Transcript T1 ETS 2021

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1(c) 2 (A) 310) 4 (B) sic | 60 7) 8) 9 1018) 1) 121) 13. (C) 14 (B) 18 (B) 16 (A) 17 (C) 18 (C) 19 (B) 20 (B) 21 (A) 22 (B) 23 (C) 2h (A) 25 (B) (W270) BW 290) 308) BA) 321) 9316) 96 (0) 98 C) 3A) 37 IC) 3816) 3918) 4000) 41 (D) 62 (B) 43 (A) 44 (B45 (D) 46 (A) 47 (8) 48 (0) 49 (A) 80 (A) 51(0) 52 (C) 53 (0) 54 (C) 55 (8) 56 (A) 57 (B) 58 (0) 59 (D) 60 (D) 61 (A) 62 (C}_ 63 (D] 64 (A) 65 (C) 6 (6) 67 (0) 681) 69 (8) 700) n(A) 72 (C) 73 (B} 76 (D) 75 (B) mea) 77(0) 78 (C) 77: (C) 0 (0) | 81 (8) 82 (C) 83 (C) 84 (D) 85 (A) 86 (C) 87 (B} 88 (0) 89 (D) 90 (C) |W 2 936) %0) 910) (A) 97 (C) 98 (0) 99 (A) 100 (8) (A) She's wearing a hat, (8) She's holding a coffee mug, {D) She's putting up a sign (a) Op xB aa a, () op mg Sn 2c, (opps sz oe, (0) obs ag tern 2 put up APEC ate 1s 12188 A bBo sat ox (&) SALE, OP} THB AD is wearing a hat) S801 OH 2898, (8) A) OE. ORE 7B HR Seti holding a coffee mug) © goles 23 (C) A, ORI 2B Ain iis washing her hands] BeROI= (0) EA Ef, OXF BXIBKS URED Sls putting up a sign) 2S clones oe, (B) The men are painting a fence. (©) One of the men is carrying a toolbox. (0) One of the men is cutting some wood. (a) sot sepa 7217 2c (@) asia] Sejaot mpieaie afm ac (o) HE Se a01 ay a8 Sa 9 (0) Uste 0! ol Lip min act fix BRIE fence Bel toolbox Be At ie) 22] 8 SAR - eisel Bt Ht (A) EL, WAHBOL XH AID Bare fring a bicycle) S801 22 BE. (6) EASE, USO! Se}ao| oEAIE Sia Slave painting a fence) 240) OES Se. (0) SH. 2G, BF ANB SH His carrying a toalbon) eNO! 2 (@0| son your 2B, (0) SA: SG, LUPE NED Ble cutting some wood) Hel 2 o| woini gooR oe, (A) One of the women is typing on a computer. (8) One of the women is lifting a cup. (©) They‘te arranging some chairs. 0) opis & ao] eI era Sim Se (e) opie 3 £201 a8 BotgeIa a, (9) Aol ori wrasia 2 () AiO EC, UO} eer arrangerteniy, 4st Wy) 2eL og BB AKG - eleol Sat ait (A) SA 2&2. RIREIOLEIOIIS 813 Eis typing on a computer) Offi 280] BOIS] BOE Ost (G) SA OGL, LAS Bor WALZ Mfc Uing a cup ORIOL BOI oni wone oe. (c) SA} 2B. OFHEO! SHES weet Before arranging some hair) 2450] OLDS 2, (0) EL. ORIEOI HEHE 4 Slelare looking et @ document) e0lae 2 (A) Light bulbs are being replaced in streetlamps. tees are lining @ walk (©) Some bricks are stacked in a pile. (0) People are watching an outdoor performance. (ay 7 seFRo1 mM (@) UPHO] Be wat BOHN Be, (c) Sf BSO1 FcI8 4O4 (0) ARB os 388 => 2, 1 light bulb 27 streetamp 2525 line ~8 mel BS AY walkway S23), 85 brick WE stack MC ina pile sole cs 201 ov aL AR! ~ 20] ABS] A OE (a) BAF SEL, BPSAigh bulbs ACH 8kSfare beng replaced) Afg2| S20] Bolx| Boos Oe, (8) BE, UPSItrees)ol UB alah BOL GE Care Lining a walkway) S801 (6) AiSok BE ANE O18! OFF ARON EEIbrcks) OHS (ore stacked in a pile) 240] oir] NOSE Se (0) SAF 98. AfsO) of9| BOE Se WElare watching an outdoor performance) S401 OIE 98t (A) The man is taking a lab coat from a hook. (8) A customer is paying for some items. C) Merchandise is being displayed in a (D) A glass counter is being wiped off. 0) WxPH ats 78g Rezoou AD ac () yo) Bate xeseia ac () -ABS01 a oN HEED] we, (0) #21 igep} Soin ge hook $201, 321 pay for cH XIBsICb wipe off OKC! ist 201 ofa) at APE! ~ SU ARO eH AF (9) SA-98, Wait ABN ISB SeIOLA LIT Ets taking 2 la coat rom 2 hook) Se] oh I= 2 (B) SAP OEF, Wat SEs paying) At19i Bao] wops| BoEs 2a, (c) 2, HOI LY SF RISE SIE(s being cleplayed in a case) HCHO) Ze, RS SA AYO] SIOKS ie being displayed ASO! A! EHR HEIN 4 BIC (0) Si 2, B21 MGFils glace counters Gia Slt wiped of) Ae) S40] Wo] BOBS OFF, (A) A tug is being unrolled, (8) A potted plant has been placed on top of a shelf. have been i d to the wall (D) Some tiles have been removed from the floor. oy atv ania ac () seo] 421 9 oH DC, (c) ARE wor aztec, (0) 55 EAE] IN fr Ac, Unrll BR} potted plant ito je) ae ‘mount 2, 1 Sah 2h AN AVS ~ ASL ARB e4 Ap (5.98, ants rughS HEL Blelie being unroted) AMOI 240] SoRx| BORE oe, (8) BA OE, AW Fo M4 BAEIhas been placed on top of a shel?) Sa potted plan 2| 240] W0in| BODE OEL (©) BE, AAFEHSKbulletin boardsO| WOH RISO} Behave been mounted to the wall 40188 $3, (0) BAF SEL HEIN WOU @SIhave Been removed fram the ‘oor EStiles 2] B40) wOIR| JOoR oes PART2 cn What color should we paint the waiting room? (8) Tomorrow should work. (O Yes, I filled the prescription. cps Fe Hoe BO} BIR? 0 meoe aE (@ wa aeuC, (Ch, ack arta. waiting room 714 fila prescription 2 (nea) atc TesT1 3 Mls 8S te Wha (a) EL UPie $6 Mow URI Se aeol Ee AOR sun gone we (6) aia} Spa O52 When SI RoL olsaim Reine oF (0) Yes/No Wt 28, What SHERO Yes/No Beto] BPKSSIOR 23. ws Who has the attendance sheet? Mon (A) Mr. Bora does (6) 1 was Just there yesterday. (C) Our most recent event. soraame pm ue? (a) sa up} 7m e012, (8) Fo 7 OI (cy 7a a 2, Jy) attendance sheet 25 game da te Me St Who see (a) Be, SMBH 2m SI ARR SE ROT Mr, Boraate= At 01 SS Asin gone BE (6) Ba Go} SE wo SIE ROI CIS) Row ey 7H BH CERNE I org ot (c) a Gof SEE, BSI attendancetla Sf 758! event OF. oo 9 uch The last train to Melbourne hasn't departed yet, has it? 3, ust (8) No, it shouldn't rain. (© Only ten dollars ee OR 7K OFS aI RN, aa (a) ofc, eto. (8) Oba, ebrel 8 nots, (cs 1oReba2 10) depart atic) ised Bit OF Atala WLI (a) 2, 7117} SSE RIS ISH ABA HEHesL2 CALEY Stn alvin ai en gona He (©) BABB OG, HEI taints BeOS WO] Strain O1 B28, (c) EH YERIE 251 How much ESOL OFBIe BEOINE Oe Wear ‘Au How do I get the drawer of the cash register, to open? werm (A) A department store sale. ® y (0) Yes, l already signed up. ae1 587121 Meg OFBAI OL I2? (a) agi wei. (9) Waris O71 2019, (OM, 0 7H, 018 cash register 32551 sign up 2 eI, Sst 0 NGG 8 WUE BE How HS (i) 29 G04 2B, WEE cashoIA Sat 7hstt sale 0188 2B (8) BS, ABS Of OHSTIE Be SOF GPF OP] gICON SI Sanja your ae, (6) Yes/No $74 28, How SIRRof= Yes/No Sto] BHR 38. at Haven't you put ina lot of overtime lately? een (A) Yes, Ihave a lot todo. (@) les threesthirty. (© I brought my lunch today. sxzol an} 2m Bol on eo? (as a wo ronis, (2) sAlsoweue, (0) oe BuE 72012 oe) putin Ae SIME t_overtime #212, Okt 4g 8220) ap OM aie Pa (0), 201 34 ZB Bol en RB BN eset DB A, S Qo] Mclol AC! OF MAlstat WOO Set (6) 848 Col OURO! avertimedlAl HA HRB APE BL \toree- tit) 0188! 28. (0 Bem wae OB, \weam Where did you work before this? Mea (A) Ata law firm (8) He's my supervisor. (0) An old résumé, op x oc BRSHIOIS? 9 ee sae, (@) 3e M-ARLE, () ojs oFeHts. o1) Law firm #38 SHE résumé oH (es Of 2ExHE Bt Where S18 (0) BE OF! ENE Se UEO wH ahin 2p AB Ba 29088 WE, (9) GF Ok 26, IROL workOb OAs >it! LEY auperviaor ols! ott, (0) 4 Elo} eh. BR! work before thisolA Sy 7Hest résumé 01881 26. cn Could you help me interview some job conslidates? ete (A) The conference room. (@) Thanks for the recommendation, ier ee SEE AIO127 9) st012, @) 2a NEaIE. (0) 7st, SBE. | interview (2200 IS CF stating SE, AR Hs ayeRe ee (a) RO} AIS OF, What SEE Whore SHA Oise B01 SoH, (6) © lo} 2G, WBA interview’ job candidates tA 8 7H £ recommendation’ 0188} 29. (c) 2, OH AMG SOI 4 Ne] BE AAs BR 7HSBIEE ( conta 880] FASO! APE 7H APIB Be ED gO=M 2. lustu When is Mariko's trip to Moscow? wet (A) A round-trip ticket. ) The second week ie uh (0) Yes, for a summer vacation. ofano] 2A. oto] geo? a ge epi, ©) 7a Em Fae, (OM, of Arie eH, 19 round-trip 1 15 Of ABS 26 When SIR 9) 20} 8s 28, UES ring Ha O18 OS, (@) BEL, Cfo] of SININE Be EO 7 BM Faiz Be sin 4208 8 (©) Yes/No 374 23, When S120: Yos/No Selo] MPPSSIOS 28 cn Please deliver these account files to Mr. Zhang. eB (A) A new senior account manager. (©) Assigned contract. 0] a mas MPL EE SHES, () Miata ameatuopte. (@) 4.x 2c SBA, (0) Ms EMER, Senior 88) 291 drop off ~ 7)NHEC! signed MB oe Sayeael wet (1) €O} 8s 28, BAS! account WF OFFS SE (0) 2 SIS HRA Sek PE aH Sureehm MB! SL shicin gous 2g, (0) BABE API 2E, What SIBSOL CIE BOI og Au Why is the parking garage closed? Wea (A) Because its heing repairer (8) To the south entrance. (© Monday through Friday. ‘sais lat eat sus? a saimoeus. (9 uEdoss (0 aeeuret wiewms 1 parking garage 218. through ($8 ~7 2 RAigol we O1RB BE Wry 3B (WB, FAG] BO IE OFF RE EOL Fel SOI OR njon 998 ae, (@) es 82 Se. Whore eA He BHIOIDR oe (©) EM aR= 9. When BOI HEE BUOIER Su. yeBr Do you want your commercial to run at seven or eight PM.? cn (A) Several actors auditioned. (8) A half-hour radio show. BID} MSSIIB BAKE ARI A Taka, Obs BAL? (a) BE wool Sciee Role, (6) cope ace ants, (anpremas. commercial (#31TV) #2 run'dikek} audition 2215s {uch half-hour 305 TEST 5 ts Bn we ARE Be aus (8) 2 Eo} OFF, RI commercalOl BY 7HsEt actors Ol B0se, (6) 2 Go} OE2, RI commercialoM at 7HsEE radio show Boge ou, (0), OL He AlNB et! SE BRON BAP cos FoR! A218 8 Stein Ose atg, \viam Isn't the director of public relations coming today? eon (A) An award-winning film, (8) {have a map you can use. ‘Su OM NO] 25 9718 Bix BLED? fa) ae ¥egeae 1B) Angsre 21 I=) BOIS, (4, Z0pm128 HHS, 919 director o4 (-232) 2H public relations Bat award-winning 8 BE Vs IB Sex| on Aki CHR (0) Sy Sol SEL Wee! diroctorob 2 7HSEE fms O1B8 2 () 2 Go} 2, ABS drectorB crections(2 SN Ae 0 248 758! map 0188! SEL (03, 8H OD} Sten Obes SzOL UNeslakz BEY, 2 S8y peta HRion Selsin USSE we. NoAu [can lend you a pen if you need one. ‘wes (A) Pass me a menu, please. (8) Thank you already have oné (Q He's at the end. Bosh ws wl ca (a) ole etapa, (@) ZAM, ol) ets 218, (0) 3 Wopeont, ws MAIS BME a) aes setae oat (6) UE, Bose we weY SCID ARIaKe BAKE mI Of] 3h) geo Arsen ome ae (0) BBD wea O8, \W-Am Which photograph did you want me to edit, for the magazine? on (A) My new camera. 8) The photo of the sunset (©) Ok, thanks for the update. XpbOH AHIR Aino Saleh ie eieHsLIo? (a) AL 202012, (6) BARI, (0) SAH, wot st aa (0) edit alse, 22 sunset 2 48 KE SIR BE Which te (8) 24 Bo} 2B, 1B photographolA Bt 7H cameraBl 0] aoe. (8) 28, Of! ARO] F2IS/718 HPN BE EO LS AOL 0} 2at6PA Gel Fa ooR aE, (C} 2 201 9. Be edtoby ca) 7H updated O18! SE 24, \WsBr Why did your company decide to advertise Internationally? Mau (A) To expand our customer base (®) Yes, that sounds like a great idea, (©) Which side do you prefer? HHS 9 oko Binal eo? wy) 2as@ Map1 oe, (@) 4, 88 a zols. (coms a eeeie? expand SSK! customer base 12% prefer 8sic) is Slo Baas Es O1RH BE Wy BS (A) 2, Mol Ba se Ae olee BE WO DASE 5p | Saneta O19 XNain G95 2 (8) Yes/No 271 982, Why SHBROR= Yes/No 0] BHR 283, (0) AMS OE! WEI docidest VRE VEO] RANE stew olga! out wim The book you want to read ie available at the library. ‘Naw (A) Sorry, but I'm busy at that time. (©) Are there any other job positions available? 212 AO SAKE fo] ARO feo} ois, (8) AIRY, 3A we, (e) eo sEH2, (c) cB amepaLE7 available OBE, AE LE copy (Ae Sa BI ay algo) BE (a) 214 ok 9G, BARA! available 'AlZO| SISO SEAS cH ‘2g Patt busy URE! our (8) BE, 91m Ao 8 Ho] ARON Ae0| sich BAO 4g BERICO| Cf O18 EBE| Ap] We BBS FAO Bel 291288 IE, (6) Sof St OB, BEA! available WI O18! Ost hi-ca Are you going to print a few more copies of ‘the agenda? wese (A) Two hours, at most. (8) The printer on the left. slots as wet8 70? (a) 780} anos. (o) aot 2 RIOD, (c) asi ae a Bede, agenda 2% at most 790+ SFI OR Be BoA OFS (8) MEOH YBIRIE OF, How long SBE ett BeIOIDE Ot (8) THD} Se, 291 print NADI AHAE printer O18! SL (©) 9, So Reta oF methine Be BAL ORIN Spat Sa) ke A aint 57] OME INI gla BB) sos Musi YOsE AY, w-8r How did the product demonstration go? Mau (A) The auc i (8) Near the city convention center. (©) I think earlier would be better. IS ARS om 8? (9 sro Zoi Zao, (@) Are eee ae aa (oem ee 2 ze, How did - go? ~ 048012? product demonstration HIB AP audience 85, BE seem to~2! 2! zt 2g Algol ame St How ES (a) BE, 43 Aloo Of RTI BE MEDI AGO] ols AI gaICIo| al el Wel Fm YOSSI (6) SD] Baa OE, Where SIBEO| Ofget= SHOIDE Se, (@) BED Ae oe, ‘wed The actors in this play are talented, aren't they? Mea (A) Tickets for front-row seats, (C) The tractor needs repairs. 0] 23214988 Miso] FOIL, TRI UR? (a) 2 oa 2 abs extol, (9) SEM FEEPIE ae, (c) EEE 421601 a. play 2 talented His SIL front-row 8 tractor SF} ta A 7H (A) 28 oH 98, BES! playob eit 7H8 tekets OBE! 9. (6) BE, eRe! MeEO| MO] FLICK: Sizot Bsr BE ‘Bol ERE A SUSIE sIclo| Bal HE PaIOR Tet alone ae, (c) AWE 2e1 Wel actorsa} SNIOR HO) BA tractor Bole! ou, cn Where are we meeting with the clients this. afternoon? Weer (A) They just can 1 (8) No, we don't need to wear a uniform. (©) Yes, Ms. Watanabe. 26 O80) 92) zag} OFC shaMIA? (W) 2 3B e012 2 AAR, () ofa, SHB OSHS Sa, (o) Het, client 22 cancel HA3ICt 16) BAGH Ghd BAB Be Where IE (a) Be, 3m oly BAR Be EOL DaNRO] Mia & AA RICH 2 Be7 aise Faroe wala woos BE, (@) Yes/No 71 OEE. Where SEBO YesiNo SEO] S7HSSIS acy. (6) Yes/No 87F 281, Where S120: Yes/No SEH0] BHAI. 528 Au Did all the new mobile phones pass the quality test? vebr (A) tsa different phone number. (6) I pass the library every day. TET 7 NI BAREP OF SHARES BoIRLC? 2) ga wana. (eyo se TRUE (C) 1M & Beer Po wo, (pass Sate} ALPE quality test SalI, ship 4850, 3 Se FAAS 2218 Be ZEN(00) 218 (a) $101 S18} 2EL, HO prone WE O1BE! 2e! (2) G01 S18| OE, BO passe HIS O1Be! Oe (c) St, AA RCO} OF BU CLASS Smtlex| ov Be ‘Bol Alot POR BUCO} Ave AEM STEINER parton weln ess Je. Wesm Who's organizing the office holiday party this year? Mca (A) (8) Here are the sales reports from last year. (0) No, 'd like to buy that one. Sete oH aU a ele aes? (a) 2 off o1ty 2 wosO127 (8) onic a AP BOK, (0) ols, xis Pes Ao1e, A organize SHlstct 22K} sales report (8 Hel Bu SITS Be Who IBS (A) 2 DEH Elats ABO] FOR] B= BOI Se oF o| igi WRX) ston Olas srsie w+ gici= 2s sare tein YSEE Et (8) 2 Go} 2, BEBOT this yeorOUA A HERE Last year 01 B98, (6) YesiNo 827} 28. Who S2ZOHE Yes/No SEO] RTESSISR. 2g. VeBr Have you considered taking a professional development workshop? luctu_ (A) The stockroom is on the second floor. (@) OF course I can take it to the post office. Np SelM Ans 4218 SMP AS? (@) BE ema 2801 BIC, (@) BB 1 SeaoR 28 HE + a0I9 Cc) oe win ass ako (5 2H 5B) EC, $C professional development ‘MEAG E20 7IL stockroom BEA, 217 HRS 421 Aetal eT] Be ABAKHave) ILE Wy was) gate oe) (©) SAW OE, UO takingal ABNOR YAO] SHEE take olga oe (0) BE, ARE FIO ad ety LHS EOL OFS NC BR COW HARD! OUI Seimoe ylain OER ay, em Wear Construction on our downtown office building is almost finished. (A) The security guard can answer that. (C) It was Jae-Min who filed the construction permit, AAA 28 Ab 9 BL, (a) 2! 280] Aol ga = 0, (@) 82 Azo] RoW Be HS, (0) 2 apis Aint te eloRzoi9 construction Bit commute 52, $272 fle aNox) -NAvoc, (RSS) BEL BOISE) permit o> he Si Sl Ae (waa gaia 2 (@) BEAM Ae 2B Balto Bye ew we! Se BM 201 G2 Alo] Boma AACIo ae BI7Ie Zoe MO} AS ‘eol 82617] But ABOIM S201 BS AME BE Be 7 ‘s@ uetolne ag, (c) Sol wis Ef, NEO] constructions WH O18! 2 wer on Didn't you use to sell these vitamins at your store? (A) We carry a smalter selection now (8) The store's hours are listed on the Web site (©) Yes, | invited them both. 2010] UES 2114 Bash oNOLR? woxme dae aes Haae, (@) 221 ARIE AMOR Ut gio (0) 4, xP = #4 toi, 181 carry Baksh, FSH. selection (S70 IRIE Pe EA, ol ste Uieteogo| 718 Hot OF sole AONE ay leteieg PAO HE SME) ELH SHEN AE Of ME BSE Saticol oof Wie Htstn eam 91 88 Seog geist gous By, (8) 0) 15 OB, HIZO! storobl ws O18# 21 (0) RAE WE QEt, UBSl vitamins ¥EIOS weOl RA invited 01881 28. PART 3 32.34 M-Au Hello, ma guest here atthe hotel. I plan ‘to do some sightseeing today, and Ihave a ‘question. \yeBr Certainly. What can |help you with? M-Av I'm interested in visiting a couple of historic neighborhoods, °"What would be ‘good way to travel around to see them? WB Well, you could rent a bicycle. There's a shop just down the street where you can get one. Au Oh, that's porter i's not too expensive sr © don't know what they charge, but Id be happy to call them and find out © 2S, HO] Set SAIC, SAREE | seta sted, oe SL 2042, 4, 9998 0 CEO? geet Se oU) xe eho Wed, BAI eI ofe wel sa2? &, TRIB Hota > 200, Hoe wag te ago] 8H 2019, WO}, UP MIKEY Beem a acct, of} 2B eure, xo? COIN Bont =u + sn12, 2 191 sightseeing 23% neighborhood 2x, rent LOIS! charge (222) LES} find out WHIT LH ‘What does the man say he plans to do today? (8) Attend a conference (©) Purchase some gifts (0) Stop at a bank UN ob 952 BARI Aiea? war sa (0) em O28 ue oi oe AY BA ~ SADE 2 BRIE 3 UAGIA 28 BAS B ABOICH plan to do some sighsesing today)2E MOS AEE (AOC ‘What does the man ask about? a (A) Internet access (8) Use of a fitness center 2 (©) Transportation, (0) Nearby restaurants ‘unis el Bat BOISE (a) SIeBe B © ase ow (ozsm Bea see AM ARE Bt ~ el ol at aie Ft HOLY FH AIS Betes7) SI OFF wAOWhaL ‘would be 2 good way to travel araund ~758 BaMons AE ‘cht ParsratngSf9\ a way to travel +2 transportation options \What does the woman offer to do? (A) Make a reservation (®) Prine a parking pass (©) Provide a password fre aH -ECI MILT? (wy op (e) 948 MPT (o) et 361 (0) 744 281 [A AF BRL — ono} ASE FRE OFFI CFU GONE ETI SAIN sie OR HEH don ow wa wy char ye ~ find wu OE. B= Base} »» Paraphrasing Ust2| what they charge = 22] some pices supposed to be in today's newspaper. | Have you seen it yet? | || Woav °° read It before | came in to work. It's the | first review in the Entertainment section! \¥-Ao) Really? | hope it had a lot of good things to say about us. TesT1 9 M-Au It di. In fact, “ot think we'll have @ lot of new customers this week, thanks to the positive review. Especially since the reviewers really liked our specialty desserts! Well, then we'd better prepare more food. 11! order more ingredients ight away. ol Ao CHE I PH 2 BON BALE Sof gle, wate? $2671 BoH eifo12, tel ey At A! vat BOILSI ‘2? el Bt Re as Ho] RSI EIR sBfois, Ae BNR) wa 7A SEH OF ot we MER etdRO|B 2 Bole, $5) 971 24TH, 92] SH CER BUS BOAEES! 8, sale Be od SuisoRIONS. xe gate ct Feu, O18) review 381 71,24 be supposed to ~aiz 204 S341 Entertainment section ose hl 54 84 224M thanks to~ 0H positive 382 ZORA specialty dessert SHE CIN had better ‘aie BO) CH ingredient 82) x ‘What did the man do before coming in to work? (9) He met with a friend, (8) He revised a menu. (0) He bought some breakfast. ne a2 a Sea ET 9 sag BRL (oe SiC (c) wea gc, (©) oF ANS Fe, es EASE Bt ~ ix Hae Bio a 1a) BIH 2} AION cH wi 71474 ABO SPIE sto 3 [The review of our restaurant ie supposed to be in toy’ newspaper)210| AES EAI Have you seen it yer?) UIIOLA 2, 27} Holo} $2517] Mol BAC ead it before I came in to workin ROSE AEE (CIC What does the man think will happen this week? ) vill be more custome (8) There will be a safety inspection. (O) Acontract will be renewed, (©) Anew chef will be hired. 10 ‘erie 1 Fal Pe ol 918 OL EESTI? @) c182 zaRo1 & 20K, (@) 28 eo] 8 20K, (c) ago 8 201, (0) Men ne 014, A At AR EE ole ok lots ER efoKE ‘eNews SIO! 92] SoH TL HO] BE ME \e80] & 21 BCH! thine well have 2 let of new customers this week, thanks tothe postive review’ = (A)} SEO What will the woman most likely do next? (A) Hire additional staff (8) Schedule some repairs (©) Place an ord (0) Print an article Ome ciao Se aa eH (a) a0) 8f8 28801 ror al (ose=P1 (b) 2a) guts) 1 AS ABER - OPH CON BE Of OFFI HALA BAR CH EHO}CHve'd better prepare more food) S21 MRE CH FBSHXCHI'U order mare ingredients right auayat MOBS WEE (CIC. Parepbrasing | ordor» 2! place an order \w-s00 Well, the handle on the door of my refrigerator broke off. Mca Oh, that's not good. I you bought it ‘more than a year ago, it’s not going to be covered by the warranty. W-Am Lknow—I bought it three years ago. But | can fx it myself... just need to buy the handle. Maca I'm sorry, but we don’t sell replacement ports \weam So, do you know of a store that does sell them? Mc Well, ‘there is @ Web site thet sells appliance parts at good prices. You could see if they have what you're looking for. ‘s called onona, ae Me eee ever FAS, A SSD SYOPt Bom LyZie12, | one 4 ena, sen vees mearaaae | 4p SEECH~ @Btolg Ale sks, | | o « < Ider! aN BE Ea) BUC, eR, FREE Hote HEE OIC? 8, 3S 72001 7 BS BHEKE AOIEDIgOIa, 2 ANS B21 SET] He #2, ‘AppliancePartsForYou.comole2 gC, “2 =— 38 ‘Who most likely is the man? (A) A supermarket manager (8) An appliance store employee (©) Anice-cream shop owner (0) Areal estate agent wml Sra awen? (a a0 LR (@) 7a of 2 (0) 001281 7b #01 (0) sa Be! Bd ug Bel - UAL Ie SAP} ALA mialele 72g ofa) @ 2S ate (Welcome to Pavilion Appliance Storslol OEY) #38 Sx) (How can | holp you) 25 t= NO 80} BIS (BOI 39 \What problem does the woman mention? {A) An invoice is incorrect. (6) An item is broken (©) Adocument is missing, (0) A products too expensive. came Fs ue eIBHIET? (ao wae et (8) B01 DE, (o) mat east (0) 801 a ae, MAB - ob} HE Cont 3 ALA ED 2BOD OIA LztHOhe handle onthe hr of ny ehgeat broke oR ENE BEE (OIE, ‘What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Purchase a warranty (8) Return some merchandise (©) Calla specialist C r NE GINO 2 Seta RSI (A) BSN 3801 2 AB BSP) (©) BEDI Ie) (o) gam Bai 801 A AN Ble — sdf] AS 7 obo} AJA OfxPF SLD Sle Bet0| gem HIB + gis 2xUYou could se if they have what youre looking for0}40 A 018 FAR Be Am OBE See (PI, Paraphrasing 48121 Web site» 221 ontine SIO ook for 21 ind 41-43 Vea Lang about your nine Inder soe ung your Sinsteoneofteccomes utes fryer Psat oir Moteur, tnd the Crone scan ater sem You batt poaby wor ito gach Sin ve ou on oan Sonn oom vey aes Yosh tnd who got te | teat tent your | ot tented orn ree | chon Well, “if you're wortied about the cost, You might qualify for a reduced course fee. Would you like me to look into that for you? | 5 cus. som acta ees eau | © ssenona eae e rtoe raise | Ai71s| 243 OCH, Newoe Blo| woe ead mie sae 4 ume? [of My, eH ojo xen 9) 7 248 78, | 2210 2712 SLI? ARIS THB OE | CEO REISE, ee ee a ole, x40] 3 27 Zoe EOI 4S, 0 8, go 2s, sete a whe xO ss 95 etd 71 Be oH EIA? rest. 14 certicate 225,425 management 2 worth ito 71RD) c+ qualify for ~9 io] SE} course fae +22 look into ~ soke, 2/88: Ad ‘Why is the man calling? (A) To make a payment (8) To request an extension (©) To cancel a registration URPH atts: ofp eaten (ay sep sa (7 Be oes aI (0) S38 88571904 (0) ae ae a1 eat 18 ALU BAL — ean} IB Of. AK 3 AM 20) alt 3H SIAL AHEICHm cling about your online leadership courselBM ZISiol a6 AO] ot = BEE BASLE FO\/Acording to your Web site ~ s0 can I just take the leadership coursel8i2 BOOZ YES (0}0ct, 42 What does the man say about his friend? (A) She works in hi office, (8) She benefited from a certificate progra (©) She runs a successful accounting firm, {0) She wrote a positive review. ‘sie nla 7 a sen a (a) Sane AO Ret (e) xeig meoMeE os eC (o) sia! 0 avg aC, () ses 37m atc 1 A ANE BE ERD FFM cB OHH 24 HOE FN AOI BETAS Bak eI ARISE we AIP TH havea friend who get the management certfiate through your program Nazol = Ap Zeta Ba! SO sAcH's really held her inher careerl21 BOOS EIS (80k 43 What does the woman say the man might be eligible for? (8) A consultation (©) Ajob promotion (0) A free upgrade 2 te 7 RHO HO Back ate? wea ea eae (ol etl (0) $8 BIE 1 AB ABBR ~ APLAR A ws 2k Ofte OFF AOL \2AOL| vio] 2-H, eels peso x4 0] 1-H SIH youre worried about the cost, you might quay for a reduced course feel ODE 2 (OI, 44-46 I eeeareaea a eer ¥-8e Hi, Carles. "Did you see the ema! | | from the manager? Our fitness center's going to stay open 26 hours! ‘eas Yos, | read it, °The e-mail said the new hours will start next month. | thinkit’ make our members very happy. They've wanted later howirs for a whi or Definitely. The mansger ato askad us to make some signs and post them around the gym so members are aware ofthis change. hoa ‘Lhave some time now. Ill get started making those signs right away. 0} SISeiM, ZA. HL ome Mote? eat waauol 2a es ees! YU, Hote, ola St) che Steet 2 AO] ABB, $2 HRI) OHS 7B Le, TERE ot 2 Aigo] WEEN, | SZObS, LIND} S214 Sky oso! AB! Flot WOleIZE ols, EO o| wet AHO SHA wesras. P| Ai Ago] & OID, SAT RI 3 a apie, © fitness center HASE post ~@ x01, Assit be aware of ~5 ict get started -ing ~Ak= 218 ARCs —r ‘Where do the speakers work? (A) Ata dothing store (0) Ata software company (0) Ata sports arena iB oc aH? 9) 2 of wey (c) ABEHo| ay AA aug Be - esl 22 omit 3 EAI A ILIA & OSI ERK you see the e-mall from the manager) BOHeO4 $2] FABEIO] 244 EBB AHO fitness conter's going to stay open 24 hours 17108 SO} ate (BOI According to the speakers, what will happen next month? {A) Pricing options will change. (8) Kenovation work will begin. (C) New employees will be hired, D) Business hours will be & 27501 Oe, BFE w]e ADH (ay 744 491,801 wee (ese aarti, (©) ae AtaigoI zeeict (0) 2814701 ORL, 18 A AF tek ~ CHB SU DoH URIS! AL AOU OIE AL CHE WHE MIRE Sa} AIO] A -cHThe e-mail said the new hours wil start next month 8 208 BEE (Doct, 48 What dues Uie nan offer to do? (A) Make some sign (8) Update a schedule (©) Estimate some costs (0) Send an e-mail rie Sale at Suc aes? (ay gh ze ete) (@ gram sab (c) os assur (0) oy 21 we MOR ANS BIR ~ HEAL IRAE fre In| CHAI OLDH7F SEO] RAHI a! 4 BP UBS GSO} BABE! FoI01 Rolzta SICXTHe manager alee asked us to make some signs ~Iat 8b, IAT IB All Ick have some time now)Ol SR! IE 216 wie AIAISPICHC get started making tose signs right away St SIE (ALI, 47-49 321048 Adam, “Lust got a message to come to the factory floor. ‘Is something wrong? ‘There's a problem with the last few. desks that came off the production lin Look at this one—the top surface of the Mena desk is loose because no glue was applied {from the machines, sien Carol—could you join us for a minute? Gan you chuck the gluv machines on your team's part of the assembly line? They probably need a refill atm OK. I shut them down and take a look We should be back in service within an hour. | thGn Good. “This afternoon at one o'clock, some prospective clients will be visiting. Everything needs to be running smoothly by then, | of, wane ees oe nm we, 27 | eRMUuR? se eueenreen om en asa | Sia og, Dyn oy HM suaeor vous, | ws om, eusrounr a net dot ame Trym ras” ore hao ave | oy gene rans eae | 7 owas sy Soe 28 ull aman sas wee >et, a 2s ans 20 | ee [on awnceam tose AE Len gues top asembi ne 2620 eee | Fib5a!proepece ese ra is | Sreoniyesen ate L 2 47 ‘Where most likely are the speakers? (A) Ata print shop 8) At a furniture (©) Atan appliance warehouse (0) Ata stationery store ive oil ae BE? ww ata. recy (oan a2 oes UB Bet ~ nigh 2 din EXPE A AOL SB BBO AILS Bake OLAS SEH just gota message to come to the factory floor!2 Mn, (ee = A LOU SOF OIA et ae ER} A There's a problem withthe Last fw desks that came off the production linen Oe 75H SHEE AWN the} BAS a It, eA IE (OI TEST 13 48 ‘What problem do the men describe? (A) A door has been left open. (8) A delivery truck has been delayed. (©) Some employees are out sick. UNBEo EME Om (a) Bo) we He 2, (©) His S80] RB, (©) 2 201 87m (o) S20 80] 2c, AMAR RS ~ wto| eft x aL ORL ED AL CHAOLAY BIT} BAI something wrong?) 2) Wm ENI7} AY FRI SHEOFL xy EB! ARAEON RAE “ARICHThare's a problam withthe last few desks that came off the production ine)o| Ak! NEBL 20 cap PARAL A 2 es2 YEE OC »Paraptracog 82. problem with the desks "21 Some products are defective 49 ‘What is scheduled to happen at one o'clock? (A) Some clients will visi (8) Some equipment will be cleaned. (©) Attaining session will be conducted. (0) An employee luncheon will be hela, ‘A 220] okEH 47 (a) 2Bo1 gee 20K, (@) Bigot (0) Bao wa 20, (0) #48 2801 20K, sts ABS A BY — Af of AL EIDE OEY ADA 2 OF 1A} Tas BIO ‘2 2iTWs afternoon atone o'clock, some prospective clients wil be vistinglOPn sROOS AIS (AOI 50-52 Hi, Gerard. Justa reminder, all proposals. {or this year’s technology conference have | to be submitted by tomorrow. | Yes, know.“ actually finished my | proposal earlier today, but | haven't been able to upload tye. think the Web site's down for maintenance. br Oh, {had the same problem—the Web i's rally busy, You jst have to Keep trying 14 Cn In that ease, "1 think Fl go te lunch first and try again when | get back. Would you ike to join me? ‘Sure—let’s go now. OF PIS, ehOHES, Cla Se, wal 7H A | | | 18 2 MEMES UT REIDY BLE. SU, 2 Soke, mae se eR cw, ofS PIER OIS~- MAOIEDE BeIS CIEE 2 | | | i | | | | 1 | | sien, 29-46 se ora og, 1 2, HE SUE ar BOIS. gHoIR z401 2 We ARC ay ere cH ame, BAL | woiswae? | OM IH | 18 reminder 47142122 maintenance 2% rep ing 4-01 | ‘What did the man recently finish? onference prop (8) An agenda for a business trip (©) A revision to a client database (0) A review of some blueprints wiser mer 9 sole @) see! (mam ge (0) aE aS ie) BIR ~ at ON a OFF 5! IAI 718 S104 HBF NEIAFal proposals for this year's technology conference have to be submitted by tomorrow0t HB 230% APE MMe = giz] C}BAECK actualy ised ny propuvel wae uy EIB IS so} BE (AIO. What problem does the man mention? (A) Additional permits are needed. (8) An expense was not approved. (©) Asupervisor is unavailable. 1D) A Web site is not working, In Ofs! HIB ela (a) 2 sp Prataate, (a) vigor eater a (c) aE Rab (0) Shoe} ae 2 ac, ee AN EE ~ SA I ad 7E ANIA} SHOIE TF BR Si CHEE 28 HI think the Web site's down for maintenancel #2108 0} 8848 (O)F Parapvasng HRI the Web site's down ~ 80] a Web site isnot working What will the speakers do next? (A) Rehearse a presentation (8) Print some documents (0) Call technical support axe cRol ene w 20k (own (@ Bx oman (0) 7 a Bot eX ANB BRS ~ BIsHgO| cig 9 aE {227} OPA) CAN Hl ta Ok CLIO sO think Figo to lunch first and try again when I got backIOl OOD 01 HBx|Would you Uke to join me?) Bt OFF NSure—ets go now} Oaa BEE (COI 50-56 F — [aw Hi Emiko. ="Weleome to Essen | ecounting. fm Arnal Hassan, from | Human Resources show you around | theotceandinroduce you tothe resto | the accounting team. || Wm Nice to meet you, Amal. Do you know if | get my permanent iD badge soon? just have this temporary ID card, and this isn't the correct spelling of my name. M-Au Well, you can use that ID to move through the building today, but we'll ask at the ‘security desk later. Do you have any other ‘questions before we start the tour? W-Am Um, °l thought Id get copies of my ‘employee paperwork, but | haven't received anything yet. Is there something | should do? ‘M-au Oh, normally takes a few days. SMES, oI, ob OP ReROH 2a! a wes, ‘eS Of aOR, aA SH aL, Pye Lois BI 20H BPD, Of PRIGUCE, Om. ADF ESE 2 wal nia? BAL tg 772 SC OF 27] eI Ls He, 2S, O62 UO cH 2 akeae Sst Ie Se,! 801 28 of END, BALD] EOL 2 Bola gous? | of 2 WRe Bes eReH, of opts we Zo) HOI, 7} oF a 2? = 2, sBom ze. accounting 2A Human Resources She show around 22 FAVE} permanent Pale Dade S53 temporary 2H! correct BS spelling 2% security desk 40! ae paperwork M28) Who most likely isthe woman? (A) Asafety inspector (8) An overseas client (0) Anathiete oe alt zr? er SA ce) oesi2 ese (0) 2p0 Be UB BI - ofl ated BADE 2 OAM oWobt aM] BUH S AW WexPIcIWelcome to Essen Accounting) AEPAIS QHUSE $m LOR) S17 4 BES 474e FACKTU show you around the office and introduce you tothe rest ofthe accountng teamlt HO kt OF Opts SIAR B+ BI. 2H IEE (IOI. 54 What does the woman tell the man about her ID card? (A) Itis expired. (8) Ithas the wrong photo. Her name (0) She forgot to bring it Ofte lob x Aol ae ein aK (a) Bai (@) BRE ANS0) Boi 2, (0) 018 sour asi, (0) ABS 21 28 site 1 A AER DB ~ OPE ARRON ca eft 2t Ofxit 38 AAO QIAI ARCE 2ixIR BUM OH BE BELA Ut SICK jst have this temporary ID card and this isnt the correct spelling of my namel2 Som EE (Coc, "- Perphrasing ant the comectspeling ~ BIEIis misspelled TEST 15 Why does the man say, “it normally takes a few days"? (A) Teo reject a request (©) To complain about a delay (0) To acknowledge an accomplishment ‘xP BS of aie"=Ia aEIORE PEIODHE a) 28s R71 (@) 9248S CRIS () Scat BBP] 4 (0) a ets 371 28k 1 Airflo} ~ sofa! ICH BIS St ‘OIA Ofn74 OL AE WB WBtECI OF ORE WHICH thought get copies of my employee paperwark, but I havent received anything yet 2840, X40) Yo} Bo SLE=XKIs ‘there something | should do?) i= Wo Kiet Hom SIRES OI soo oro 2a) ARES Felts WES E+ OC, eH BE 2 (Rote 56-58 3218 technology trade show-I've been attending {for years and I've never seen your booth. Moau You're right—S"we're a new startup ‘company... We've developed a voice- recognition software program. It understands spoken commands and can ‘complete tasks, \w-Br Ah, luse a program like that. So. ‘your program different from all the others? MAw I's the most advanced digital assistant fon the market. Here—come and meet Antonio. He's our lead software developer. M-Cn Hi, I'm Antonio, “Here's a brochure. f you ‘turn to the second page, there's an outline of the program's advanced features... You Won't find those features anywhere else. | 6} eISomIs, eve oe MeaOL HB ert np, ae! Pte FA] RAR = 20] HOLD, ‘3. ROL), make a8 AEHmel AARRLICl~ Me Bt 214 AmRSIO| REIBE 7ewAl Boje, 0| ETE 35 Be HOKE aE BAe + WOLD ©} 0}, IE Tet RRS HABE, >t HAE 21H C18 EES OFFICES? a MALS Aol Ut 9k 7p le IBQILE), nh, OMA PIELIOR SEND, x8) 8) ABER RIAL, M2 SMISIME, SIELIERILIC, oP] gk SD, 2mOVK | | | | | | show's | 16 | silt o| Ee 2 7HsOL AOI WOK 71S IB OFCOM 8 + BIS 7a, Wel trade show F21UR. start-up company AM 814 A287 yoicesecognition $12) spoken command 3 28) advanced 38) 208 onthe market AOE outine 2, 21 | _ I What type of event are the speakers attending? (8) Aniew-hire orientation (©) Acelebrity interview (0) Agrand opening SSE OR BRSI WAL OH Be? (32:88) (@) 2) At aes (o) eagle ome 1 A ANE Bt ~ alxfio| A el aad mn} At CHAOLA AY WME EafobH EEnHo| APF 0| 7k 04 at 2810] AS IR 2 weHyour company must be nev to this, technology trade showt 9 $2! BPIGR=dl wax SL A 0] BIve been attending ~ your booth)2 8 20H 20} Bix} 82 7g 25 Sein ce} Bale w+ OC, oN SIE (AO, ‘Where do the men work? le phone manufacturer, (©) At an appliance repair shop (0) At an advertising agency wvse ofc asain (ay seine St (@) AmEqO| me Bit (©) 7s 42 (apa oy Salus at - wnEel Bent OR EAL] 3 CANA Fel AIA BARWere 9 new startup comparyl2iGl $8 QA ABAD} Berets 7a RH We've evelaped a weue-reuagiition sullware prayed BESS BE (Bor, What will the woman most likely do next? (A) Exchange contact information (8) Consult with a colleague (O) Check a schedule ope cigol 201m 22122? (a) gota met @ seats (wae (o) at 2 71 ANG BAB ~ OPE CHON a E ODE RL GIOIA x} Ajo) 29D} 7 AEBS] Hot | EXKhow's your program different from all te otha) eH ‘SAD EOPTP: CNL OFG014 SI ARIS ZO) CE ABO SS 4 iS 2B bol Me Se] LS olRIB Be} FI you turn to the second page, there's an outline ofthe programs advanced foatuces =) OO 318 (rare 59-61 M-Au Noor! S°Exeiting news! The company's board of directors chose our research | project to receive additional funding. WB Oh that's great! M-tu | know. So, let's hire a new research, assistant—like we've been talking about, Wes Hmm, even with the extra money, our budget’s going to be fairy limited. Mau But we need help cataloging all tho data ‘we're collecting... You know, we could offer sama partctima hours to local university students. \weBr You're right. il was on a project last year ‘with some students, and they did a good job. SELB AN! gota! opps! wale gal EY} 7) X1BS BN ROHR, 2, Baa! Sle, 22le, Se eF MERRIS mBBAE Fab AS opie ate, 18, S2b7ido1 204s, $21 oe MMI I, Ship Sel} Fie BE Mam SEOR BAI 280] 32H2-, 02, Xe IRANI Ale US NRA 3 IS, of Sola, Aol! AES MAIER ol ec, ‘eo10, ae ce C181 board of directors OS! funding XI) oudget a faety 4 Uimited xEISEI catalog ag aust / | 59 Why is the man excited? (A) He has been promoted. (6) His vacation request was approved. (©) Aresearch article will be published. UAPLI ME ORE FORDE ( sat (& Fr} Rae| eeleRec, (0) 87 S801 Az 201 (0) BEMeol 271 mag we 20K) AE AF A ~ WAP} Ise OF WADI AL HAIL BB! AAO SICKExcting news) PINE, OWIOIA $2] OF BWALEOL 27} HS 371 BACICTHE company’s board of directors chose our research project to receive addionalfunding)2 019 SHORE LES (0), eee Pororasing C2 adetonal-» Z| extra 60 What does the woman mean when she says, “our budget’s going to be fairly limited"? (A) The company’s decision isnot surprising. (8) A fund-raiser should be organized. (©) Some numbers need to be checked. () The man’s ss con oes ra ea BA SE BIO! (2) ay 80 a (2a BS wr oF ee, (oy 7-4 am (0) wets 21-45 ox ‘1 bso] SI wet ~ ofl a ABEOIeHE we OLE S10 EXPE AIL #1 MARIS BEI’ re new research assistant ARIBIY 42 MO] BEC (evan withthe extra money@iOAl AO! HOI MIRE BE OB x0] SES] BE 4 AE Oe w+ 4, cle AEE (OOK, gestion may not 61 ‘What does the woman say about local students? (A) She has worked with them before, (8) She is tutoring them in science. (©) They are participating in a conference. (0) They have made several donations. pe ers el ek SIE? (19 20 eee 8 1 2 () Sesgope nels Hex gc (0) sgse siopt wNsiz 2, (0) aegee xe 7eem HC, el APH AR 2 ~ ORE fof Sasori OF 2k Of ORI AAI RAIN BE ARE MALE 2Io| aNcH was on a project ast year with some studentsiat M2OE ZS «woot TesT1 17 62-64 chet + AOL. When Hi, em here to pick up a cake for the Frayton Company. i-cn Hmm... don’t see that name here. Maybe the cake was ordered under an individual's name? Uh... Ihave a Richara. WA Oh, ©'m not sure which of my coworkers. ordered it, but it should have the number 25onit. cn Oh, it must be this one. \vekim Yeah, that’s it. It’s for our company’s twenty-fifth anniversary celebration tonight, We'te very excited, eon OK, your total is 40 dollars. im ane my hone to pay? | twcn Sorry. we're nat astupforthet sence yet. | Wa stash or erat cr ok etn, ae shi mo Bae 41 ago] uote, Abe) LR OIBoR Femiar e ebic tase 2, wae 7 pemtete cee 0125 sana aS onnae Oj, 21a om waa >a os tee B88 a avosee, erred S MaGLC, ofa mae eum eno 8 | oteesieeaus 1 pk yp 7c order unde nes rame "Somos #881 anersaryceoratan nase ‘Alison 8 62 Look at the graphic. Who placed the order the ‘woman is picking up? (A) Richard (8) Alison (0) Janet AP) eis oi, 2} OPO] el BBL RAIS a) 2 3) gee (o) oe (0) ors Ap} ake Ob ~ 2 BBE A ODES MOL CA Sak B57} SERN BAI KE 25 74948 lm not sure which of my cowarkers ordered it, but i should nave the number 25 0n IOI $2, xt 257+ i Ao] 3 0}Of Soldat ORE} Ol lone afeS (Cole 63 What event does the woman mention? (8) Acient meeting (8) Abirthday party (©) Atetirement luncheon ofits oie a ae? (9 aa 39) (3) gue (ence (0) 78 281) FF ANB we ~ OPTPH See AE Of WE CAO MO} Obs Wok Ss 25 7a IE Alls for our company's twenty-fifth anniversary celebration tonightOoleer #eea EE (O)IC ‘What does the woman ask the man about? form of payme (8) A delivery service (©) Agreeting card (0) An ingredient oie Hilo 20 cha tat? are (ws Ae jane (ose oy SAD IR ~ OfsiF Belated (f7} OPE AOA AIM LOL BIR QF 4 BAEC se my phone to pay?) Bat IODe Ze (a)oI, 65-67 fap +7 -Cn Hello, this is Samir from Rumstord Dental Clinic. 'm calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at eight forty-tive. WB Oh not I forgot... have a meeting ‘tomorrow morning at work. Can | reschedule for later in the day? Un... let's se... We have another opening at three in the afternacn. | moo ‘That's perfect. What's your address again? Actually, Swe've moved since your last appointment. We're still on Blevin Road, | but now we're at number 47, at the | intersection with Shara Lane. You'll see a | café across the street. | Webe Great, thanks. I'll be there tomorrow. Megs, ae eA teas orga ea O20) aos ono a1 sie, cuusoR cn ame we nen? | goers: x apne ier se, | oo Sea, amen ee wean 88, ADF ermesLarm amt 8 0, fe eh, Aw pe sree, WT ia, He, unl AB, eee oc rae mg, = dental cine 2h pening Wx) intersection HRB across ~B 7IEAE) update (sit! alee) 45KCb record 21% | Shas Lave 3] Le] Bee Maple Avenue d [al & or Ox ere area BY Laue # xo me) ea | Q z Why does the woman ask to reschedule her appointment? {(A) She has to have her car repaired. {(B) She is visiting a friend. (0) She needs to go to the bank ote a osha wal erm Baise? (8) 314 are IC, (@) a8 BEE 20K, (c) ap1 3, (0) 248604 » MBE ASE Bet ~ ofp ot wale aE OFF. OfI7t 31 AAI UG) Sie! SIAR 21914 SICK nave 9 ‘meeting tomorrow morning at workIPIM B81 LIBS CHA oat 8 $ SLENICan | reschedule for Later in the day? 2 BYE (COI, 66 Look at the graphic. Where will the woman most likely go tomorrow? (A) To location A (8) To location 8 (0) Tolocation ¢ (0) To location D ARE OI oe LL ocd 22 WARE wane cas oat TEST 19 AR Bs 20H - obra 2 ate A ODES git NLM UNL AE BRETIWhats your adéress ‘again, S27} aio] ob oe} OF AI} OFSHCHve've moves since your last appointmentO4 OYE] 7) WD A} Zh B01 = ZTE stil on Slevin Road ~ with Shara Lane] 2 QUID 77} 2! 24Voull see a café across the streetoleia. AH} O/7} BL BRI be there tomorrow! HERES, Of ie UL AIH 2 OLD =I] AWOL MEL woe #42) SiR Oe BEE (BIC 67 What does the man ask the woman to do? (A) Pay a fee in advance {) Register online (©) Complete a survey (0) Come to an office early ‘EAP Hom sake te eRIPH (a) of BP @) demon Bar) (0) ae aN asp) (0) a8 AFL 271 Se AM AB) IE ~ ABE ofsObE Sas8t 28 ‘SE fae HAI Oso TOR BH St eKplease arrive ten minutes ear) 92MOOE SEE (OIC 68-70 tah + 728 \w-hm Rohan, do you have a minute to look at this price list? It's for the newspaper ad for ‘the flower shop. We have to decide how large we want our ad to be. Moch Sure. Hmm, if we did a full page, we'd have 0 Go with black and white. because color ‘would be too expensive. W-nm You're right, but ° 9a color ad that shows ‘our flowers will really grab readers’ attention, eco OK... well, in that case, what if we try quarter-page ad? We've never usod ‘newspaper advertising before, so it'll be a ‘good way to see It’s successtul. Of Ri, ol 7m wt SuetO? 8 7p4 AB al cst 2, 217-220 LOK Py a BADE ais, 2H, 8, Wetine sie, gat: US oa nto -Sio3 HDF 7IR, | Move, ail 921 wot wet BF SHE vig 2 2 © BO) 3B one, 40] yD MLR B= 7H Of? Ic Ae aw OBE =o] EL O} \WWol BER] ees ES is, | | pres ist 742 newspaper a flower shop 70% fullpage 82 grab one's attention ~215248 BC) what f~3} oFIR? quarter-page 4891 ‘p1s) advertising 32 | Advertising Price List Full Page Black and White: $00 Color $500, a1 Sm 300321 ‘Bek: SOO sol + ala} a: 20031 vga: d00et 6s ‘Where do the speakers work? (8) Ata real estate company (©) Ata paint store (0) Ata newspaper publisher SrIGE oN BT? we (@) HEME a (0) = 24 oaeH a US WE ~ aS] ET Ofs7t BL HADI Ifo FER Bt Sekdo you havo 2 minute to look at this price USO 3 7pA|aETON CHE ZA for tho newspaper al forthe flower shoplOla. S20 Bol 71) OF PICKWe have te Heide how large wa use eu a Bel 81 Se wo} AIIBO| H PION eke 2S BI SIL, EA Be (arc What does the woman say about color advertisements? (A) They are difficult to design. (©) They can be sent electronically. (0) They should use specific colors. N2/ Ba fl of} hae AE IOI? 9 chi oft (0) FR 4B 201, () Sletuine Hse + ac () Ruse 4a 4B Bit A ARG BIB ~ oft be ad cea IE 2 OES Wk EAA BB WOH Se wel BAT: Sige) BOHR B ‘lo color ad that shows our Rowers wil really grab readers’ attenonJoi2ia soo AEE (BIC Paraphrasing C12 really grab readers’ attention ~ 20 attract more attention 70 Look at the graphic. How much will the speakers pay for their advertisement? (a) $300 (8) $500 (©) $250 D) $400 At 201 1, aS wa BONE Ie EDF ( scowl () soo! (o) 250824 (0) a00Ret 0s se) he Si ~ aimed iB et OFn7t $16 HAL B07) SERIES] FOU B Als color ad that shows our flowers will really grab readers attention Ot 2 BYR} 7} TRICISE cREO| 1 AT MOINES 4 Hin that case, what ite try 3 quarter-page ad ~ to see fits successfull SISO PAROS IHOIx| Bel IT Slows ate (OPI, PART 4 T7382 } ‘Are you @ coffee drinker? Are you tired of | yur old cofee mar? Wel Paterson ndustie | ie running a focus gfoup next month, and we | currently looking for volunteers to try out our newest coffee and espresso maker. You'll have a chance to pravide feedback and tell us what you think of the coffee maker's features. And “es ‘bonus for your participation, you'll receive a | coupon for 50 percent off the coffee maker once it | bits the shelves. To sign up, visit our Web site _@isab ‘ol He Eon BALA IR Mek, 28 al ef LAL fo] AB SEH ARISES bY OB BUC, ES XI wt MB AIBSL holo} io BY 1 7 21S AIL, MI So HEE LAA MO] OL SOMKNE 15 ie! FES WA BLL, eoiShWPI xe] BOI Bes 2, | vs ao i oi HB te 181 be tired of ~o1 SLC} run BRIS, SIC focus group 57/68, 3% LE currently 58 feature) hitthe shelves iN-7P1 S0) LSC} sign up SAK: Aleks 74 ‘What type of product is being discussed emake (8) A microwave oven () A portable heater (0) Awater filter erBan RE BOL SHE SHON? (a) ant ob (ey aera () Reg ae (0) Be we a AR) BIR ~ Qn 2 SAP} ANI HOH S7IERKAre you a cottee drinker”), © HE AD] OLA MBLHERIUre you tired of your old coffee maker?) FSIS DE EES A, 46 70 ao} Hol CAB UO! sa yooe BEE (Wr ‘What is the purpose of the advertisement? (A) To reveal a product release date (8) To announce a talent show (0) To explain details of a warranty are] Rae H0117 9) MB BNE BEDI Sat (©) Wiig As weal a (0) BAA BS He xe 371 () Ba BAO Mh sats 21671 Rag BI - BRO! wa Sir} AWOL TEKS AIO) CIB Gol BIA IRS LISI, AI A ial ef LABIA Ooi ANBSH HE IRIIES 2 SHl, Peterson Industries is running a focus group ~ looking for volunteers to try out our newest coffee and espresso maker|. Hose BEE (Cok, TEST 1 21 73 ‘What bonus is mentioned? (A) A raffle ticket A (O) Travel reimbursement (0) Free shipping oe 47) eHSRErIP ae Ore (©) ofa gat Osea 1s AMAR ale - etme UL oat x7} REO Ao} CHEE LAA xfs] OFM HOR AB 7F ‘58 SOMME HIE Bel FEZ WH g Alas a bonus for your participation, youll receive a coupon for 50 percent aff the coffee maker once it hits the sheles)ol23n OOS BEE (a) ort, 74-76 weEOIAA| W-Sr Hello, ifs Lena, "My flights been delayed | becsuse of bad weather, and im stuck athe | airport herein Vancouver Anyway, “1 dow think | TH make it back to work tomorrow. The clients | from Spain are coming in at two o'clock and | | won't be able to meet with them. Fortunately tor peer || stop by his office, explain the situation, and gi Mime apna | Shot, ALONG. Fe Sa BOL A IAD EEO Of 7] eA BAU BPO] We glo, OE UA ADEE BOF 21 Qe, 2 AMPLW 2a¥Bo| Sea AP} OA 2 ig. Felon BAH, Ho) 10k Bel amie aIOLs, 1 Aeon SEIN 8h aN BAIT, 2a" ws fe SA) ola? 91 be stuck at~ol 284 ch, BH RSICE make i EAI} stop by ~A1ESe agenda 221.25 74 ‘Where is the speaker? (A) Ata hotel (8) Ata travel agency (9) Ona train oft =? et ‘) ome 178 wae 2 fe Bal ule aie ~ etever aa sisi} Sw et BE LM Lo UIEEDI7 eISIO} BAIL (iy flight's been delayed ~ I'm stuck atthe airport here In Vancowerl2 #208 75 (OIC ‘What will happen at the company tomorrow? (A) New furniture will arrive (©) Anew employee will be introduced, (©) Somme wuiputer software will be updated. al apa $e 20] ae EDF (a) ake 8! 201, (@) magol we 201, (c) 8910] 27481208, (0) BF ABEROVF BOLE! AOKE A ANY BIR ~ Ua EI Gof 25091 WO LL SIAL = OPE! 7 ZICH dot hin I make it back to work tomorrow), 2A ABIIOIA) 240] Oct 3 471 BENThe clients from Spain are coming ~ | wont be able to meet with ther)! # Oa Oo} AS (Sol rphrasing 81 the cons are coming in ~ 288% some cients wil vist Why does the speaker say, "Paul lived in Spain for ten years"? nmend a colleague for a task (8) To suggest a travel destination (Q) To express surprise about an anniversary date (0) To correct a data-entry error SPI "Rol 108 Gel anfso}| xoHarerm Bot OFF HII (0) Pot He! BR SII HE (6) cies 87h (c) 7 tet 8 eS] FH (0) 78 ie) Hos 81 Sa YE Ix SIE me} ~ Ho} 10 Gel AMON ARIE wa SI Ship 218 UIs EOL He] PON Be ee wT "WIE EE BeHCould you stop by his office, explain the situation, and give irs the client agendalzt 0 1B to} x} SLI Ping AIO EB XRD 21 Oh + dlc we SE ayo 7779 BY | Wa "Te begin today’s staff meeting, fm happy 10 announce that our plans to create an outdoor ‘work area have been finalized. When the project | | is completed, there'll be individual workstations and tables for small group meetings. “If you want to see what the space will look like, there's fan architectural layout posted on our company’s home page. Be sure to let us know if you nave any ‘questions or concems. “Some of you have already expressed concer about accessing the Internet outside. | can assure you... wireless Internet | connectivity will be availabe. 2b SIO Aye} ofa] 29 NWF] HE TAO} OF FANG BS We Se Sol HBL, BA?! BUG Hele = 320 7A ite i dogo el 2, TUONO | 2OUN] WT HOR! AIF SHO 2 BET ROH LL 1, S91} SAISE= Alo] OAR Bes FA, Aw ABO! ‘el QUE EOL RE SHB BHO, $44 DIES OO] HSE Ge BE ADHD aL, | individual ARI 212 workstation et Bet | architectural 291 layout HIMIRIS post Abt | comer S325 access OBIE, HOI assune | IAAI, WBISICE connectivity Baal i ‘What is the announcement about? (A) Anew sales team (©) Abranch office (0) A marketing campaign ‘Bake #ate ae 390 Wo ae were @opiaesT (ovate (0) 3 we) ug Ze! - Bel Sa Bap} SHON Ob SIO AMRSIO| Of ZH PAE ole #1 © ARO] WIFI ANB HELA SIO HECHT begin today’s stat ‘esting, 'm happy to announce that our plans to create an ‘uldoor werk area have been finalizedel0| of) 22 7H} wet Poppis opviEz Be wl, 8 What can the listeners find on the company Webs site? (A) Anewspaper article (8) Avideo demonstration (C) An architectural (0) A revised policy ‘ABS aN} WJolnots 28 3B + SFr 9 a8 > (@ Sea ame (0) 28 aes oO saE88 205 AYRE-BRL ~ a) SOLON ShB 4 AE 2E apt SwHol AF B20] ofl SUA) Sasi AA BOI 21% BIETE AINSIOH CHF you want to see ~ there's an ‘architectural layout posted an our company’s heme pagel Mt 208 BEE (OIE Parepbrasing 8t2an architectural layout 82 an architectural pian 79 ‘According to the speaker. what have some people expressed concern about? (A) Awork schedule (8) Acompletion date (0) Parking availabilty 25 ee sso 75 cela waar @) eeum (©) senso (0) 3878 sue A 18 BE Aft ap 2 seri} SUMO I ARBOL ISIN SICKO BASH 28 2 ZBHEHSome of you have already expressed concern about accessing the Internet utsie2 OR BC) Pershrasiny3i2\ accessing the Internet = 282 Internetconnactivty _t wae Sits almost the end of our tour of China's ‘most magnificent cities. | hope you're enjoying ‘every moment with us at Hao Nan Tour Company. | Now then, let’s talk about tomorrow. ©"We'll be Joining a boat trip down the Li River. Not surprisingly, tickets are sold out! "Luckily, this is included in our tour package. Finally, “don't forget ‘to bring your tour ID card with you everywhere we {90,60 that you can got the discounts and porks that | we've auranged fr you wit local bus S50 71a 9 Sue lal TU, 20 | MAS) Rinse 2 ezHmOl mARAIN WIRILICH. 8) OM LIB Ofc OD BA, 2 28 me Uae 18 He > |e, 1 Ge cosa ge 8 Os BHC | esr eve, open 7 4 ete Ot Het | eae aH PAS HE | reas sme, | | | 1 | | | \ | | magnificent 18, 288 perk Sal ey 80 Where are the listeners? (A) Ata trade show (8) ata fund-raising banquet (©) Onacompany retreat D) Ona city tour ARIE ool 2747 (a) eo eal (w 7izea a (o) swore (saa Ae US BE ~ aorvgo| ete aA Sb} alo BHO 7H GSI Sale BHO] Ie] LICH almost the end of our tour of China's mast magnificent cites) 0, ako U OFA SIGHS SE 2IG0] SEMI LIRIK hope you're enjoying every moment ~2n AISA SI ge Oo, +30} B22 (Oo, si ‘What does the speaker imply when she says, "tickets are sold out”? (A) An event has been rescheduled. (@) An activity is popular. (0) A ticket office is closed. (0) A refund willbe issued. Sm EME c AC OIRaIa BUF ole SaIebHE (a) #8 aol CA] 280. (8) 1 B01 201 2, (0) Bar 2m Bei (0) eae zoe, ed Sirf OE ml ~ EES Choe Bel SI 21S OIA SE ofan CF SH AZHWell be joining a boat sip down the Li Renz, SEO! Of} cS] SE CFO] ‘al Ch BAISO| QICKLuekly, this is ineluded in our tour package) 8! 210 Uo} Qa Tso} Slt SHE Of0| eI =) ASE O90} IBS UES SLES BS Wea BE UB) orc, 82 ‘What does Ue speaker re bring? (A) Anumbrella (8) A pair of comfortable shoes \ the listeners to ) An identification card (0) A receipt for payment i AON FIR 7rMSID AD IABIET wee @) Bele oes waseS a ea 4 AI ae ~ atxp} aeioN 7skozIa ATAPS Sp SUOIM OCI 7IE oF! AIRE Six! ata PixIn at {dori forget to bring your tour 1D card with you everywmere we goin Bein 12S AEE (QI, 93-85 22 Mon Don't have time to shop for groceries? Wel ‘you're in luck. ®"Your Food Cart is @ new online service that delivers groceries from your local supermarket. In less than five minutes, you'll be able to place an order to have groceries brought right to your door. *"To get started, create an ‘account at Then you can ‘soloct the groceries you'd like and a delivery time. ‘Our team will shop for you and bring the groceries to your home, And thats not al: °" you place your first order before the end of this month, you'll receive a complimentary bag of locally grown apples. Don't walt try Your Food Cart today! ABE FUL ARO) eoAvia? 7H, Go] oABA, Gol RE PASE NIMOl GUHIOM NEES atgeHe HEE 2 AMA RUE, SUS Of SIN AIRS RRSin OO) BeIOR FSAI 4 SLOUI, ARISING, ww, yourfoodcert.comoly sit 718 ND, UR A SPS, 2] SIR0| OSE Ot OE Om Fos EES YEO) Se ct, Iv C7} OMSL, of wat AUF atl IAN Mel Aft ff NI Se WA BLIC, ICI OMS, ROLE 71S 95 ie Ata 191 gracery AEE place an order #=SI++ account BIS complimentary 732! locally grown @xbIM 704 83 What kind of service is being advertised? (A) Office cleaning (8) Tailoring (0) Landscaping feo A asim BRET)? (wea a (ore me (EB me waa tS AE AN Be - ASIA SIE AMA SR Shp] AMON So} FE FIR XI AMON AEBS MOSH 1 Me 2121 MEIACHYour Food Carts a new entine service that delivers groceries from your local supermarketat HOO, 2 UE (Cole,

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