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MathematiCs 10

Prepared by:
Erikka Jayne
V. Saycon
Solenn plans to buy a new dress for her friend’s upcoming

debut party next week. The dress that she wanted to buy

costs ₱1,500.00 yet, she only have ₱750.00 left in her wallet.

She decided to save ₱150.00 a day in order for her to buy

the dress.

a. What is the common difference?

b. How much money will she earn in 3 days?

c. How much money will Solenn earn on the 4th day?

d. In how many days will she earn ₱1,500.00?

e. Find the sum of the 5 terms.

Table of Data
Number of 0 1 2 3 4 5
Amount ₱750.00 ₱900.00 ₱1,050.00 ₱1,200.00 ₱1,350.00 ₱1,500.00

a.What is the common difference?

a n=1,500 a 1 = 900 n= 5 d = ?
a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d
1,500 = 900+(5-1)d
1,500 = 900+(4)d
1,500-900 = 4d
600= 4d
4d ÷ (4) = 600 ÷ (4)
d = 150 The common difference in the problem is ₱150.00

b.How much money will Solenn earn in 3 days?

a 1 = 900 n= 3 d = 150 a3 = ?

a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d

a 3 = 900 + (3-1) 150

a 3 = 900 + (2) 150

a 3 = 900 + 300

a 3 = 1,200 Solenn will earn ₱1,200.00 in 3 days

c. How much money will she earn on the 4th day?

Solution: a1
= 900 n= 4 d = 150 a4 = ?

a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d

a 4 = 900 + (4-1) 150

a 4 = 900 + (3) 150

a 4 = 900 + 450

a 4 = 1,350 Solenn will earn ₱1,350.00 on the 4th day.

d. In how many days will she earn ₱1,500.00?

a 1 = 900 n= ? d = 150 a n = 1,500

a n=a1 + ( n−1 ) d

1,500 = 900 + (n-1) 150

1,500 = 900 + 150n – 150

1,500 = 750 + 150n

1,500 – 750 = 150n

750 = 150n

150n ÷ (150) = 750 ÷ (150)

n= 5 She will earn ₱1,500.00 in 5 days

e. Find the sum of the 5 terms

a 1 = 900 n= 5 d = 150

Sn = [ 2 a1+ ( n−1 ) d ]

S5 = [ 2(900)+ ( 5−1 ) 150 ]

S5 = 2.5 [ 1,800+ ( 4 ) 150 ]

S5 = 2.5 (1,800 + 600)

S5 = 2.5 (2,400)

S5 = 6,000 The sum of the 5 terms is ₱6,000.00

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