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Case Analysis; The Benefits of Arts remain in the Philippines History

For the longest time that art was introduce in the Philippines, it became the country's way of
recognitions where in this country is known for it's excellence in art since a long time ago up until now.
Before colonizers came, indigenous Filipinos already had their own art, literature, and architectures. It
includes their cultures and rituals. The term "Philippine art" refers to the works of art that have evolved
and accumulated in the Philippines from the country's beginnings of civilization to the present day. It
represents the wide spectrum of cultural influences on the country's culture and how these influences
sharpened the country's arts to its society and non-Filipinos. The Ancient art of the Philippines is a
masterpiece that this country give importance to, like for instance, functional arts, visual arts,
performing arts, and more. Mostly Philippines is much known for it's excellence in visual arts which
includes painting, calligraphy and others. There are lot of artists that is now dead I'm the present times
but their works are still recognized in the current period.

However, as times passes, Philippines arts have change over time. It slowly forgotten by lot of Filipinos
about the history and origin of Philippines art which is very important for every Filipinos in different
generations to appreciate the history of their own country. But the questions is that, why does the
history of Philippines art became forgotten by some Filipinos especially mellinial people?Why should we
study art history and why it should be remain?

According to the Department of History of Art, art both reflects and contributes to the formation of
a culture's vision. Studying historical art educates us about how people saw themselves and their
surroundings, as well as how they wanted to present it to others. In this case, the arts of the Philippines
reflect a society with diverse cultural influences and traditions since from ancient times. In the lives of
Filipinos, ancient and contemporary art is very important. It's crucial since all of these arts expresses
someone's thoughts, ideas, or points of view. Filipinos can express themselves in a way that is safe for
others to see through these arts. It's a way of expressing oneself. Moreover, Philippines art history
provides a means by which we can understand our human past and its relationship to our present,
because the act of making art is one of humanity’s most ubiquitous activities. It's essentially a tour of
how the country's many political, cultural, and social movements have inspired and transformed the
face of Philippine art, as well as how it might be presented in the future. Another is that pihilippines art
is very useful to our community as it offers a community or neighborhood a distinct character and
demonstrates pride, making it more appealing to investors and businesses. Making the arts a part of our
lives can help us recognize ourselves as individuals and improve our cultural experiences. Appreciating
our art history does not only benefits the whole country's development but also the recognition of
artists for their skills and proficiency. These artist should also be acknowledge for their excellency in arts.

In generally speaking, studying Philippine history is essential because you must study and know
what happened in the past in order to appreciate the country's future and current position. It reminds
us to take the time to look at work from previous generations and eras; we can learn a lot about them
by doing so. We may learn about the obstacles that individuals before us encountered and how they
overcame them via the use of art. In the same way that we learn about current events by the art we
leave behind, future generations will learn about current events via the art we leave behind. In my
perspective, we must give importance of our arts in a way of supporting locals and promoting programs
that benefits the Ancient and contemporary arts, Also as a student, I shall honor the contributions of
artists in the development, preservation, and promotion of Philippine art simply by supporting and
utilizing the works of our fellow countrymen. Citizens should conserve our country's arts through
experience or knowledge, and specific FESTIVITIES AND EVENTS promote our own arts. This is very
important because a nation's cultural heritage and natural history are extremely valuable and
distinctive. Culture and its heritage reflect and define values, beliefs, and aspirations, defining the
national identity of a people. It is critical to preserve our cultural legacy in order to maintain our identity
as a people.

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