husband, Frank,spend the winter
Trew is that her husband, Jerry,
will be inducted into the Virginia
missionsfor the Mid-Delta
Associationin Cleveland,Miss.,
months at their home in KeyWest, Sports Hall of Fame.He is still wherethey now live.Cynthiaand
Betty StampsBryant,W, was
PrayerTodayand Authentic writing for the RichmondTimes- Bobbyhavetwo sons, a daughterand
inducted into the BuckeyeTrails Fla.Their summer home is in
Evangelism:Sharingthe GoodNews Dispatchand has been since 1959. fivegrandchildren, includingoneset
Girl Scout Hall of Fame. The hall of Boothbay, Maine. Theywere in
with Senseand Sensitivity.He is also Congratulations, Jerry, that is a of twins.
fame was initiated this year to Franceand Scotland in the fall.
the interim pastor at Hampton real honor. Also, it was so nice to hear
honor the 90th anniversary of the SibbyHaddockYoungand
Baptist Churchin Virginia. EileenCordleHarris'son, from EileenMccutcheon Hollans.
founding of Girl Scouts. husband Paige,R'59,visited
beautiful and interesting placesin Chuck,was married in December. They are proud grandparents of a
EllisM. Dunkum, B, has been
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Allan, Eileenhad a delightful week in baby boy born in August to her
elected Middle Atlantic regional
R'93, Teresaand PaigeIll now live Italy, with the highlights being daughter and husband.
director of the National
Florence,Pompeii, and Daruta. An e-mail just arrived from BB
Association of State Boardsof
NancyKippsHugheyand HarveyStrum. Sheenjoyed a trip
husband, Ray,had an eventful to New Yorkwith Elizabeth
Mary MarlowePricehas retired
year, with visits to Florida; Dunkum and Ellis,8'59 and
from her job with the state of
Chesapeake,Va.; CapeMay, N.J.; GB'69, in December.Shealso
Virginia and now works part-time
New Windsor, Md.; and Edisto enjoyed a golf trip to Tucson, Ariz.
at the Virginia Techbookstore. Her
Island, S.C.They also enjoyed a Shestill teaches a couple of days a
husband.Jay A. Price,L'61,is also
visit from their grandchildren. week at RadfordCollege. Katie, her
8-year-old granddaughter, is
acting with the Chesterfield
Children's Theater.

32 Summer 2003
Classof '59: if you did not Christmas Day and arriving at Mark Frazer,R, a practicing ResolutionAdvisory Council. Heis FrankLeonard,B, and his wife,
receivea post card or e-mail from their son's home in LosAngeles in dentist, is also mayor of North president of SETTLEment Betty, took a 7,550-mile road trip
me, pleaselet me know. time for the RoseParade.They Beach,Md. He has served in a Associates. acrossthe U.S.,visiting
enjoyed catching up with friends number of elected offices in L.Winston Smith, R, has retired as Yellowstone and other national
and kin along the way, especially Calvert County. full-time professor of history atJ. parks. He retired from the Ford

1960 an afternoon spent with Jane

GouchenourArcher,W, and her
DarleneA. Morgan,W, spent four
months in PalmSprings,Calif.,and
Sargeant ReynoldsCommunity
Collegeafter 38years with the
Motor Co.after 33yearsas a
vehicle saleszone manager from
husband, Julian, at their attractive alsotook a trip to the Outer Banks. state of Virginia. Virginia to Florida. He recently
H. Scott Kirby,R, was elected a
second home in Fayetteville,Ark. Lastsummer,Darlene,Jane PamelaKochFay-Williams,W, accepteda position as new vehicle
deputy to the GeneralConvention
PollyThompsonMarshall,W, and ThompsonKemper,Julia Perkinson has retired, but has a private inventory control manager with
of the EpiscopalChurch; president
herhusband, Robert,R, celebrated educational consulting business CrossroadsFordin Raleigh, N.C.
of the Standing Committee of the
the birth oftheirsixth grandchild. with her husband, Gary.Shealso William M. Moss,R, is chairman-
EpiscopalDioceseof EauClaire;
Last/all,they hada wonderful17-day has a new granddaughter, elect of the Virginia Hospital and
and appointed to the Institutional
ReviewBoardof the University of
trip exploringTuscany, Romeand "Asascience Madeline Claire. Healthcare Association. He is
president of Potomac Hospital in
CarlJohnsonSlone,R, has retired
retirement,servingaspast president major coming Woodbridge, Va.

from Trigon BlueCross/BlueShield

of ViennaRotary,andwith volunteer
work, includinga week-longmission
outofRichmond 1963 ElizabethToddUhl, W, is with the
Literacy Center in Doylestown, Pa.
of Virginia .
Mary LouWaldenWagner,W, and
projecteachspringto a Presbyterian ...youarepre- SandraD. Bowen,W,has been Alma LouisOliverWilson,W, is a

her husband, Scott, traveled last

spring to Normandy for an
youth campin Pennsylvania.
staysbusywith "grandmothering;'
pared togoin appointed by Virginia Gov.Mark
Warnerto the Commonwealth
supervisorfor Interim Health
Servicesin Norfolk, Va.;her

Elderhostel about the D-Day

deaconresponsibilitiesat Vienna
Presbyterian, birding,gardeningand
whatever direc- Competition Council.Sheis husband, Christopher, is a chaplain
at Westminster-Canterburyin
invasion in order to learn more
about the experiencesof her
traveling.Theycontinueto enjoy tionyouwant director of the Virginia Department
of Planningand Budget.
Virginia Beach.Their first grandson

father in World War II. Theyvisited

their secondhomeon the
RappahannockRiverin Urbanna, Va.,
togoin." WilliamT. Hogarth,R,is the
was born to their son, Bryant
Wilson,R'92,and daughter-in-law,
each of the five invasion beaches
and heard from several French
wherethey gatherwith friendsand -William assistant administrator for
fisheries at the National Marine

resistancefighters. The
Elderhostelgroup included five
family to fish, crab,swim,canoe,
kayakand explorethe tributaries of Hogarth,
R'63 FisheriesService,National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.
maternal grandfather is Joseph
the riverin their powerboat.
World War II veterans.After the (Seeprofile, p. 35.)
Von L. PiersallJr., R, has retired CarolynAnthony Powers,W, and
Elderhostel,the Wagners
continued independently through
northeastern France,Belgium and
after almost 32years as a judge.
He served24 years in Juvenile and
Crewsand Kitty BorumFitzhugh
met at JudyAcreeHansen'shouse
her husband, Bill, took a
Caribbeancruise last year. They
Domestic Relations Court and for lunch.Theyhad a great time JamesChisman,B, is a new board
the Netherlands to enjoy the own a beach house in Duck, N.C.
eight years in Circuit Court. He "catching up" with eachother's
museums, cathedrals and the Barbara).Wilke,W, is an active member of Jackson-FeildHomes
also served sevenyears as families and lives. tennis and golf player.Thisis her for Girls.
spring flowers. In the fall, they
commonwealth's attorney. JuliaCrewshas traveled to New 10thyear asa tutor at a local CarolynJackson Elmore,W, received
traveled to Bedford, Va.,to seethe
DonaldH. Seely,R, has retired York City, attended an Elderhostel
National D- DayMemorial. elementaryschool.Sheis treasurer herdoctoratein educationfrom
after 40 years of service in the program in Tennesseeon black- Wilmington Collegein Delaware.
C. TempleWilkinsonJr.,R, and his for BSATroop101,charteredthrough
Virginia Annual Conferenceof the and-white photography and took CarolinaHudnallManning, W,
wife, Kitty, are retiring to Hudgins, her churchin Gilbert, Pa,whereshe
United Methodist Church. He and a Jazz-SeaCruiseto the Eastern lives in Davidson, N.C.,and has
Va.,on the ChesapeakeBay. alsoenjoysplaying in the handbell
his wife, Julianna, are making Caribbean.Shealso has a new two wonderful grandsons, Grady
their retirement home in North grandson, Hunter.
nephewsand eight great- and John.
1961 Carolina to be near her still-active
97-year-old father (also a retired
minister) and his wife. Donald and
and her husband, Robert, a retired
city manager, live in Dunn, N.C.,
grandniecesand nephews. BernardW.TraffordIll, B,and his
wife, Susan,celebrated35yearsof
marriagethis pastspring.Theyhave
Having servedchurches in
Pennsylvaniaand NewJersey,
Mott A. CumbyJr.,R, has retired
Julianna havethree adult sons and
three grandchildren.
Betty Pritchett White, W, has two
where she is in her 28th year of
teaching high school mathemat-
ics. They enjoy frequent visits with
1964 five grandchildren.Bernardis active
in his churchand ministersto the
elderlyin Marlborough,Conn.
from the active ministry, but grandsons, one of whom was born their three children and three Maxwell G. Cisne,G, receivedThe
continues to preachwhen called in Scotland, where her son, grandchildren, all of whom live Will iam T.Moore Award for
upon. Heand his wife of 50 years Visionary Leadershipfrom
live in Christiansburg, Va.They
have raisedeight children. Five
Michael, has a three-year contract
at the University of Edinburgh.
Dalton A. Parker,R, is an adjunct
instructor at Midlands Technical
GatewayHomes of Greater
Richmond Inc.
live in Virginia, one lives in New Collegein Columbia, S.C.Hewas PatriciaDabneyDenton, W, has VirginiaBlantonBailey,W, is a
Jerseyand two are deceased.
SusanFordCollins,W, has
published a book called TheJoyof
1962 named to Who'sWhoin America.
William E.Russell,R, has been
retired after 30 years of teaching
math at Kecoughtan High School
in Hampton, Va.Shehas a
learningspecialistat an elementary
schoolin Williamsburg.Her
appointed by Virginia Gov.Mark
PaulBrickner,R,attended legal grandson, Max, who is 3years old. Mobil when the companymerged
Success,which highlights 10 warner to the Boardof Health
programsin Chinaand Russialast RossFranklinHawkinsJr.,G, is with Exxon.
successskills and describeswhat Professions.
year.TheLakeCounty,Ohio, Bar AnneDixonBooker,W, and her
happenswhen people do and NorvalD. "John"Settle, R,has employed as a full-time faculty
Associationreprinted a portion of husband, Bill, traveled to Italy/or
don't usethese skills. beenappointed by Gov.Warnerto member with Averett University,
Paul's24-pageessay,Kaufman's where he teaches graduate and two weeks last fall. She has two
EvelynS.Drum, W,haslegally the lnteragencyDispute
Biographyas Lego/ grandchildren, Charlotte Anne
changedher nameto SkipDeeAnna undergraduate business courses.
History. WayneM. Knight, R,has retired and William.
Drumm.Sheand her husband, Alan,
D. PageElmore,R,was elected to Josephw.Newton, R, and his
live in Somerset,N.J. after 33yearsof teaching the blind
the Maryland Houseof Delegates, and vision impaired. He has wife, CarolNewton, W'65, live in
JennieStokesHowe,W, and her
representing the lower Eastern taught in Staunton, Va.; Honolulu; Bluefield, Va.Their son, Chip,
husband, Bob, enjoyed a cross-
Shoreof Maryland. and Richmond. Hestill servesas a
country trek, leaving from their
home in Gloucester Point, Va.,on drivertwo days a week atthe
Virginia Department for the Blind
and Vision Impaired.

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 33

receivedhis master's degreelast
spring and got married a week
professor of German at Hamline
University in St. Paul, Minn .
William). Viglione,R,is chairman
of the executive council of the
Southern FinancialBancorpin 1971
later. They receiveda visit from JeanClodfelterGulick,W, and her Virginia Dental Association. He is Richmondassenior vice president.
GraceCollinsLeary,W'65, of husband,James, R, are also alternate delegate to the RonaldC. Oleyar,B,has retired
is controller and chief administra-
Radford,Va. celebrating the birth of another Houseof Delegatesof the from the federal government and
tive officer of Quantum Leap
William A. Nuckols,R, has retired grandchild, which brings their American Dental Association. is doing consulting work. In the
Innovations Inc. in Newark,Del.
after 30 years of practicing family total to five . L. ThomasWinfreeJr.,R,is taking winter , he works on the
RonaldT. Fink,B, is the managing
medicine. He and his wife, Linda, BarbaraJohnsonLinney,W, a sabbatical from his position as professional ski patrol at
partner of Strategic Marketing
plan to spend most of their time attended the wedding of her son, professor of criminal justice at Massanutten Resort in Virginia.
Solutions LLC,and hasjust moved
at their home in Isle of Palms,S.C. George, last August. He is a Duke New Mexico State University, Las KennethPerrin,B,was elected to
into expanded office spacein the
BarbaraRuscusThompson,w, is Divinity School student. Cruces, for the spring semester. He the board of directors of World
Innsbrook CorporateCenter near
working as a logistics analyst for ThomasW. Lukens,R,was and his wife , Eileen,will reside in Hunger Year, founded by the late
Richmond. The company
ManTech,a defense contractor in promoted to associate professor Leuven, Belgium. The second singer/songwriter Harry Chapin.
specializesin direct and database
Lexington Park,Md. Her oldest of emergency medicine at Case edition of his textbook , Hewas also named a Paul Harris
marketing servicesfor businesses
son, JosephThompson'93, and Western ReserveUniversity School UnderstandingCrime:Theoryond Fellow by Rotary International.
and non-profit organizations.
his wife, Mary Holland of Medicine. Practice,was published in 2002. In HughA. RichesonJr.,B,had his
ThomasN. Innes,R,has been
Thompson,'93, gave Barbaraand EdMalechek,R, is senior vice May, he will be a guest instructor first book published, LegallyYours.
elected president of the board of
her husband, Mike, their first president of CarpenterCo. and at the 28th annual victimology Camilla Rohrbach, B, was elected
directors of Maymont Foundation
grandchild last summer. Their son was recently profiled in Bedtimes post-graduate study program at to the board of the Friendsof
in Richmond.
Pauland his wife presentedthem Magazine, a bedding industry the lnteruniversity Centre of Bryan Park.
with a secondgrandson last fall. publication. Dubrovnik, Croatia. While in Vincent Markum RussellJr., R,
From the Westhampton
Their daughter was married on Europe,he will lecture on youth
their farm last August. crime and violence at universities
PatriciaCarolTodd,W,and her
1968 in Belgium, Franceand Germany. $
.•. that the student/faculty
Frances Whitener
5501 N. Kenwood Avenue
husband,George,R'67,visited their ratio on campus is 9.4 to 1? Indianapolis, IN 46208
son in Hollywood,Calif.,where he JohnI. FleetJr.,R,owns and
worksfor a comedyimprovisational
theater. It wastheir first visit to the
operates Piankatank RiverGolf
Club in Hartfield, Va., as well as
1969 was appointed by Gov.Mark
Yvonne Olson
WestCoast,and they sawall of the warner to the Virginia Boardfor 203 Saddleback Trail
Fleet Brothers and Rappahannock ConnieBoothCollins,W, is a
tourist spots. Peoplewith Disabilities. He is Hardy, VA 24101-3307
Tractor. He has been elected contributing editor for a magazine
retired from the Central Virginia e-mail:
incoming president of the North for women over 50 and is
Training Center.
American Equipment Dealers producing shows for The Food CarolBarkerHindleyteachesart
Association. Network. Sheis also working on a and Frenchin a middle school
documentary for th e Museum of
Modern Art about programs for 1970 in Beaverton,Ore.,which is 20
minutes from Portland.Sheand her
Elizabeth 8'74,hada
Jordan, the blind and visually impaired.
GordonS. Converse,R, is serving Martha SandersBrandt,W, has
husbandCraig,who is an attorney,
havetwo children,one at Linfield
surpriseforher5oth for the seventh year as the clock retired after 30 years of teaching Collegeand one at the Universityof
at the college level. Shelives in
husband appraiser for PBS'popular
Antiques Roadshow. Daytona BeachShores,Fla.,with
spendssometime in the D.C.area
friends tohelpcelebrate. AnneMargaretLarsonFerguson,
w, and her husband, Mike, 8'67,
her husband, Dan Gribbin.
FrancisA. "Frank"BuhrmanJr.,R,
and visits with her mother. Last
summer shealsospent a week on a
L'70,have homes in Smith has accepteda position as publicity sailboat aroundSanJuanIslandsin
Mountain Lakeand Roanoke. director for the MorehouseGroup Victoria,Canada.
SuzanneOwen Flippo,W, has Their son, Stephen, is pursuing an in Harrisburg,Pa., which publishes LindaNoellHarrisis this year's
1967 been elected a member of the
Jamestown 400th Commemora-
acting careerin California.
RobertE.Frank,R,servesas the
religious books.
JamesD. ButlerJr.,B,is vice
presidentof the WCAlumnae
Association.Lindaand other
ElizabethWilsonAtkinson,w, tion Commission. associatedean of international president/sales for Hefty membersof this group havebeen
hasjust finished serving eight ThomasA. Payne,B,has retired education at Morehead State Products,a division of Pactiv, working on a transition team to
years on the Virginia Beach from Trigon BlueCross/BlueShield University. Hetraveled to China as which is based in LakeForest, Ill. unite the alumni and alumnae
Planning Commission and four as a senior vice president. Heand a participant in a program He keepsbusy playing tennis, golf associationsat Richmond.She
years on the Boardof Visitors at his wife, Gray,bought a house in sponsored by the Association of and softball. is also servingon the nominating
Old Dominion University. She Camden, Maine, where they will American State Collegesand J.StevenGriles,R,is deputy committee to establish rolesforth is
owns Atkinson Realty,which is spend 75 percent of the year, with Universities and the Chinese secretaryof the U.S.Department new association. Linda'shusband,
involved in selling and renting the remainder in Richmond. Education Association for of the Interior and is also a Bob,owns an engineeringbusiness,
beach homes. Sheand her PeterPrudentIll, B, has been International Exchanges.Hewas member of the Jamestown 400th and they havea 16-year-old
husband of two years, Sam Scott, appointed director of Farmers the guest of Guangxi University in Commemoration Commission. daughter,Lauren,who ridesin a
live in Virginia Beach. Bank.He is also a commissioner of Nanning, China. Hewas also JohnG. KinesJr.,R,wasappointed number of horseshows.
Rev.A.WayneColey,R,received the Virginia Port Authority , director recently appointed to the Finance by Gov.Mark Warnerto a five-year DavieAdamsrecently had
the Distinguished Christian of the Obici Foundation,director of Boardof the Southern States term on the VirginiaCommissionon arthroscopic surgery on both of
Educator's Award from the Old Dominion InvestorsTrust and Communication Association. LocalGovernment.Johnrecently her knees. Afternine weeks of
Virginia Baptist Religious chairman of the boardfor the SusanParkerHapgood,W, works retired ascounty administrator of recovery,she is doing fine and has
Education Association during its Suffolk Centerfor Cultural Arts. part time in RockyMount, Va., PrinceGeorgeCounty,Va.•after 23 now returned to work at
annual meeting in Virginia Beach EllenShuler,W, has been elected wheresheresideswith her husband, yearsof service. OneBeaconInsuranceCo. Davie
last November. to the board of directors of the Cliff. Theyhavethree children. lives in Rochester,N.Y.,and she
JohnP.Derrenberger,R,has Richmond Metro Division of the said that by mid-February the city
retired from his secondcareer as a American Heart Association. already had 118inches of snow!
portfolio manager in international RonaldAllenSnell,R,is director of JaneAlphinand her husband,
private banking with Bankof MLSDevelopment at Fidelity FrankNovitzki, live in Germantown,
America. His first careerwas as a National Information Solutions in
Minneapolis, Minn. Both of his
children recently movedto Seattle.

34 Summer 2003
Tenn.,a suburb of Memphis.Shehas
workedasan administrator/
counselorfor specialeducation
KnowwhatBillHo arthdoesfora livin ?
students and saysshemay return to
this field at somepoint.Janeand Gofish. Aschief regulator,he attends publichearings,
Frankhavetwo sons:Richard;w ho meetswith environmentalgroups,fishermenand
Forsomeonewho was "flounderingaround"
hasfinished two yearsat William &
during college,William Hogarth, R'63,is on an fisheriesorganizationsand keepsin contact with
Mary, and Michael, a student
now studying in Singapore.Janehas even keel now.Asthe federal government'stop scientistsin the field. "I'm a firm believerin
visited recentlywith herformer marinefisheriesofficial, he is responsiblefor getting out to talk to people,"said Hogarth,who
roommate, LindaFriesWeirich, managingnot only flounder, but sea bass, enjoysrecreationalfishing when he hasthe time.
who livesin GlenAllen,Va.,and is dolphins,turtles and everyother creaturein He said he wisheshe couldget backto campus
the assistantmusic director at her the oceanssurroundingthe United States. more often. "I spent someof the best daysof my
church.Lindahasthree children. life there." He said he especiallyappreciatedthe
"I neverimagined I would be at this level,"
AdeleAffleck Medved,who
said Hogarth,64, who was appointedtwo years hands-onapproachand personalattention he
is manager of the SocialSecurity
office in Winchester,Va.,attended agoto his positionas assistantadministrator receivedfrom professors.
a communications conference in for fisheriesat the National Oceanicand Hogarth is convincedthat then and now, any
Columbia, S.C.,last fall. Sheand AtmosphericAdministration.TheJarrett,Va., sciencemajor "comingout of Richmondhasan
her daughter, Beth, took a trip native managesan $828 million budgetand excellentbasicunderstandingof science.Youare
to Englandlast year and visited oversees2,800 employees. preparedto go in whateverdirectionyou want to
Thorp Abbott Air Base,where her go in."
If not for an influential
father was stationed during World
war II. According to Adele, they
faculty memberat Rich-
were given the royal treatment mond, Hogarth might still
by all staff members. be floundering. One of his
SuzieStansburyLeslie biologyprofessors,the late
coordinates undergraduate William Woolcott hooked
advising for the Collegeof Natural Hogarthon a careerin
Resourcesat Virginia Tech.Last
fisheries.After earninghis
summer she went to Quetico
Provincial Parkin Canada,where
mastersdegreeat Rich-
she canoed for severaldays during mond,working closelywith
a wilderness trip. On a recent visit Dr.Woolcott, Hogarthwent
to campus, Suzievisited the on to N.C.State University,where he received
Virginia Native Plant Society, his Ph.D. in fisheriesand marine biology.
which is located in the Gottwald Beforemovingto the national level, Hogarth
ScienceBuilding auditorium. Her
servedas directorof the North Carolina
husband, Randy,is a real estate
Divisionof Marine Fisheries.
Rickand I went on a weeklong He and his wife, Mary, have a home in Silver
cruise around the Hawaiian Spring,Md., but Hogarth rarely sleepsthere.
islands during the Christmas He said he is on the roadthree weeks out of
holidays to celebrateour silver everyfour.
wedding anniversary.We made
stops in Kauai, Maui and at
Fanning Island. It was wonderful Beforehe embarkedon his career,Bill Hogarth
had a handle on fish, suchas this carpfound
to be out on the warm beaches when the campuslake was drained in 1964.
during this time. In the evenings,
we were treated to some excellent
shows in the ship's theater. My From the Westhampton teach in the Theater Department JudyJohnsonMawyer, Marilib and husbandStevehavebeenin
favorite was an evening of ClossSecretory atTemple University and continue HenryTomb,NancyClevinger Texasfor about ayear,and moving
Andrew Lloyd Webbersongs to pursue performance work. She Carpenterand RachelPierce to Tennesseewill at leastgetthem
presented by a talented cast of has been fortunate to havethe Newell had breakfast together in closertotheirson, who is at Virginia
6435 Pine Slash Road
singers and dancers. opportunity to work with severaI February.Newsfrom Mari lib Tech.
Mechanicsville, VA23116
professional theaters and played revolved around her daughter's Mary KathrynReynolds
e-mail : JJMawr@aol.comor
the role of Olivia in Twelfth Night upcoming events: graduation Norfleetis doing quite a bit of
JMawyer@uronI ine. net
1972 Tricia Mason Prillaman
this spring. While many of us have
kids in college, Nancy is
from JamesMadison University
and a wedding. Nancytold of trips
travelingto leadInternational
Baccalaureate workshopsall over
RayEasterling,B,was recently 14314Southwell Terrace confronting the teenageyears to NewYork to visit daughter the country.Thisyear,she'sbeento
inducted into Collegiate School's
Midlothian, VA23113 with her son, who is 12. Kristen at New York University. Chicago,Mexico,Canadaand Wales,
Athletic Hall of Fame. He is a
e-mail : Midlomom4@ Kathy Kirk sent me a note We're readyto go with her! Rachel with Nassauto follow. Mary K.sees about a work conversation she told of her nomination for a ConnieDayDunnand husband
Collegiate graduate.
PaulStephanHatfield, R, is Got an e-mail from NancyBoykin had -a small world thing, teacher award sponsored by the Charlieeverynow andthen since
employed by The Goetzman Kernthis past winter saying how becauseit happened to be Mrs. WashingtonPost.Threedays later, they live in Charlotte.Connie
Group. His daughter, Jeni,just much she enjoyed reading our Arnold's daughter, who expressed she won. Shewas chosen as continuesto be involvedin a
finished her sophomore year at class news (hint, hint!). Nancy and memories of living in Richmond Loudoun County's Teacherof the women's Biblestudy organization.
Richmond. Shewill be studying in family now live in Philadelphia. (many of us havefond memories Year, receiving the Agnes Meyer Beth RobbinsDeBerghand
London this fall. Both she and her husband, Dan, of time with Mrs. Arnold in the Award. Congratulations, Rachel! husband Jimmie visited SanDiego
RobertR. Staples,C, is vice kitchen!). Frances MaddoxSmithwill be to attend the Western Frozen
president of South Trust Bank in closerfor our next reunionsince
the human resourcesdivision in they will be in Knoxville,Tenn.Fran

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 35

Foodsconvention. Their fruit From the Westhampton School in Winter Park,Fla.,with a HopeArmstrongErb,W, G'So, GeorgeD. FergusonIll, B, is self-
broker business keepsthem both degreein film and video. He is recently toured China playing employed as a custom builder in
busy, but they make time to enjoy living in LosAngelesand working American piano music under the Richmond and is involved in
Spring Crafts Kirby
the Outer Banksand their house 9615 Hitch in Drive as a production assistant for CBS' sponsorship of Henrico County in remodeling and renovation.
in Duck, N.C. Richmond, VA 23233 Star Search. a cultural exchangewith the RobertA. PrehnJr.,R,was recently
Tricia and Judy aren't e-mail: AgnesMobleyWynneand David ChineseFolkArtists Association. named CEOof RiverParishes
managing those lunches together havebeenbusy in Tidewater ElizabethNealJordan,B, had Hospital in suburban New
Got a newsy Christmas letter from Orleans, La.Hewas also elected to
to write these class notes, but the Virginia.Agnescontinuesteaching quite a surprise for her 50th
SharonFosterBurdickand family. the board of directors of the
phone calls to "create" news have at Old Dominion Universityand birthday. Her husband flew her
Sharonand Rickhavemoved into Metropolitan Hospital Council of
increased.Hopeyou'll keep in singing with variousgroups in the two best college friends, LauraLee
their new home in McLean, Va.In Greater New Orleans.
touch to give us something to talk area.Davidis working on a master's Hankins,and PeggiHeath
May, Emilygraduatedfrom WilsonR.Trice,L, hasjoined
(and write) about! degreein theology at Union Johnson,to LasVegasto help her
Vanderbilt Unversity and has a job Thompson & McMullan as a
Seminaryin Richmondwhile celebrate.
with a public relations firm in director. He has a general business
working asgeneralsalesmanagerat JamesW. PaulJr.,GB,is president
Washington. Amandaworked asa
1973 summer intern at the White House
and continued there through the
GoldKeyResortsin Virginia Beach.
Agnes'daughter,Laurel, is a rising
junior at Richmond,wheresheis
ofChinachem LLCin
Mechanicsville, Va.
MichaelL. DunkleySr.,R,and his
law practice.

From the Westhampton

William R.Hawkins,B, is the fall, returning to Vanderbilt after
majoring in English, specializingin wife, Martha, havebeenat the U.S. ClassSecretary
director of administration for Christmas.Madeline is in high
Medievaland Renaissance Embassyin SanSalvadorfor the CindyPeake
SouthsideVirginia Training Center. school,with crew and horseback
literature. Shealsosings in the last six months. He is currently the 1129 ChiswickRoad
RodneyL.Hicks,R,is presidentof riding taking up most of her spare
choir.Clinton is in high school, vice consul in chargeof the anti- Richmond, VA 23235
PDRRockHill in SouthCarolina.He time. Sharonis busyvolunteering
where he is active on the sail team fraud unit. They havetwo children e-mail:
and hiswife, Diane,havetwo college at Maddie's school, including
and was presentedwith the Oak and a 2-year-oldgrandson.
agechildren,Janelleand Conor. chairing the prom. NancyLarimoreUtley's service
Awardfor team spirit and attitude HaroldKestenbaum,L, recently
JeffreyD. Lee,R, and his wife , Sharonalso wrote that she and was held atTrinity United
by his coaches.Heis on the joined FarrellFritz, Long Island's
Lynn, had a son, JacobDownes,o_n Rick had dinner with Maryann Methodist Church in Richmond. It
wrestling team during the winter. third largest law firm .
April 12,2002. Hejoins brother RyczakCasterlineand Bill, R,as was so sad to say goodbye to one
DavidandAgneshavebought a BenR.LacyIV, L,has beenselected
Joseph,3. well as Kelly Hardyand Jack of our Westhampton sisters at
condo in Virginia Beachfor asone of VirginiaBusiness'" Legal
William LeeLoy,R, is probate before Christmas. Maryann is such a young age, but it was such
getaways. Elite" for the secondyear in a row.
manager and assistant chief working as a half-day school a beautiful service planned by
Samand I had dinner with Thelist features the top 400
deputy clerk for the Loudoun secretary at an elementary school Nancy,who had bravely battled
Kelly Hardyin February(Jackwas attorneys who practice in nearly
County clerk's office. in Chantilly, Va., where her pancreatic cancerfor six months.
in Englandand couldn't join us). It everymajor specialty of law
BlakeNormanMorris, R, is a children attended. Bill is in private Inspirational messageswere
was a great visit. Kelly is still with throughout Virginia.
senior programmer analyst for GE legal practice in Fairfax.SonJohn delivered by her associate pastor
the Airline Pilots' Association. Evanvan Leeuwen,R, has been
Financial. He directs the Northside is at Virginia Tech,Katherine is at and her hospital chaplain. Emily
I am still chasing two-year- named city executive of BB&Tin
Consort and is studying privately JamesMadison University and HydeHopkins,AnneHankins
aids and reassuring their parents. Gloucester,Va.
the harpsichord and viola da David is in high school. Barbieand Moore, HollyGronnBoyd,Reed
Leeand PJare adjusting to living in
gamba. He is also basssection CarolBakerjoined the Casterlines Boyd,CarolByrdBarr,Marc Barr,
Tidewater, while Christopher has
leader at Ginter ParkUnited
Methodist Church.
at the Richmond/JMU football
game. Maryann's nephew is a
been taking computer M.MMU.U:.i!
... that durini the school
AnneWhited Oakes,PeggyLum
Watsonand BonnieRitchie
certification coursesand traveling
StephenWayneRicherson,B, is freshman Spiderand is the punter year, BoatwrightLibraryis DeHavenwere able to pay their
with his two bands. open 24/7 except on Fridays
executive director of Virginia for the team. respectsand to reminisce.
and Saturdaysand that
Baptist Children's Home and LindaWilkinsMuirheadand Starbuckscoffee will be
availablein the library?
Family Services.He and his wife,
RebeccaDarnell Richerson,G'92,
live in Salem,Va.Their two
family havemovedinto their new
home in Colorado.SonsKevinand
Paularein highschool.Linda,George
1974 1977
JohnT. Leitch,B,is employed by
daughters are recent Richmond and Kevinspentthe holidaysasski M. PhillipBarbee,R,joined a
Porter RealtyCo.,a commercial real StevenM. Edmonds,L, has been
graduates- Mary Rebecca instructorsat WolfCreek. community health foundation
estate firm basedin Richmond. named vice president and general
RichersonMann, •oo, and Susan Patty Stringfellow Garbeeand after 20 years in hospital
BarneyE.Selph,R,is a general counsel with Ethyl Corp.
Virginia Richerson,•02. Mitch, R'72,L'75, got awayfrom administration. He has been in
dentist in CapeCharles, Va.He has RobertR. Harrison,R, lives in
Mary EstherSmall,W, recently the cold winter weather with a trip that role for the last two years.
three children: Jessica,14;James, 11; Utah, where he practices law with
moved to Wilkesboro, N.C.,and ·to Cancun. Al Bridger,B, has been named to
and Blake,9. a large firm in Salt LakeCity.
joined a new medical practice, I talked to GayleGoodson the Virginia Dispute Resolution
CatherineDay Holroyd,w, is a
Foothills Centerfor Women. Butlerthis winter. She is busy with Council. He is the manager of the
homemaker, enjoying time with
Virginia Office of Consumer
HowardM. Turner,B,works
overseasproviding technical
support to Europeanoperations.
organizational changesat
Meredith Publishing. Gayle'solder
daughter, Sarah,hastransferred
Affairs' Dispute Resolution Unit
and is certified by the Judicial
1976 her teenagers- Bridget, 16,and
Kevin, 14.Her oldest child,
Michael, is a freshman at William
He is basedin Brussels,Belgium, to Simpson College(south of Des Council of Virginia. DavidB. Beach,L, clerk of the
&Mary .
with projects in France,Spain, Moines, Iowa) and is enjoying the LauraLeeChandler,w, hasbeen Virginia SupremeCourt, plans to
Marianne NelmsMacon,W, has
Belgium and Norway. changeto a smaller school. electedto the boardof directorsof retire this summer.
been elected to the board of
Betty RodmanHarriswrote Maymont Foundationin Richmond. JoanWilson Devine,W, and her
directors of the Commonwealth
that son Scott is teaching English Carlow. D'Este,C, is a military husband, Charlie, both practice
Family Foundation of the
in Orangeburg, S.C.,and plans to historian and biographer. His sixth medicine in Southside Virginia.
Commonwealth Parenting Center.
go to law school in the fall. Son book is Eisenhower:A Soldier'sLife. Their daughter Julie is a
John graduated from Full Sail DonaldM. Douglas,G, spent two- sophomore at KenyonCollege,
beenpromoted to the rankof
and-a-half weeks touring seven and daughter Kate is a senior at
colonelin the U.S.Army Medical
African countries for International Chatham Hall. Horsesare still the
Cooperating Ministries , which family hobby.
translates and broadcasts Bible
teachings and has built or has
under construction more than
1,200churches in 18countries.

36 Summe r 2003
Corps.Heservesaschiefofthe such as mutual funds , pension up with Jeff Schneider,R,to win JoanneE.Lapetina,w, and her NancyWorkman Hall, B,and her
Department of Obstetricsand funds, money managersand the Greater Rolling Hills Open, and husband, Ken Clark, had a son, husband, Warner, moved back to
Gynecologyat MadiganArmy banks. He continues to live in Lake he also met up with his former Ethan Alexander,on April 12,2002. Lynchburg,Va. They havethree
MedicalCenterin Tacoma,Wash.He Forest,Ill., with his wife and three roommate, RickGalliford,B. Hejoins sister Sophia, 2. daughters: Katie, 13,Rachel,9, and
recentlyreceivedthe "A" proficiency daughters. StevenR. Hannan,B, receivedhis JohnC. NagyJr.,R,is national Abigail, 3.
designation,equivalentto the rank R.ThomasWagner,B,won re- MBAfrom the University of North manager, on line salesfor Grolier ElizabethHabecker,W, was
of full professorin military election as Delaware's state Florida. Heand his wife , Dawn, Online Divisionof ScholasticLibrary responsible for the successof the
academicmedicine. auditor. He has held the position had a daughter, JadeKeely, on July Publishing,basedin Danbury, Conn. Fulton Opera House's 150th
DougMcGee,R,playedwith the since 1990. 24,2002. MichaelPerry,R, has been named anniversary gala celebration in
Ottawa RoughRidersin the ElizabethMorsePsimas,W, is head basketball coachat Georgia Lancaster,Pa. Shecoordinated
CanadianFootballLeagueuntil 1981. owner and president ofTravel State University, following the volunteers who planned and
Henow lives in Canadaand works in "Ifyousethigh DesignersInc., which offers
corporate travel management to
retirement of Lefty Driesel!. executed a Broadway-styleshow.
Sheis a Fulton trustee and also
the financial servicesindustry.
EdwardS. Preston,B, has had the goalsforyour- the maritime trades. Sheand serveson the board of the
opportunity to work with the
International Mission Boardand
selfandyou husband Alan, who is also her
business partner, havetraveled to
1982 LancasterDay CareCenter.She
and her husband, Kent, recently
participate in volunteer mission workhardto China, Hong Kong, Italy, Spainand JohnF.Brady,R,G, was elected
helped lead the YWCAin a
successfulcapital fund -raising
Francefor business and pleasure.
trips to Kenya,Vietnam and
Cambodia. He and his wife ,
achievethem, SussexCounty Recorderof Deeds.
He also servesas a majority
campaign, and she has servedas
Marsha, are planning a return trip
pretty_ attorney for the DelawareHouse
co-chairman of the adult literacy
to Kenyain the spring.
JohnC.Shea,L,hasbeenappointed anything 1s 1980 of Representativesand is the
managing attorney of John F.
project forthe Junior Leagueof
JonathanHeckel,R, is a recruiting
to the faculty of the VirginiaCollege
ofTrial Advocacy.Heis an attorney
possible." Andrew"Drew" Child, B, is
president of Alpine Internet
Brady P.A.,in Georgetown, Del.
JamieHatfield Hickey,B, and her
manager at Capital One. He and
with Marks& Harrison. -Cammie Solutions, a software company in husband,Jon, live in Wilmington,
his wife, Sue,W'84, live in
Richmond with their three
Dunaway, 8'84 Bend, Ore.
MacKenzieToddMiller Jr.,R, and
Del., with their three children:
Brandon, 10;Chris, 8; and Britt, 3.
children: Raleigh,12,Grace,9, and

1978 his wife, Susan,own a small

orchid and rare plant nursery in
Jamie has been in contact with
CarolynNicanderMohr,W, and
DonaldR. lsenburg,B,was
recently promoted to financial
DavidW. Williams, R, has been Homestead, Fla.,which has been her husband, Steven,in Princeton,
promoted to senior vice president vice president and CFOof AT&T
district managerfor Rappahannock in operation for 12years. N.).,and Vickie StenderOakley,
of First Virginia Bank in Hampton. Network Services.He and his wife,
ElectricCooperative'sBowlingGreen w,and her husband, Bobby,who
He is a business development Joanne,reside in LongValley, N.J.,
district. reside in Richmond.
with their three boys: Roy, 13,
JohnF.Eads,B, and Kathryn A.
Headleywere married on Nov.9,
officer in the bank's commercial
SaraReddingWilson,L, has been
1981 ClayR.Jacobs,GB,has been
named executive vice president
Scott, 11,and Matt, 6.
BrianMcCormack,R, has been
2002. and regional credit executive at
appointed to th e Commonwealth Marion S.Cooper,L, hasjoined named a managing director by
ChristieHales,w,public relations SunTrust Bank.
Competition Council by Gov.Mark WallacePledgeras an associate. WachoviaSecurities.
coordinatorfor SouthsideVirginia PatriciaLapresLand,W; Cathy
Warner.Sheis director of the BrendaDintiman,W, was recently EugeneJ. McManus,R, is CEOof
Community College,won three Shields,GB;SusanClaggett,w;
Virginia Department of Human named one of the top doctors by The Orion Group and RealEstate
writing awardsduring the 20th and JoAnneOrr, w,had their
ResourceManagement. Washingtonion magazine.Shehas Investment Corp.A resident of Las
AnnualVirginiaCommunity College annual two-year reunion at the
a dermatology and cosmetic Vegas, he also is a captain with
AssociationConference.She JerseyShorelast summer.
dermatology practice in Fairfax, Va. United Airlines.
receivedfirst placein the categories D. Keith Sloane,B,is a senior vice
of newswriting and featurewriting,
and shealso receivedan honorable
1979 SterlingEdmundsJr.,B,chairman
and CEOof SunTrustMortgage,
has been named to the board of
president for WachoviaSecurities
and headsthe mutual funds
StephenP.Moore, B, is a partner
in KPMG'srisk and advisory
servicespractice, which is based
mention in featurewriting. FrankB.Atkins, R, is a member of department.
the 2003 Mortgage Bankers in Atlanta. He has three children,
AnthonyJ. Lammers,R, is the Jamestown 400th Association of America. He has ages10,6 and 3.
president of lnnoDesk, a new Commemoration Commission. He also been named to the 2003 SheilaHenry Napier,B, is director
office products company in
Warrensville Heights, Ohio.
is chairman of McGuireWoods
Consulting LLC, and a partner in
Residential Boardof Governors.
LauraHooperFisher,W, is selling
1983 of logistics at Alcoa.She lives in
Ashland, Va.
DavidNewton, R, has receivedthe McGuireWoodsLLP. a line of women's clothing out of CliffordW. BrooksJr.,R,was William Henry "Hank" SipeIll, L,
SalesRepresentativeof the Year BarbaraJett Coursey,W, has been her home. The New York company promoted to associate professor has been selected for inclusion in
award for the promoted to assistant vice is called Etcetera,and their in the Department of Counseling TheBestAttorneys in America.He is
Sports EdgeMagazine. He is a president, private client services clothing is sold only at home at Shippensburg University. For an attorney with the RockHill,
partner in Crown Sport SalesInc. at SunTrust Bank. trunk shows. the past sevenyears, he has been S.C.,office of KennedyCovington
and a manufacturer's H. BensonDendyIll, R, is a DorieL.Griggs,W, will oversee teaching full time in the graduate Lobdell & Hickman.
representative for salesaf member of the Jamestown 400th the production of a new cable counselor training program.
sporting goods in Virginia and Commemoration Commission. He television program, Faith and the CarolWingo Dickinson,L, is
West Virginia. Hewas selected is president of VectreCorp.,a City Forum, as well as assist in board member and president of
from a group of nominees from all government relations firm. He has other program projects. Sheis Jackson-FeildHomesfor Girls.
over the United States. also been elected to the communications director at Faith JamesH. FlemingJr.,R, is
ThomasE.Reed,B, has opened a Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation and The City. managing editor for Medical
Chicagooffice for Fulcrum Global Boardand was appointed by Gov. DecisionPoint, the medical
Partners.Hewill be a managing Mark warner to the Southern education division of Dowden
director at the Wall Street research Community Council board. Health Media in Montvale, N.J.He
boutique firm, which was formed CharlesWaylandGilmore, B,was residesin Dumont, N.J.
to provide independent, unbiased promoted to regional vice
researchto institutional clients, president of Gilmore Service
Center Inc. in charge of the East
Coast SalesDivision. Heteamed

RICHMOND Alumni MagazineI 37

LuciaAnnaTrigiani,L, has been Inc., a Petersburg, Va., organization
appointed to the Virginia Board of founded to steward the restoration JenniferHyde
Health Professions by Virginia and use of a 1768Palladian-style
Gov. Mark Warner. plantation.
If someonewereto producea
Mary E.Welter,W, lives in
Richmond with her three children .
documentaryaboutthe life of Jennifer
LearnHyde,W'92,the climactic
AnneMarie Whittemore, H, has
been listed in the 2002 BTIClient
1985 momentwouldoccurduring herjunior
Service All-Star Team for law firms. CharlesF.Benjamin,R, has ended
yearof college.That'swhenshe
She is a partner at McGuireWoods.
his term as president of Long and
attendeda symposiumat the Univer-
Kevin B.Williams, R, has been
Foster Realtors Top Producers Gold sityof Richmondaboutwomenin
recalled to active duty. He is a Team. The year ended with a trip television.It wasa pivotalpoint,Hyde
lieutenant colonel in the United said,becausesheneverhadthought
he led to Quebec City and the
States Marine Corps serving as a aboutthat line of work."I got really
Charlevoix Region.
staff officer with U.S.Joint Forces
BoydBurton,B,was featured in jazzed,"shesaid,"andI met some
the cover article of the Richmond reallyimportantpeople."
TimesDispatchMetro Business Throughthosecontacts,Hyde
section spotlighting Connective embarkedupona careerthat hastaken
1984 Commerce, a technology
consultancy that he operates.
developmentfor CNNProductions. She filmmakersto hearabouttheir
J.CalebBoggsIll, R, has been Bert Hardy,B,GB'90,is quoted in
the article.
conceives, writes,pitchesand produces upcomingprojects."Myjob isto sift
elected partner in the firm of
Blank Rome LLP.He is a member of BrianR. Conroy,R, has completed documentaries that air on CNN. throughthe thousandsof ideasand
the government relations group in his MBA from the University of Oneof the mostmemorablehas individualsthat arepitchingto usin a
the Washington and Wilmington, Phoenix and was promoted to beenBeneaththe Veil,whichuncovered year,"shesaid."WhatI am lookingfor
Del., offices, where he · plant manager of Printpack Inc. in the life of y.romen underTalibanrulein isthe oneprojectwe can't live
concentrates his practice in the St. Louis. Afghanistan.Hydelonghadharbored without."
areas of government law, KarenElsnerDavey,w,is a the ideafor sucha documentary."I Asvisualasherjob now is, Hyde
government relations and freelance writer and has a knewAfghanistanwasa messy, sayssheenvisionedherselfasa
legislative and regulatory daughter, Hanna, 5, and son, difficult placethat not manypeople writer.Shewrotefor TheCollegian
representation. Drew, 3. andtookjournalism,speech
ThomasCady,GB,has been AnnOwen Dix, B, has been
Beneaththe Veilin August2001,two communicationandcreativewriting
named CEOof SOTAS,Inc., a appointed a board member of
Jackson-Feild Horne for Girls.
weeksbeforeSept.11.Soon,everybody classes.Asa UniversityScholar,Hyde
technology company based in
PamelaA. Grizzard,C, has been
knewaboutAfghanistan. wasableto take classesin any
Gaithersburg, Md. , that provides
business support solutions. named executive vice president Theshowwasrebroadcast many disciplinewithout worryingabout
DanielChristenbury,L, has joined and group manager of SunTrust timeson bothCNNandCNNInterna- prerequisites or declaringa major.Art
the Philadelphia firm of Piper Bank's new retail private banking tional. Onebillionviewersworldwide historyclasseswereamongthe most
Rudnick as a partner . His specialty group. hadthe opportunityto seethis film intriguingto her.
is intellectual property law. Holly EvansHardstock,B, has that Hydehelpedbringto fruition. Shesaidsheis "exceptionally
Victoria HargetDowling,W, is an joined George Miles & Buhr, Hydewona PeabodyAwardandtwo happy"in herjob, whichstill allows
obstetr ician in Baltimore , where architects and engineers, as the EmmyAwardsfor hereffortsas herto write. "WhatI am iswhat I
she resides with her husband, Bill, regional director of business supervisingproduceron both Beneath alwayswantedto be in my life - a
and triplets Kate, Will and Clark. development. She will work in the
theVeil,andits sequel,UnholyWar. storyteller.
Mark G. Guarino,R, is a Salisbury , Md., office.
Lately,Hydehasworkedon Seedsof "Thebestthingyou cando is be
chiropractor in Richmond. He was SuzanneCroninHendricks,W,
Terror,a showaboutterrorismin fearlessandcurious,"shesaid."I
recently given a community and her husband, JayHendricks,
leadership award by the Henrico GB'90,had a daughter, Sarah SoutheastAsia;andBoDaysthat think you needto try everythingyou
County Fraternal Order of Police. Elizabeth, on Jan. 6, 2003. Changedthe World,a documentary can.I hadnoaspirationsto be in TV,
He and his wife , Lisa, have two EileenMccorry King,w, and her producedin collaborationwith Time but I find myselfall theseyearslater
daughters , Catherin e and husband . Joseph, had a daughter , magazinethat tracesthe news selectingprogrammingthat goesout
Michelle. Michaela Kaitlin, on March 7, magazine'sSo-yearhistorythrough So to over200 countriesworldwide."
SueVanWickler Heckel,W, works 2002. She joins brothers, Patrick significanthistoricalevents. Thelatestproductionfor Hyde,32,
part time as an assistant to a local 10, Ryan, 7, and Danny, 3. Hydenot onlyinitiatesprogram- andherhusbandRickyHyde,'93, is
interior designer. She and her PamelaForneroKulesh,B, is a mingideas,shealsoscreensfilms that their first child.Thecouplelivesin
husband.Jon, R'83, live in partner with
shehassolicitedandmeetswith Atlanta.
Richmond with their three PricewaterhouseCoopers in New
children, Raleigh, 12, Grace, 9, and York City. She and her husband live
Ryan, 6. in Greenwich, Conn., with their
three children: Jack, 4, Patrick, 3, from the Partners for Liveable dark secrets, including murder CarolynTotaroSizemore,B, is
DavidB.Robinson,B,was named
Communities. She was honored and insanity, told through the vice president and controller at
by Virginia BusinessMagazineas and Katie, 1.
CarolynLavecchia,L, has received for her efforts to provide quality eyes of the eldest daughter. CSXCorp. She and her husband,
one of the top 100 CPAsin Virginia
the Metropolitan Richmond affordable housing and for her ChristopherJ. Paolella,R, is senior Dan, live in Jacksonville. Fla., with
through their "Super CPA"awards
Women's Bar Association Women work in revitalizing Richmond vice president and managing their two daughters, Rachel, 6,
search. He is also a founding board
of Achievement Award. neighborhoods. director of SunTrust Bank/Trusco and Nina , 5.
member of Battersea Foundation
Mindy F.Mangan,W, is living in EricaOrloff, W, recently signed a Capital Management . He lives in AlanJ.Zakin, R, operates a public
Rochester, N.Y.,and has a 3-year- contract for publication of three Alpharetta , Ga., with his wife, affairs and government relations

old daughter , Molly. hardcover books. The first book, Mary Lyn, and daughters Katie, 14, firm in New Jersey. He and his

Mary Tyler Mcclenahan,H, TheRoofer,centers on the Westie and Betsy, 9. wife, Barbara, had a son , George
received the Bridge Builders Award ish crime gang in New York City
lr_ Steven, on Oct. 24, 2002.
and an underworld family with

38 Summer 2003
scheduledto move to Sydney,
1986 EdwardJ.O'Connell111, R, has
become a principal with the law
firm of Rees, Broome & Diaz PCin
Joseph,in October 2002. Hejoins
brothers, Cal,5,and Christopher,3.
Margaret Gehret Erskine,B, and
are travel, soccerwith the kids and
old Mercedes-Benzcars.
FrasierW. BrickhouseII, B,GB'97,
Australia, this spring for a two-
year assignment with Unilever.
JoyGibsonAnderson,W, and her her husband, Hal, had a son, Peter has been elected treasurer of the Brandons.Carrey,R, and his wife,
husband, JonathanC. Anderson, Boardof Governorsof the William Maureen, had a son, Davis Brett,
Kevin Rotty, B, has been named a Gehret, on June23,2002. Hejoins
R'85,live in the Shenandoa.h sisters Meredith, 7 and Anna, 2, L. ByrdCommunity House. He is on Dec.16,2002.
senior vice president of Morgan
Valley of Virginia with children the manager of corporate DeborahThomasCassidy,w ,
Keegan.He is a public finance and brother Jake, 5.
Elizabeth, 14,Laura,13,Emily, 11, ElizabethReamsJohnson,W, and planning atTredegar residesin Rosemont, Pa.,with her
and Jack,4. Jonathon is a her husband, Don, had a son, Richmond. He and his wife, husband, J.D.,and children, Jack,
LisaDeitch Seiner,w, is a free-
psychiatrist at Western State David Mathews, on July 3, 2002. Kimberly, havetwo sons, Corbin, 5, and Molly, 3.
lance direct marketing
Hospital. Joyteaches music one RobertV. Long,B, residesin 3, and Frasier111
, 8. TheresaB. Dargis,w, lives in
consultant. Sheworks from home,
day a week at her children's school Hickory, N.C.,with his wife, Holly, Melanie DickersonButterworth, Hockessin,Del.,where she works
leaving time for son Jacob,4. She
and directs the youngest choir for and sons Mason, 2, and Miller, 6 W, is regional property manager for a family practice doctor as a
and her husband, Joe,live in
the ShenandoahValley Children's months. for Summit Properties.Sheand physician's assistant. Sheis
Loudoun County, Va.
Choir. JuliaCrandallMacMedan,B, has her husband, Ethan, live in involved in theJunior Leagueof
ChristopherM. Shanahan,R, is
LaurenI. Carson,W, is a district Richmond. Delawareand recently acted as a
owner of K-CoastSurf Shop in joined THQInc., a leading
sales manager with FedExand has developer and publisher of KarenMcCordDempsey,B,and provisional adviser to the newest
OceanCity, Md. He and his wife,
relocated to Northern Virginia interactive entertainment her husband, Tom, have lived in members. Shehas been
Lauren,had a daughter, Madeline
from Maryland. software, as director of investor London since December2000. recognizedby Marquis Who'sWho
Francis,on July 8, 2002. Shejoins
KarenDePalmaCerasuolo,B, and relations. The company is based in They had twin girls, Margaret in Medicineand Healthcare.Sheis
her husband, Tony, live in CalabasasHills, Calif. Graceand EmmaChristine, on July a member of the Delaware
Ridgewood,N.J.,with children MicheleMcDonnellReichow,B, 17,2002.Theyjoin sisters Anne Association of Physician
and her husband.James,had a
Nicholas, 8 and Courtney, 6. Karen and her husband, Christopherw. and Kathleen. Assistants.
son, JamesTodd Watson Jr., on
is a stay-at-home mom. ChristineChambersGilfillan, W, Thomas). FaganJr.,R, is senior
March 28, 2002. Hejoins sister Reichow,R'86, had twins , a
SandraWunschCzerwinski,B, and her husband, Mike, had a director, product development for
Katherine, 4. daughter, Ainsleigh McDonnell,
and her husband.John, had a son, and a son, Griffin Christopher, on daughter, ElisabethChambers,on AdvancePCS.Heand his wife ,
Christopher Ryan,on Dec.19,2001. June7,2002. Shejoins brothers Claudine, live in Scottsdale,Ariz.,
Hejoins brothers Steven,6, and
Matthew , 4.
ErikaT. Davis,w, was appointed
1987 LindaPetersonSnead,W, works
as an account executive at the
NBCaffiliate, WAVYTVin Norfolk,
Michael, 6, Patrick, 3, and sister
Natalie, 2.
with their children, Gabriella, 3,
and Michael Thomas, 1.
DavidP.Franklin,R,was elected a
by Gov.Mark Warner to the board Mark KevinAmes,L, has been
Va. Shelives with her husband, partner at ReedSmith LLP,where
named managing attorney fort he
of the Virginia Council on Human
Resources.Sheis senior vice consumer servicesgroup of the
Henry, in Virginia Beachwith their
daughter, Payton Elizabeth, born
C.Bradley he specializesin corporate and
sports law. He and his wife, Stacey,
president of human resourcesat
Owens & Minor.
Framme Law Firm. Heconcen-
trates his practice in administra-
on Sept. 3, 2002. Jacobs is
7R'89, had a son, ChasePatrick, on June

JoyceL. Dorris,W, a marketing tive and judicial appeals of state

JillAlfordSullivan,W, and her
husband, Colin, had a daughter,
anaviawatch 22, 2002. Hejoins sister
Mackenzie, 6, and brother Jake,4.
strategy consultant, has a 4-year-
old daughter, LauraGrace.
and local tax issues,commercial
litigation and personal injury.
Meaghan Ryan, on Oct. 7,2002. or
collectand Virginia "Ginger"Watson
Griffith, B, has been promoted to
SusanParcellGerard,w, has JamesBaucomJr.,R, has begun a
new pastorate with Columbia
G. ScottThorbahnJr.,R, and his
wife, Linda, live in Malvern, Pa., y an
recentlhad investment officer/closing at
started a home-based
photography business known as Baptist Church in FallsChurch, Va.
with their three children, Stephen,
7, Megan, 4, and Peter,1. Scott
article Wells RealEstate Fundsin Atlanta.
JohnGrizzetti, B, and his wife,
Sue's Point of View. Shefocuses
on children and family portraits.
He servesas moderator for the
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
owns and operates the family inInternational Meena, had a daughter, Sejal
Anne, born on Oct. 11,2001.
Sheand her husband, James,had a KathrynMontgomeryBouwman,
RosannaTrivilino, B, is the author
Wristwatch KerreyZito Hoolihan,W, and her
W, is employed by a retirement
son, Daniel, on Feb.4, 2002.
G. TracyJonesII, R, and Amy home as an activities coordinator.
of Whoreby Default, her first
novel. It is aimed at the
Magazine. husband, Tom, own a real estate
development company in Fort
Kienast were married on Oct. 12, Sheand her husband,Arno, have
contemporary women's market. Myers, Fla.They had a daughter,
2002. The couple lives in two children, Neal, 12,and Emily,10.
She lives in Arlington, Va., where KelseyGrace,born on Sept. 6,
Richmond. PamelaGohnCassidy,W, and her
she teaches college courseson the Keith H. Raker,R,was appointed 2002.
Michele Marin Mason,W, and her husband, Mark, had a daughter,
history of fashion and chairman of ClevelandRealEstate C. BradleyJacobs,R, is an avid
husband.James, live in Ashburn, Megan Eileen,on May 5, 2002. She
merchandising, as well as PracticeGroup of Arter and watch collector and recently had
Va., with children Casey,9, Krista, joins sisters Caroline, 5 and
menswear.In addition, she works Hadden, LLP. an article published in
8, and Carson,6. Michele is a Claudia,3.
as a free-lance writer and JacquelynBrownSchick,B, has International Wristwatch
painter and artist who enjoys JohnT. Cece,R, has been in private
merchandiser. started her own business, Magazine. He and his wife, Jill, had
photography. practice for 11years as a
ExecutiveAccess,a salesperson a daughter, Dana,in July 2001.
Amy LeafeMcCormack,W, lives in chiropractic physician. He
support service.Sheand her EricJones,R,and his wife,
specializesin rehabilitative and
Chicagowith her husband, Ed, and
children Matt, 8, and Erin, 6. Sheis
co-owner of McCormackSchreiber
sports medicine. He recently
began doing a monthly seriesof
1988 husband, Steve,had a daughter,
Claire Rosemary,on April 4, 2002.
Shejoins brother Brendan,4, and
Catherine,had a daughter,
MichaelanneGrey,on Dec.2, 2002.
DanielM. KoliadkoJr.,L, has
LegalSearch,one of the largest health programs for NewsChannel AndrasL. Korenyi-Both,R, is
sister Cate,2. joined the Chattanooga, Tenn.,
attorney recruiting firms in 10in NewJersey. president of Plasmaand Vakuum
KenVostal,R, and his wife, Sarah, firm of Leitner,Williams, Dooley
Chicago. RegisC. Dean,R, hascompleted his Technik LLC,a U.S.subsidiary of a
had a daughter, Payton Unitas, on and Napolitan PLLC.Hefocuses
MBAat GeorgeWashington German company that
Dec.3, 2002. Shejoins brother his practice on broad-based
University. Heand his wife, manufactures hard coating
Joseph. health care, professional and
Christina, had a son, Timothy systems for cutting tools. He lives
general liability litigation,
in Springboro, Ohio, with his wife,
employment and general
Becky,and three sons, Tyler,7,
Jack,4, and Max, 2. His passions 1989 corporate practice.
Michelle Land,W, and her
husband, LarsRorkoll, had a
PatrickBrown,R,works on Wal-
daughter, Victoria May Elizabeth.
Mart business for Unilever Home
Shejoins sister, EliseMarie, 2.
and PersonalCare,a consumer
packagedgoods company. He and
his wife, Anita, and daughters
Amelia and Kathleen, were

RICHMOND Alumni MagazineI 39

JohnGregoryMorrisett II, and his
wife , TanyaToivonenMorrisett,
Chester,Pa., as a partner in
Donatoni and Krasta. He and his 1991 TravisR. Williams, Rand L'94, has
been appointed to a six-year term
as a substitute judge for the 12th
AndrewNess,R, hasjoined Mercer
Human ResourceConsulting as an
investment consultant.
W'91,are currently living in wife reside in Lansdale, Pa.
EllenBradley,w,and her
Cambridge, England,where he is ThomasA. KruzaIll, B, is a Judicial Circuit and the General RossO'Donovan,B, and his wife,
husband, BrianIvey,R'90, are
spending his sabbatical year away graduate of the University of San District and Juvenile and JessicaSachsO'Donovan,W, live
enjoying their new home in
from Cornell University. Diego School of Law.He attended Domestic Relations courts for the in Scarsdale,N.Y.,with their 2-year-
Chapel Hill, N.C.Sheworks as a
JohnE.ReaganIll, B, and his wife , law school in the evenings while county of Chesterfield and the city old son, Josh.Rossworks for
free-lance communications
Heather BerryReagan,W, had a working full time for the U.S. of Colonial Heights. Arnold Advertising managing the
consultant and also servesas co-
daughter, EmersonElizabeth, on Navy's Spaceand NavalWarfare McDonald's account. Jessica
president of the Carolina Triangle
Nov.4, 2002. Shejoins brother SystemsCommand. He was a works for the state as a resource
Alumni Chapter. He is a manager
Davis, 6.
ChristopherF.Tharp, R, and his
member of the University of San
Diego's Law Review.
for CapGemini Ernst & Young.
1992 specialist for bilingual and ESL
wife, Sarah,had a son,John JerryLydon,B, is a regional LaurelHasbrouckPerry,W, and
her husband, Marty, had a son, PatrickAllan Bjorck,B, has
Freeman, on Dec.16,2002. manager with Alcon Laboratories. her husband, Alexander,had a
JoshuaBlake, on Nov.23, 2002. started his own company
MaribethTulenko,W, has been Heand his wife , Susan, live in son, Nathaniel Hasbrouck,on Jan.
JeffreyP.Hamm, R, has retired exporting duty-free products,
promoted to vice president of GKV, Atlanta with their son, Trey. 14, 2003. Hejoins a brother, Wade.
from CH RobinsonWorldwide including cigars, liqueurs,
an advertising and public relations JenniferKeadleMason,w, is chair Anita Pruitt, w,has completed a
Logistics and is now selling real cigarettes, electronics and
agencyin Locust Point, Md. of the West Virginia State Bar general surgery residency and a
estate for Virginia Realty and perfumes, all over the world.
Kristin KaneWohlfert, W, lives in Young LawyersDivision. As such, master of public health degreeat
Relocation in Richmond. Healso ChrisFair,B, and his wife , Maria,
Wichita , Kan.,with her husband, she also is a delegate to the Emory University. Sheis currently
managesapartments in the Fan have relocated to the Denverarea,
Jon, and three children.Jack, 9, American BarAssociation Young a major in the U. 5. Air Force,
for Hamm Properties. In his spare where he works for Johnson &
Collin, 8, and Sydney,6. Sheis a LawyersDivision. In addition, she serving as a general surgeon at
time , he renovatesand builds Johnson in the areaof orthopedics
salesconsultant for The Worth serveson severalvolunteer boards AndrewsAFB,Md.
additions. and spinal implants.
Collection, a clothing company and is vice president of the Junior ElizabethPatten Ramos,W, and
ToddHaymore,R, has been DavidForeman,R, is a senior
based in New York. Leagueof Wheeling. Shewas her husband, Mario Ramos,'93,
promoted to assistant vice public relations specialist for
recently awardedthe Champion had a son, Samuel, on Nov.5,
president at Universal Leaf Baptist Health in Jacksonville, Fla.
for Children Award by the West 2002.
TobaccoCo. He and his wife , ElizabethBoger

1990 Virginia Child CareAssociation.

Sheand DanaScott Mason were
Kelly Dede!Johnson,w, is a
senior researchscientist at the
Foreman,'93, had a daughter,
Kendall Boger, on Sept. 1, 2001.
AndreaBoylanSanderson,W, and
her husband, Mark, had a son,
PeterJoseph,on Oct. 15,2002. He
married in July 2001.The couple JonA. Van Hoozer,R,was elected
RobertWilson-Black,Rand G'92 Institute on Crime,Justice and
lives in Wheeling, W.Va. joins brother Caleb,2.
has been appointed vice president Corrections at GeorgeWashington to the TennesseeMortgage
G. LynneMcMichael,C, has been DougSandler,8, is the chief
for development at The University University, where she conducts BankersAssociation board of
named vice president in enterprise equity strategist and managing
of St. Francisin Joliet, Ill. researchon the criminal justice directors. Hecoachesbasketball
information systems at Sun Trust director for Wachovia Securities.
JenniferPettyjohn Byrnes,B, and system. Shealso works as a at LausanneCollegiate School in
Bank. ChristineChenardShipley,W, and
her husband, MichaelScott consultant to the U.S. Memphis, Tenn.
Dan Redfield,R, is studying at the her husband, DavidShipley,R'90,
Byrnes,8'91, had a daughter, Department of Justice JocelynJohnson,W, teaches at
NavalWarCollegein Newport, R.I., had a son, Andrew James,on Aug.
Ashley Anne, on June11,2002. She investigating the conditions of BrowneAcademy,a private school
where he lives with his wife, Carol 29, 2002.
joins brother Hayden, 2. confinement of incarcerated in Alexandria, Va.Sheteaches
Ann, and children, Maggie, 4, and Melanie Leftwich Stokes,w,and
AndreaAmoreClark,W, and her youth. Sheand her husband, general music to preschool
Trey,1. her husband, Scott, had a
husband, Bob, had a daughter, Charles,live in Portland, Ore. through secondgrades and is co-
daughter, SydneyJean, on Jan.10,
AlexandraAmore, on Jan. 30, 2003. ElizabethJordan,W, is a fiscal director of the beginning band
E.AnthonyCowie,B, hasjoined policy analyst for the North and handbell groups.
AceTempest ReUSAInc. as a "Thebestthing CarolinaJustice and Community Kristine DalakerKraabel,Wand
JonP.Yankee,R, and his wife,
KristenYankee,'94, recently
senior vice president in Stamford,
Conn. He residesin Ridgewood,
youcandoisbe Development Center, a nonprofit
advocacyorganization dedicated
L'97,and her husband, Tom, have
moved to Shanghai, China, where
relocated to the Northern Virginia
areafrom Phoenix.He is an
N.J., with his wife, Kathy, and and
fearless to securing legal, social and she works for the law firm of
White & Case.
associate planner for Rembert,
economic justice for low-income
daughter, Grace,1.
CarolineStevensFunk,B, and her curious try
... residents of North Carolina. She PennyA. Land,L, has been named
D'Orazio & Fox,a fee-only
financial planning firm. He and his
husband, Greg,had a son, Henry
Allen, on Dec.11,2002.
everything you lives in Durham with her husband,
partner in the law firm of Kluever
& Platt LLC, in Chicago, Ill.,
wife had a son, Ryan, in October

Christine"CJ" Radziejewski can.' ScottW. Lester,R, and his wife, specializing in mortgage
foreclosure, bankruptcy and real
2002. Hejoins sister Jordan,2.

Hardenberger, W, and her

-Jennifer Mary Beth Tusing, had a daughter,
husband,Bil, had a son, Nikolas
Alexander, on Dec.8, 2002. Hejoins
sisters Miranda,7, and Emily,4.
RachelDenise,on Oct. 21, 2002.
TanyaToivonenMorrisett, W, and
her husband, JohnGregory
Don Lane,R, has been promoted
to vice president, group account
BlairJacobs,L, is a senior attorney Morrisett II, R'89, live in director, at Arnold Worldwide. He JohnD'AddarioIll, and Michelle
with Pillsbury Winthrop in the Cambridge, England,where she has worked on the Volkswagen Weinlick D'Addariolive in Glen
ElizabethSaxtonStanford,W, team at the $2.1billion advertising Head, N.Y.,with their two
firm's McLean, Va.,office. enjoys photography and
was planning a move to Bermuda agency, contributing to the daughters, Lily Claire,3, and Lucy
LisaKaster,B,and Diego volunteering at her children 's
due to her husband's job change. successof its award-winning Jane,1.
Marmolejo were married on Nov. elementary school.
Mara SalesStreet, B, and her "Drivers wanted" campaign. He KimberlyJohnsonAskin,and her
2, 2002. The couple residesin EllenWalshPeck,W, and her
husband, Richard, had a son, John lives in Medfield, Mass.,with his husband, JohnAskin, had a
Alpharetta, Ga. husband, Bob, had a son, Eliot
Bishop, on Oct. 3, 2002. wife, KarenD. Lane,W, and their daughter, Molly Elizabeth, on July
PeterE.Krasta,R, and Jennifer Ambrose, on Dec.30, 2002.
April FriskiTimmons,W, is the children, Jackand Allison. 4, 2002. Shejoins brother John
Satinsky were married on June 22, Melanie LawrenceRapp,B, is
human resourcesdirector for JeffreyK. Mitchell, L, has been Thomas,2.
2002. He practices law in West manager of general accounting at
PleasantsHardwarein Richmond. elected to the board of directors of Douglasw. Bleszinski,and his
SwedishMatch North America Inc.
Sheand her husband, Toby, live in the Virginia Public Safety wife , Karen,had a daughter,
Timothy M. Vaughan,R,is the
Powhatan, Va.They had a son, Foundation. Kathryn Elizabeth, on Dec.1,2002.
Sunday business editor at the
Michael Edward,on Nov. 1, 2002.
Hejoins sister Abby,4.
lives in Richmond's FanDistrict.

40 Summer 2003
Molly Bogantook six months off JulieKysehas been named sales JenniferHummerFisher
to hike the Appalachian Trail, She
now lives in Chicagoand works as
manager for the southeastern
United States for British Airways.
completed her first marathon in
Dublin, Ireland, as a part ofTeam
Jenny "Tex"Harris,
a director of human resourcesat IRI. Sheresidesin Alexandria, Va. Diabetes.Shefinished in four England forfourmonths andhas
DaniellaCroceand David
McDonald were married on Aug.
AnneD. McDougall,L, was
appointed by Virginia Gov.Mark
hours and six minutes and raised
S5,700for the American Diabetes
31,2002. Included in the wedding
party was CindyMcDonaldKelly.
Warnerto the board of regents of
the JamesMonroe LawOffice
Amy KahlerGodwinand her
The couple lives in Herndon, Va. Museum and Memorial Library. husband, Al, had a son, Colin theBritishHorseSociety.
LisaBiggsCunninghamhas been Sheis an attorney with Freedand McCrea,on Aug. 11, 2002.
recognizedby the Charlottesville Shepherd. LisaSpicklerGoodwin,L,who is
City Schoolsfor 10 years of service MichelleMorrowand Jamie Mark with Hirschler Fleischer,is KristinTownsendand Eric Larson lives in Virginia Beach.Sheis
as a volunteer tutor in the Book were married on Sept.21,2002. immediate past president of the were married on Sept. 28, 2002. employed by EasternVirginia
Buddies program. Included in the wedding party board of directors of Barksdale Included in the wedding party Medical School in Norfolk.
KarenFallinand her husband, were BethVannand Jennifer Theatre. were JenniferLeffler Perrinand StefanieEastmanKubistaand her
BryantWilson,R'92,had a son, Clarke.Michelle is employed by StephanieLacovaraGreenand her KatieShafferStecker.The couple husband, ChristianKubista,had a
RylandLee, on July 10, 2002. Thomson American Health husband, Scott, had a daughter, residesin Pepperell,Mass. son, Christian Gregory Kubista Jr.,
SuzanneBrownFleming,G, is a Consultants and is the specialty Samantha, in November 2002. A. ChadwickWhite is an MBA on Sept.25,2002.
program officer with the Center editor of a clinical newsletter for JohnC. Lynch,L,has been elected student at Keller GraduateSchool RobertMichaelKirchnercompleted
for AdvancedHolocaust Studies at emergency physicians. to partnership in the firm of of Management of DyVry an internal medicineresidencyat
the U.S.Holocaust Memorial AmyJ.Whitcomband Mika I Troutman SandersLLP.He is a University. He has been with DavidGrantMedicalCenteratTravis
Museum in Washington. She Ohnstad were married on Nov.23, member of the complex litigation Medtronic for two years, selling AFB,Calif.,and wastransferredto
recently presented a lecture on 2002. Sheis an associatewith practice group. equipment for beating heart RAFLakenheath, England.
"Religious Responsesto the Cameron, Hodgesand Coleman in KimberleyHillegassMcGeorge surgery. MichaelBradleyMiller and his
Holocaust: The Roleof the Orlando, Fla. and her husband, Randall,had a wife, Melanie, had a son, Michael
Churches." JohnT. Pendleton,L,who is with daughter, Madison Ayars,on Oct. Thomas, on Feb.27,2003.
completed herfirstyearof
the firm Gottesman and Hollis,
recently receivedthe 2002 Robert
RandallMcLeanis in his final year 1995 ChristopherKipO'Neil works at
Ralston Purina in St. Louis, Mo., as
residency in the internal medicine E.Kirby Award at the New of graduate studies in art history quality coordinator for taste/
DavidF.Bernhardt,L, hasjoined
program at the Mayo Clinic in Hampshire Bar Foundation's 25th at Southern Methodist University smell in the dry dog food division.
Florance, Gordon and Brown PCas
Jacksonville, Fla.Sheand her anniversary Celebration Dinner. in Dallas. CliffordW. PerrinIll is director of
an associate. Hewill practice in
husband, DavidForeman,R'92, HeatherL.Phillipsand Scott D. JamesT.Monroeand his wife, business development for
the residential and commercial
had a daughter, Kendall Boger,on Luskwere married on July 13,2002. Suzanne,had a daughter.Julia Catalyst Marketing Group in
real estate department of the
Sept. 1,2001. Sheis an associate marketing Brooke,on Feb.19,2002. Richmond.
Richmond firm.
JustinB.Friedrichshas manager for RocheDiagnostics. ElizabethBramhamRansonlives CharlesA. Rohde,L,and his wife,
John). Birminghamis a senior
established an independent EricC. Reichardthas started a in Chapel Hill, N.C.,where she is a Susan,have a son, Denton True.
manager in business risk
practice, FriedrichsAsset physical therapy businesswith transplant specialty representa- Charity Rouseis associate pastor
consulting with Protiviti
Management LLC,which offers two partners. He and his wife, tive with Abbott Laboratories. for music and worship at
Consulting. He and his wife,
securities through a national Angela, had a daughter, Sydney SabrinaStarrand PaulVeauwere Northwest Baptist Church in
Nicole, live in Tampa,Fla.,with
broker/dealer called NEXT Marie, on July 22,2002. married on July 27,2002. Sheis Winston-Salem, N.C.,where her
their daughter, Quinn, 3.
Financial Group Inc. JosephThompsonhasjoined senior account manager at Access duties include coordinating the
JenniferBramsonis employed by
RobertB.GoergenJr.has been CapTechVentures as a senior TCA,a trade show and event creative ministries team.
Capital One in Richmond. Overthe
named vice president of business consultant. He had beenwith management company. MichaelWaterburyand his wife ,
past few years, she has traveled to
development and Internet ParametricTechnology Corp. Brooke. Swinstonand Lin Cheng Colleen,had a son, Harrision
Chile, Costa Rica,England,New
strategy at Blyth Inc., the were married in Beijing, China, on Keating, on Nov.20, 2002. Hejoins
Zealand and South Africa.
company his father founded. Sept.21,2002. Included in the sister Hadley.
JuliaFedeliBrandand her
her husband, Chad,had a son, 1994 wedding party was RyanWenger.
Brook is general supervisor of
husband, Bo, had a daughter,
Charlotte Elizabeth, on Nov.13,
JacobMerritt, on Nov.14,2002.
PamelaKenneystartedan interior
designfirm, UncommonThreads,on
RichardK. CassemII is in
command of a basic training
international logistics for General
Motors Corp.The couple lives in
company at Fort Jackson, S.C.He Christopher T.Costello on Aug. 31, BrynCuthbertsonand Shane
the North Shoreof LongIsland,N.Y. KatharineMcKnightvan Slyke
lives in Columbia with his wife, 2002. Kathleen is the chiefof staff Smutz were married on Nov.9,
AnneWhiting Kennonhas started hasjoined Battlefield Medical
Vicky, and daughter, Eleni. for the global brand department 2001.Bryn is a major account
a new job as store manager of Associates in Chesapeake,Va. She
AliciaDiMarcoand William at Capital One in Richmond. executive with Worldcom in
Picklesand Ice CreamMaternity and her husband live in Norfolk .
Matthew Langewere married on MeganDonnelland her husband, Vienna, Va.Shaneis a field sales
Apparel in Carytown in Richmond. SamuelL.TarryJr.,L,has been
Sept. 6, 2002. Included in the Patricio, had a daughter, Emerence representative with Oracle.
ElizabethBowersKnisely,and her named a partner at
wedding party was Wendi Alegria, on Feb.14,2003. SharonEngland,L,has received
husband, Matt Knisely,'94, had McGuireWoods.He is a member of
Massaro.Alicia works as Jenny"Tex"Harrishas received the Metropolitan Richmond
twin boys, Trevorand Tyler,in May the products liability and
coordinator of academic services her international equestrian Women's BarAssociation Women
2002. Theyjoin brother Jack,2. litigation management
for student athletes at Saint instructor certification from the of Achievement Award.
Joseph'sUniversity. The couple department.
British HorseSociety,after EricGregory,A'96and L'o2,has
... an averageof 70 events per
residesin Havertown, Pa.
JamesChristopherDimondis a
training in Englandfor four
months. Shenow lives in New York
joined Morris and Morris as an
associate,where he will
day took praceon campus gym teacher at a charter school in and owns a new competition concentrate on civil litigation.
duringthe month of Philadelphia. He lives there with horse and a new business, Harris
February,and duringthe past AndrewJ.Herriott and Nicole
year, nearly15,000 events his wife , Kate, and son, HorseImports. Sheawere married on May 11,
have taken place in 400 spots Christopher, 2. PatriciaL.Hookerearned her 2002. Included in the wedding
aroundcampus? doctorate in clinical psychology party were TadWhite, Matt
from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and now

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 41

AllenSaunderstakesclassicala roach
Jerkovichand Nick Hammitt . The
couple resides in Hoboken, N.J. toworldaffairs and military affairs. After that, it was on to Iceland
MelissaA. Kaspernand her
husband, Mark C. Smith, '95, had Asan Air Forcecaptain and U.S. ForeignService and Swedenand SaudiArabia.He regardsthe latter
a daughter, Michaela Kaspern, on officer, MorrissAllen Saunders,R'64, wasoften amongthe most fascinatingpostingsof his career.
April 19,2002. Shejoins a brother, on the front lines of history.Sometimes,he He accompaniedthe U.S. ambassadorto meetings
Harrison. yearnsto be back. with the Saudiking and other ministersof state, and
JonathanMeadeand Melissa Potts Asanother historicchapterunfoldsin Iraq, he wasthere when the Gulf War brokeout.
were married in December 2000.
Saunders,now a Go-year-oldretiree living in "I sawthe countrychangeovernightfrom an
He is working in Washington
coordinat in g a nationw id e
Williamsburg,is keepinga closeeye on the extremelyconservativeBedouinstate to a country
program forthe National Park situation there. "I would like very muchto be whereyou sawAmericanGlson the street in great
Service, and he spends most of his backoverthere to lend a hand,"Saunderssaid. "I numbers,"Saunderssaid. "Yougot to feel that this
time traveling to parks. They live in would alsolike to take part in rebuildingthe reallywason the cuspof history."
northern Virginia. region.The Middle Eastis an areathat sawthree Saunders'last assignmentbeforeretiring wasa
SusanParrish,L, has join ed of the world's major religionsarisewithin miles six-monthtour in Bosniato supportthe restoration
Duane, Hauck & Gnapp as an
of one another.Thereis a powerand dynamismto of civil governmentto the Balkanarea. SinceSept. 11,
the areathat can work for goodor for ill." 2001, he hasbeencalleduponto support U.S.
CaroleAnn Rohanis employed in
the client services department at He shouldknow. Saunders,who speakssix diplomatic efforts in Afghanistanand in Europe.
SSRRealty Advisors in languages,haslived in sevencountries- from One of the greatestchallengesof his career,
Morristown, N.J. the arid desertsof SaudiArabiato the stark, Saunderssaid,wasto learn about different cultures
TanyaBacornSewellworks for frigid landscapeof Iceland.He has helpeddeliver and how to live in them. "Youhaveto make an
Princess Cruises UK, based in
aid in SoutheastAsiaand to negotiate disarma- entirely new circleof
Southampton , England. She
ment of the former Soviet Union. contactseverytime you go
completed her diploma in direct
Andwhat wasthe prime preparationfor all to a new place."
marketing from the Institute of
Direct Marketing in May 2002. these ventures?Immersionin the classicsas an ForSaunders,a
MichaelJayZinna and Tara undergraduateat Richmond,saidSaunders,who classicaleducationwas
Stanley,'97, were married on June alwaysenvisionedhimself ensconcedwithin the excellentpreparation.
8, 2002, at Cannon Memorial hallsof academia,not enmeshedin the unfolding "Someonewho has
Chapel. He is a fourth-year of world events. majoredin the classicsis
associate at the law firm of ward
"An education in the classics helped give me a someonewho is well-
and Olivo in New York City, where
mature perspective on what was happening educated,"he
he practices patent, trademark
and copyright law. The couple around me," he added. "It gave me a sense of added."At no
lives in northern New Jersey. historical continuity and humility." point haveI
As his classmates at Richmond were receiving ever regretted
their diplomas, Saunders was en route to Europe, havingthat
1997 where he did graduate work as an archaeologist
in Germany and England. He then earned a

JonathanAndrewBrabrandand master's degree at Tulane University, where he

his wife , LeighArcherBrabrand,
also taught Latin. A Fulbright grant took him to
' 01 , had a daughter, Lauren Grace,
the University of Bonn in Germany, where he
on Jan. 6, 2003.
CatherineP. Bradshawis a doctoral
studied folklore and mythology.
stu dent at Cornell University Saunders' horizons broadened. "After seeing
Anne Herman Delgadoteaches some of the world, somehow going into academ-
history at the Ranney School in ics no longer seemed as interesting."
Monmouth County, N.J. He joined the Air Force and spent time in
MaureenFloodworks with Pact in
Southeast Asia and Japan. After the Vietnam war,
Nairobi, Kenya. She handles new
Saunders joined the Foreign Service. His first
business development for the
region and assists with a
commission was to Iran during the period leading
grassroots peace program in up to the Iranian revolution and the overthrow of
southern Sudan. the Shah.
Molly Hainingis a graduate of Next, he was assigned to the American
Georgia State University Law embassy in Bonn, where he worked in political
School and practices environmen-
tal law at Hunton and Williams in
Atlanta. director of the Universit y's TraciMargolisworks for JamesE.StoneIll is pastor of McDarris and High. She has been
BryanHarrisis a middle school basketball pep band. He is a pit Accenture in Denver, Colo. Sappony Baptist Church in Stony with the firm for five years and
orchestra and high school guitar musician (most ly on electric Ryanc. Mooremarried Cherie M. Creek, Va. focuses on land-use, municipal
teacher in Chesterfield County, Va. bass), music director and Koenig in October 2002. He is a SarahK. Taylorreceived a and administrative law.
He is also in his second season as composer for Richmond-area CPAwith Ernst & Young. The Fulbright grant from the U.S. State ChristopherE.Trible,G, has
theater productions. couple lives in New Orlean s. Department to teach in Salta, joined McGuireWoods as an
DeborahHaussmarried Robert SuzanneSnyderand her husband , Argentina, during this past school associate in the products liability
Harris on July 6, 2002 . She is a high ChrisSnyder,'98, had a son, year. and litigation management
school math teacher in Loudoun Matthew Christopher, on Jan. 15, BethTrahos,L, has been named a department.
County, Va. 2003. partner in the law firm of Holt York HaroldM. Turnergraduated from
California Western School of Law

42 Summer 2003
and passed the Washington State a son, Brian David , on Dec. 21, Newcomband RenataMascardo. signing agent for mortgage loan DouglasEwingNickelsis
Bar in 2002 . He is currently 2002. The couple resides in Richmond. closings in Richmond. pursuing his master's degree in
practicing in Washington. KathleenLoreMcElroyrecently MarcArthur Gaudet is a Peace JohnT. Giovinco,GB,is senior history at Richmond.
ChristineMarie Wangcompleted received her master's degree in Corps volunteer in eastern Bolivia. manager of credit operations for FaisalS. Qureshi,L, has been
her first marathon in Anchorage, social work and is employed by the He is living in a small village Campbell Soup Co. in Camden, N.J. appointed to the associate board
Alaska. Los Angeles County Department of without running water, electricity RutledgeSimsHammondis of the Richmond SPCA.
ErinElizabethWatkins and Children and Family Services. or phones. He teaches hygiene beginning her graduate studies in StefanieSandleris a business
Michael Christopher Quinn were MelissaM. Riahei,L, has joined and nutrition to younger children the University of South Carolina's teacher for Orange County Public
married in November 2002. She is the law firm of Wildman Harrold and English to older students. international MBA program. She Schools in Florida.
a project manager in the as an associate in its Chicago JamieKyronGaymonis employed will study abroad in Vienna, Williams. Tate, GBand L,who is
Corporate IT division of the office. She will work in the area of by Com sys Inc. as a placement Austria , for her first year and then with Hirschler Fleischer, has been
American Red Cross complex corporate litigation, manager and is studying for the return to South Carolina to elected second vice president of
commercial and governmental LSAT. complete her degree. the board of trustees of the
matters . JaminJoyleand his wife, Corrie, SusanHardinearned her Friends Association for Children.

1998 Alan PorterVaughan,L, is an

associate vice president with
had a son, Noah Preston , on Nov.
25, 2002.
JessicaIngenito is pursing a
doctorate in physical therapy from
Northwestern University. She
plans to practice in Chicago.
MelanieKielbWestand her
husband, Keith, had a son,
Christian Cooper, on Sept. 18, 2002.
Davenport & Co.
GordonBlairhas joined the law
KatherineMarie Willis is an master's degree in public policy at TrishaHavasyworked for two years
firm of Ogletree, Deakins , Nash,
associate attorney with the San the University of Michigan. as an associate at a global
Smoak and Stewart, PC,as an
associate in its Birmingham, Ala.,
Antonio law firm of Allen, Stein &
Durbin, PC.
MarissaLynKlein is employed by
Anne Klein Handbags as a senior
communications consulting firm
headquartered in New Jersey.She
account executive . She has also visited MaressaSmith in Thailand DeborahFayeBarfield,L, has
ChrisCestaro,a recent graduate
started her own business, Rissy and is now planning to work been appointed assistant director
of the New York University School
of Performing Arts, is a
professional dancer. He was
1999 Lyn, which offers custom-made
gifts and other whimsical
After living for a year in Bangkok,
Maressahas returned to Cleveland,
of the Nonprofit Enterprise
Institute at Virginia Common-
services. wealth University, which is an
chosen to play the role of Julio in ShireenAranigraduated from
JenniferAnne McKayis a where she had worked as a child administrative faculty position in
the off-Broadway musical, Loveto Boston University School of Law
helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army, protective services social worker the Department of Political
LoveYour Lovin. and practices with a Boston firm.
stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala. for abused and neglected children. Science and Public Administra-
AlexCollinsrecently finished W. DanielBeemancompleted the
ScottA. McLaughlinis a tax In Thailand, she was employed by tion.
working as a lead in the work for a master's degree in
consultant with Ernst & Young LLP an international language Geeta Bhagchandaniand Vi nod
independent film Behind the Nine philosophy and is continuing his
in New York City. corporation to teach English to Chugani were married on June 15,
and was in New York City studies in sacred theology at
CarrieO'Brienis living in Nashville Thai chi ldren. 2002. They reside in Tokyo, Japan.
auditioning for Juilliard this past Catholic University in preparation
and pursuing her MBA at Vanderbilt PatrickDanielHealyis pursuing a LawrenceElliott Blake,GB,is a
winter. for ordination as a priest in the
University. law degree and an MBA in public military operations analyst for the
JulieAnneCorstook a seven- Catholic Diocese of Richmond.
BenjaminScott Pagehas been a administration at Syracuse
month leave of absence to teach Melinda Beth Beresikand Cedric U.S. Marine Corps in Quantico, Va.
financial adviser with American University. Uma Chetty, GB,lives in
elementary school, but has now A. Moore Jr.were married on July 6,
Expressfor three years. He has PaulJakubowskiis a trader with Richmond with her husband and
returned to Accenture, where she 2002. Included in the wedding
been promoted to district the Vanguard Group in its fixed two sons, ages 1 and 7.
is a consultant in the Reston/ party were AnneGriffin '99 and
manager of the Richmond office. income department . GingerDoyelillustrated a
Washington office. She lives in G'oo, SamanthaPulaski,Wendy
EmilyAnneProskinegraduated S. DanielMohnshinehas joined children's book, Gertrude the
Arlington, Va. Cluse, Beth Counselmanand
with distinction from the the revenue management AlbinoFrog and herFriendRupert
Matthew Farley,L, has been Meredith Walker. Melinda is
Monterey Institute of department at Royal Caribbean the Turtle, written by Marcia
elected to the board of directors of pursuing a doctorate degree in
International Studies with a Cruises in Miami. Silvermetz. Intended for 4- to 10-
the Richmond Metro Division of counseling psychology at Virginia
master's degree in international year-olds, it is a tale about
the American Heart Association. Commonwealth University. She
policy studies. She is living in diversity, respect and tolerance.
ShawnPatrickFoleyand Jamee works part time as an undergradu-
Blair Lattman were married on ate adviser.
Tunisia as a David L. Boren Fellow,
where she continues her Arabic
BryanHarris JasonT.Gaccione works for L.J.
Melody in New York City as a
Nov. 16,2002. He is a software
development project manager at
ReleneeCook,L, has been named
an associate at the Rhea & Miller
training and research on gender of
'97,isdirector mortgage banker.
policy in North Africa.
Lehman Brothers, the New York
investment bank. The couple lives
law firm in Staunton, Va.
BrandonCarolineCoxis in the
ShannonV. Stamberskyis with theUniversity'sEmilyHansen is employed by Bull
Realty Inc. in Atlanta.
the U.S.Army, stationed at Fort
in Hoboken, N.J.
MohammedHadi has received his
doctoral pharmacology program
at Georgetown University. She is
Stewart, Ga. basketballpep HaideeElizabethHenderson works in product development
master of public administration
degree from Columbia University.
Young Grad co-chair , with Leigh
Ann Shaffner,'01, for the
bandaswellasa and licensing for the National
Geographic Society in
Amy RebeccaKirk is working as a
full-time physical therapist in an
Washington, D.C. alumni chapter.
KarenEricksonis a video editor in
2000 pitmusician, Washington.

outpatient orthopedic clinic in Los Angeles, where one of her JohnC. Broweris a financial music director
projects is working on the adviser with UBSPaineWebber in
Malvern, Pa.
JenniferMeadeMcCarthyand her nomination clip packages for the Richmond. andcomposer
JenniferMarie Cunninghamis a
husband, Pat McCarthy,'94, had Academy Awards telecast.
Grant Fishermarried Cheri Beth high school journalism teacher in
Harlanon July 6, 2002, at Cannon
Memorial Chapel. Included in the
Oakton, Va., and just completed
her master's degree in literature at
wedding party were Jennifer
Kleiner, Kim Orem Mottley, '98,
George Mason University.
NicoleAnn Desjardinis pursuing a
ChristyBorinstein,'97, Kevin master's degree in marine biology
Farrell, JoshWalton, Jonathan at Florida Atlantic University in
Boca Raton.
Tiffany HazelwoodEisenbergis
working as an independent

RICHMOND Alumni Magazine I 43

JenniferC.Hunt, L,and DavidW. Kristin Marie Weberand Shane Texas, but plans to move to
Kazzie, L'99,were married on Nov.
9, 2002 , at Cannon Memorial
LeeJimison,'oo and L'o3,were
married in Corolla , N.C. Included
California this summer.
TraceyLynnMiller is earning a
Chapel. They live in Richmond. in the wedding party were David master 's degree in sports science
PhilipLandau,L, has joined the Hudson,L'o3,and JulieRumble, and nutrition at the University of 1925/EstelleOutten Cassidy,w, 1933/EmmaLataneHammond,W,
Fort Lauderdale , Fla., office of '02. The couple lives in Richmond. Texas at Austin . of Cape Charles, Va., Sept. 11, 2002. of Sykesville, Md., Feb. 1,2003. She
Akerman Sentefitt as an associate KatherineLeighYetmanteaches GregoryOtis Mullen is a Peace 1928/SarahCuddGaskins,w,of taught Latin at several private
in the litigation department. second grade at Shady Grove Corps volunteer in the Ukraine. Spartanburg, S.C.,Oct. 23, 2002. schools in the Baltimore area,
LorraineChristineLarsenand Elementary School in Glen Allen, Va. Matt an investment She was a former district director including Roland Park Country
Charles Rocco Rosamilia were associate with Cambridge for the South Carolina School and St. Paul's School for
married on June 15, 2002. Included Associates Arlington, Va. Department of Social Services. Girls in Brooklandville. After
in the wedding party were Stina
Augustsson,AngelaHarris,Betsy 2002 AmandaLynneNoell and Scott
Stanley were married on July 20,
She was also a member of
Morningside Baptist Church ,
graduating from college , she was
a teacher in the Westmoreland
Plunket and Maria Rinaldi.The 2002. Amanda is the Comprehen- Daughters of the Ameri can and Essexschool systems in
AndrewBiondi,L, has joined
couple lives in Hershey, Pa. sive Services Act case manager for Revolution , Druid Hills Garden Virginia. She was a former
Sands Anderson Marks & Miller as
JasonMadisonis in medical children and youth in Bedford, Va. Club and two book clubs. member of Daughters of the
an associate in the business and
software sales for Professional She also does foster care 1928/SusieP.Moore,W, of York, American Revolution and a
professional litigation practice
Management Group. He also sings prevention and non-custodial Pa., March 28, 2002. longtime volunteer with the
in a band , O-Face, and performs foster care work. 1928/GayM. Nelson,W, of Church Mission of Help , now
ErinCollinsand Mohammed
stand-up comedy. DeniseAmandaOlivieri is serving Richmond , Oct. 11,1999. Episcopal Community Services.
Abouzaidwere married Aug. 3,
JoanneLouiseRoopand Matthew an internship in stage 1929/ElizabethBrownCornell,W, 1935/MaryPattesonEarlyLove,
2002. Both are doctoral students
F. Deppwere married on Jan. 18, management at Actors Theatre of of Suffolk, Va., Dec. 3, 2002. She W, of Kenbridge, Va.,Jan. 29, 2003.
at the University of Chicago -
2003. Included in the wedding Louisville, Ky. was a former elementary school She taught school in Lunenburg
Mohammed in mathematics and
party were Mary JenniferFreer ChristopherK. Peace,L, is teacher and a member of Berea County for many years and also
Erin in physics.
and RebeccaMarie Halsey.The president and founder ofThe Christian Church . taught at Collegiate School in
AllisonDixonhas been promoted
couple resides in Bethesda, Md. Killian Company , a government 1929/VirginiaPerkinsYeaman,w, Richmond. She was retired from
to first vice president , credit
LindsayB.Smith and Corey M. relations and grassroots of Richmond .Jan. 15, 2003. In the Internal Revenue Service.
policy , at Wachovia Bank.
Crouch were married on May 18, development firm in Richmond. education for many years, she 1935/DavidH. Miller, R, of
J.Scott Efird,L, has joined the
2002. DanielPonisciakis a volunteer taught biology , geometr y, Richmond , Jan.15, 1999.
Richmond firm of Florance,
TaraY.Spiceris a graduate with Holy Cross Associates in trigonometry and French at the 1936/CharlesAshworth Bosher,R,
Gordon and Brown PCas an
student at James Madison Coachella , Calif ., working with the high school level. She and her late of Richmond,Jan.15, 2003. He was
associate .
University working on her homeless at Martha 's Village and husband were the second couple to a retired salesman with the P.C.
EricChristopherGencois a
master 's degree in exercise Kitchen. be married in Cannon Memorial Abbott Company and a
financial analyst at Goldman
physiology. She works part-time EricC. Reed,L, has joined Chapel. They later donated funds manufacturer's agent for Mills
Sachs & Co. in the global
at Nautilus in Harrisonburg, Va., Kaufman & Canole's commercial to renovate the chapel's Groom's Supply plumbing and hardware
investment research division. He
as an aerobics instructor and section in Norfolk, Va. Room, which is dedicated to the items. He served in World War II in
works on a team covering natural
nutrition consultant. ErichS.Schelin,GB,had a son, couple. She was active in local and the U.S. Army in Europe and the
gas companies and energy master
LindaStonehamhas earned the Simon Stephen, on Nov. 16, 2002. state PTAorganizations . She also Pacific. During his retirement, he
limited partnerships.
designation of Certified SarahTonksand Paul Allen served as president of the made and restored violins . He also
AbbyC. Hammer married Marc A.
Information Technology Johnson were married on Sept. 28, Richmond Branch, American played in two university
Rendish on Nov. 9, 2002. Included
Professional from the American 2002 . She is working as an account Association of University Women ; orchestras and a community
in the wedding party was Jill
Institute of CPAs.She is a senior manager for Dominion Benefits. president of the Glenburnie Garden orchestra. He was a member of
JacksonBennett, '01.Abby is
consultant with Goodman & Co. in The couple lives in Midlothian , Va. Club , in the neighborhood where First Baptist Church , a charter
employed in the maternal and
Richmond. KatherineAnneVensonis they resided for so years; and member of Hatcher Memorial
child health department of Boston
JustinTarquiniohas moved to working in Dallas as a commercial chaplain of the Commonwealth Baptist Church and a member of
University. The couple lives in
Manhattan and is working for underwriter for Chubb Insurance. Chapter, Daughters of the the Boatwright Society of Alumni.
Accenture. C. BrentWittersheim has joined American Revolution. She was a 1936/WillisH. Wills, R,of
Jeff Hammer,GB,works for the
MassMutual Financial Group as a long-time member of Alexandria , Va., Dec. 31, 2002. He
Department of Defense's Defense
financial service professional. Westhampton Baptist Church, was a teacher, counselor and
General Supply Center in
AshleyBonnerYatesis pursuing a where she served in many church administrator at what is now
Richmond. He and his wife,
master's degree in international and Sunday school positions. She St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School
Cherylene , live in Glen Allen , Va.,
politics at the University of and her husband were also in Alexandria. At the time of his
with their daughter , Alyssa, 4.
Edinburgh in Scotland. She plans frequent travelers overseas during retirement, he was doing what he
SheneeL. Haskellis development
to enter law school this fall. their retirement years and did best-teaching English. In
assistant and residential life
presented travelogs and slide World War II, he served with the
adviser at Chatham Hall in
presentations to groups after their Coast Guard and commanded
Chatham , Va.
trips. She also was a member of the vessels on anti-submarine patrols
RobertF.Holland,L, has joined
Tuckahoe Artists ' Association . in the Atlantic. He also served in
McGuireWoods as an associate in
1930/JohnBlountWeaver,R,of the Pacific and retired from the
the labor and employment
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 18, 2002. He Coast Guard Reserve as a captain.
was a senior research chemist and He was a member of Emmanuel
DanielleMarconiis a windsurfing
received seven patents for his Episcopal Church on High in
instructor on the island of Guam.
work. He was retired from Alexandria.
Mark A. Melvin has been
Armstrong World Industries. 1937/ErnestPayneBurgessJr.,R,
commissioned to write his first
1932/HenryC. Froehling,R,of of Richmond, Dec. 20, 2002. He
full-length screenplay for a Los
Chester, Pa., Aug. 11, 2002. was employed as a salesman for
Angeles-based production
1933/R.BaileyCampbell,R, of Wetsel Seed Company and also
company. He is living in Austin,
Richmond , Dec. 10, 2002. He was a served in the U.S.Army .
retired accountant with Reynolds
Metals Co.

44 Summer 2003
1937/GordonL. Mallonee,R,of 1941/WilliamF.Parkerson,Jr.,of 1948/J.LeeRush,R, G'51,of advancedsurgical techniques in Hewas employed by Virginia-
Richmond, Nov.26, 2002. He Richmond,Jan.23,2003. Hewas a Richmond, Dec.26, 2002. Hewas a the Lynchburg area. Healso Carolina Chemical, later Mobil
served in the South Pacific and former state senator who served member of the American helped establish emergency Chemical, as a researchchemist
receivedsevenWorld War II as president pro tempore of the Chemical Society and the medicine departments at and helped pioneer an early
medals and a Letter of Senate.Healso servedas American Legion. Hewas also a PetersburgGeneral, Johnston- recycling program.
Commendation from the commonwealth's attorney for volunteer at the ScienceMuseum Willis and Chippenham hospitals. 1952/DonaldJ.Jacobs,R, of
Secretaryof the Navy.He retired Henrico County and a member of of Virginia. He served as a medical missionary Scottsdale, Ariz., Aug. 16,1999.
with the rank of commander from the Virginia Houseof Delegates. 1948/EllenPatriciaAdams,w,of in Haiti and Nigeria and also 1953/BettyDavisCocke,w,of
the U.S. NavalReserve.Hewas As a legislator, he led the fight to Stroudsburg, Pa.,Dec.8, 2002. served in the U.S.Navy.He played Salem,Va.,July18,2002.
chairman of the merchandise preservethe architectural 1949/ChesterThomasBolling,R, third basefor a semi-professional 1953/ThomasJ.HarlanJr.,R, L'61,
division of the National Retail integrity of the State Capitol, of Goochland, Va.,Jan.9, 2003. He baseball team, the South Boston of Virginia Beach,Oct.13,2002. He
Merchants Association. He retired defeating efforts to alter Thomas served in the U.S. Navy in the Wrappers.In his later years, he was retired as a commander from the
as senior vice president in charge Jefferson's original design. Hewas PacificTheater. He retired from an award-winning artist and United States Naval Reserve,
of buying and salespromotion for chief patron of legislation the Central Intelligence Agency accomplished golfer. having servedaboard the USS
the Miller & Rhoadsdivision of creating the ScienceMuseum of after 25years of service. Hewas a 1951/AudreyHetzel Ligon,W, of Missouri and the USSMississippi.
Garfinckel, BrooksBros.,Miller & Virginia and legislation that gave trustee of the PamunkeyRegional Holden Beach,N.C.,Nov.16,2002. Hewas the founder and senior
RhoadsInc. Heserved on the Virginians the option to support Library Boardand a member and Shewas a member of RiverRoad partner of the law firm of Harlan &
boards of many Richmond-area non-game wildlife on their state ordained elder in Byrd Church, Baptist, and Holden Flora in Norfolk. Hewas a member
organizations. Hewas a member tax returns. He also played a major PresbyterianChurch. BeachChapel.Shewas a past of the Virginia State Bar,the
of St. Mary's EpiscopalChurch. role in routing Interstate 64 1949/William H. Garren,R, of director of Bon Air Baptist Church Virginia Trial LawyersAssociation,
1937/HarryA. Young,R, of through Henrico County to Wethersfield, Conn.,Jan. 10,2003. nursery school. the Norfolk and Portsmouth Bar
Issaquah,Wash.,Oct. 31,2002. He Charlottesville. Hewas a captain Hewas retired from corporate 1951/WilliamYoungManson,G, of Association and the American
was a teacher, guidance counselor in the U.S.Army during World War finance at TravelersInsurance. He Harrisonburg, Va.,Dec.3, 2002. A Trial LawyersAssociation. He was
and assistant principal at Atlantic 11,and he retired as a colonel from was active in First Presbyterian careereducator, he servedas a listed in the Martindale Hubbell
City High Schoolfor more than 33 the JudgeAdvocate GeneralCorps, Church, Hartford, where he held teacher and administrator in the BarRegisterof PreeminentLawyers
years. An accomplished golfer, he U.S.Army Reserve. various offices and was an Virginia school districts of and TheBestLawyersin America.
served as sponsor for the school's 1941/RobertA. Rhodes,R,of ordained elder. Hanover,Brunswick, Greensville 1953/ByronD. Peterson,B,of
golf team. During World War 11,he Waynesboro,Va., Sept. 21,1998. 1950/CabellF.Cobbs,L,of Vinton, and Emporia.After retirement, he Richmond,Jan.14,2003. He served
served in the Army Air Corpsas a 1944/Rita MuldowneyCopley,w, Va., Dec.6, 2002. Heserved in the becameactive in the Virginia in the U.S.Navy and retired from
weather officer and continued in of Worcester,Mass., Dec.24, 2000. U.S.Navy in World War II and the RetiredTeachersAssociation. He ReynoldsMetals after 35yearsof
the Air ForceReserveuntil his 1944/Mary AldersonGraham,W, U.S.Army as a regular officer in served in the Army Air Corps employment. Hewas active in
retirement in 1975.While in the Air of Irvington, Va., Dec.26, 2002. the JudgeAdvocate General's during World War II. Hewas a Derbyshire Baptist Church.
Corps,he trained pilots and flight Shewas an active member of Corpsin the KoreanWar.Heserved charter member of the 1954/RobertEliot Bateman,R,of
crews in weather forecasting. He Irvington Baptist Church. Before as chief commissioner of the LawrencevilleRotary Club and a Richmond, Jan.26, 2003. Hewas a
also worked as a chemist and moving from Richmond 20 years United States Court of Appeals.He member of Bethel United retired community relations
metallurgist. ago, she belonged to the Tuckahoe was a partner in the firm of Methodist Church. manager for Philip Morris and a
1938/MildredLewisMasengill,W, Woman's Club and SecondBaptist Vellines,Cobbs,Goodwin and 1951/StuartJ.Marsland,B,of past president of the National
of Richmond,Jan.31,2000. Church. In both Richmond and Glass.Hewas an active member of Cumberland, Pa.,April 16,1998. TobaccoFestival. He previously
1938/Pauls. Siegel,R,of Lancaster,she ardently supported Campbell Memorial Presbyterian 1951/WilliamMazel, L, of Norfolk, served as an agent fort he
Tuscaloosa,Ala., Dec.24, 2002. He Meals-on-Wheels. Church in Vinton. Va., Dec.3, 2002. He practiced law TravelersInsuranceCo. Hewas
taught in the Department of 1944/Norma S.Granley,W, of 1950/WinfieldJ. Kohler,B,of for more than 50years in Norfolk, active in the community as a
Psychologyat the University of Alexandria, Va.,Jan.4, 2001. North Plainfield, N.J., Dec.20, where he also servedas a member of the Virginia Chamber
Alabama for 43years and was then 1944/PrestonJ.Taylor,R, of 2002. He retired as president of substitute circuit court judge. He of Commerce,president of the
appointed professor emeritus. Richmond,Jan.23,2003. Hewas a the Kohler-MacBeanInsurance taught business law to high Richmond Public Relations
1939/AnneScottCampbell,W, of minister for nearly 60 years and Agency in Cranford, 1983.He school students and was a retired Association and board member
Richmond, March 21,2002. served as pastor of four Baptist was a past president of the Union professor at Old Dominion for the United GiversFund.He
1939/R.PayneRyland,R,of Yucca churches in the Richmond area- County NewJerseyAssociation of University. Hewas a founder and served in the U.S.Army Air Corps
Valley,Calif., Dec.24, 2002. Carmel, Winfree Memorial, Bethel Independent InsuranceAgents, president of the HebrewAcademy during World War II in the
1939/ErnestH. WilliamsJr.,L, of and Newbridge. Healso servedas the Cranford BusinessAssociation and founder of the Tidewater Philippines and in Okinawa.
Richmond, Feb.19,2003. He pastor of the First Baptist Church and the Cranford Kiwanis Club. He Schoolfor children with learning 1954/R.E.HarrisJr.,R,of
servedtwo terms in the Virginia of Mt. Airy, N.C.,and as associate served in the U.S.Army. He also disabilities. Hewas also president Evergreen,Va.,Sept.12,1999.
Houseof Delegatesbefore being pastor of Richmond's First Baptist was warden of the Church of the of B'Nai IsraelSynagogueand on 1955/WilliamJ.Thacker,R,of
called into the Army in World War Church in Richmond. In 1974,he Holy Crossin North Plainfield. the board of directors at Beth Brookville, Ind., Dec.19,2002. He
II. He servedas executive director became president and chaplain of 1950/CharlieM. Suttenfield, R, of Sholom Home of EasternVirginia worked for Standard Oil Co.after
of the Virginia Highway Users Woody FuneralHome, where he Lynchburg, Va., Januaryl, 2003. An and DePaulHospital. He received college and before he started his
Association, representing the presided over more than 2,000 ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, the distinguished service award
trucking industry before the state funerals. he was known for implementing and Man of the Yearfrom B'nai
GeneralAssembly, U.S.Congress 1946/JamesF.BanksJr.,R, of Brith. Formany years, he wrote a
and related government agencies. Moore, N.C.,Sept. 7,2002. landlords and tenants column for
Hewas a backerof the Virginia 1947/Marion HuskeMoomaw,W, TheVirginian-Pilot. While in the
HorseCenter in Lexington. Hewas of Newport News,Va.,July 15,1999. U.S.Air Force,he servedas a
of counsel to the law firm of special investigator.
White, Blackburn and Conte. 1951/GeorgeL.WalkerJr.,R, of
1940/Hilda Batten Starkey,W, of Richmond, Nov.29, 2002. Hesang
Isle of Wight, Va.,Aug. 3, 2002. professionally in New York prior to
1940/Randolphw.Tucker,L, of serving in World War II in the Navy.
Staunton, Va.,Nov.8, 1999.

RJCHMOND Alumni MagazineI 45

own business, the E.K.Williams Little League and the St. Bridget's
Nowyou cansendyour newsby e-mail!
Co. He later sold that business and School basketball teams. He was
retired. on the Board of Trustees at Send your news on line to,
1958/DonaldR. Howren,L, of Benedictine High School and and include the information requested below.
Richmond, Dec. 20, 2002 . He twice served as chairman of the
served for 38 years with Henrico Benedictine Capital City Classic.
County as assistant 1968/GaryMichaelTyson,G, of Name _________________ __ ______ _
commonwealth's attorney, Ocala, Fla., Nov. 24, 2002. He was a
commonwea lth's attorney and clinical psychologist in adolescent School/Year__ ___ _______ _ _______ _
judge in the General District services at the Stewart Marchman
Address _______________________ _
Court. He was a member of River Center in Daytona Beach. He was
Road Church, Baptist. He served in assistant superintendent at
the Marines during the Korean Volusia Halfway House, a
War. therapist with ACT Corp. and an
1956/JamesEdwardMorrissey,R, adjunct instructor at Stetson
Home telephone _ _ __________________ _
of Richmond, Sept. 8, 1998. University and the University of
1960/Clinton B.CorrySr.,L,of Florida. Home fax _________ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _____ _
Richmond , Dec. 31,2002. He was a 1972/MichaelRichardMoser,R, of
World War II veteran of the Army Perkasie, Pa., Dec. 21,1998.
Home e-mail ______________________ _
Air Corps. He was a practicing
attorney in Richmond at Corry &
1974/W. EdwardMeeks,Ill, L, of
Amherst, Va., Aug . 13, 2002 . He
D Checkif homeaddressor telephoneis new
Corry, P.C served in Vietnam , where he Business address
1960/JohnBickertonProffitt Jr., received the Bronze Star. He join~d
Title _____ __ ___ _______________ _
L, of Richmond, April 19, 1999. He the Amherst Commonwealth's
was a retired Richmond attorney Attorney 's office , where he · Company _______________ __ _ _ ____ _
and deputy sheriff for Henrico became the top prosecutor. He
County. received the Robert F.Horan Jr. Address _ _____ _________________ _
1961/FredB.ThomasIll, R, of Award from the Virginia
Bedford , Va., Sept.19, 2002. Association of Common w ealth's
1962/GeorgeW. Farley,B, L, of Attorneys.
Amelia, Va., Oct. 16, 2002. He 1975/LewisP.Armstrong,R, of
practiced law with his own firm Culpeper, Va., Jan. 9, 2003. He was
Work telephone _______ _ __ _ _ _______ _
until the time of his death. He a dentist in the Culpeper area. He Work fax _________ ____ __________ _
served in the U.S. Army during the was an active member and elder of
Korean War. He was a 33rd degree the Culpeper Prebyterian Church. Work e-mail ------------------- --~
Mason and held honorary He was also an active member of
memberships in many other the Rotary Club and was named a D Checkif businessinformationis new
Masonic lodges. He also was a Paul Harris Fellow . He also served
Here's my news:
Venerable Master of the Scottish on the board of Second Bank &
Rite and a member of the Acea Trust and was past chairman of
Temple. In addition, he was a the Culpeper chapter of the
member of the Truxillo Hunt Club American Cancer Society.
and Trinity United Methodist 1976/PhilipM. GrabillJr.,L,of
Church in Amelia. Woodstock, Va., Feb. 12, 1997.
1962/WilliamJ. Mason,B,of 1978/ChevisF. Horne, H, of
Richmond, Nov. 19, 2002. He was a Martinsville, Va., June 22, 1998.
retired official with Seaboard 1979/GeorgeN. GroganJr.,B,of
Coast Line Railroad. Hayes, Va., Jan. 18, 2003. He was an
1963/RossL. Goble,G, of Sarasota, associate of Bay Transit in
Fla., May 3, 2002. Gloucester. He received a Vietnam
1965/DavidE.Blythe, R, of Service Medal, Vietnamese
Cincinnati, Ohio , Dec. 20, 2002. He Campaign Medal , National
was a professor emeritus of Defense Medal and Joint Service
Thomas More College and an Commendation Medal. He
artist. attended Grace Methodist Church
1969/PhilipE.Corkran,GB,of in Mobjack.
Richmond, July 13,2002. 2005/Jeffrey Ramadan,R,of
1965/AlfredJ.Owings,L, of Woodbridge, Conn. , Nov. 30, 2002 .
Virginia Beach. July 26, 2002. He
was a partner at Spinella , Owings
and Shaia, as well as a past
president of the West End Catholic
Men's Association and Catholic
Charities of Richmond. He was a Youmay also mail to: Or faxto:
long -tim e coach with Tuckahoe
ClassConnectionsEditor ClassConnectionsEditor
Alumni Office Alumni Office
Universityof Richmond
, (804) 287-1221
Virginia 23173

46 Summer 2003

~-- ------

Life Lessons101: Realistically

approachthe real world KellyGyenes
is currentlyanelectronic
operatorfar CNNInternational.SheaIsais
a freelance
"The Real World," as portrayed by even remotel y intrigued me. All of this
MTV in its hit sho w, may seem pr etty was taking place during my final clays
Th e rea lity of the "real world" is that
hip. But most of us don't live w ith six of college while I was also interning in
no two people will eve r get a job the
strangers in a trendy furnished loft in th e Cable News Network's guest
same way. But by synthesizing words of
the dow nto w n of a major city having booking department .
wisdom from others, I can offer my
our lives reco rded for public viewing. Then one day I realized that like most
personal list of job-hunting and career-
However , for tho se w ho are intereste d , people looking for things , the best
building tips:
MTV does hold aud ition s. opportunity in the world for me was
For th e res t of us, the real wo rld is already befor e me - at CNN. The energy • Play up your strengths and make the
most of your ex per iences.
not always so entertaining and it doesn't of the new sroom, the incredible people ,
always air in prime time. However, the and the constant challenges of research • Neve r think any task is impossible.
real wo rld does hold promise for th e and investigations had captivated me . I • Your personal traits of dep endability ,
futur e - or at least that 's rea lized I was not ready to flexibility and communication sk ills
th e standard plan for give that up at the summer's are stronger than you may realize.
co llege grad uates. "Therealityof end in exchange for my • Attitude and enthusiasm are every-
Watch the nightly news the 'realworld' degree. thing.
or let your eyes rest isthat no two But how could I get a • Seek out feedback on your resume.
momentarily on the peoplewill ever real job with the World 's • Become an authority on the industry
headlines in the newspa- get a job the News Lead er? Much like a you want to pursue.
pers yo u pass on the stree t sameway." starved animal , I sought • Try to enjoy the adventure leading to
corne rs or in your advice on entry-level your employment.
neighbor 's driveway. You employment. • Thank everyone along the way for
cannot miss the messages about layo ffs, "You have to be in the right place at their advice, their help , their teach-
cutbacks and ot her chall eng es that lie the right time," most people said. In the ings and their time.
ahead for those en ter ing the bes ieged news busin ess, I could not anticipate • Be prepared. Ther e certainly are
job market. when the right time would be . So, while elements of the great employment
What happ ened to the days w h en I had the opportunity to make an quest that are out of your control;
having a co llege degree meant having a impr ess ion , I starting showing up for however , preparation enhanc es and
job wa iting for yo u? my unpaid int ernship every chance I speeds the journe y.
These days, you take a stro ll through got. Fortunately, all of th e ex tra hours I Go for the job that best defin es who
bookstores and have yo ur choi ce of put in - espec ially ea rly weekend you are, showcases your talent and
hundreds of titles promising th e mo st mornings - paid off with incomparabl e allows you to put 100 percent of
clever cove r letters and resumes that expe rience and exceptional training , yourself into it. It's a tough "rea l world"
will win you th e job of yo ur dr ea ms - which led to my later freelancing for the out there - be prepared to embrace it
and maybe eve n a free trip for two to guest booking department. with its gifts and challeng es.
paradise! But I still have not found the I learned all I co uld about the
book that w ill suppl y me the ex per ienc e position I was pursuing, the company
needed for that knock- 'e m-out resume. itse lf and the characteristics an ideal
Arm ed wit h my soon-to-be degree in CNN employee wo uld possess. Then, I
rhetoric and co mmun icat ion studi es, I tried to find thos e attributes within my What'syourvantagepoint?
bega n my job searc h in ea rn est last previous experiences and myself. Themagazinewantsto hearfrom you. Thispage
summ er, just before I graduat ed . With I was extremely fortunate . My solid is reservedfor alumni,faculty members,staff,students
my stack of sugg es ted job-hunting reference s, hard work and good timing and others with an interestin the University.Stateyour
reading material by my side , I exa min ed put me in the right place at the right opinion.Rantand rave- within reason.Expoundupon
my skills an d interests until I nearly time . I started working as a full-time lessonslearned.Giveusyour take on currentevents.
dro ve myself mad . I int erviewed with video journalist with CNN in September, Pleasesubmit an essayof nomorethan1,000 wordsto
co mp an ies and ap pli ed for job s day just a few weeks after graduating. Editor,RichmondAlumni Magazine,MarylandHall,Uni-
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At,click on
Thisgroupof alumnihas faithfullyattendedthe Richmond/William & Marygame
for 25 consecutiveyears,bearingthe sameflagfor the past fiveyears.Pictured(left
to right) Erik.R.Christensen
DonaldB.Williams,8'53;andWilliamH.Reynolds, R'56.

During a Class of 1952 mini-

Springfield, Va., have achieved
reunion in the Raleigh-Durham
two firsts: members of the
area, Anne Gibson Hill (front
Inaugural 1994 graduating class
left) led members of the class on
at the Jepson School of
a tour of the University of North
Leadership Studies, they are the
Carolina's George Watts Hill
first Jepson graduates to marry
Alumni Center, which was built
in memory of her late husband.

W.W.Huff, R'61,and c.
share a coffee break
during an alumni trip to
New Zealandand

Members of the Board

of Associates and the
President's Council
toured the new
Weinstein Hall.

Richmondattorney RobertGrey,president of the AmericanBar

Association, with Jepson Dean Kenneth P. Ruscioand former presidential
adviser DavidGergenat the Jepson School's gala 10th anniversary
celebration at the Jefferson Hotel.

While in West Palm Beach,

the first female dean of the
business school, KarenL.
Newman, had lunch with
the first female business
school graduate, Helen Aebli
Bayles, B'53.

F.\V. Boatwrigh
Society Dinner an ~
Aonual Meetini-.

Unveilingof TomPollardPortrait

Family members of the retired dean of admission Join

OpenHouseat him for the unveiling of his portrait, which will hang in
• Sarah Brunet Hall. Pictured 1-r: Thomas N. Pollard Jr. •53;
the President's his daughter Garnett "Tinsley" Pollard, '87; his wife
Home Carter s. Pollard, G'75; and his daughter Katherine C.
William E. Cooper and his
wife, Clarissa Holmes, greet
Suzanne K. Bunting and
Dorothy "Dottie" Goodman
Lewis, both Class of 1958.
Members of the
Class of 1988
reconnect, l·r:
Elizabeth "Liz" R. ForestPenons, '51 Is greeted by l·r Page Mccray MIiier, '53, Mary Hurt
Francy Demaret, Winslow,'53, and Jane w.Councill, '53.
Margaret "Peggy"
White, Lenore
Vassil, and Bevlyn Future spiders? Mark Foster, '93,
Brousseau left, holding son Ben (mom is
Donohue Kelly Wright '93) is joined by
Matt Knisely, '94, and his son
Jack (mom is Elizabeth "Lizzie"
Knisely, •93).

den ar
The School of Continuing Studies 40th anniversary
garden party was testimony to the fact that the school is
strong and still growing. Copies of Odyssey: Journ eys in
Lifelong Learning, the school's commemorative history
book, were signed at the party.

Michele Madeksza, '78 and Cyndi Weidler

Massad,'78 pair up a quarter century later.

Cynthia Murfee, •92; Connie Harvey, •95; Kim Kincheloe, guest; Dr. Michael
Wriston, adjunct professor; Fran Householder, •99;Scott Shattuck, •95; and
Valerie Agnew, '96, president of the UC/SCS Alumni Association.

A gathering of two presidents. Former

University presidents E. Bruce Hellman
and Richard L. Morrill met up at tlie
garden party.
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University of Richmond Permit No. 6
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Virginia 23173

Richmond, VA

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