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International Relations

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International Relations

Question 1

Original signature of the Iranian Nuclear Agreement

The Iran nuclear deal was reached between The Islamic Republic of Iran and several


Powers. This was in 2015[ CITATION Elr16 \l 1033 ].

Liberal internationalism is based on the execution of nonviolent world order in the universe.

From this perspective, every nation is considered in its interests through cooperation.

International cooperation incorporates the ideas of different countries. The countries do not have

to rely on one military wing but rather operate through collaboration. Achieving economic

power by politicians is dependent on the use of economic and social control. There may be the

building of an agreement to help secure a border. Organizations such as the United Nations have

proved vital in the rooting of liberalism[ CITATION Gra01 \l 1033 ].

Liberalism offers excellent insight into and a concise understanding of the Iran nuclear deal. The

nuclear deal proves how different countries assume different roles and how states and

international regimes relate.

Liberalism is best demonstrated by those who believe in the peaceful coexistence of deals. The

accumulation of Iran's uranium would secure the safety of individuals. In liberal terms, the

governments have the mandate to maintain the safety of the citizens. The Iran nuclear deal IS

AN example of governments and international organizations pulling efforts to ensure the well-

being of the citizens.

In agreement with the provisions laid down between Iran and many other countries, Iran has

access to different areas that they deem suspicious.


Realism states that nations work to increase their influence and power. The structural constraints

determine major players' behaviors. By eliminating international sanctions, Iran has been brought

back to the world economy. In this case, Iran’s power has massively increased. Structural realism

does not lead to competition. The United States has a robust military force but still fears what

might war to break out. Through cooperation, such measures are mitigated. Iran has provided for

its defense after lifting the arms sanctions[ CITATION 12L19 \l 1033 ].

Question 2

Technology and globalization

The world is rapidly changing, and different technological measures are being adopted. With the

emergence of new technologies, different people's lives are changing rapidly. Technology has

dramatically influenced how different people perceive each other in the world. Innovations have

proved to be either beneficial or destructive.

Technological advancements have immensely influenced globalization. Every day, new

inventions continue to be realized. Technological advances have reduced the costs of

transportation. Global sourcing of different raw materials has been made possible. Another

important merchandise has also been able to be sourced.

On the other hand, advancements in technology prove destructive, especially in supporting vices

such as terrorism. Extremism has also been witnessed. This has enhanced disastrous international

effects. Through the creation of harmful software, connections in different parts of the world

have been slowed down. The malware has also caused computers to crash. This has caused

vulnerability to digital assets. Children's explosive drones have proved a threat to world security.

Technology and innovation are not desirable as the threats caused are very questionable. Highly

skilled and professional manpower is needed to execute these malicious acts, such as creating

harmful computer viruses. Bioweapons pose a threat to human existence. In many cases, the

weapons are not always successful and may even wipe the entire generation. An example is

given on the United States anthrax attacks [ CITATION Tow17 \l 1033 ] . Terrorists may use 3D guns

to execute their missions.

The internet has led to massive terror activities in different parts of the world. The coverage of

the terror activities inflicts fear among different masses. The terrorists may also use the internet

in finding recruits or even followers. In this case, disruptive innovation theory is put into

action[ CITATION Pro02 \l 1033 ].

Question 3

The role of religion for Marxists

Marx brings into context the materialistic nature of religion. The real relationship between men

and objects is put into context. According to Marx, man’s ability to act is influenced by nature.

Nature thus controls how man behaves, thus, understanding it either scientifically or rationally.

The influence of nature by technology is meant to benefit man.

On the other hand, religion plays a role in projecting personal characteristics into nature.

Through the invention of Gods, religion believes that nature can be controlled. The gods are

appealed through rituals and sacrifices. According to Marx, religion helps to dull oppression,

thus preventing people from making anxieties for social change. Marx also believes that religion

acts as a tool for control. Marx also perceives religion as a mechanism for maintaining uneven

status. This is seen in the context where others have more influence and power than others. The

robust control the less powerful[ CITATION PRP20 \l 1033 ].

Marx argues that the less powerful continue to be appeased by the rich. The people believed in

the afterlife, and thus, religion provided solace. The people find joy in the faith. In justifying

oppression, religion seeks to control the less fortunate. The more a person suffers, the more the

person becomes close to the supernatural being.

Social solidarity in religion is enforced through religion. The mental states created during the

worship of a supernatural being dictates this. Marx emphasized that the social order is reinforced

through religion through sanctification. Marxists believe that faith will stand in their paths amidst


How constructivists would explain the end of The Cold War

Constructivism is immensely associated with the end of the cold war. Several debates have been
held between different scholars in international relations theory. Constructivism is best
elaborated with the evolution of ideologies. Constructivists argue that the end of the cold war is
best explained in terms of concepts and agency. Mikhail Gorbachev's thinking (Glasnost and
Perestroika) had a significant impact. The world is perceived to be socially constructed according
to constructivists. Ontology and epistemology bring the reality of the world into practice.
Alexander’s thoughts on social construction show that the 500 British nuclear weapons less
threaten the United States. The new world order influenced by Gorbachev’s decisions indicates
the transformation of the various positions held[ CITATION Int19 \l 1033 ].
Traditional theories such as realism and liberalism have failed in different ways to explain the
end of the cold war; hence constructivism dives in. Constructivists have embedded their
ideologies ever since the early 1980s. In turn, constructivists have been realized, prompting the
end of the cold war and generational change. Constructivism has led to positive developments,
thus remaining true to the core. Changes to neorealism and neoliberalism have also been noted.

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and political science, 35-63.
Grayson. (2001). Liberals, international relations, and appeasement: The liberal party, 1919-
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Marx, K. (2002). Marx on religion. Temple University Press.
Powers, P. R. (2020). Karl Marx, Marxists, and Marxians: Religion, oppression, and revolution.
Religion and violence, 41-58.
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Production, 163-177.
Townsend. (2017). Technology, the new frontier for crime and terror. The Dark Side of
Technology, 208-228.

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