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refrattarl —“gsirc General Refractory Procedures 44, Scope and Rotoronce Rotactry Material Presnstatation Instattion Testing Repair Procedure Curing and Ory-out Frocedures @. Safely ITTSpA.P.0. no. B-10110-"20"01 Project: SOUTH PARS Gas Fett Development Phase 20 821 ‘IRC Document no: 13080°3 SIRC ref: 1 3080/12 (Completed: tM Checked: SM Approved :FP v.00 etd 2510472012 rett ‘ottari egivre 1.__SCOPE AND REFERENCES ‘The purpose of this procedure isto give general information about refractory material and cutie the main operators relate to storage & installation Inaddhtion to what indicated here below, reference shall be made tothe presriptions of APL ‘Standard 560 latest eden Before proceeding with the activites of installation of each type of Insulating and or refractory lining, the sil of involved operators shall be assured 2,__REFRAGTORY MATERIALS 2a 22 ‘Material “The main refractory mata that coul be supplied are as folow Insulating Castable GREEN LIGHT 1.0.6 HT GREEN LIGHT 1.24 GREEN LIGHT 14 Reactory Castable RED CAST 1400 Mortar: ATLASET 1600 (Ceramic Fibre Btanket: — GIBFIL1 ‘Supply conditions and storage Cattables wil be supplied in paper bags, premixed, on pallets shrnkurapped. Mortars wil be suppliod in drums, ready o use, on pallets shrinkwrapped. Ceramic fibre blankets will be supplied on rols inside of paper boxes, on pallets shrinkwrapped. “The conventional shelf Me of castables and mortars is usually 12 months reduction date, depending to the storage conditions. {after tis time, i wil be necessary to proceed to requalifcation of materials) Geramic fie blankets tave not limit of storage fe because they don't need drying or Courng, but they shall be stored with the same precautions used fr castables and mortar. ting from the Since these products react with water, the following recommendations shal be cari out 42) Donot store pallets, loaded with refractory materials, where they are exposed to rain, sow ‘or where can be weited in any other way. 'b) Always koep refractory materials on palets away ffom wet areas. Do not places pallet ‘containing refractory mateials in stale water. ©) Do not stoe pales containing refractory materials in conaltons were humid is higher ‘man normal ambient conations, «) Mage that contain relractory materials are covered with polythene sheeting, etc, ensure sufficient vertaion to prevent condense {®) Donot use partially reactad concrete (Le. bagged material containing hard lumps). Dag t refratiar| —BSiv,c NB: Its advisable the storage of refactory materials in covered areas, with lowest temp. of 45°C, max. temp. of 30°C and humidity not higher than 40%. ‘Due ta pressure, stacked pallets ana settlement in storage, itis possible that the material in the botfom bags becomes compacted but tse lumps ean realy be broken down by hand ttvough crumbling of material. Hard lumps indicate some setting-off, a chemical action ‘between mortar and water, so the bag must not be used Inany case the goneral ues are the folowing ‘Althe refractory materials supplied wil be stored under covered and ventilated area. ‘Maximum two pallets of concrte,relractorybxeks, moar andor refractory glue et. et willbe placed above each other. = Don't place pallets contents ceramic fibre blanket andlor ceramic paper above each ‘other typeof pallets, 3._PRE.INSTALLATION Before installation activites of refractory materials, its required the preparation of mixture, fof each castables (see parapraphes 44 and 45), The mixture consistency wil be veiled wth "Balin hand” test (See paragraph 6.3, In conformity with ASTM C 860. ‘This test allows operates, that are experianced, to value ifthe mixture is vabd for inetaistion, 4 iN 44° General Installation activities shal be carried cut after welding of anchors and bracket has been Completed, anchors welding and bracket effecveness tested and steel surfaces cleaned For detais bout anchors welding and relractory Installation, see the project drawings, Issued fr construction 44 Water 8) Water temperature Minimum water tomperatere wil be 10°C and mavimum 25°C: temperature isnot within there imits adequate actin to cool or warm shal be taken ‘The temperature and wateruumialy percentage are suggested, suitable for casting preparing, from refractory concrete material producers. Moreover, you can use to check ‘water percentage necessary forthe consistence mix, the method in accordance with ASTM. {€-860'*ball in Rend’, his check must be done every day and for al installation period when, there are diferent weather conalton and humidity ») water quanty ‘Water used will be drinkable water or containing a maximum of 50 ppm (50 mglt) of chlorides, Page Sof4 retrattar! Sire 45 53 6) Wealer quantity Concrete manufacturer specify on the bags ofthe material or inthe techrical information sheet of the product the best quantiy of water. The quantity of added water give the ‘maximum structural resistance and, therefore, it would be used as indicaled. Particular considerations willbe dedicated tothe instalation procedure with reference to ambient conditions and tothe necessiy of obtaining a ining without any void due to the instalation cffcultes. The preliminary test, "ballin hanc, should, therefore, define the proper quality of water not only for reaching the best mechanical propities, but also to BSblain the compete best iling of material during casting, Procedure for mixing of castable and mortar ‘All equipment for mixing and handling must be thoroughly cleaned before use. Contaminants can accelerate or retard the setting rate, resulting in dfieuly in placing the material and a reduction in quality Mixing water may also contain contaminants, therefore drinking qualiy or the cleanest possible water must always be used Mixers with a positive bonding action are recommended, Suitable mixers are padde or pan type, eg. Gretange, Liner Cumow, Winget Turbotiow, 2wangmisher, Parker Plo, Hobart or sina. ‘Start puting castable ite the mixer, then proceed adding the necessary quantity of wa ‘as indicated in our technical data shot, It's important to calculate the exact quantiy of water, using an appropriate measure and ‘considering the exact quanty of castabie contained by the mixer. Mixthe castable and water for a period, necessary to obtain a good mixing, “Ball n Hands" Tost ‘Add sufficient water to alow the castable to hold together in a ball when “bounced” in the palm ofthe hand 2) Too wet itil slump throught the fingers ') Too dy the bal wil break up into crumbly mass ©) This “Bouncing” in the hand should impart a sight glstening tothe surfaco of tho ball of ‘concrete but there should be no appreciable transfer of water and cement othe pam, ‘The folowing picture show the three stations. ® Page 4h

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