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Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 1


23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 2

The 3 facets of power engineering

Power Systems

Power Electronics Electric Drives

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 3 3

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 4
Electric power systems 101 for the absolute

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 5

Key concepts and devices

Power Stations

Transmission lines Loads

Transformer stations


Distribution stations
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 6

Centralization or decentralization

Fuel cells

Centralized generation

Solar energy
23 September 2011 Source: Networking assets, Sweet, W. IEEE Spectrum, Jan 2001, page(s): 84-86, 88
Micro generation
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 7

What is an Electric Power System

• One of the most complicated technical
systems in modern society
• It is composed of different units, such as: Generation
– Generation (power stations)
– Transmission system (high voltage lines, Transmission
transformer stations)
– electricity distribution (cables distribution Distribution
– customers – “loads”
Electricity Sales
– Trading of electricity .....!!
• Individual unit behavior – System behavior

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 8

Power System Basics

• All power systems have three major components: (1)

Generation, (2) Transmission/distribution and (3) Load
• Generation: Creates electric power.
• Load: Consumes electric power.
• Transmission/distribution: Transmits and delivers electric
power from generation to the load.
• Power systems are 3-phase AC (Alternating current) systems

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 9

What is a power system?

One of the most complex
technological system of modern

Source: W. Sweet:
“Restructuring the thin
stretched grid”, IEEE
Spectrum, June 2000

The photos are from

the California ISO,
23 September 2011
A major disturbance,
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 10

August 14, 2003

The following plot illustrates the frequency excursion experienced by the power
grid in Knoxville, Tennessee due to the sequence of events leading to the blackout
in the northeast on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 4:10:57.250 PM. Due to the
interconnected nature of the nations electric power system, major disturbances to
the grid can be measured hundreds of miles away.

23 September 2011

Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 11
A major disturbance,
August 14, 2003 (2)

The first event was GPS time stamped at 4:10:57.250 PM EDT and the event recovery swell shown
above ended at 4:13:09.770 PM EDT. Over the course of those two minutes and twelve seconds,
millions of people lost power over several states and in Canada. The final figure that follows shows
the voltage profile for the entire day of August 14, 2003 - the day to be remembered for years to
come as the day the New York Blackout of 2003 occurred.
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 12
A major disturbance,
August 14, 2003 (3)
The location where the following measurements were taken near Newark, New Jersey is fed from a
portion of the bulk transmission system that was not physically disconnected from the national grid
during the sequence of events that blacked out the majority of the Northeastern United States. This
bit of luck permitted the measurement equipment to have a front row seat view of the disturbance
as it unfolded. The next figure shows the same frequency disturbance shown above but as
measured at the New Jersey location. The tightly coupled nature of the power system can be
observed by how closely the power system frequency traces are to each other even though they are
700 miles apart.

23 September 2011

Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 13

For Consideration...
• George Santayana : "When experience is not retained ...
infancy is perpetual”.
• “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to
repeat it."

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 14


Reiðhjalli 0.5 MW
Mýrará 0.06 MW
Húsavík 2 MW
Fossar 1.2 MW
Skeiðsfoss 4.9 MW Garðsá 0.2 MW
Blævardalsá 0.2 MW
Sængurfoss 0.7 MW Laxá 28 MW
Gönguskarðsá 1.1 MW
Mjólká 8.1 MW
Þverá 1.7 MW Krafla 60 MW
Laxárvatn 0.5 MW

Bjarnarflag 3.2 MW
Lagarfoss 7.5 MW

Fjarðará 0.2 MW
Blanda 150 MW

Grímsá 2.8 MW
Rjúkandi 0.8 MW Búðará 0.2 MW

Andakílsá 7.9 MW

Smyrlabjargaá 1.0 MW
Sultartangi 120 MW
Elliðaár 3.2 MW Nesjavellir 90 MW Hrauneyjafoss 210 MW
Sog 89 MW Vatnsfell 90 MW
Straumsvík 35 MW
Sigalda 150 MW Raforkuver
Búrfell 270 MW
Svartsengi 46.4 MW Aðveitustöðvar

Flutningslínur > 30 kV:

Tenging virkjana > 3,5 MW
Aðrar flutningslínur
0 50 100 km Flutningslínur dreifiveitna

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 15

What is Electricity Deregulation?

• The transmission system is a kind of highway network transporting

• Generating companies should sell to retail consumers, businesses or
brokers by using trading forums/systems
• Competition between sales companies when selling to consumers.
• Consumer choice. the consumer can choose where he buys.
• Unbundling of activities into competitive and monopoly factors.
• This is analogous to distinguishing between the road infrastructure
and the service vehicles travelling on the road network.

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 16

Unbundling of Major Components

• Unbundling of generation and

transmission where electricity Raforkuframleiðsla
from many suppliers is transported in
a common transportation Transmission
(transmission) system
• Unbundling of distribution and
retail sales and distinguish Distribution
between the energy that is
transported through the wires and the
wires themselves Electricity

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 17

23 September 2011
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The Goal: Customer Choice

23 September 2011
Major Deregulation Concepts
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 19

in the USA

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 20
Supply and Demand
in an Electricity Market

• The market price where supply
and demand meet
• This is the amount or quantity of
electricity traded in the markets Final price



23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 21
Supply and Demand curves at night in the Electricity
Market in New Zealand

• The supply and demand

curves intersect when prices
are low at night
• Energy prices are changing
when we have
– 24 hour variation
– Seasonal variation
– Long term trends

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 22
Energy prices in the UK and Norwegian electricity

Kraftpriser Desember 2002







23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 23
Actual Electricity Prices in Midwest ISO (MISO)
September 5, 2006, 14:30 (US$/MWh)

Raunverulegt verð
á markaði í
Bandaríkjunum er
mismunandi í
Marginal prices)
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 24

Landsvirkjun’s Dispatch Centre

Landsvirkjun‘s Dispatch Centre in Reykjavík
was commissioned in 1989. Its role is
coordinating operation of the electricity
system. Its chief task is to ensure conditions
that allow the system to handle variable
loads at all times, thereby safeguarding
operational security and efficiency. It
monitors the entire power system and
controls both production of electricity and its
transmission nation-wide.
In order to fullfill its role, the Dispatch Centre must have comprehensive hands-
on data about the electricity system and therefore needs to be in constant,
reliable contact with all its units. The Dispatch Centre is linked to power plants
all over Iceland by means of microwave radio and optical fibre cables. These
carry an average of 600 status point indications per minute from 35 remote
terminals to its control computer, which gives real-time information about each
and every part of the system. It sends warnings of any deviations to the two
dispatchers who are on duty at any time, and with a complete overview of the
electricity system they are able to respond accordingly and prescribe the correct
action to be taken, via the remote control system. Source:

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 25

The Electricity Industry - USA

More than 2,000 community-owned

electric utilities, serve over 40
million people or about 15 percent
of the nation's electricity consumers

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 26

The Nordel Electricity System

• AC is the medium in all large

power systems (AC) and
connects Norway, Sweden,
Denmark and Finland
• High Voltage Direct Current
(HVDC) connects Jylland,
Germany, Poland and Russia
• A nordpool electricity market
• Power exchange in Nord Pool

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 27
The Nordel power system capacity (MW) and energy
capability (TWh/year)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 28

Power and Energy concepts

•Mechanical Energy
•Rotational Energy
•Electrical Energy
•Electrical Power

23 September 2011
The basis for reactive power: - LC
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 29


23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 30
Instantaneous Sinusoidal Current/Voltage in Power


Spenna v(t ) = vmax sin ω t 40


i(t) = imax sin(ωt −φ)
vmax Straumur 25
imax 20
tími 15

49,86- 49,90- 49,94- 49,98- 50,02- 50,06- 50,10-
49,90 49,94 49,98 50,02 50,06 50,10 50,14
Frequency Range (Hz)

1/50 sek

Frequency: 50Hz in Europe (60 Hz in North America)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 31
The Definition of a Voltage RMS Value and rotating

RMS values Rotating Phasors

t = t1 + T
1 Voltage or
= ∫
vRMS v (t )dt
T Im current phasor
t = t1

t = t1 + T
= ∫
iRMS i (t )dt
T t = t1

If we have a sinusoidal voltage Re

form the RMS will be equal to the
A Projection on the
maximum value divided by the
Re axis
square root of 2
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 32

Phasors in Power Systems

Consider the sinusoidal voltage:

v(t ) = Vmax cos(ω t + δ )
Define the RMS value:
Vmax jφ
V =
and using e = cos φ + j sin φ
..we get:

v(t ) = Re ⎡ 2 V e j (ωt +δ ) ⎤ = Re ⎡ 2 V e jδ e jωt ⎤ = Re ⎡ 2Ve jω t ⎤

⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Where a phasor is defined jδ
as a complex number: V=V e
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 33

Power in AC Circuits

Consider a simple AC circuit v(t ) = vmax sin ω t

with voltage and current: i (t ) = imax sin(ω t − φ )

i (t ) = imax sin(ωt −φ )

v(t ) = vmax sin ωt

Instantaneous power will be
current times voltage:
p(t ) = v(t )i (t ) = vmax imax sin ω t sin(ω t − φ )

Use the trigonometric identity:

sin x sin y =
[ cos( x − y) − cos( x + y )]

vmax imax
p(t ) = ⎡⎣cos φ − cos ( 2ω t − φ ) ⎤⎦
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 34

Current, Voltage and Power

vmax imax
p(t ) = ⎡⎣cos φ − cos ( 2ω t − φ ) ⎤⎦

Voltage, current or power

Voltage v(t)
Current i(t)
power p(t)

time average
φ power

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 35

Phasors and Instantaneous Power

Define: V =
2 Then from the previous eq.:
I =

p(t ) = V I cos φ − V I cos(2ω t − φ )

Using a trigonometric identity:
cos( x − y ) = cos x cos y + sin x sin y
we get: p(t ) = ⎡⎣ V I cos φ (1 − cos 2ω t ) ⎤⎦ − V I sin φ sin 2ω t

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 36

Real Power - Reactive Power

Defining the following quantities

P = V I cos φ (P is called Real Power)

Q = V I sin φ (Q is called Reactive Power)

We get:

p(t ) = P (1 − cos 2ω t ) − Q sin 2ω t

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 37

Real Power - Reactive Power

• From the last equation ⇒ the instantaneous
power is made up of 2 components:
– The first component is always positive with an average
value P. ⇒ Power is always transferred in the same
direction and can do useful work
– The second component swings back and forth. The
average = 0, while the amplitude is Q ⇒ power swings
back and forth and does NOT do useful work

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 38

Real and Reactive Power

Average power
or real power,
voltage Instantaneous
power, p(t)

P(1-cos(2ω t))

Qsin(2 ω t))

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 39
Instantaneous power and in-phase and out of phase

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 40

Apparent Power

Apparent power is defined as the product of the RMS

Voltage and RMS current:

S = V ⋅I
The unit of measurement is watt. However the power
industry tradition is to use the unit VA
(= volt - amperes), or kVA or MVA
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 41

Definition of Power Concepts

Power Units Formula

Real power W, P = V I cosφ
Reactive Var, Q=V I sinφ
power kVar,MVar
Apparent VA, S=V I
power kVA,MVA
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 42

The Power Triangle

S =V I
P = V I cos φ S = P +Q
2 2

Q = V I sin φ

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 43

The Power Factor

The power factor is

cos φ = = defined as the ratio
V ⋅I S between real power and
apparent power

• The power factor can either be

“leading” or “lagging” φ

– Lagging means the current “lags”

behind the voltage (in phase) (φ is I
V = V e j0
positive) I= Ie j

– Leading means the current leads the I

voltage (φ is negative) φ
23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 44

Real Power

The instantaneous power in an AC circuit oscillates, with a

frequency double that of the voltage and current, around a
certain average value. (In a 50 Hz system the frequencey of the
power oscillation is thus 100 Hz)

The real power is a measure of this average

(~ is this average value)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 45

Reactive power

The instantaneous power in an AC circuit oscillates, with a

frequency double that of the voltage and current, around a
certain average value.

The reactive power is a measure of the

amplitude of this oscillation (or a measure of
the deviation of the instantaneous power from
this average value)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 46

The Apparent Power

In an AC circuit of a specified voltage

the apparent power is a measure of
the magnitude (amplitude) of the
alternating current (AC)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 47

Current/voltage Phasors and Power

I r = I cos φ

Ir P = V ⋅ Ir
Ix I x = I sin φ
Ix j0D
Q = V ⋅ Ix
V= Ve
I I= Ie j
− φ

Ir …This leads to a new

characterization (definition) of
real and reactive power...

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 48

Real/reactive power characteristics

• Real power in an AC circuit is the product of the

RMS voltage and the part of the RMS current that
is parallel (in-phase) with the voltage.
(determined by the power factor)
• Reactive power in an AC circuit is the product of
the RMS voltage and the part of the RMS current
that is perpendicular to the voltage (out of phase)

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 49

Real/Reactive power characteristics(2)

• Real power in an AC circuit is determined by the

part of the current that “works with” the voltage.
(determined by the power factor)
• Reactive power in an AC circuit is determined be
the part of the current that “works against” the

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 50

Integrated Software Laboratory

• Matlab / Simulink
– General analysis of technical systems, including power
– Simulation of transient phenomena in power systems
– Simulation and power flow

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 51


• J.D. Glover, M.S. Sarma: Power System Analysis and Design, Thomson
Learning. 2002
• J. J. Grainger, W.D. Stevenson, Power Systems Analysis. McGraw Hill, 1994
• T. Gönen, Modern Power Systems Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1988
• V.D. Toro: Electric Power Systems, Prentice Hall 1992
• C.A. Gross: Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1986
• O.I. Elgerd: Electric Energy Systems Theory, McGraw-Hill, 1983
• A.R. Bergen, V. Vittal: Power Systems Analysis, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall 2000
• E. Lakervi, E.J. Holmes: Electricity Distribution Network Design Peter
Peregrinus 1995, 2nd Ed

23 September 2011
Lecture 1 Power Engineering - Egill Benedikt Hreinsson 52

References (2)
• El-Hawary, M. E., Electrical Power Systems Design and Analysis,
Reston Publishing Company Inc., Reston, 1983.
• Rustebakke, H. M., Electric Utility Systems and Practices, Fourth
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1983.

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23 September 2011

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