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Analyzation about

RA 545 and RA 9266

Jayson G. Javier

College of Architecture and Fine Arts, MSEUF

A015B: Prof Prac 1 (Laws Affecting Prac of Arch)

Ar. Renz Kenneth T. Tagle

February 19 2021

Analyzation about

RA 545 and RA 9266

First let’s talk about what are Republic Act No. 545 and Republic Act No. 9266. They

are both special law governing the practice of architecture in the Philippines. In 1950, with

Manila and the whole country just starting to rebuild from the ravages of the Second World

War, RA 545 or “The Architecture Law” was enacted to regulate the local practice of

architecture. Fast forward to March 17, 2004 the revision was enacted by the congress, RA

9266 otherwise known as the Architecture act of 2004. You see, it takes more than five

decades before it was revised and the environment of the post-world war is so much different

in the modern age.

As I can see it, RA 545 lack some of the details of protecting the rights of an architect.

Functions are overlapping to the RA 544 which is known as Civil Engineering Law. But this

is the barebone and the start of the practicing architecture in the Philippines. Unlike RA 9266

it was detailed, specific, clearly identified and recognized the importance of architect in

nation building and development.

Architectural Documents… This term was not defined in RA 545, in fact, the absence

of it makes the RA 544 (Civil Engineering Law) to overlap in RA 545 (The Old Architecture

Law) which both laws are regulating which professionals are allowed to sign and seal

architectural documents.

In RA 545 Section 12 under article II - In order to safeguard life, health and property, no

person shall practice architecture in this country, or engage in preparing plans,

specifications or preliminary data for the erection or alteration of any building

located within the boundaries of this country, except in this last case when he is a

duly registered CIVIL ENGINEER, or use the title “Architect”,…


The biggest change and in RA 9266 is the definition of the term architectural documents. It is

stated in Section 3 (18), under Rule I - an architectural drawings, specifications, and

other outputs of an ARCHITECT THAT ONLY AN ARCHITECT can sign and seal

consisting, among others, of vicinity maps, site development plans, architectural

program, perspective drawings, architectural floor plans, elevations, sections, ceiling

plans, schedules, detailed drawings, technical specifications and cost estimates, and

other instruments of service in any form.

As an architecture student and future architect this is our big advantage to change the

future, because we alone now hold the key to a safer and cleaner environment. Nobody can

steal our rights because our expertise in the field are acknowledge by the society and by the

laws of man. This is our chance, this is our duty, and this is our responsibility, we must do

our job with pride and utmost respect.

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