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Ana Macura, Ph.D.

studentica Pregledni članak

CEMEX Hrvatska d.d. Review article
F. Tuđmana 45, 21212 Kaštel Sućurac
Dr. sc. Dragan Čišić / Ph. D. 65.012.34
Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka 658.7.027
Pomorski fakultet u Rijeci /
Primljeno / Received:
Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
10. listopada 2012. / 10th October 2012
Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka
Odobreno / Accepted:
Hrvatska / Croatia
7. studenoga 2012. / 7th November 2012





Rad elaborira važnost ljudskih resursa u sustavu The paper elaborates the importance of human
dobavnog lanca na primjeru logističkog koordinatora i resources within the supply chain system and refers to
logističkih timova. Istraživanje je usmjereno na analizu logistic coordinators and logistic teams. The study has
informacijskog toka isporuka prema distribucijskim been basically aimed at the analysis of the information
centrima u cementnoj industriji. Potpuni nadzor i flow of deliveries to distribution centers within the
pregled procesa dobavnog lanca omogućava logi­ cement industry. Respecting a complete overview of
stičkom koordinatoru i logističkom timu osiguravanje supply chain processes enables the logistic coordinator
razine uspješnosti sustava dobavnog lanca. Logistički and logistic team to ensure the efficiency of the supply
koordinator je središnji čimbenik informacijskog toka chain system. A logistic coordinator is the core figure
logistike isporuka te predstavlja osnovni nezaobilazni of the information flow in delivery logistics thus
element procesa dobavnog lanca. Glavna namjera representing the inevitable and essential part of supply
autora ovog istraživanja je sustavan prikaz važnosti chain processes. The principal aim of the authors of
uloge logističkog koordinatora unutar sustava this paper is to systematically elaborate the role and
dobavnog lanca. importance of a logistic coordinator within the supply
chain system.
Ključne riječi: dobavni lanac, logistika, logistički koor­
di­nator Key words: supply chain, logistics, logistic coordinator

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 315


Tehnološki napredak modernog poslovanja Modern business technological development
tijekom prošlog stoljeća zainteresirao je znan- in the last century intrigued the scientific com-
stvenu zajednicu prema istraživanjima izazova munity in researching logistics and supply chal-
logistike i dobavnog lanca što je rezultiralo teo- lenges related to modern organizations that re-
rijskim i praktičnim rješenjima. Razna istraži- sulted in theoretical and practical solutions.
vanja su obradila različite aspekte dobavnog Various researches attended different aspects
lanca o kojem postoje mnoge definicije i objaš- of the supply chain and there are many defini-
njenja sustava dobavnog lanca kao i njegovih tions and explanations related to the supply
sastavnih komponenata. Jedna od kraćih te chain systems and their components. One of
istovremeno i sveobuhvatnijih definicija jest da the shorter but more elaborate definitions is
se dobavni lanac može definirati kao mreža or- that the supply chain can be defined as a net-
ganizacija uključenih u različite procese i aktiv- work of organizations that are involved in dif-
nosti koje proizvode vrijednost u obliku proi- ferent processes and activities that produce val-
ue in the form of products and services
zvoda i usluga prema krajnjem korisniku [1].
provided for the ultimate consumer [1]. A sim-
Jednostavnija definicija glavnih ciljeva dobav-
ple definition of the main supply chain goals is
nog lanca jest pružanje dobrog i efikasnog ser-
offering a good and efficient service to the final
visa krajnjem korisniku, istovremeno upravlja-
customer while managing costs and lead-time
jući troškovima i vremenom provođenja
by keeping them low (lead-time is defined as
narudžbe tako da ih se svede na najmanju mo- time between the start and the end of the proc-
guću mjeru (vrijeme provođenja narudžbe se ess, for example, from measurement of the
odnosi na vrijeme od početka do završetka pro- stock level at the distribution centre to the de-
cesa, npr. od mjerenja razine zaliha u distribu- livery to the final customer) [4]. The main pur-
cijskom centru do isporuke prema krajnjem ko- pose of the supply chain is an optimal supply of
risniku) [4]. Osnovna zadaća dobavnog lanca je the organization and final customers with mate-
optimalna opskrba organizacije i krajnjeg kori- rials, products, services and information. Logis-
snika materijalima, proizvodima, uslugama i in- tics as a part of the supply chain is a problem
formacijama. Logistika kao dio dobavnog lanca solver related to the goods and information
preuzima ulogu rješavanja problema povezanih flow and it is responsible for the coordination
s protokom robe i informacija te je zadužena za of all activities and processes related to the
koordinaciju svih procesa i aktivnosti poveza- goods and information flow from the supplier
nih s protokom robe i informacija od dobavlja- to the organization and to the final customer
ča do organizacije te do krajnjeg korisnika [6]. [6]. The development of modern supply chain
Razvoj modernih sustava dobavnog lanca i logi- and logistic processes is closely linked to the
stičkih procesa je usko povezano s poboljšanji- improvements in distributing and processing in-
ma procesuiranja i distribuiranja informacija formation along all parts of the supply chain.
prema svim sastavnicama dobavnog lanca. The only possible way to succeed in the com-
Uspješno ispunjavanje potreba kupaca, od- petitive market is to successfully fulfill the cus-
nosno krajnjih korisnika je vjerojatno jedini na- tomer needs. An effective supply chain at the
čin uspjeha na današnjem natjecateljskom trži- end simply needs to deliver the right product in
štu. Uspješan dobavni lanac jednostavno mora the right quantity and in the right condition
isporučiti pravi proizvod u pravoj količini i with the valid documentation to the right place
ispravnom stanju s ispravnom dokumentacijom at the right time and at the right price [8]. The
na pravo mjesto u pravo vrijeme po pravoj cije- optimization of the production process is a di-
ni [8]. Optimizacija proizvodnih procesa je di- rect result of the technological and informa-
rektan rezultat tehnološkog i informacijskog tional development and the next step in the op-
timization of business processes is certainly the
napretka, a sljedeći korak u optimizaciji poslov-
optimization of logistics as a part of the supply
nih procesa predstavlja optimizacija logistike
chain processes. Supply chain systems can con-
kao dijela procesa dobavnog lanca. Sustavi do-
sist of different stages of complexity. Both the
bavnih lanaca mogu biti različitih stupnjeva
simple and the complex supply chain systems
kompleksnosti, međutim, i manje kompleksni i
consist of many information processes and
više kompleksni sustavi dobavnog lanca se sa- functions as well as of decision making process-
stoje od brojnih informacijskih procesa i aktiv- es that are all reflected in the information flow

316 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326


nosti kao i procesa donošenja odluka koji se re- links. The efficiency of the information flow
flektiraju u poveznicama informacijskog toka. management and of the material and financial
Uspješnost upravljanja informacijskim tokom, flow management is essential for effective sup-
kao i upravljanje materijalnim i financijskim to- ply chain systems and effective organizations.
kovima, predstavlja osnovu za uspješne dobav- Continuous improvements of the supply
ne lance i uspješne organizacije. chain are a necessity in the current changing
Stalna poboljšanja dobavnog lanca su postala markets and lead to an effective and efficient
osnova na današnjim tržišnim previranjima te supply chain [3]. The exchange of information
vode učinkovitijem i uspješnijem dobavnom between supply chain members is essential for
lancu [3]. Razmjena informacija između sastav- an efficient process and represents a basis for
nica dobavnog lanca predstavlja osnovu učinko- the process improvement as well.
vitog procesa kao i osnovu za poboljšanje pro- The scientific problem that has motivated
cesa. this research is the correct definition of the im-
Znanstveni problem koji je potaknuo istraži- portance of a logistic coordinator and of logis-
tic teams as essential human resources within
vanje jest pravilno definiranje važnosti logistič-
the supply chain information flow. The devel-
kog koordinatora i logističkih timova kao
opment of human resources is a priority of the
osnovnih ljudskih resursa unutar informacijskih
advanced supply chain systems. Several re-
tokova dobavnih lanaca. Razvoj ljudskih resur-
searches have emphasized the importance of
sa jest prioritet naprednih sustava dobavnih la-
human resources and knowledge management
naca. Više istraživanja je naglasilo važnost in successful and efficient supply chains. In the
ljudskih resursa i upravljanja znanjem kod actual case of goods and information flow, hu-
uspješnih i efikasnih dobavnih lanaca. Ljudski man resources are a necessity. A competent ex-
resursisu nezaobilazni kod robnih i informacij- pert within the organization has to integrate
skih tokova. Sposoban stručnjak unutar organi- different parties, take over the control and
zacije treba integrirati različite sastavnice, pre- leadership by following the specific stages of
uzeti kontrolu i vodstvo prateći posebnosti svih the process from its beginning to the end [3].
etapa procesa od početka do kraja [3].
The subject of the scientific research has
U okviru istraživanja definiran je predmet been defined and related to the research of the
znanstvenog istraživanja koji se odnosi na istra- theoretical and practical problems of modern
živanje teorijskih i praktičnih problema suvre- supply chains pointing out the distribution
menih dobavnih lanaca s naglaskom na infor- centers deliveries information flows. The au-
macijske tokove povezane s isporukama prema thors have elaborated the importance of human
distribucijskim centrima. Istraživanje predstav- resources and of the information flow within lo-
lja važnost ljudskih resursa i informacijskog gistics as an integral part of the supply chain.
toka u logistici kao sastavnom dijelu dobavnog The main scientific hypothesis has been de-
lanca. fined according to the scientific problem and
Temeljna znanstvena hipoteza je postavljena scientific subject: Human resources are the es-
sukladno znanstvenom problemu i predmetu sential element of the supply chain information
znanstvenog istraživanja: Ljudski resursi su flow related to deliveries. Human resources are
osnovni čimbenik informacijskih tokova organi- an assurance that someone is controlling the ef-
zacije isporuka unutar dobavnih lanaca. Ljudski ficiency of the process. Therefore, knowledge
resursi predstavljaju osiguranje kontrole uspješ- and human resources within the supply chain
nosti procesa te su znanje i ljudski resursi unu- have become an added value of the organiza-
tar dobavnog lanca postali organizacijska doda- tion.
na vrijednost.

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 317



Cementna industrija je specifična s obzirom CHAIN SYSTEM
na velike količine proizvoda i manje cijene fi- The cement industry is a specific one as it
nalnog proizvoda, što rezultira iznimnom važ- deals with high product volumes and final prod-
nosti logistike za učinkovitost, produktivnost i uct low prices, thus causing a great influence of
profit [2]. Globalizacija i moderno poslovanje logistics on the efficiency, productivity and
sa sve većim tržištima prouzročili su nastajanje profit [2]. Globalization and modern business
većih i kompleksnijih sustava dobavnih lanaca with larger markets have caused the formation
ovisno o zemljopisnim udaljenostima i vremenu of larger and more complex supply chain sys-
potrebnom za izvršenje naloga, odnosno usluge tems depending on the geographical distances
[5]. Ta činjenica nezaobilazno podrazumijeva and time needed to execute orders or perform
veću važnost logistike kao i razvoj različitih services [5]. That has implied a greater impor-
strategija. Jedna od strategija jest razvoj distri- tance of logistics and the development of dif-
bucijskih centara kako bi se optimizirao sustav ferent strategies. One of the strategies is the
isporuka prema krajnjem korisniku. Cementna development of distribution centers in order to
industrija se oslanja na distribucijske centre, optimize deliveries to final customers. The ce-
odnosno terminale s obzirom na svojstva proi- ment industry relies on its distribution centers
zvoda. Distribucijski centri se opskrbljuju di- or terminals due to the nature of the product.
rektno iz tvornica cementa te predstavljaju po- Distribution centers are supplied directly from
sljednju poveznicu u lancu prema krajnjem the cement plants and they are the final link in
korisniku. Održavanje optimalnih zaliha u dis- the chain to the final customers. Keeping an
tribucijskim centrima predstavlja osnovnu za- optimal stock level at a distribution center rep-
daću logistike kao i najveći logistički izazov u resents the essential logistic task and the great-
cijelom procesu. Svaka promjena u tržišnoj po- est logistic challenge in the process. Every sin-
gle change in sales demand has a direct impact
tražnji ima direktan utjecaj na razinu zaliha u
to the distribution center stock levels and sub-
distribucijskom centru kao i na razinu zaliha i
sequently to the production and stock levels at
proizvodnju u tvornici cementa. Uslijed toga je
the cement plant. Therefore, it is essential to
neophodno imati učinkovit informacijski tok
have an efficient information flow that will en-
koji osigurava pregled stvarnih zaliha u distri-
sure a good overview of the actual stock levels
bucijskim centrima i u tvornici, raspoloživih at the distribution centers and plants, available
transportnih kapaciteta i ostalih specifičnih transport capacities and other specific services.
usluga. Informacijski tok može biti potpuno au- The information flow can be completely auto-
tomatiziran, poluautomatiziran i neautomatizi- mated, semi – automated and non - automated.
ran. Narudžbe kao i prijedlozi narudžbi mogu Orders or order suggestions can be placed:
• completely automated; based on a comple-
• potpuno automatizirane – potpuno automa- tely automated system from the stock levels
tiziran sustav od razina zaliha i prognozirane and the forecasted demand to orders,
potražnje do narudžbi
• semi-automated; based on an automated sy-
• poluautomatizirane – automatiziran sustav stem that requires human resources in ha-
kod kojeg ljudski resursi predstavljaju konač- ving the final order decision,
nu odluku ispunjenja narudžbe
• non-automated; based on a manual data
• neautomatiziran – baziran na neautomatizi- transmission (telephones, fax machines, e-
ranom prijenosu podataka (telefon, faks ure- mails etc).
đaj, elektronička pošta itd.).
The current practice has shown the necessity
Stvarna praksa je pokazala potrebu za ljud- of human resources regardless of the informa-
skim resursima neovisno o stupnju automatizi- tion flow automatics. The automated system
ranosti toka informacija. Automatizirani sustavi that uses the EDI (electronic data interchange)
koji koriste EDI (Electronic Data Interchange – has a lot of advantages in comparison to a non-
elektronička razmjena podataka) imaju mnogo automated system, but even automated systems

318 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326


prednosti u usporedbi s neautomatiziranim su- require human resources in order to cover spe-
stavima, ali čak i potpuno automatizirani susta- cific parts of the process and have a final over-
vi zahtijevaju ljudske resurse koji sudjeluju u view and control of the process.
specifičnim dijelovima čitavog procesa sa zada-
ćom konačnog pregleda i kontrole procesa.
Supply chain development depends on the
ISPORUKA U DOBAVNOM formation of theoretical and practical business
LANCU models. An effective supply chain management
uses models in order to ensure a continuous
Razvoj dobavnog lanca ovisi o uspostavljanju
improvement. Models are effective tools that
teorijskih i praktičnih poslovnih modela. Učin-
use the simulation of real and possible process-
kovit menadžment dobavnog lanca koristi mo-
es. The supply chain process modeling is usual-
dele u svrhu osiguranja poboljšanja sustava.
ly divided into three important levels [4]:
Modeli predstavljaju učinkovite alate koji kori-
ste simulacije stvarnih i mogućih procesa. Mo- • strategic (business management),
deliranje procesa dobavnog lanca je obično po- • tactical (business process),
dijeljeno na tri razine [4]:
• operational (information and workflow sy-
• strateška razina (poslovno upravljanje) stems).
• taktička razina (poslovni procesi) A detailed process modeling, related to the
• operativna razina (informacijski sustavi i su- workflow and information flow structures, is a
stavi radnih tokova). part of the operational level. These process
models are structural presentations of the or-
Detaljnije modeliranje procesa povezano sa der of activities related to the object of the
strukturama informacijskih i radnih tokova je process. The essential part of the modeling
dio operativne razine modeliranja procesa. Na- process is the identification of problems and
vedeni modeli procesa predstavljaju struktural- challenges of the real business process. The
ni prikaz toka aktivnosti povezanih s procesnim process this research attends to is a part of the
objektima. Osnovni dio procesa modeliranja operational information flow level. The main
jest prepoznavanje i identifikacija problema i challenges related to the real information flow
izazova stvarnih poslovnih procesa. Proces koji are:
ovaj rad istražuje je dio operativne razine infor-
• inaccurate or late information related to the
macijskog toka. Glavni izazovi stvarnog realnog
terminal stock levels
informacijskog toka su:
• inadequate communication between diffe-
• netočne ili zakašnjele informacije o razini za-
rent parts of the supply chain
liha na terminalu
• ineffective or slow information flow
• nedovoljna i nepotpuna komunikacija izme-
đu različitih dijelova dobavnog lanca • inadequate information of the transport ca-
• neučinkovit ili spor informacijski tok
• unavailability of information
• nepotpuna informacija o transportnim kapa-
citetima • human resources or human limitations
• nedostupnost informacija The existence of these problems and chal-
lenges within the organization leads to an inef-
• ljudski resursi, odnosno ljudska ograničenja. fective supply chain. An adequate timely detec-
Postojanje navedenih izazova i problema tion and evaluation of the problematic parts of
unutar organizacije rezultira neučinkovitim do- the supply chain process is essential in the de-
bavnim lancem. Pravovremena detekcija i eva- velopment of a better, more effective process.
luacija problematičnih dijelova dobavnog lanca
jest osnova razvitka boljeg i učinkovitijeg pro-

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 319



Logistički koordinator je veoma važan ele- A logistic coordinator within the supply
ment dobavnog lanca te se može smatrati chain is a very important figure and can be con-
dodanom vrijednošću čitavog lanca kao i orga- sidered as an added value to the entire chain
nizacijskim resursom (pojam transportni koor­ and represents a company resource (the term
di­nator se također koristi umjesto logističkog transport coordinator is also used instead of
koordinatora; transportni koordinator jest uži the logistic coordinator, but the transport coor-
pojam te predstavlja samo operativnu razinu dinator refers to a strictly operational level of
logističkih procesa). Zadaće poslovnih procesa the logistic processes). The logistic coordinator
za koje je zadužen logistički koordinator se business process tasks can be viewed from the
mogu promatrati s upravljačke, odnosno me- management and operational level taking into
nadžerske razine i s operativne razine s obzi- consideration the fact that the logistic coordi-
rom da logistički koordinator predstavlja pove- nator links the management and operational
znicu upravljačke i operativne razine. Osnova level. The basis of a specific knowledge and
skills that the logistic coordinator must have is
specifičnog znanja i vještina koje logistički ko-
a combination of the management and opera-
ordinator mora posjedovati predstavljaju kom-
tional knowledge. His main task on the opera-
binaciju upravljačkog i operativnog znanja.
tional level is to ensure that the process runs
Glavna zadaća logističkog koordinatora na
smoothly while controlling and over-viewing
operativnoj razini jest osiguranje toka procesa
the entire process. The logistic coordinator also
bez poteškoća te kontrola i nadgledanje cijelog undertakes the tasks of identifying the process
procesa. Logistički koordinator također ima za- problems and flows, development and imple-
daću uočavanja i prepoznavanja problema i po- mentation of applicable solutions that corre-
teškoća unutar procesa te razvoja i implemen- spond to both the operational and management
tacije uporabljivih rješenja što predstavlja levels. Considering the importance of the logis-
zadaće i operativne i upravljačke razine. S obzi- tic coordinator in the structure of knowledge
rom na važnost uloge logističkog koordinatora and resource management, the knowledge
u strukturi znanja i upravljanja resursima, cilje- management goals are similar to all resource
vi upravljanja znanjem su slični ciljevima uprav- management goals and consequently to the
ljanja resursima te ciljevima dobavnog lanca supply chain goals [7]:
• delivered at the right time
• isporučeno u pravo vrijeme
• available at the right place
• dostupno na pravom mjestu
• present in the right shape
• prisutno u pravom obliku
• satisfying the quality requirements
• zadovoljava zahtjeve kvalitete
• obtained at the lowest possible costs
• dobavljeno uz najniže moguće troškove.
4.1 Logistic coordinator and the supply chain
4.1. Logistički koordinator i procesi dobavnog processes
The supply chain systems consist of specific
Sustavi dobavnog lanca se sastoje od specifič- processes and the Supply – Chain Operations
nih procesa te je u ovom istraživanju korišten Reference – model (SCOR) [8] was used in or-
SCOR – Supply Chain Operations Reference der to give a simple and applicable guideline
Model [8] (dobavni lanac – model operativnih for specific processes within the supply chain
referenci) koji daje jednostavne i uporabljive system. SCOR is based on five distinctive man-
smjernice za specifične procese sustava dobav- agement processes: plan, source, make, deliver
nog lanca. SCOR se bazira na pet različitih and return:
upravljačkih procesa − planiranje, nabava, pro- • plan refers to planning and management
izvodnja, isporuka, povrat: processes,

320 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326


• planiranje se odnosi na procese planiranja i • source refers to processes of the procure-

upravljanja ment of goods and services,
• nabava se odnosi na nabavne procese dobave • make refers to production processes,
proizvoda i usluga
• deliver refers to processes that deliver pro-
• proizvodnja se odnosi na proizvodne procese ducts or services ,
• isporuka se odnosi na procese isporuke proi- • return refers to processes associated with re-
zvoda ili usluge turning products.
• povrat se odnosi na procese povezane s po- Every specific process element is linked to
vratom proizvoda. the process decomposition models. Decompos-
ing and segmenting the entire process into
Svaki pojedini element procesa je povezan s
smaller easily manageable parts make the opti-
modelom dekompozicije, odnosno raščlambe
mization of the entire supply chain process pos-
procesa. Dekompozicija i segmentiranje čita- sible. The supply chain planning process re-
vog procesa u manje, lakše upravljive dijelove quires a complete picture of the entire system
omogućava optimizaciju čitavog procesa dobav- with all processes and the only way to build an
nog lanca. Proces planiranja dobavnog lanca effective supply chain is decomposing and seg-
zahtijeva poznavanje čitavog sustava sa svim menting. Decomposing and segmenting implies
procesima te je jedini način stvaranja uspješnog that the specific parts of the connected process
dobavnog lanca upravo dekompozicija i seg­ should be separated in order to analyze, evalu-
mentiranje. Dekompozicija i segmentiranje po- ate, overview and control the effectiveness of
drazumijevaju da se pojedini dijelovi poveza- the process.
nog procesa trebaju odijeliti u svrhu analize,
The logistic coordinator and the logistic team
ocjene, pregleda i kontrole učinkovitosti proce-
are charged with the following parts of the
process: plan, source, deliver, return. The logis-
Logistički koordinator i logistički tim imaju tic coordinator and the logistic team are in-
zadatke povezane sa sljedećim dijelovima pro- volved in planning by giving the valuable feed-
cesa: planiranje, nabava, isporuka i povrat. back from the operational level. The logistic
Logistički koordinator i logistički tim su uklju- coordinator is also linked with the source part
čeni u planiranje tako što pružaju korisnu po- of the process by providing operational support
vratnu vezu od operativne razine. Logistički to the procurement department of the organi-
koordinator je povezan i s nabavnim dijelom zation. Depending on the actual organization
procesa tako što preuzima ulogu operativne and its supply chain system, the logistic coordi-
podrške u nabavnom odjelu organizacije. Ovi- nator and the logistic team are also included in
sno o organizaciji i specifičnostima dobavnog the return process by providing support to sales
lanca, logistički koordinator i logistički tim su and customers. The paper elaborates the infor-
uključeni u procese povrata kao podrška pro- mation flow related to the distribution centers
daji i kupcima. Rad predstavlja informacijski (deliveries to distribution centers or terminals)
tok povezan s distribucijskim centrima (ispo- and, therefore, it refers to the deliver part of
rukama prema distribucijskim centrima, odno- the SCOR process. The logistic coordinator is
linked to the deliver part of the SCOR process-
sno terminalima) što predstavlja procese ispo-
es which in reality means that the logistic coor-
ruke SCOR modela. Logistički koordinator je
dinator or the logistic team is responsible for
povezan s procesima isporuke SCOR modela
controlling the processes from the input from
što znači da je logistički koordinator ili logi-
the distribution centers or customers’ inquiries
stički tim odgovoran za kontroliranje procesa
to the final deliveries. These processes include
od inputa iz distribucijskih centara ili upita ku- order management, transportation manage-
paca do konačne isporuke. Ti procesi uključu- ment and distribution management. The execu-
ju upravljanje na­rudžbama, upravljanje tran- tion of the delivery process relies on an effec-
sportom i upravljanje isporukama. Provedba tive information flow. The effective information
procesa isporuke ovisi o učinkovitom informa- flow relies on the quality of the information as
cijskom toku, dok učinkovit informacijski tok well as on having the information on time.
ovisi o kvaliteti informacije kao i o pravovre-
menoj informaciji. In reality, from theory to the actual practice,
the logistic coordinator and the logistic coordi-

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 321


U stvarnosti, od teorije do prakse, logistički nating team are responsible for all product and
koordinator i logistički koordinacijski tim su market interactions, from the aggregate demand
odgovorni za sve proizvodne i tržišne interakci- perception to the actual execution of every sin-
je, od razumijevanja ukupne potražnje do ispu- gle order made by the end user or costumer.
njenja svake narudžbe krajnjih korisnika, odno-
sno kupaca.
The Supply Chain Operations Reference
ISPORUKE PROIZVODA model (SCOR) defines products as: stocked
Supply Chain Operations Reference model products, made to order products, designed to
(SCOR) definira proizvode na sljedeći način: order products and retail products [8]. Depend-
skladišni proizvod, proizvod napravljen po na- ing on the actual nature of the product, an ade-
rudžbi, proizvod projektiran po narudžbi i ma- quate supply chain is developed along with all
loprodajni proizvod [8]. Dobavni lanac i sve specific parts of the chain. The paper aims at
njegove specifične sastavnice se uspostavljaju explaining a part of the cement delivery supply
ovisno o vrsti, odnosno tipu proizvoda. Rad chain, the cement being considered as a stocked
obrazlaže dio dobavnog lanca povezan uz ispo- product and, therefore, the supply chain system
is designed as for a stocked product. The infor-
ruke cementa koji se smatra skladišnim proi-
mation flow for the cement delivery shown in
zvodom te je sustav dobavnog lanca uspostav-
Scheme 1 includes the coordinator or the coor-
ljen za skladišni proizvod. Informacijski tok za
dinating team as the centre of the information
isporuke cementa prikazan na shemi 1. prika-
zuje koordinatora ili koordinacijski tim u cen-
tru informacijskih procesa. The coordinator or the coordinating team re-
ceives the input from the distribution center or
Koordinator ili koordinacijski tim prima in­ from the customer regarding the needs for the
put s distribucijskog centra ili od kupca o potre- product. Depending on the actual system used,
bi za proizvodom. Ovisno o stupnju automati- this can be done automatically or non-automat-
zacije korištenog sustava, input se može ically on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The
dobivati dnevno, tjedno ili mjesečno. Logistički logistic coordinator or the logistic team is re-
koordinator ili logistički tim je zadužen za pri- sponsible for preparing monthly and weekly
premu mjesečnih i tjednih planova otpreme dispatch plans depending on the sales forecast,
ovisno o prognozama prodaje, stvarnoj prodaji actual sales and dispatch information (while
i informacijama o isporukama (dok je glavna the transport coordinator’s main responsibility
zadaća transportnog koordinatora organizacija is the organization of deliveries). Information
isporuka). Informacije vezane uz proizvodnju i regarding production and stock levels can be
razine zaliha mogu biti automatizirane te gene- delivered by automated systems through specif-
rirati specifične izvještaje ili neautomatizirane ic reports or non-automatically by phone, by
te biti primane putem telefona, faks uređaja, fax, as an e-mail, etc. on a daily, weekly and
elektroničke pošte i dr., dnevno, tjedno i mje- monthly basis. Transport operators must fur-
sečno. Logistički koordinator ili logistički tim nish the logistic coordinator or the logistic team
mora imati mjesečnu, tjednu i dnevnu informa- with monthly, weekly and daily information of
ciju o raspoloživim transportnim kapacitetima available transport capacities. It is essential to
od prijevoznika. Osnova organizacije sljedeće have all the necessary information when organ-
isporuke za distribucijski centar je posjedova- izing the next delivery to the distribution cent-
nje svih neophodnih informacija. Kod potpuno er. In fully automated or semi-automated sys-
automatiziranih ili poluautomatiziranih susta- tems, the system raises alarm and orders the
va, sustav alarmira i naručuje sljedeću isporu- next delivery or gives suggestion for the next
ku, odnosno daje prijedlog za organizaciju slje- delivery which has to be finally approved by hu-
deće isporuke koju moraju konačno odobriti man resources within logistics. Most of the sys-
ljudskih resursi u logistici. Većina sustava kori- tems used in logistics are still not automated on
such a level that human resources can be by-
štena u logistici nije još automatizirana na ta-
passed or avoided completely. Even the ad-
kvom stupnju da bi se ljudski resursi mogli

322 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326


potpuno zaobići i izbjeći, čak i napredniji auto- vanced automated systems require human re-
matizirani sustavi još uvijek zahtijevaju ljudske sources for control and improvements. If the
resurse za kontrolu i poboljšanja. Ukoliko je system is a fully non-automated one and relies
sustav potpuno neautomatiziran i u potpunosti completely on human resources, the logistic co-
ovisi o ljudskim resursima, logistički koordina- ordinator is the person responsible for taking a
tor je odgovorna osoba za odlučivanje o sljede- decision about the next delivery and about the
ćoj isporuci kao i za organiziranje isporuke. organization of the delivery.
Logistički koordinator je odgovoran za izvr- The logistic coordinator is responsible for
šenje isporuka prema distribucijskim centrima i the execution of product deliveries to the distri-
krajnjim korisnicima neovisno o stupnju auto- bution centre and to the final customers regard-
matiziranosti sustava. Planiranje i upravljanje less of the level of the system automatism.
pojedinim isporukama kao i izrada dnevnih, Scheduling and managing individual deliveries
tjednih i mjesečnih planova otpreme predstav- as well as developing daily, weekly and monthly
ljaju osnovne logističke zadaće. dispatch plans are essential logistic tasks.
The coordinator or the coordinating team in-
Koordinator ili koordinacijski tim integriraju
tegrates all the information from internal and
sve informacije od unutarnjih i vanjskih objeka-
external facilities and ensures a continuous in-
ta i osiguravaju neprekinuti informacijski i do-
formation and documentation flow. Having a
kumentacijski tok. Potpuni pregled procesa
complete overview of the process enables quick
omogućava brz odaziv na moguće promjene i
responses to possible changes and disruptions
poremećaje u dobavnom lancu poput promjena in the supply chain such as changes in supply,
u dobavi, promjena u vremenu isporuke i dr. changes in delivery time and other. A success-
Učinkovit dobavni lanac ima brz i učinkovit ful supply chain has a quick and effective re-
odaziv na izvanredne situacije što se postiže sponse to extraordinary situations. That is
strukturiranim procesima kao i stručnim i spo- achieved by having structural processes and
sobnim ljudskim resursima. competent and expert human resources.

Shema 1. Logistički koordinator – centar informacijskog toka

Scheme 1 Logistic coordinator – Centre of the Information Flow
Izvor / Source: autori / authors

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 323


Neovisno o stupnju automatiziranosti susta- Regardless of the automated degree of the

va, logični tok procesa je isti. Razina zaliha process, the logical flow of the process is the
udistribucijskom centru ili na terminalu je po- same. The distribution centre or terminal stock
četak procesa te se može mjeriti automatski ili level is the starting point of the process and it
neautomatski. Informacija o razinama zaliha se can be measured either non-automatically or
šalje automatski ili neautomatski prema logi- automatically. Stock level results are sent non-
stičkom odjelu gdje se skupljaju i integriraju sve automatically or automatically to the logistics
važne informacije. Ovisno o stupnju automati- department where all relevant information are
ziranosti sustava, nalozi za isporuke se planira- collected and integrated. Depending on the au-
ju i ispunjavaju s raspoloživim transportnim tomated level of the system, delivery orders are
kapacitetima. Konačna isporuka do distribucij- scheduled. Delivery orders are scheduled and
skog centra je zadnja, završna točka procesa. fulfilled with available transport capacities. The
Logistički koordinator je odgovorna osoba za final delivery to the distribution centre is the fi-
osiguranje izvršenja procesa brzo i bez poteško- nal, ending point of the process. The logistic
coordinator is the responsible person for ensur-
ća te bez pogrešaka u naručivanju i planiranju
ing that the process runs smoothly and quickly
without errors in ordering and transport sched-
Informacijski tok se može nadgledati i kon- uling.
trolirati prema stupnjevima prikazanim na she-
The information flow can be viewed and con-
mi 2. Prvi stupanj su informacije u distribucij-
trolled by stages as shown in Scheme 2. The
skom centru, odnosno informacija o zalihama, first stage is the distribution centre information
informacija o isporukama i potrebe za proizvo- which in reality is the stock level information,
dom. Ostale operativne informacije su osnovne dispatch information and product needs input.
i korisne; na primjer informacija o radnom vre- Other operational information are inevitable
menu distribucijskog centra, planiranom održa- and valuable, for example: working hours of the
vanju opreme u distribucijskom centru i drugo. distribution centre, scheduled maintenance of
Sve te informacije su osnova za logistički poče- the equipment at the distribution centre and so
tak procesa te mogu biti prikupljene automat- on. All these information are essential for the
ski ili neautomatski. logistic start of the process and can be collected
Drugi stupanj procesa se odnosi na logističkog and delivered either manually or automatically.
koordinatora, odnosno logistički tim i posjedo- The second stage of the process refers to the
vanje svih važnih informacija za organizaciju logistic coordinator and the logistic team hav-
transporta koje uključuju input s distribucijskog ing all relevant information for the organiza-
centra, raspoložive transportne kapacitete te tion of transport, including the input from the
ostale korisne informacije poput vremenske pro- distribution centre, available transport capaci-
gnoze, vijesti o prometnicama i drugo. Drugi ties and all other relevant information such as
stupanj jest, zapravo, stupanj logističke operativ- weather conditions, traffic information and reg-

Shema 2. Kontinuirani ciklus informacijskog toka podijeljen po stupnjevima

Scheme 2 Continuous Information Flow Cycle Divided into Stages
Izvor / Source: autori / authors

324 POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326


ne odluke. Logistički koordinator je odgovorna ulations etc. The second stage is in fact a logis-
osoba koja donosi odluku i planira isporuku kod tic operational decision making stage. In non-
neautomatiziranih sustava kao i kod automatizi- automated systems, as well as in simple low
ranih sustava nižeg stupnja. level automated systems, the logistic coordina-
tor is the responsible person who makes the fi-
Treći stupanj procesa jest konačna organiza-
nal decision and schedules the delivery which
cija i narudžba usluga što predstavlja informira- leads to the third stage of the process.
nost svih sastavnica dobavnog lanca o svim as-
pektima izvršenja isporuke; količina, prijevoz, The third stage of the process is the final or-
vrijeme i mjesto utovara i ostalo. Primjer: logi- ganization and service order which in reality
stički koordinator planira ukrcaj broda suklad- means that all parts of the chain are informed
no raspoloživim brodskim kapacitetima i dogo- of all aspects of the order execution: volume,
voru s brodarom. Operacije su konzultirane i transport, date and place of loading etc. For ex-
informirane o željenim datumima ukrcaja. Po ample: the logistic coordinator schedules the
donošenju konačne odluke o datumu ukrcaja, loading on board a ship according to the availa-
ble transport capacities and the agreement
špediter i inspektor mjerenja gaza broda su
made with the ship-owner. Operations are con-
obaviješteni. Konačno, informacija o dovrše-
sulted and informed on the desirable loading
nom ukrcaju broda je dostavljena svim zainte-
dates. Upon making a final decision on the
resiranim stranama.
loading date, the forwarding agent and draft
Četvrti i zadnji stupanj procesa predstavlja surveyor are informed. Finally, the information
informaciju o isporučenom proizvodu u distri- on the loading procedure being completed are
bucijski centar koja ide povratnom vezom do delivered to all interested parties.
logističkog koordinatora i logističkog tima. The fourth and final stage of the process is
Navedeni proces je kontinuirani ciklus s ob- the information on the delivered product at the
zirom da se isporuke trebaju organizirati dnev- distribution centre that again goes back to the
no, tjedno i mjesečno ovisno o prognoziranoj i logistic coordinator and logistic team.
stvarnoj potražnji. This process is a continuous cycle since deliv-
eries need to be organized on daily, weekly and
monthly basis depending on forecasted and real
6. ZAKLJUČAK demand.
Moderno poslovanje se uvelike oslanja na ra-
čunalne i automatizirane sustave jer se stalno
razvijaju novi logistički informacijski računalni
alati. Unatoč tome, ljudski resursi su još uvijek Modern business greatly relies on computer-
nezaobilazni u većini dijelova procesa, pogoto- ized and automated systems while new logistic
vo procesa unutar dobavnog lanca. Dobavni la- software tools are constantly developing. Nev-
nac mora biti učinkovit što ukratko znači da ertheless, the human resources are still inevita-
mora biti brz, djelotvoran i pravovremen. Infor- ble in major parts of the processes, especially in
macijski tok jest osnovica dobavnog lanca. Dje- the supply chain ones. A supply chain needs to
lotvoran informacijski tok dobavnog lanca po- be effective which in reality means that it needs
većava razinu usluge kod distribucijskih centara to be quick, effective and on time. The infor-
i krajnjih prodajnih mjesta. Također, osigurava mation flow is an essential part of the supply
raspoloživost proizvoda, brz odziv na promjene chain. An effective information flow in the sup-
potražnje, što rezultira manjim brojem poreme- ply chain increases the service level at the dis-
ćaja kod isporuka kao i smanjenjem pogrešaka. tribution centre and final selling points. It en-
Informacijski tok može biti automatiziran do sures product availability, quick response to
određenog stupnja, ali automatizirani sustavi changes in demand which leads to fewer dis-
još uvijek nisu umanjili važnost ljudskih resursa ruptions in deliveries and reductions of errors.
unutar dobavnog lanca koji moraju imati pra- The information flow can be automated to a
vovremenu informaciju. Konačno, ljudski re- certain degree, but automated systems still did
not diminish the importance of human resourc-
sursi trebaju informaciju i proizvod jer ljudski
es within the supply chain that needs to have
resursi nadgledaju i kontroliraju procese do-
the right information on time. Finally, human
bavnog lanca.
resources are the ones that need both the infor-

POMORSTVO • Scientific Journal of Maritime Research • 26/2(2012) • str./pp. 315-326 325


Sposobni stručnjaci unutar dobavnog lanca mation and the product; and human resources
su odgovorni za razvijanje procesa dobavnog are the ones that overview and control the sup-
lanca i oni su ti koji ih koriste. Logistički koor- ply chain processes.
dinatori su operativni stručnjaci dobavnog lan- Competent supply chain professionals are re-
ca koji su zaduženi i odgovorni za učinkovitost sponsible for developing supply chain processes
procesa te pružaju korisnu povratnu vezu plani- and they are the ones who use them. Logistic
ranju dobavnog lanca. Logistički koordinatori i coordinators are the operative supply chain
logistički timovi organiziraju i kontroliraju is- professionals that are responsible for the effec-
poruke prema distribucijskim centrima i kraj- tiveness of the process and they can give a valu-
njim korisnicima. Učinkovit i djelotvoran sustav able feedback to the supply chain planning. Lo-
dobavnog lanca uvelike ovisi o sposobnim gistic coordinators and logistic teams are the
stručnjacima unutar dobavnog lanca na uprav- ones organizing and controlling the deliveries
ljačkoj i operativnoj razini. Ljudski resursi unu- to a distribution centre and to the final custom-
tar sustava dobavnog lanca su nezaobilazni i ers. Effective and efficient supply chain system
predstavljaju osnovnu i dodanu vrijednost pro- greatly relies on capable supply chain profes-
cesa dobavnog lanca. sionals on management and operative levels.
The human resources within the supply chain
system are inevitable and represent an essential
and added value to the supply chain processes.

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