Whiteboard Summary Ss2 Data Processinfg Computer Virus Contd

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Sources of viruses:
 Downloading Programs
Programs that contains the downloadable files are the commonest source of malware such as
freeware, worms, and other executable files. Whether you download an image editing
software, a music file or an e-book, it is important to ensure the reliability of the source of the
media. Unknown, new or less popular sources should be avoided.

 Pirated or Cracked Software

Are you aware of software cracking? Well, every time you open a cracked software, your
antivirus software might flag it as a malware as the cracks consist of malicious scripts. Always
say “No” to cracks as they can inject malicious script into your PC.

 Email Attachments
Anyone can send you an email attachment whether you know them or not. Clicking on
unknown links or attachments can harm your device. Think twice before clicking anything and
make sure that file type is not ‘.exe’.

 Internet
One of the easiest ways to get a virus on your device is through the Internet. Make sure to
check URL before accessing any website. For a secured URL always look for ‘https’ in it. For
example, when you click videos published on social media websites, they may require you to
install a particular type of plug-in to watch that video. But in reality, these plug-ins might be
malicious software that can steal your sensitive information.

 Booting Data from Unknown CDs

A malicious software can get into your device through an unknown CD. A good practice to be
safe from malicious infection is to remove CD when your device is not working at all. Your
system could reboot the CD if it is not removed before switching off the computer.

 Bluetooth
Bluetooth transfers can also infect your system, so it is crucial to know what type of media file
is being sent to your computer whenever a transfer takes place. An effective armor would be to
allow Bluetooth connectivity with only known devices and activate it only when required.

 Unpatched Software
Often overlooked, unpatched software is also a leading source of virus infection (Unpatched
software means there are vulnerabilities in a program or code that a company is aware of and
will not or cannot fix). Security holes in a software are exploited by attackers and are unknown
to software makers until the attackers release them in the form of zero-day attacks. It is
therefore recommended to install software updates as soon as they are available on your PC.
 Infected diskettes; infected CD-ROMS;
 illegal duplication of Software, etc.

Apart from above-mentioned sources, file sharing networks can also be a source of computer
virus attacks too. Therefore, use PC security software keep your device safe and secure from
malicious attempts.

Virus Warning Signs

It is vital for any computer user to be aware of these warning signs –

• Slower system performance/ slowing down of response time

• Pop-ups bombarding the screen/ presence of tiny dots wandering across the screen

• Programs running on their own

• Files multiplying/duplicating on their own

• New files or programs in the computer

• Files, folders or programs getting deleted or corrupted

 Incomplete saving of file

 corruption of the system set- up instructions

 Appearance of strange characters

• The sound of a hard drive

If you come across any of these above-mentioned signs then there are chances that your
computer is infected by a virus or malware. Not to delay, immediately stop all the commands
and download an antivirus software. If you are unsure what to do, get the assistance of an
authorized computer personnel.

How to help protect against computer viruses?

How can you help protect your devices against computer viruses? Here are some of the things
you can do to help keep your computer safe.

 Use a trusted antivirus product, such as Norton AntiVirus Basic, and keep it updated
with the latest virus definitions. Norton Security Premium offers additional protection
for even more devices, plus backup
 Avoid clicking on any pop-up advertisements.
 Always scan your email attachments before opening them.
 Always scan the files that you download using file sharing programs.

Virus detection (Antivirus)
You can take two approaches to removing a computer virus. One is the manual do-it-yourself
approach. The other is by enlisting the help of a reputable antivirus program.

Antivirus software was originally developed to detect and remove computer viruses, hence the
name. However, with the proliferation of other kinds of malware, antivirus software started to
provide protection from other computer threats.

Antivirus software is practically a requirement for anyone using the Windows operating system.
While it's true you can avoid computer viruses if you practice safe habits, the truth is that the
people who write computer viruses are always looking for new ways to infect machines. There
are several different antivirus programs on the market -- some are free and some you have to
purchase. Keep in mind that free versions often lack some of the nicer features you'll find in
commercial products.

Some examples of antivirus;

- Norton Anti-virus
McAfee Virus scan
Dr. Solomon’s Took Kit, etc.
- Kaspersky
- Avast Antivirus
- Panda Cloud Antivirus
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Avira AntiVirus
- AVG Anti-Virus
- Comodo Antivirus
- Immunet Protect
- PC Tools AntiVirus
- Bitdefender Family Pack
- Trendmicro
- Norton 360
- Watchdog

Assuming your antivirus software is up to date, it should detect malware on your machine.
Most antivirus programs have an alert page that will list each and every virus or other piece of
malware it finds. You should write down the names of each malware application your software

Many antivirus programs will attempt to remove or isolate malware for you. You may have to
select an option and confirm that you want the antivirus software to tackle the malware. For
most users, this is the best option -- it can be tricky removing malware on your own.

If the antivirus software says it has removed the malware successfully, you should shut down
your computer, reboot and run the antivirus software again. This time, if the software comes

back with a clean sweep, you're good to go. If the antivirus software finds different malware,
you may need to repeat the previous steps. If it finds the same malware as before, you might
have to try something else.

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