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_ A great Man lives within each one of us.

Fear not your powers & abilities in growing this Fellow within.

- For Forex knowing: keep in mind that with Integrity to the PLAN, Strategy, System you find, then every other
thing you will need and want comes to you.
. Experience
. Know-how
. Over-sight
. Chart analysis
. Finally, Money

1. I advise that you read with you the “7 Habbits of highly effective people” for it is a Great sword in the Hand of
the growing Samurai – all men who stand about & Different poses themselves warriors from within and who
be a warrior without his Sword only that Death not take him unaware for as of currently known, now still -
The Greatest of all Swords is The BIBLE which you see every day and everywhere. _ Believe, Stay Confident.

2. Read first “ a good place for beginners of babypips 1” , then read second “Babypips (2)”, then read lastly – The
Candlestick Bible. _ Stay Strong – Read & Practice FOREX with your Mt4 app, then always message me for up-
dates as you have started making progress – There is more for you to know.

3. You should read the Book under “know your woman”, it is important for Guys. At this age & current time, very
little knowledge is Legit about how to LOVE that Special one you know you care about.

4. This a Link to join my Affilite marketing Platform, after you read the book under affiliate marketing, use this
link: SFI – ( To know more and any question at all, send a message to me
@Instagram: (

_ That is all for now, to be in more: Tap into yourself & Daily work on these-

. Spiritual

. Mental

. Physical

. Business/Financial

. Relationships

_ You do not need me, No. Look into your Heart and there alone you will see all you need to Grow steadily so you can
Succeed in Life – For Success Lies Not in Materials But in the Value Based Life, Stay Humble. Truly.

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