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Analyze the text = Should We Pay for Plastic Bags?

• What is the main point of the text?

Should we pay for plastic bags

• How does the author argue in favour of the issue?

by giving facts

• What does he/she use to support the arguments?

By giving away facts. One of facts is that can last in environment for up to 1000 years.

• What are some of the emotive words used by the author?



• What is the author’s contention on the use of plastic bags?

People should pay for the plastic bags to reduce the harm towards environment

• What are some of the examples given by the author that you would

consider as “strong” evidence?

Plastic bags made by releasing dangerous gases that can pollute the atmosphere

• Do you agree with the author on the issue?


• What do you think is the lesson we can learn from the issue highlighted?

Use reusable bags instead of using plastics bags to save the environment

Questions – The Wind-Farm Controversy

• What is a wind farm?

 Turbines that can produce more clean renewable energy

• Where is the wind farm located?

The wind farm is less than a kilometre from the edge of the Lake District National Park, and is
visible for miles around.
• What is the name of the company that operates the wind farm?

twelve big wind

• How many new turbines are going to be installed?


• Why are people opposing the building of the wind turbines?

Because come people think that Kirkby Moor is a beautiful part of Britain, and it shouldn't be
disfigured by wind turbines and another bit of unspoilt countryside will be disfigured.

• “….the wind farm would not have any major ecological consequences, but the visual
impact of the scheme would be sufficiently harmful”. Explain this statement.

Since the wind turbines needs a large space it will disturb the beautiful parts of the
countryside, on aesthetic grounds.

• What is the advantage of building the wind turbines?

One of the advantage of building the wind turbines are able to produce clean renewable

• What is the main reason people are not happy with the wind turbines?

Kirkby Moor is a beautiful part of Britain, and it shouldn't be disfigured.

• List the arguments for and against wind farms?

- most of our natural environment in England, and thousands of kinds of plants and insects and
animals have disappeared. It's absolutely essential that we conserve what is still left.

- Some places have got to be protected from development, and National Parks more than any
other areas. 

- wind power isn't the only form of renewable energy. 

- Another bit of unspoilt countryside will be disfigured.

• If Malaysia were to embark on building wind farms, what would your stand be? Explain with


I think it would be a great idea because air turbines are eco friendly and they are renewable
form of energy so we will never run out of it. Just because we have other unrenewable
energy now, doesn’t mean that it will stay there forever as said, they are unrenewable and
one day it will be gone.

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