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Summary Learning

A better communication leads to

a good and lasting relationship.
Communication is very vital say
for example in a relationship to
be open to each other and to
remove the doubts.
Communication serves as a bridge
which connects every people to
understand each other to listen
to their thoughts and perception.
Communications is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans
as well as to an organization. It is a process of creating and sharing
ideas, information, views, facts, feelings, etc. among the people to
reach a common understanding. Ordinary purposive communication can
be defined as informal and personal type of communication. In the 21 st,
it can be defined as communicating to different audience using
different social networking platforms.

Communication may be done with Verbal and non-verbal. Verbal is

communication is the use of
language to transfer
information through speaking or
sign language. It includes
sounds, words, or speaking. In
short a face to face
conversation. Non-verbal
communication is communication
between people through non-
verbal or visual cues. This
includes gestures, facial expressions, body movement, timing, touch,
and anything else that communicates without speaking.
Communication is also affected by the larger systems within which it
takes place. For example, different cultures have distinct
understandings of appropriate verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Many
Asian cultures place a high value on saving face, so Asians try not to
cause personal embarrassment to others by disagreeing
overtly. It is inappropriate to perceive Asian cultures as passive if
they don‘t assert themselves in the ways that many Westerners do.
Arab cultures consider it normal for people to be nearer to one
another when talking than most Westerners find comfortable, and
in Bulgaria, head nods mean ―no! rather than ―yes!.

Different regions from the same country may also have different ways.
Even within a single region, there are differences based on ethnicity,
religion, gender, and other factors. Therefore, to interpret
communication, we have to consider the systems in which it takes place.

The content of books, newspapers,

radio, television, and film, for example,
also influence our cultural values, often
reinforcing the stereotypes we have of
gender, race, and ethnicity and
contributing to the perceptions we have
of various people and groups in society,
including ourselves. Technology
continues to speed up communication as it brings the world into our
living rooms and bedrooms, offices and cars. Instead of valuing
sequential understanding and careful logic, we now value immediate
gratification and emotional involvement. Technology has also given us
the ability to interact in more ways. These principles will help us
understand how communication is done and the aspects involved when
we communicate with others.
Ethics is the discussion of the
judgments we make about the
appropriateness, the right or wrong, of
our actions and policies be those actions
communicative, political, social, personal,
or a mixture of areas. Ethics will help us
determine whether what we say or do is
suitable or proper considering its
effects on society. When a classmate, for instance, encourages you to
forge a signature for an important document, how would you respond?
There are situations in school or in the workplace when you have to
decide on what to say or what not to say, or even how to convey a
message. People may interpret messages differently. We vary in terms
of cultural background and personalities hence there is a need to
consider our behaviour when we communicate with others. One ethical
issue in communication is plagiarism. It is best to be aware of the rules
on copyright and the legal issues on the use of information from
various sources. As a whole, for us to be guided in our decisions in our
communication with others, it is best to consider suggestions on ethical
communication (Johannensen, 1990). As we communicate, we need to
take into account the ethical aspect of our interaction with others.
Respecting others rights and their views may result in negotiations,
effective communication, and a good working relationship.
Communication ethics emphasizes that morals influence the behavior of
an individual, group, or organization thereby affecting their
communication. It is important to note that one‘s behavior should be
regulated by honesty, decency, truthfulness, sincerity, and moral

Noun refers to individuals, things, ideas, and

different items around us on the planet. The lack of
nouns will eradicate any subject or object from your
sentence which is as good as communication
essentially nothing. With nouns, sentences are given
more clarity as listeners would know what is the object or thing and
what is happening to that object or thing in relation to the verb which
is exerting an action.

Pronouns are essential in the way we communicate with one another.

The importance of pronoun communication, however, is crucial. We use
pronouns as a way to identify or refer to
someone so next time before making an
assumption about someone’s pronouns, ask.
Pronoun is a word that can function by
itself as a noun phrase and that refers
either to the participants in the discourse
(e.g. I, you) or to someone or something
mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g. she, it, this).

Verbs are important because they help

children communicate about different events
in their lives by combining words into
sentences. By understanding what verbs are
and using some of the tips from above, you
can help your child learn to use verbs and
increase their overall expressive language.
Verbs are very important for language
development because they allow children to
start building sentences. The choice of verb determines the
grammatical form in a sentence. Verbs have specific tenses based on
how you use them. Present tense indicates the verb is occurring in the
moment. Past tense means the action has already taken place. In
addition, future tense specifies the action that will take place at a
later time (future).

No matter how well you write, no matter how carefully you proofread
your article or story can’t live up to its potential if it’s not well
organized. Paragraph Organization is one of the most important
elements of an essay that is often overlooked. An organized essay is
clear, focused, logical and effective. Organization makes it easier to
understand the thesis. To illustrate, imagine putting together a bike.
Having all of the necessary tools, parts, and directions will make the
job easier to complete than if the parts are spread across the room
and the tools are located all over the house. The same logic applies to
writing an essay. When all the parts of an essay are in some sort of
order, it is both easier for the writer to put the essay together and
for the reader to understand the main ideas presented in the essay.

As the writer, you

should ensure that the
structure or
organization of the
paragraph is clear to
the reader and
appropriate for the type
of document you are
working on. Sometimes,
knowing how a paragraph
is organized can serve
this purpose. Have a look at the following paragraphs. Note how
connecting words and phrases, which are highlighted, reinforce the
paragraph’s organizing principle.

Vowels are found in every syllable of every word. They enable us to

distinguish between words
such as pant, pint, pent, punt
or slip, slap, slop. If a child
doesn’t understand vowel
sounds, they will struggle with
reading. When we are young,
we learn the sounds of our
language automatically from
our parents, but when we learn
a new language we need to pay special attention to the sounds. When
learning a new language, it’s easy to try to use the vowel sounds from
your own language instead of learning and using English vowel sounds.
This is why some people have a very strong accent, or why they have
difficulty spelling words.

The sounds in a new language are often very difficult to learn and this
is not helped by the fact that many teachers do not make it a priority.
Instead, they often focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening
and forget that when they were young, they had many lessons and a lot
of practice with long and short vowel sounds, and were expected to
know how to spell them properly. I have found that by focusing on the
sounds of all the letters–the vowels and consonants–and by practicing
our use of sound regularly, students will improve rapidly in their
general English ability.

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