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THIS Agreement is madeat _ This__________ _______ dayof ___

20 between Shri Son/Daughterof
Shri_____________________________ Resident Of _____________________________________
_____(hereinafter calledtheTraineewhichexpression shall unless excludedorrepugnanttothis
contextbedeemedtoincl udeits successors/assignees,
Shri______________________SonofShri_______________resident of
____________________________________(hereinafter called the surety which expression shall
unless excluded or repugnant to this context be deemed to
includeitssuccessors/assignees,executors,Legalheirs,administrators)oftheSECONDPARTand BHARAT
SANCHAR NIGAM LIMTED a company incorporated undertheCompanies Act, 1956 having its
registered Office at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,H.C.MathurLane, Janpath, New Delhi (hereinafter called
BSNL which expressionshallunless excluded or repugnant to this context be deemed to
_______________________________its authorizedofficial.

WHEREAS the trainee has been selected by the BSNL for training in
______at___________________for a period of____________ weeksand trainee,
hasagreed to undergo the same on the terms and conditionscontainedhereinafter.

AND WHEREAS the BSNL shall spend a substantial amount for the training ofthe trainee and, shall pay
a Stipend of Rs. 9520/- plus Industrial Dearness allowance (IDA) at the rate applicable from time to
time during his/her training period atspecified location(s) as may be decided by the CGMT.

ANDWHEREASthesumof Rs.5000/-(FiveThousandRupeesonly)hasbeendeposited by the

traineeShri________________________________________ infavour
No._________________________ dated__________________________asinterestfree security for
due fulfillment of conditions of this agreement.

Now these presents witness and it is hereby mutually agreed and declared byandbetween parties
hereto asfollows:

1. BSNL shall provide training, the nature and duration of which shallbedetermined by Chief
General Manager----Telecom (herein-after referred to asthe CGMT) whose decision in this behalf shall
be final and binding.

His training, if in his opinion (which shall be final and binding), the trainee appearstobeunlikely to
becomeanefficient_________________________ (cadre).

2. The said traineeshall:-

(A) Undergo the course of training at any BSNL training center, selectedfromtime to time, by the
(B) Undergo under such training at the said placed with due diligence and complywith the
instructions of all authorized officers in regard to training anddiscipline at the saidplaces.

3. THAT the trainee has agreed with the Company that after completion ofthe training, he/she
shall serve BSNL in such department or departments at such placeorplaces in India in such capacity in
connection with BSNL’sbusiness as BSNL
mayrequirefromtimetotime,foratleastTWOYEARSaftercompletionofaforesaidtraining, on terms and
conditions contained hereinafter and in accordance withtherules and regulations of BSNL as applicable
from time to time to suchtrainees.
4. THAT the BSNL has called upon the trainee to furnish a Bond to the extentof Rs. 5000/-
(Rupees Five Thousand only) for indemnifying the Company againstalllosses or damages which
the BSNL may suffer by reason of the breach of the termsof this agreement by thetrainee.

5. THAT the surety, at the request of the trainee, has agreed to give a Bond for thesaidsumofRs.1,
70,000/-(RupeesOne LacSeventyThousandonly)inthemanner hereinafterappearing.

6. THAT the trainee and surety have agreed that in the circumstances if thetrainee commits
breach of any conditions of this Agreement or, in case the training ofthe said trainee is
discontinued under the provisions to clause (1 ) above and
theCGMTissatisfiedthatthefailureofthetraineetoreachthenecessarystandardisdueto his/her work
(the decision of the CGMT in this behalf being final), or in caseofcontinued adverse reports
regarding his/her conduct or his/her political activitiesdirected against the Government of his/her
country/BSNL, or if the
completion thereof does not serve the BSNL for period upto TWO Yearsor
. During such period of service does not carry out his/her duties with diligence.BSNL shall have
full powers to forfeit the amount of security deposit without any noticetothe trainee and surety.
Trainee and surety have further agreed that they are jointlyorseverally shall pay and refund
forthwith to the BSNL on demand an amount ofRs.1,70,000/-(RupeesOneLacSeventythousand
only)paidtohim/herasStipendduring the period of his/her training including training expenses
incurred on him/herby the Company, which in this case shall be Rs. 1,20,000/- for ten weeks
alongwiththe interest @ 18% p.a. along with losses/damages which BSNL may suffer byreason
of the breach of the conditions of Agreement and upon the trainee and/orthesurety making such
payment, the above written bond shall be void and of noeffect,otherwise it will remain in full
force andvirtue.

7. THAT liability of the surety hereunder shall not in any manner be affected byany time granted to
the trainee or any other indulgence which may be shown to himinrespect of the recovery of the said
money(s) by BSNL or shall it be necessary forthe BSNL to sue the trainee before suing the surety for
the amount due hereunder.

8. THATduringthecontinuance ofthisagreementthetraineeshallnot,without
thepreviousconsentofBSNL,entertheservicesof,norbeemployed inanycapacity, whetheradvisory,executive
orotherwise orforany partofhistimebyanyperson, companyundertakingorconcern other than BSNL.
Similarlythetrainee shallalso not undertake/commenceany business ort r a d e etc.ofa n ykind without prior

9. THAT during the period of this Agreement, the trainee shall conform strictlyto all rules,
regulations, instructions, bye-laws etc. of BSNL and work diligentlyandfaithfully and obey all lawful
commands of his/herseniors.

10. ThetraineeshalldevotehiswholetimeandattentiontothebusinessofBSNL as above mentioned and

shall not participate, be engaged or be interested orconcerned, directly or indirectly, in any other
business or occupation of any kindornaturewhatsoever.

11. The trainee shall at all times conduct himself in a manner befitting hispositionand the prestige of
BSNL and show civility to and strictly obey and carry outalllawful orders and instructions of all persons
placed by BSNL in authority overhimand shall in all things use his best endeavors to promote the interest
of BSNL in itsbusiness and shall not utilize or divulge to any persons, any of BSNL's orhis connections,
trade, secrets of affairs. He shall also observe and conform to all therules and regulations and
arrangements of BSNL for the time being in force andamended time to time for the control of

12. In witness whereof, the trainee and the surety have here unto settheirrespective hands and
BSNL has here unto caused_________________on his behalftosethishandthisthe dayof






Note:ThesuretiesshouldbepermanentCentral/StateGovernment/BSNLemployeesand a certificate to this

effect issued by the employer of the Sureties should alsobeattached.

Now I am writing my bond demand as only one file is attachable in lawyersclub



Details of amount to be recovered:

1. Security Deposit: Rs. 5000

2. Training expenses + interest: Rs.1,20,000+34,680

3. Stipend + interest Rs. 43,709+9610

4. one month salary recovery Rs. 34662

5. @18% GST Rs 43678

Grand total : Rs 2,86,339

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