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1st Sem/SY2020-2021

Politics and Governance

NAME: Anjela Linggon Baliao

The Principal Values of Liberalism

The most prominent liberal value is opposition to hereditary caste and
government to boost upward mobility for talented and hardworking caste people. The
best of liberalism across all of these definitions is embracing the Enlightenment's
proper enunciation of human beings as worthy under their humanity. Liberalism
believes that society can improve through self-will and self-government, and rational
actions. Liberals believe in equality for all Arguably; I'd say that the principal
differences between liberals and any other political alignment are not in the values they
harbor — those are pretty universal across humankind save for pathological
exceptions. The real difference lies in the relative prioritization of those values. Some
Liberals like me believe in the collective freedom of people and classes against the
government and believe in individuals' cooperation to achieve freedom and
governance. The most prominent liberal value is opposition to hereditary caste and
government use to boost upward mobility for talented and hardworking low caste
people. Liberals were trendy while they were segregationists. It was Civil Rights that
crushed the popularity of liberals. I think liberals understand why we form tribes,
villages, and countries. Conservatives do not. Liberals understand groups create for
the mutual benefit of all. Safety, housing, food, care for the young, old, and needy—
those core values aid both liberals and conservatives. The Liberals possessed change
if they become able to care for themselves and feel less successful do not deserve
Classical Liberalism and Modern Liberalism
Classical liberalism formed as the monarchs' power, and people
recognized the feudal forces of the 18th Century as unjust. The aristocracy,
authoritarianism, dictatorships, slavery, and anything else that sought to reduce
individual liberty were the targets. Thus, it argued for a minimal role of a government in
society and the maximum freedom of association. As time passed and classical
liberalism became mainstream in a world that moved from feudalism to capitalism, it
faced specific criticisms regarding worker exploitation, freedom to discriminate openly,
the civil rights of minorities, etc. In response, we saw a new school of political
philosophy rise, which we call Social Liberalism (also known as Modern Liberalism),
which argued that liberty and true freedom. The state could not be established without
government intervention in specific areas of society directly. There are a few critical
differences in classical and modern liberal theory; however, they can mostly be
summed upon by a single primary point. In modern liberal ideological thought, there is
much more focus on the group, how the group behaves, and who is in the group. In
this way, the ideological system is based more on the interactions that a group has on
its environment, treating groups as "super-individuals." Classical liberalism spends
much more time on the individual, looking at how individuals behave in a group, not
looking at the group as a single thing, but as a collection of different people, with their
own completely independent goals and ideas. At the very least, in my opinion, while
neither perfectly fits reality, as a result of groupthink and individuality depending, the
classical liberal sim is closer, as individuals are less prone to groupthink that modern
liberal theory would require.
Liberalism is, for me, a set of beliefs that emphasize human values of
democracy, freedom from oppression, justice, opportunity, education, and respect for
others. So it includes anti-racism, anti-sexism, is pro-globalization, and pro LGBTQ. It
does not necessarily have left-wing political values, though, for some liberals, it does.
Nor does it necessarily include being pro-drugs, though again, for some liberals, it
does. It would undoubtedly include being pro-abortion. It would not include being of a
radical religious persuasion. The modern-day definition of liberalism has strayed far
from its origin. Today, it's more of an ideology with somewhat Neo-Marxist and
postmodernist principles attached- deviated far from what the founding fathers
intended liberalism to be. Liberals being high in openness or creativity, while
conservatives are closed-minded and orderly. Look at Hitler, for example, his "call to
order" was a sign of conservativeness. Simplest way possible, everyone is equal and
deserves the same rights; liberals see everyone as people, not gay, trans, black, but
people. Liberals want to give everyone the same starting point, and they can build up,
but if they fall, liberal policies would" catch" them, so they don't go destitute. There
would still be an upper class and middle class, but the middle class would have an
easier time getting by. It's an ideology that emphasizes individualism and minimal
government. It focuses on the equality of opportunity and liberty to pursue the good life
without inhibitions.

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