The Consistent Application of Maxwell-Garnett Effective Medium Theory To Anisotropic Composites

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The consistent application of Maxwell–Garnett effective medium theory to

anisotropic composites

Article  in  Applied Physics Letters · May 1997

DOI: 10.1063/1.118821 · Source: IEEE Xplore

63 703

4 authors, including:

Igor Skryabin Alex Radchik

Australian National University University of Technology Sydney


Geoff H. Smith
University of Technology Sydney


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The consistent application of Maxwell–Garnett effective medium theory
to anisotropic composites
I. L. Skryabin, A. V. Radchik, P. Moses, and G. B. Smitha)
Department of Applied Physics, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, N.S.W. 2007, Australia
~Received 27 December 1996; accepted for publication 24 February 1997!
The Maxwell–Garnett class of effective medium model applies if a representative cell can be found
whose polarization vanishes upon insertion in the effective medium. For an anisotropic composite
with randomly distributed ellipsoidal particles aligned along the principal axis, this leads to
electrostatic restraints on the shape of such cells. It is shown that the cell boundary must have
different depolarization factors to the inclusion within the cell. Practice is to equate them. A new
physically correct ellipsometric modeling routine still with only two fitting parameters is
demonstrated. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. @S0003-6951~97!00517-2#

This article seeks to refine fundamental ideas used in lish a broad principle which dictates the link between the
electrostatics and some optical problems which involve ar- particle shape and the additional ‘‘shape parameters’’ in
rays of polarizable inclusions. The simplest models use ei- simple Maxwell–Garnett type models. ‘‘Envelopes’’ in such
ther the classical Lorentz cavity approach or the related con- theories may be either representative cells containing one
cept of a representative cell containing one inclusion which particle1,2 or a Lorentz cavity containing many inclusions.
when embedded in the medium produces no additional po- Our second aim is to refine the practical application of an-
larization ~or scattering!. For random arrays, the term ran- isotropic Maxwell–Garnett models, in ellipsometric model-
dom unit cell ~RUC! was introduced for the latter ing routines.
approach.1,2 The issue of how to handle such problems when We consider an anisotropic composite as a dielectric ma-
either the particles or the array are anisotropic has not been trix ~the host! with embedded ellipsoidal particles ~the guest!
rigorously addressed, although these systems are often mod- aligned along the optical axis ~Fig. 1!. Two extreme limits of
eled using various simple but unjustified assumptions.3–5 these ellipsoids are either spheres or cylinders so this
We seek to correct a common practice in effective me- approach covers all possible degrees of anisotropy, which
dium models for ellipsoidal inclusions. Composites contain- are described by the set of guest depolarization factors
ing inclusions which are nonspherical, will display either L gj ( j5x,y, or z!. The extended Maxwell–Garnett effective
uniaxial or biaxial optical response. The complex refractive medium theory1 is usually expressed as
index N5n2ik will be a 333 tensor in these materials, if e MG
j 2eh e g2 e h
the effective medium approach is applicable. The composite 5f , ~1!
behaves like a single component anisotropic material in its e h 1L j ~ e j 2 e h !
h MG
e h 1L gj ~ e g 2 e h !
optical response. where e MG
j is an effective dielectric constant; f is a volume
It is possible, in principle, to extract the components of
N using spectroscopic ellipsometry. However, in practice,
a multiparameter model ~either polynomial or oscillator type!
for each principle component of N introduces many fitting
parameters. Nevertheless inversion or modeling of ellipso-
metric or spectrophotometric data to obtain
N5(N x ,N y ,N z ! has been attempted.5–7 Examples of impor-
tant materials where such responses occur include columnar
thin films,8 metal/insulator composites used for glare and en-
ergy control, micropolarizing materials,9 and nanostructures.
Some of these exhibit strong absorption anisotropy leading
to asymmetric transmittance for light incident in the same
plane but opposite sides of the normal.8 If reliable and sim-
ply implemented effective medium models and some struc-
tural information is available the number of arbitrary fitting
parameters in the models is reduced and they have a physical
basis. Various simple effective medium models for aniso-
tropic composites exist and are widely used in practice.
Some of these formulations, however, neglect underlying
physical restraints. Unfortunately, it is these that seem to
have been more widely used to invert ellipsometric data.6,7
Our purpose in this article is two-fold. One is to estab- FIG. 1. An anisotropic composite with ellipsoidal inclusions and two pos-
sible basic cells for use in deriving the MG model. Cell with surface geo-
metrically similar to its inclusion is on the left and one in which it is
Electronic mail: confocal is on the right.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (17), 28 April 1997 0003-6951/97/70(17)/2221/3/$10.00 © 1997 American Institute of Physics 2221
fraction of the guest particles; superscripts g and h denote
guest and host matrix, respectively. In all examples, we have
seen to date the practical realization of Maxwell–Garnett
theory ~1! in ellipsometric procedures is simplified by the
assumption6,7,10 L g 5L h . For an ellipsoid of rotation ~Fig. 1!
with semi axes a,b5c, the depolarization factors of this el-
lipsoid are given by11 L z 5(1/3) 2 F 1 (1,1,5/2,12 x 2 ), L x,y
51/2(12L z !, where x 5a/b ~anisotropic ratio! and 2 F 1 is a
hypergeometric function.12 For an ellipsoid with all three
semi-axes, different ~aÞbÞc! more complex expressions
for L j apply but conclusions are the same. L g 5L h means
x g 5 x h . This assumption of geometrical similarity in shapes
is demonstrated in Fig. 1 lower left ~particle in its cell!. Al- FIG. 2. Ellipsometric parameters calculated for the same material using
though intuitive structurally, it is not correct. existing practice ~dashed lines! and the suggested model ~solid lines!.
To derive the Maxwell–Garnett Eq. ~1! for ellipsoidal
inclusions, the Laplace’s equation for a coated ellipse is
b h 5 Ak1 ~ b g ! 2
solved1 with the following necessary assumption: the coating
or cell surface is confocal with the ellipsoidal particle as seen a h 5 Ak1 ~ a g ! 2 .
in Fig. 1, lower right. Therefore geometrical similarity be-
k is dependent on the fill-factor f 5 @ a g (b g ) 2 /a h (b h ) 2 # and
tween the particle and shell, would explicitly lead to a dif-
could be found as a real positive root of the cubic equation:
ferent effective medium model than that of Maxwell–
Garnett. The choice L g 5L h in ~1!, though adopted widely, ~ a g ! 2~ b g ! 4
@ k1 ~ a g ! 2 #@ k1 ~ b g ! 2 # 2 5 . ~3!
contradicts the following simple electrostatic arguments. A f2
metallic ellipsoid within a confocal dielectric is placed in an
The depolarization factors of the cell boundary are thus
external uniform electrostatic field. The shell yielding a
functions of fill factor. For small fill factors, where the
Maxwell–Garnett approximation represents the surface of a
Maxwell–Garnett model usually applies all cell depolariza-
shell whose dimensions depend on the fill factor f of guest
tion factors approach L h 51/3, which is significantly different
material. Now let us vary f ~i.e., shrink or expand the inner
from the inclusion. The spherical surface is the limiting equi-
ellipsoid! in two different ways.
potential of any ellipsoidal coordinate frame. If the compos-
~1! The shrunken ellipsoid remains confocal with the outer ite is dense and the Maxwell–Garnett approach is still valid,
shell. As both surfaces are still equipotentials, the the cell surface must closely resemble the surface shape of a
shrinking of the inner ellipsoid would not perturb the particle. The depolarization factors of particle and the shell
internal field and therefore the polarization of the outer are thus then close in magnitude and approach L gz ,1/3 or
shell stays the same. In other words, the shrinking pro- L gx .1/3, which can be very different for elongated particles.
cess will be reflected in ~1! only by the change of the fill Thus from the degenerate value L51/3 at f 50, the cell de-
factor. The surfaces of the inner and outer ellipsoid are polarization factors rise or fall smoothly with f until they
coordinate surfaces in the same frame and can be con- equal those of the inclusion at f 51. Calculations using ~2!
sidered as electrostatically similar. and ~3! shows smooth change with most variation between
~2! Geometrically similar shrinking has the shrunken inner f 50 and 0.4.
ellipsoid semiaxes proportionally smaller in relation to Ellipsometric modeling subject to the constraints ~2! and
the outer ones. The decrease in size shifts the focal po- ~3! can now be implemented. The fitting parameters are the
sitions, so the inner and the outer ellipsoids are not equi- fill-factor f and the degree of anisotropy of the inclusion
potentials of the same coordinate frame. The field lines x g . Other parameters in ~1! are then determined via the con-
are distorted by this shrinking so the polarization of the straints. We now compare predicted measurable ellipsomet-
outer shell changes. It is obvious that this change in po- ric parameters C and D when L h 5L g with those from the
larization cannot be represented simply by varying the correct confocal model. The host material is Al2O3 with sil-
fill factor in ~1! so a Maxwell–Garnett effective medium ver inclusions. Dielectric constants are from Palik,15 guest
model is invalid. ellipsoids are aligned perpendicular to the sample surface,
f 50.2 and the particle shape is given by the ratio x g 51.5. C
To summarize, for a general Maxwell–Garnett type of and D calculated assuming geometric similarity are com-
effective medium theory, the cell can be constructed only to pared with those using electrostatic similarity in Fig. 2. The
be electrostatically similar with the inclusion surface. The difference between the two models is much larger than typi-
shape of this electrostatic unit cell ~EUC! must also produce cal experimental uncertainty.
a uniform electric field within the cell. Only a sphere, ellip- Figure 3 shows excellent agreement between thin film
soid, and a ‘‘flat capacitor’’13 are known to satisfy this cri- experimental data obtained on a Jobin–Yvon Variable Angle
teria. To construct an EUC to be confocal with the ellipsoidal Spectroscopic Ellipsometer and curves obtained with our fit-
guest particle, we proceed as follows.1,14 The surface ting procedure, for an angle of incidence of 40°. Angles of
of the cell is given by the equation of an ellipsoid incidence data from 30° to 80° in 10° steps were used simul-
@(x 2 1y 2 )/(b h ) 2 ]1 @ z 2 /(a h ) 2 # 51 with semi axes: taneously to fit the data. The model structure consists of bulk

2222 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 70, No. 17, 28 April 1997 Skryabin et al.
ites. A new ellipsometric fitting procedure results using an-
isotropic ratio x and fill factor f as independent fitting
The authors would like to express our gratitude to S.
Dligatch for the assistance with providing suitable experi-
mental ellipsometric results.

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