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The word flood means the inability of rivers, lakes, drainage or other waterways to
accommodate massive quantities of water, so the water overflow and enters the surrounding
area. Flood often occurs in the area on the edge of the river or a region that was once a river
absorption, and also in the area where the drainage system is disrupted. This disaster usually
occurs in the rainy season as the rainfall with high intensity and with a very long duration.
There are two factors that can cause flood, the natural factors and social factors.

The first factor is the natural factor. This factor is a cause that comes from nature
itself. Nature produce heavy rain that continued to fall and caused the area of water
absorption overflowed, so that the water can no longer flow. As a result, the water will spread
to all directions and entered into residential areas. In addition, nature can also cause the
constriction of the river as a result of erosion it caused the sedimentation get into the river
and reduced the capacity of the river.

The second factor is the social factor. This factor is a factor that often causes flood. It
happens because of human behavior itself which often caused nature damage. People often
throw the trash in the rivers, it is causing the surface of the river becomes shallow as a result
of the trash piling up. Some people also build their houses or other buildings in the area that
supposed to be a water absorption area of the river.

The surface of the river that becomes shallow caused the river can no longer
accommodate water in the large amounts and also caused the soil can no longer absorb the
water. a result, when the rain fall with a long duration, even though it is not so heavy it will
cause water overflowed towards all directions and the large amount of water will flow into
residential areas. The water caused the houses are flooded, even worse flood could sink the
houses in the residential.
Game Online

Game online is the popular game that many people like to play, from children until
adults feel happy in playing this game online. Right now, not only almost children in this
world know and play it, but also adults play this game to refresh their mind after do many
jobs and activities. Game online is just use for fun or pleasure, but if we are over in playing it,
it will be harm and making many bad effects.

Lazy, this is the scared effect that many parents worry about their children. If a child
play game online and spend much time for playing it, it will make him or her won’t to do the
other activity, he or she will forget to have lunch, do homework and take a rest. Parents have
to limit their children in playing game online, so thay can prevent their children to become

The eyes get harm and red, this effect can happen if we are over in playing game
online without using any protector or glasses to protect our eyes. Moreover, the eyes can get
harm and red because of the radiation of monitor or computer. So, people who play game
online should use contact lensa or glasses in order to prevent eyelid.

It can be fun if we can manage time well and play just for refreshing our mind and
don’t make playing game online as a hobby. We’d better have a few time for playing and
much time for working or doing something useful in our life.
Character Education For Teenagers

Teenagers is a period experienced by children during junior high. This is a period

when transition begins, starting from the age of 10 to 21. At this time period the teenager is
looking for their identity. That’s why they should get character education in order to become
a generation that is honest, creative, caring, polite, and have self-esteem.

Teenager is a difficult time because it takes more self-control than during the
childhood. In this period teenagers need adults to lead them to positive behavior, so they
would not be easy affected to negative actions. If the control is good then the teenager can be
a child who make their parents proud.

This character education can create successful teenagers. In character education

teenagers also been taught religious values that can build better personality of the teenagers,
so they will grown up as sensitive people in the social environment. In addition, they are also
been taught the value of tolerance, love peace and other value of humanity in order to form
teenagers who love their surrounding.

Thus, positive values in character education can lead to create excellent teenagers.
They can also compete well at national and international levels. Positive value in character
education can also make teenagers activities directed and will have good personality.

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