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5.5 Ink Jet

Computer to Print based on Ink Jet Technologies 5.5.1 Overview of Ink Jet Technologies
In additon to electrophotography, the most common and Processes
non-impact technology used for digital printing sys-
tems is ink jet. The ink jet process is a computer to A more detailed division of ink jet processes as in figure
print technology in which ink is sprayed from nozzles, 5.1-4 is given in figure 5.5-1.
which means that no image carrier is needed (see fig. The basic variants of the process are continuous ink
5.1-5). As shown in figure 5.1-1 imaging is done directly jet and drop on demand ink jet. A schematic diagram of
onto the substrate. The data of the digital print job is the processes is given in figure 5.5-2.
transferred directly to control the imaging unit. In
this case the imaging unit is the ink jet system itself, Process Variants
which transfers the ink to the paper via nozzles, most- Whereas in the continuous ink jet process, only part of
ly directly or in same applications indirectly depend- the continuously generated flow of small ink drops is
ing on the technology used. Therefore, in the system directed onto the paper during printing in accordance
illustrated in figure 5.1-5 the functional units, imag- with the image, in drop on demand ink jet processes
ing system, image carrier, and inking unit are com- drops of ink are only generated if the information to be
bined into a single module and they transfer the ink printed requires them.
directly onto the paper. (However, there are also ink Continuous ink jet can be subdivided into the process
jet systems in which printing is done via an interme- variants of binary deflection and multi-deflection. The
diate carrier.) binary deflection variant, in which the drop has one of
Because of its importance, explanations of ink jet two charge states (namely uncharged for conveyance to
technology have already been given in preceding the paper and charged for deflection in an electrical field)
chapters and sections of the book, together with ex-
amples for conversion and application as a printing
system in sections, 4.1, and 4.5.2. In section it was explained how the ink jet process can al- Ink Jet Technologies
so be used as an option for setting up computer to
press/direct imaging systems. In section the
Continuous Ink Jet Drop on Demand Ink Jet
platemaking process based on ink jet technology in a
computer to plate system for offset printing was de-
scribed. Binary Multi- Electro-
deflection deflection Thermal Piezo static
This means that in the ink jet process the infor-
mation to be printed can be transferred to the
paper by the shortest route, with a minimum of
functional elements (and in the case of page-wide Liquid ink Hot-melt ink
nozzle arrays even without moving parts), and it is
this fact that is the driving force behind further
enhancements and new developments in ink jet sys- Paper/Substrate
tems and processes.
Fig. 5.5-1 Ink jet technologies: overview of processes

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712 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

Imaging signal Nozzle

Bubble (Orifice)
Piezoelectric Charge
crystal electrode Deflector


Heat source
(Heating resistor) Imaging signal
Nozzle b Paper
Pump Paper Imaging signal

a Ink

Fig. 5.5-2 Functioning principles for ink jet technologies. Nozzle

a Continuous ink jet; (Orifice)
b Drop on demand ink jet/thermal ink jet; c
c Drop on demand ink jet/piezo ink jet;
d Electrostatic ink jet
Switching element E
(variation of
surface forces) Electrical


d Imaging signal Meniscus

has been described in preceding sections (fig. 5.5-2a). In In piezo ink jet systems, the drop is generated as a re-
the multi-deflection process the drops receive different sult of a change of volume within the ink chamber due
charges,so that as they pass through the electric field they to piezoelectric effects, which leads to the drop of ink
are deflected in different directions and are transferred being ejected from the nozzle system (fig. 5.5-2c).
to different positions on the substrate (see fig. 5.5-9). Electrostatic ink jet is the third variant of the drop on
Drop on demand ink jet processes can be classified ac- demand ink jet process referred to in figures 5.5-1 and
cording to the way that the individual ink drop is gen- 5.5-2d. There are different process variants, but com-
erated. In the thermal ink jet process this is done by heat- mon to all of them is the fact that an electrical field ex-
ing the liquid ink until it vaporizes, whereupon a cer- ists between the ink jet system and the surface to be
tain quantity of ink is ejected from the nozzle as a result printed, and that by means of image-dependent alter-
of the pressure exerted by the vapor bubble, hence the ations in the ink jet nozzle system, either the forces can
name “bubble jet” (fig. 5.5-2b). be balanced or the surface tension ratios between ink

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5.5 Ink Jet 713

and outlet nozzle can be changed, so that a drop of ink However, larger drops for creating gray values can be
is released as a result of the field forces. Withdrawal of generated whereby shortly before striking the substrate
ink from the nozzles is prepared via the electrical field, several individual drops combine in flight or strike the
and a control pulse (e.g., electric signal or the supply substrate in rapid succession, before the information
of heat) then enables the release of a drop. for the next pixel is generated for printing.
Figure 5.5-3a shows in simplified form how several
Inks drops, which combine after release from the nozzle to
The states (liquid or solid) in which the ink for ink jet form a single drop volume, can be generated in rapid
processes is used are summarized in figure 5.5-1. It is usu- succession by means of special controlling of the heat-
ally liquid inks that are used although some drop on de- ing elements for the bubble jet process. The sequence of
mand ink jet systems are equipped to use hot-melt inks. photographs taken of drops (fig. 5.5-3b) shows how a
An overview of the inks for ink jet processes is given larger drop forms from three separate pulses of a piezo
in figure 5.1-16, which also contains information on the ink jet system.
composition of the inks and the drying processes asso-
ciated with them. An explanation is also given as to
what ink film thicknesses occur in single-color printing
with ink jet systems according to the type of ink used.
Particularly noteworthy here is the fact that if liquid
inks are used, very thin ink films (low drop volumes)
can be applied, which is the basis for very high quality
prints especially in the case of color images.
Multicolor prints of extremely high quality can be
created by using specially coated papers that help to pre- 1st 2nd 3rd level-3
level-1 level-2
vent the ink from feathering, to control the spreading nucleation drop nucl. drop nucl. drop
and penetration into the substrate), and also offer good a
setting characteristics and good drying results.
Further improvement in quality can primarily be
achieved using ink jet systems with which several gray
values per pixel (printed dot) can be created.

Creating Gray Values with Ink Jet Processes

As illustrated in figure 5.1-6c, if the density is modulat-
ed to create a pixel, a different ink film thickness is Time
transferred to the paper surface. This is an idealized il-
lustration since an increase in film thickness usually al- b
so entails a change in the diameter of the individual Pixel screen cell
pixel (single dot).
In the ink jet process the size of the single dot de-
pends on the volume of the individual drop ejected on-
to/transferred to the paper (and also, of course, on the e.g., max.
absorption characteristics of the paper, although the 33 drops
latter is disregarded in the description that follows). c
Different ink volumes can be created in different ways,
with drop on demand processes by selectively address-
Fig. 5.5-3 Creating grey values with ink jet processes.
ing the individual ink jet channel so that different quan-
a Collecting drops by high-frequency generation
tities of ink are ejected from the nozzle. This may be (Thermal Ink Jet, HP);
done via the intensity of the control pulse and also via b Forming one drop from individual drops (high-speed photogra-
the type of controller used for the individual nozzle phy, XAAR);
(e.g., the overlapping of a high frequency signal that c Dots of varying gray levels within a pixel screen cell, created by
generates several drops for one pixel). collecting several drops per pixel [5.5-1]

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714 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

Figure 5.5-3c shows in simplified form how individ- Figure 5.5-6 shows how drop formation is calculated
ual drops can be selectively collected on the pixel posi- with a mathematical model and captured by means of
tions of the substrate for density modulation as a result a high-speed exposure. Drop size and interval
of the very high frequency during generation of the basically depend on the nozzle diameter, and the vis-
drops in the continuous ink jet process. This process can cosity and surface tension of the liquid, as well as the
produce up to around thirty gray values. frequency of the excitation.
The individual drops are electrically charged by an
Drying Process electrode in accordance with the image just before sep-
Figure 5.5-4 shows examples of how ink drops may re- aration from the jet (fig. 5.5-5). The charged drops are
act with the paper in the ink jet printing process. The deflected in a subsequent electrical field (plate capaci-
surface properties of the paper determine the spread- tor, deflector) and fed to a collecting device. The un-
ing and penetration into the substrate. The illustration charged drops reach the paper.
shown refers to water-based or solvent-based standard As shown in figure 5.5-6b, so-called satellite drops are
inks with which the colorants (pigments or dyes) and produced during the drop formation process, which
binders produce a very thin layer of less than 1 µm ink should then merge with the main drop. The quality of
application after vaporization and absorption of the the print depends on the quality and continuity of the
base liquid. drop stream generated.
More data on the drying of ink jet inks is to be found Typical data (Hertz technology) on frequencies
in figure 5.1-16. (around 1 MHz) and drop sizes (approximately 4 pl)

5.5.2 Continuous Ink Jet

Imaging signal
Binary Deflection Continuous Ink Jet
Figure 5.5-5 shows the underlying principle of a nozzle
system based on Hertz technology, which enables a high Piezoelectric Charge
crystal electrode Deflector
frequency stream of drops (of 1 MHz or more) to be
created. The pressurized liquid is pressed out of the
nozzle. The high-frequency excitation via a piezo-
oscillator results in the constriction of the stream due
to fluid dynamics-related effects and the separation of
individual drops from the stream. approx. 60 1m
(∆ approx. 12 1m) Gutter

Drop Drop Drop Volatile Paper
strikes spreads penetrates substances Specifications (example):
the paper the paper evaporate
Drop frequency: approx. 1 MHz
Paper Drop volume: approx. 4 pl
Ink Drop diameter: approx. 20 1m
Drop speed: approx. 40 m/s
Drop diameter Dot size
approx. 30 1m approx. 60 1m Note:
6 · V 1/3 1/3
Layer thickness d= π ≈ 1.24· V
less than 1 1m d [1m] ≈ 12.4 · ( V[pI] )1/3
d = Drop diameter
V = Drop volume
Fig. 5.5-4
Dot formation resulting from the reaction of ink drop with substrate
in the ink jet process Fig. 5.5-5 Continuous ink jet: process specifications

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Multi-Deflection Continuous Ink Jet

l l
In the continuous ink jet system shown in figure 5.5-5,
d0 the individual drops to be deflected are charged with
d the same voltage, consequently there are only two
Jet charging states, charged or not charged, that is, bina-
axis x
ry (therefore binary deflection, in accordance with fig.
Nozzle Jet Point of drop formation (xdf) With the multi-deflection ink jet, the drops can be
given different charges in the charging system and, as
a result of this, they can be deflected more or less
strongly between the deflector plates, depending on
the intensity of the charge (fig. 5.5-9). Consequently,
one nozzle system can be used to image a short line
(e. g., 10 mm in height). The jet can be deflected in ap-
proximately sixteen reproducible positions. The
b height of a line written in this way depends on the dis-
tance between the ink jet head and the paper surface.
The writing height increases as the spacing increases,
Fig. 5.5-6 Drop formation with continuous ink jet. although the resolution will be reduced. The resolu-
a Constriction of the ink jet to form a drop; tion in the direction of printing is determined by the
b High-speed exposure of a stream of drops with satellite drops
combining with the subsequent main drop in flight [5.5-1] speed of the substrate and the drop frequency. The
minimum resolution for the recognition of digitally
represented characters (matrix structure) should be
7 ¥ 6 dots (height ¥ width).
are given in figure 5.5-5. (A drop volume of 4 picoliters, In principle, systems with two-dimensional jet deflec-
i.e., 4 ¥ 10-12 dm3, is equivalent to a sphere diameter of tion are also feasible. In this case the deflectors act in
20 µm.) two directions so that two-dimensional characters can
A practical example of the industrial application of be printed even if the substrate is static.
the continuous ink jet process as a high-speed printing Examples of two multi-deflection systems are illus-
process is given in figure 5.5-7. trated in figure 5.5-10. Figure 5.5-10a shows a system
The system illustrated in figure 5.5-7 consists of two with four separate modules for four-line addressing
groups of two ink jet modules for printing on web ma- used in newspaper mailing. In figure 5.5-10b, a multi-
terial (fig. 5.5-7b). The individual ink jet head is about deflection system is being used to address printed
108 mm (4.25")wide. The nozzles are arranged to give a products sent by mail. In this example six lines are writ-
resolution of 240 dpi (1024 nozzles in one head/module). ten with a writing head fitted with separate systems and
Another example of industrial use with more so- the installation is used for in-line addressing in the
phisticated systems is given in figure 4.5-14 (300 dpi and mailroom of the printshop in conjunction with the
an ink jet head width of approximately 229 mm (9"), press.
equivalent to 2700 nozzles per head).
Figure 5.5-8 shows an application of continuous ink 5.5.3 Drop on Demand Ink Jet
jet systems for multicolor printing (digital proof system).
In this system, printing is done with four ink jet heads,
one head per color for black, cyan, magenta, and yellow, With drop on demand technologies, a drop is only gen-
with a resolution of 300 dpi. The sheet is fastened onto erated if the print image requires it.
a drum. In this example, a color proof is being created The drop can be generated either by heat transfer
with an axially moving ink jet system and a rapidly ro- (bubble jet) or by changing the chamber volume in a
tating drum. Approximately fifteen gray values per pix- nozzle channel (piezo ink jet).
el can be reproduced (by the accumulation of drops in The two drop on demand technologies, thermal ink
flight and/or by assembling them on the paper, see fig. jet and piezo ink jet (including system specifications)
5.5-3c). are compared in figure 5.5-11.

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Fig. 5.5-7
High-speed ink jet system for web-fed
a System with four print heads (240 dpi,
head width of about 108 mm (4.25"), web
speed of up to about 2 m/s);
b Ink jet heads with nozzle system
(System 3600, Scitex Digital Printing)


b Imaging head

Fig. 5.5-8 Digital proof system with continuous ink jet NIP technology.
a System example (300 dpi, 15 gray values per pixel);
b Mounting the paper on the drum and ink jet head with 4 systems for the process colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black moved in axial
direction (Digital Cromalin, DuPont/Stork Digital Imaging)

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Ink pump

Digital signal input

Fig. 5.5-9
Multi-deflection continuous ink jet system (e.g., seven drops with-
in the height of a line)

Thermal Ink Jet

The sequences in figure 5.5-12 show in simplified form
how an ink drop can be ejected as a result of heating
and bubble formation and how the channel is then re-
filled with ink. Drop volumes of about 23 pl (equiva-
lent to a representative drop diameter of about 35 µm) a
are possible on the basis of current thermal ink jet
technologies (Hewlett Packard and Canon are the
leading manufacturers in this case). Drop frequencies
are in the range of 5 to 8 kHz. The resolution must
correspond to the drop volume; 600 dpi is possible
with 23 pl (dot diameter in the print around 60 µm,
depending on the viscosity of the ink and the absorp-
tion characteristics of the paper, etc.). Depending on
the design of the jet system with regard to the direc-
tion of the drop jet discharge and the position of the
heating elements, a distinction is made between “roof
shooters” (e.g., fig. 5.5-12b) and “side shooters” (e. g., fig.
The color printers used in desktop-publishing or in
an office environment mostly use thermal ink jet sys-
tems. In a typical application a separate ink jet head is
used for each color, although a separate head is often
used for the most commonly printed color, black, and Fig. 5.5-10 Multi-deflection ink jet system for addressing.
a Ink jet head for addressing newspapers consisting of four indi-
a second head for the chromatic colors, cyan, magen- vidual systems for writing four lines (Imaje);
ta, and yellow. Powerful systems are available with res- b Ink jet system for addressing periodicals with six lines during in-
olutions of 600 dpi, operating at a drop frequency of line production in web offset printing (Jet Array, Domino)

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718 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

a After the activation

of the heating element
the temperature rises
Bubble (orifice) rapidly to up to 300 4C.

The ink evaporates

Ink and forms a bubble.

Heat source
(Heating resistor) The bubble presses
Imaging signal the ink drop
out of the nozzle.
Specifications (example):
Drop frequency: approx. 5–8 kHz The temperature drops
Drop volume: approx. 23 pl and the bubble collapses.
a Drop diameter: approx. 35 1m

Imaging signal Drop break-off;

the capillary force sucks
Piezoelectric new ink into the nozzle.
Ink Bubble Bubble Bubble Refill
nucleation growth collapse & < 80 1s
< 3 1s 3–10 1s drop breakoff
10–20 1s

Specifications (example): (orifice)
Drop frequency: approx. 10–20 kHz
Drop volume: approx. 14 pl
b Drop diameter: approx. 30 1m
Rapid heating Drop Bubble Orifice meniscus
100 4C/1s formation collapse settles to
Fig. 5.5-11 Drop on demand ink jet: system specifications. produces vapor begins refill complete refill
a Thermal ink jet (bubble jet); explosion in ink
b Piezo ink jet
Fig. 5.5-12 Drop generation with thermal ink jet.
a Principle of bubble formation and of the drop outlet (Canon);
8 kHz, and with three hundred nozzles per printing b Time sequence for drop formation (HP)
head. The nozzles are arranged in several rows and
staggered to ensure the desired resolution and the space
required for installation of the individually addressable Piezo-ceramic materials are ideally suited for small,
nozzles (see also figs. 5.5-20 and 5.5-21). electrically addressable systems. As illustrated in figure
5.5-13a materials of this type change shape or volume
Piezo Ink Jet in the electrical field. The so-called “shear mode,” with
With piezo ink jet, unlike thermal ink jet, ejection of an the appropriate electrical controller, is usually used in
ink drop is generated by mechanical displacement in the piezo ink jet systems. In shear mode operation the ma-
ink channel, and not by heating and vaporization with- terial’s volume remains unchanged and the geometry
in the ink jet system (fig. 5.5-11b). is deformed (fig. 5.5-13a).

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5.5 Ink Jet 719

Imaging signal

Piezoelectric Electrodes
Piezo- ceramics (PZT) Electrodes
Polarized electric
material P

Electrical E (bend
field (E) mode)


a b Drop c

Fig. 5.5-13 Structure of drop on demand ink jet systems using piezoelectric ceramics.
a Deformation of the piezo-ceramics in the electrical field;
b Drop generation with piezo ink jet (shear mode) by deformation of the rear wall of the channel (Spectra);
c Piezo ink jet with drop formation by deformation (shear mode) of the channel walls (MicroJet, XAAR)

There are various options for different geometrical trated in figure 5.5-14. Four-color printing is generated
configurations to set up nozzles and nozzle systems via an ink jet head with 96 nozzles at a resolution of
based on these materials. An example of how a drop is 300 dpi. (In spite of the considerably larger nozzle spac-
generated for an individual ink channel via the rear wall ing of 500 µm, the low pixel spacing of 84 µm is
of the chamber, similar to the way a diaphragm pump achieved by inclining the nozzle row by about 10° when
functions, is shown in figure 5.5-13b. the line row is arranged vertically to the direction of pa-
In the version illustrated in figure 5.5-13c the channel per transport. See fig. 5.5-14b and fig. 5.5-20c, but in this
walls are deformed, which produces a pumping/suc- figure for a stationary writing head.) The solid hot-
tion action in one channel and an ejection action in the melt ink is heated and liquefied by heat transfer before
adjacent channel. This means that in this configuration being fed into the ink jet array. After transfer of the ink
there is always an effect on the adjacent channels (so- to the paper in accordance with the image, it cools
called cross talking). In the example shown, compensa- down again and solidifies.
tion is made for this effect by the fact that only every Figure 5.5-15 shows a more recent application of
third nozzle chamber can be addressed simultaneous- piezo ink jet technology, an imprinting unit which can
ly. Adjacent chambers cannot be used at the same time. be used to imprint additional information on preprint-
Consequently there is alternate pumping and ejection ed web material. The preprint may have been produced
and “cross talking” is put to positive effect. with a system such as the digital high-speed single-col-
Unlike thermal ink jet systems (normally, water- or printing system illustrated in figure 4.5-9. Imprint-
based inks are used), electro-mechanically based piezo ing can, however, also take place in-line, as shown in
ink jet systems can be addressed at higher frequencies figure 5.5-15c. In the configuration shown in figure
and a broader variety of ink formulations can be used to 5.5-15a and b, eight ink jet heads are arranged behind
great advantage. one another in the direction of travel of the web. The
The first applications using piezo ink jet technology axial position of each one can be changed independ-
with nozzle arrays came onto the market around 1990. ently of the others and each ink jet system can print an
Hot melt inks are used in the multicolor printer illus- additional, different color, which means that informa-

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720 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

Transparentizer tion can be imprinted in color. The individual print

heads can produce a resolution of 240 dpi with 256 noz-
zles per print head. The printing width per head is
about 27 mm (see also fig. 5.5-20c).
Head Figure 5.5-16 shows a piezo ink jet system based on
Ink reservoir Transparency the technology illustrated in figure 5.5-13c. The indi-
Manual film
Heated vidual print head is equipped for 180 dpi with 512 noz-
feed platen zle systems arranged in a row. Higher resolutions can
be achieved by arranging these modules one behind the
other, and larger print width can be obtained by com-
Paper cassette
bining modules across print direction. The system il-
lustrated in figure 5.5-16b for creating large-format
Paper transport four-color ink jet prints is set up for a resolution of
Movement 720 dpi (moving writing head).
Black 48 of the
jets writing head Electrostatic Ink Jet
16 jets In the drop on demand ink jet systems described above,
Cyan 16 the drop of ink is generated by the imaging system
jets alone, in thermal ink jet systems by the pressure of a
Yellow 1
6 jets bubble of evaporated liquid, and in piezo ink jet sys-
tems by the electrically controlled mechanical defor-
mation of the channel geometry (fig. 5.5-2b and c).
The basic principle of electrostatic ink jet systems (fig.
5.5-2d) is to generate an electrical field between the ink
jet writing system and the substrate. Ink drops are gen-
erated by sending image-dependent control impulses
to the nozzles. These impulses cause a drop to be re-
leased and routed through the electrical field onto the
Developments of systems based on these techniques
are in progress and are discussed at conferences in the
run-up to the technical realization of such systems. In-
formation on this is also available in patent literature.

Electrostatic Ink Jet using the “Taylor Effect.” Since

about 1990 there has been discussion about an ink jet
process based on the Taylor effect [5.5-2], whereby fine
filaments of liquid from a nozzle are formed in an elec-
c trostatic field. The diametric ratio of filament to noz-
zle is about 1:20. Figure 5.5-17 shows in simplified form
Fig. 5.5-14 an ink jet nozzle design based on this idea [5.5-3].
Piezo ink jet system for multicolor printing with hot-melt inks. With suitable shaping of the outlet nozzle, a jet of
a Printer design for A4 format; ink (fig. 5.5-17b) with a diameter considerably smaller
b Nozzle arrangement and channel partition for multicolor printing than that of the outlet nozzle is formed from the so-
(300 dpi, by tilting the array with a line resolution of 50 dpi; 96 nozz-
called “Taylor cone.” The advantage to be gained from
les: 48 for black, 16 each for C, M, Y);
c Example of an office printer (HS-IPS, Brother/Spectra; about this effect in ink jet printing is that very small drops can
1993) be generated with relatively large nozzles and that many
gray values can be printed per pixel. Drops are gener-
ated in accordance with the image as a result of an elec-
trical field being established between paper base and

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Imprinting system
a b c

Fig. 5.5-15 Ink jet imprinting system.

a Ink jet heads in the printing unit (240 dpi, piezo ink jet, hot-melt inks, writing width about 27 mm) (M2000, Group SET/Accent Color
Sciences; Spectra);
b Web guidance by suction belt in the imprinting unit (M2000, Group SET);
c In-line installation with high-speed printing system (example: InfoPrint 4000/InfoPrint Hi-Lite Color, IBM)

a b

Fig. 5.5-16 Piezo ink jet system.

a Print head (nozzle line with 180 dpi and 512 nozzles), (XaarJet, XAAR);
b Large-format ink jet printer, 720 dpi (XPress, Xerox/XAAR, Seiko, Olympus)

nozzle outlet and the superimposing of voltage sig- shape. The nozzle diameters are about 400 µm and
nals. The drop’s volume is determined by the duration nozzle spacing of less than 1 mm is realistic. By arrang-
of the control pulses (see fig. 5.5-17a). Hot-melt inks ing the nozzles in several rows behind one another
are used in the design shown in figure 5.5-17c. where the nozzles are staggered within a row, arrays can
There are concepts relating to the above process for be created which are able to attain resolutions of
designing nozzle arrays on the basis of special micro- 600 dpi and higher, also for larger imaging widths (see
mechanical methods with optimal design of the nozzle fig. 5.5-20b).

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Paper Electrostatic Ink Jet with Control via Thermal Effect

Electrode Drop formation range to Change Viscosity. The ideas of Silverbrook [5.5-4],
which are based on a special nozzle control for ink jet
printing, have been around since 1995.
As illustrated in figure 5.5-18, the liquid ink is under
slight overpressure in a tank covered with a nozzle
plate. The overpressure in the ink and an electric field
between nozzle array and substrate surface are in equi-
Ink librium with the surface tension of the liquid in relation
to the nozzle rim. All nozzles have ring-shaped heating
elements and can be controlled separately. The rim of
Control impulse the nozzle can be heated by means of a current pulse,
a (digital input signal) the surface tension changes and, as shown in figure
5.5-18a, an ink drop is formed for the imaging.



Electrical Ink
field (slight Nozzle plate
Hot melt ink overpressure)


b Nozzle array Heating Ink (slight
Nozzle array element overpressure)
Fig. 5.5-18
Fig. 5.5-17 Electrostatic ink jet based on the “Taylor effect.” Electrostatic drop on demand ink jet with control via heating ele-
a Underlying principle of drop generation; ments.
b Drop formation in electrostatic field (sequence); a Section of a nozzle array with integrated heating elements and
c Concept with specially shaped nozzle array and hot-melt inks electric circuit;
(ESIJET, iTi: Imaging Technology International; [5.5-3]) b Drop generation via electric field after reduction of the interfacial
tension by heating the nozzle rim (LIFT technology, Silverbrook
Research, [5.5-4])

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
5.5 Ink Jet 723

The inventor calls the printing technology based on

this effect LIFT Drop on Demand Printing (LIFT signi-
fying liquid ink fault tolerant). This name is based on V Ink mist Paper
Nozzle Focal
the fact that economical, large-surfaced nozzle arrays
with more nozzles than are needed for the required res- point
olution can be set up using special techniques and sil-
Ink Reflector
icon-based material (described in patent applications,
some of which are not yet published). This can be used wave
both to create several gray values per pixel and also to
prevent quality being impaired during printing due to
the failure of individual nozzles. The nozzle function is
controlled via the electronics, with changeover to re- Piezoelectric
serve nozzles, if necessary. transducer
a Image signal
The distinctive feature of this process is the relative-
ly simple structure of the nozzle system for ink jet
printing with a high resolution (no channel system, Drop of ink
merely a nozzle plate). Solutions for the design of noz-
zle arrays that will enable the mass production of noz- Traveling wave Nozzle edge
zle menisci of between 10 and 20 µm at a distance from
nozzle to nozzle of only about 60 µm are under dis-

Electrostatic Ink Mist Jet.There have been reports in fair-

Ultrasonic wave
ly recent publications [5.5-5] on the generation of very
b Ink
small droplets of ink (ink mist) using ultrasonic effects.
The structure of a nozzle for creating fine, very small
drops is shown in figure 5.5-19 (average diameter about
2.5 µm). As illustrated in figure 5.5-19b, ultrasonic
waves are focused on the nozzle outlet, as a result of
which surface waves are produced at the nozzle outlet
that result in the ejection of small drops, as shown in
figure 5.5-19b. The transfer of ink onto the paper is trig-
gered by the image signal and the number of mist
droplets can be controlled in combination with super- Picture element
imposed high-frequency signals of different duration. c (pixel screen cell)
Figure 5.5-19c shows examples of three gray levels
formed from small droplets of mist. In experiments it Fig. 5.5-19
was possible to reproduce about thirty-two gray levels Ink mist jet: electrostatic ink jet with ink mist, generated ultrason-
with a resolution of 300 dpi. Care must be taken to en- ically.
sure that the expansion of the image element is ap- a Underlying principle on a nozzle for ink mist jet;
proximately of the same size. The gray values are cre- b Drop/mist formation by ultrasonic and surface waves; drop diam-
ated by the different number of small dots formed by eter about 2.5 µm, nozzle diameter about 50 µm (for 300 dpi pixels);
c Gray values generated by ink mist transfer, time-controlled; pixel
the mist droplets.
size about 85 µm ¥ 85 µm (equivalent to 300 dpi),
(Mitsubishi, [5.5-5])

5.5.4 Structure of Ink Jet Arrays

To create ink jet printing systems with higher pro-
ductivity, imaging systems with nozzle arrays are re-

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724 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

Ink jet print heads can either be designed as page- shows an array for magnetography that is designed to
wide stationary arrays or assembled in imaging systems provide a resolution of 480 dpi from six lines (see fig.
in which the print head moves at right angles to the di- 5.5-20b). The magnet spacing in an individual line cor-
rection of travel of the substrate (imaging/writing di- responds to a resolution of 80 dpi. The structure of an
rection). ion source array is explained in section 5.3. A resolu-
Figure 5.5-14b shows an example of how ninety-six tion of 300 dpi from 16 ion source lines at right angles
channels can be assembled in one line. To produce a to the direction of print was achieved (consequently
resolution of 300 dpi at a distance from nozzle to noz- the spacing of the ion sources in an individual line cor-
zle of 500 µm, the line was inclined by about 9.6° (the responds to 18.75 dpi).
nozzle row is slightly inclined to the perpendicular, rel- It can be seen from figure 5.5-20 that the spacing of
ative to the cyclic/intermittent paper feed direction; the successive lines can be selected relatively freely and fo-
writing head crosses the page width). cus can be placed on manufacturing and installation
Figure 5.5-7 illustrates a system with a stationary ink aspects. However, it must be taken into account that in
jet head in page-wide configuration. The system com- imaging array installations with several lines for in-
prises several adjacent rows of nozzles, and here the rows creased resolution, in contrast to single lines, the pixel
are arranged parallel to the web travel and slightly in- size must also be adapted, that is, smaller pixels for in-
clined in order to achieve a higher resolution. creased resolution. Taking the example of ink jet tech-
Lines of nozzles, similarly slightly inclined to pro- nology, this means that the nozzles and orifices in the
duce a high resolution, are shown in figure 5.5-15. The individual line has to be designed for a drop size in ac-
lines are also oriented in direction of the paper travel. cordance with the desired high resolution.
Figures 5.5-20 and 5.5-21 illustrate how, in principle, The distances from nozzle to nozzle are determined
lines of nozzles can be suitably arranged with a greater by the nozzle design and the mechanical/electrical sys-
spacing than the desired resolution. Options for assem- tem. Moreover, the line length and the extension of an
bling page-wide arrays are also shown. array are restricted for manufacturing reasons and by
Figure 5.5-20a shows how the resolution can be dou- the requirements on the electrical circuits, ink feed,
bled quite simply by offsetting the nozzle outlet in one material properties, cost, the reliability requirements,
line of a two-line assembly. Arrays having the desired and production engineering. This results in page-wide
resolutions can be obtained by extending this alterna- arrays usually being built up from individual modules.
tive, that is, the desired resolutions can be achieved Figure 5.5-21 shows an example of the possible struc-
with each successive line having nozzles staggered in re- ture of an imaging system (made up of thirty modules)
lation to the preceding line. for 600 dpi and a printing width of 325 mm in which
An example with 6 lines is shown in figure 5.5-20b. the nozzle arrays of the individual modules are 65 mm
This results in a resolution of 600 dpi, with an individ- wide. This configuration requires both extremely ac-
ual line resolution of 100 dpi. (The corresponding curate mechanical alignment and the correct synchro-
arithmetic correlations are also given in the illustra- nization for controlling the individual channels. In
tion.) particular errors in aligning the modules at right an-
Figure 5.5-20c depicts how the resolution can be in- gles to the direction of printing for perfect positioning
creased by a single row, if the line is arranged in the di- of the imaging line can lead to clearly visible defects in
rection of printing. This necessitates a very long array the quality of the printed image.
for larger writing widths or synchronized axial move- The ink jet system illustrated in figure 5.5-16 can be
ment of the individual head, as in the system shown in assembled as a page-wide ink jet imaging head (simi-
figure 5.5-8. (Figure 5.5-15 shows a system that can be lar to fig. 5.5-21). At the DRUPA 2000 exhibition, an im-
firmly positioned in the axial direction for a writing printing system based on the configuration shown in
width of about 27 mm.) Arranging several rows along- figure 5.5.-21 was presented within a hybrid printing
side each other in this way for larger writing widths re- system similar to the concept as explained in chapter 6
sults in a structure such as the one in figure 5.5-20b. (see fig. 6.3-9).
These design principles for imaging arrays produc- The configurations for array systems discussed above
ing high resolutions can, of course, be applied to other refer to systems for one color. For multicolor printing,
imaging systems, in spite of the large installation space assignment within an array can be done according to
required by the individual components. Figure 5.4-6 colors (e.g., as shown in the system given in fig. 5.5-14).

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
5.5 Ink Jet 725

1=a Paper transport

a = 1–
Paper transport LIne 1
ay Nozzle
LIne 2 line
Line 1 LIne 3
n Lines
Line 2 LIne 4
LIne 5
Nozzle array LIne 6
Line resolution: Ax (e.g., 100 dpi)
a Array resolution: A = 2 · Ax (e.g., 200 dpi) Nozzle Nozzle array
a row
Array resolution: A = Ax · n (e.g., 600 dpi)
tan a = (n–1) · ay · Ax
Ax Line resolution (e.g., 100 dpi)
n Number of lines (e.g., 6)
b ay Line spacing

Fig. 5.5-20 a Paper

Underlying principles of the design of ink transport
jet arrays.
a Increasing the resolution by arrangement Writing head resolution:
of two lines (line position perpendicular to A = A*/sin b = 1/(a* · sin b) =
direction of printing/paper transport); = 1/a
b Multi-line array to increase resolution A* row resolution
(line position perpendicular to direction of a
printing); sin b = a*
c Ink jet module with line alignment in a*
example: A* = 100 dpi
direction of printing, inclined configuration
A = 600 dpi
b = 9.64
row Writing width:
Writing B = (m–1) · a*·sin b
width m number of nozzles per row
c b

For multicolor printing with a page-wide ink jet array jet NIP technology for various, wide-spread applica-
configuration (singlepass system), four separate arrays tions, are explained below.
are needed. In principle, distinction can be made between high-
speed printing systems, which print predominantly with
5.5.5 Printing Systems based on Ink Jet one color or with an additional spot color, and systems
for the high-quality printing that is required for proof
Technology for Multicolor Printing purposes. Small-format (A4,A3) multicolor ink jet print-
(Selection) ers are most widely used in office applications, desk-top
As a supplement to the preceding examples and the ex- publishing, and for private use. Ink jet systems for large-
amples dealt with in other chapters, systems using ink format printing, such as posters and billboards, are

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
726 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

with three different optical densities for cyan and ma-

1 2 3 4 5 6 genta, and only one for yellow and black. The resolu-
for a printing width of approx. 325 mm

tion is 300 dpi. An image quality equivalent to about

600 dpi 1000 dpi is achieved by using eight colors (but not for

100 dpi
254 1m line art). This system is designed for the production of
7680 nozzles

large-format proofs (A1), a proof being produced in

about eight minutes. The system can be switched over
Module with to printing with only four colors, for color reproduc-
256 nozzles (width: 65 mm) tions where a lower range of color will suffice.
Figure 5.5-24 depicts another example of a system for
Travel direction high-quality digital proofs. Imaging occurs with a res-
of the paper olution of up to 600 dpi based on the continuous ink jet
principle. The drop volume is only about 3 picoliters
(corresponding drop diameter around 18 µm). Several
1 2 3 4 5 6 gray values per pixel can be created. The system is avail-
approx. 200 mm able for formats up to A2+.
Another system explained later in figure 5.5-29 is also
Fig. 5.5-21
widely used for proofing applications; the applied ink
Modular structure (in principle) of a page-wide ink jet array by jet technology is drop on demand/thermal.
means of adjacent modules at right angles to direction of printing
and increased resolution by means of successively positioned mod- Large-Format Ink Jet Printing Systems. There are
ules (Heidelberg/Spectra) very many systems available for printing large format
products such as posters and large-scale advertising
displays. Wide-format ink jet printers are often used.
Widths of about 135 cm are common, though there are
becoming more widely used.Ink jet systems are also used also systems for printing widths of about 5 to 8 m.
in connection with digital photography for printing high Printing can be done on various materials, textiles
quality, mostly small-format color images. and plastic film for billboards by adapting the inks.
The systems operate with imaging heads that scan at
Ink Jet Systems for Digital Proofs. Figure 5.5-8 shows right angles to the direction of travel of the paper. It
an example of proof production based on a continu- is not reasonable to use format-wide imaging heads
ous ink jet system. The example in figure 5.5-22 shows for the large-format width. These imaging heads for
a proof system that operates with piezo-technology and the individual colors can be arranged behind each
uses hot-melt ink. This system is equipped with eight other, that is, in the direction of printing, or alongside
imaging heads for eight different colors, each one trans- each other, as well as in an array block for both direc-
ferring color separations to the substrate by means of tions.
forty ink jet nozzles and printing being done with cyan, Figure 5.5-25 shows an example of the large-format
magenta, yellow, and black. To achieve a higher range production of color prints in high quality. The system
of color gamut, printing is done with two different op- is based on thermal ink jet and images with a resolution
tical densities (different concentrations of colorants) of 600 dpi, the maximum printing width is 1340mm
for cyan and magenta, with three different optical den- and the production speed (printing speed) about
sities for black, and with only one for yellow. The sys- 3 m2/h. The web material is available with various coat-
tem prints with a resolution of 600 dpi. It takes about ings, depending on whether the prints are to be used in
eleven minutes to print an A3 proof. or out of doors. There are also materials available that
A proof system that works on the basis of drop on enable later mounting of the print on a different base
demand technology of thermal ink jet is shown in fig- material. Laminating equipment can be used to apply
ure 5.5-23. The imaging is done by eight ink jet systems, protective films to the front and reverse sides by means
configured in sets of four (one after the other in the di- of pressure and heat.
rection of rotation of the drum holding the substrate). Figure 5.5-26 shows examples of two systems for
This system also images in eight colors, but this time printing extremely large formats. The printing widths

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
5.5 Ink Jet 727

Fig. 5.5-22
Ink jet system (piezo drop on demand tech- Calibration and
nology) for digital proofing; 600 dpi resolu- customer-specific
setting of hue Eight multi-density inks
tion, eight colors (2¥ cyan, 2¥ magenta,
(color management)
3¥ black, 1¥ yellow, different ink density),
A3 format
(DryJet, Polaroid Graphic Imaging)
320 ink jet nozzles

Printing cylinder
and imaging system

for these examples are 5 m, the resolutions between 19

and 300 dpi. A resolution of 30 to 70 dpi is sufficient for
many applications involving large-format prints
(posters, advertisements), depending on the distance
from which they are observed, that is to say, it is not
detrimental to quality if the viewing distance is large.
The systems illustrated in figures 5.5-25 and 5.5-26
operate with web material and are therefore suitable for
imaging a great variety of formats.

High-Productivity Ink Jet Printing Systems. The sys-

tems shown in figures 5.5-7, 4.5-14, and 1.3-32 use for-
mat-wide imaging systems for print production at
speeds of up to 2 m/s (approx. 400 ft/min) in a single-
color or with additional spot colors.
Ink jet systems for high-productivity and high-qual-
ity multicolor printing comparable to the electropho-
tography-based systems on the market are not yet avail-
able in working practice. Various announcements have
been made and high-productivity digital printing sys-
tems based on ink jet can be expected to be available
Fig. 5.5-23 soon.
Ink jet proof system (thermal drop on demand technology); 300 dpi As illustrated in figure 5.5-27 a multicolor system
resolution, eight colors (3¥ cyan, 3¥ magenta, black, yellow), based on the ink jet technology (continuous ink jet)
A1 format (AGFA Jet Atlas, AGFA)
and as used in a similar way in the system shown in fig-
ure 4.5-14 has been announced. The problem here lies
in the drying process for multicolor halftone printing,
the possibly restricted range of printable materials,

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728 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

and not least in the technological feasibility and relat-

ed cost of investment.
Another product announcement for multicolor
printing is based on the piezo drop on demand technol-
ogy such as is used in the equipment illustrated in fig-
ure 5.5-16. Figure 5.5-28a shows the laboratory test sys-
tem of an installation in which the ink jet systems for
the four process inks are arranged behind one anoth-
er. As already explained, systems for large printing
widths can be assembled from individual modules. A
project study is shown in figure 5.5-28b.

Ink Jet Systems for Small-format Applications (Office

Environment, DTP). There is a great variety of ink jet
printers available for A4+ or A3+ formats, for desktop
publishing applications and for office use.
Key features of present-day equipment are its high
quality and acceptable productivity. The inks are
adapted to the respective equipment and are mostly
suitable for printing on paper and on transparencies.
There are also ink jet designs in which printing is not
Fig. 5.5-24 done directly onto the paper but via an intermediate
Digital proof system based on continuous ink jet; resolution 600 dpi, cylinder. The advantage of a system of this type lies in
A2+ format (Iris 4Print, Scitex/Iris) the greater variability of the printable paper stock and
lower ink film thicknesses, especially in the case of
printing with hot-melt inks.
Numerous companies, such as Hewlett Packard,
Epson, Canon, Lexmark, and many others supply pow-
erful equipment with good potential for high printing

Ink Jet for Small-format Proofing. In the small-format

range, equipment that produces high-quality prints in
more than four colors is finding favor, similar as has
been illustrated in the examples in figures 5.5-22, 5.5-23,
and 5.5-24. Figure 5.5-29 shows an ink jet printer (A3
format), with which color prints of a very high quality
can be created. The resolution is 720 dpi and the reso-
lution can be doubled to 1440 dpi in the direction of
paper travel by addressing electrically (dot sizes not ad-
justed). This equipment is also used to make color

Digital Photography. As a result of the increasingly

Fig. 5.5-25
Ink jet system (drop on demand/thermal) for the multicolor printing
wide-spread use of digital photography there is a de-
of large formats; resolution 600 dpi, printing width 1340 mm mand for small-format digital printers giving high im-
(DesignJet 3000 CP, HP) age quality (photo quality, that is, color images in high
resolutions and with continuous tonal gradations).
Until now it is predominantly printers working on the
NIP thermal sublimation principle that are being

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
5.5 Ink Jet 729

Fig. 5.5-26
Ink jet printing systems for the multicolor
printing of large formats.
a Model Blueboard 2; resolution 70 dpi,
printing speed 60 m2/h, max. printing
width 5 m, continuous ink jet (NUR
b Model UltraVu 5000; resolution 300 dpi
(also addressable for 37.5 and 18.75 dpi),
printing speed 110 m2/h with low resolu-
tion of 18.75 dpi, max. printing width 5 m,
piezo drop on demand ink jet (VUTEk)

used, although ink jet-based systems adapted for pa-

pers with special coating for achieving “photographic Printing heads
quality” are being increasingly exploited. Develop- (e.g., 2 ¥ 9" width Web speed
ments by Canon, Epson, and HP also target this mar- per color, 300 dpi) e.g., 1 m/s
ket segment. Dryer

Fig. 5.5-27
System configuration for a multicolor continuous ink jet printing
system (Scitex Digital Printing; diagram based on sundry company
information, status: 1996, not confirmed; see also fig. 4.5-14)

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730 5 Printing Technologies without a Printing Plate (NIP Technologies)

References in 5.5
[5.5-1] Nilsson, J.: Application of Micro Drops. Report
6/1993, Department of Electrical Measurements, Lund
Institute of Technology, Lund, Schweden 1993.
[5.5-2] Taylor, G. I.: Electrically driven jets. Proceedings
Royal Society, Vol. A313. London 1969, pp. 453–475.
[5.5-3] Mills, R.: ESIJet Printing Technology. Proceedings
NIP12: International Conference on Digital Printing
Technologies (revised). The Society for Imaging Science
(IS&T), Springfield (VA) 1996, pp. 262–266.
[5.5-4] Silverbrook, K.: Company Information Brochures.
Silverbrook Research, Leichhart (NSW), Australia 1995.
[5.5-5] Fukumoto, H.: Printing with ink mist ejected by
ultrasonic waves. Proceedings NIP 15: International
a Conference on Digital Printing Technologies. The Society
for Imaging Science (IS&T), Springfield (VA) 1999, pp.

Further Reading for 5.5

Le, H.: Progress and Trends in Ink Jet Printing Technology.
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 42,
No. 1, pp. 49–62, 1998.
Pond, S.F.: Inkjet Technology and Product Development
b Strategies. Torrey Pines Research, Carlsbad (CA) 2000.

Fig. 5.5-28 Ink jet printing system for multicolor printing.

a Laboratory system with piezo drop on demand ink jet print heads;
b Project study on multicolor printing with modular structure, page-
wide printing system (XAAR Digital)

Fig. 5.5-29
Ink jet printing system for high quality multicolor printing/digital
proof; resolution 720 dpi (1440 dpi possible in direction of printing),
six colors (2¥ cyan, 2¥ magenta, black, yellow), piezo ink jet tech-
nology, A3+ format, around 5 min. printing time per A3 page
(Stylus Pro 5000, Epson)

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )

5.6 Thermography

5.6.1 Overview of Thermography Direct Thermography. In direct thermography the sub-

Technologies strate is treated with a special coating, which changes its
As explained in figure 5.1-4, the NIP technology of color when subjected to heat. This kind of special paper
thermography can be in the main divided into thermal is often used for applications in fax machines and for
transfer and thermal sublimation. labeling and coding (e.g., bar codes). Machines using
In both processes, the ink is applied to a donor (sheet thermal printing systems (thermal printers) are label
or web) and then transferred to the substrate by the ap- printers or receipt printers. Direct thermal printing will
plication of heat (or, depending on the system, first to not be dealt with in detail here; those processes are de-
an intermediate carrier which subsequently transfers it scribed that are largely independent of the substrate and
to the substrate). where the ink is supplied via the system.
Figure 5.6-1 adds to the illustration in figure 5.1-4 by
sub-dividing thermography into direct thermography Transfer Thermography. In thermal transfer, in con-
and transfer thermography. Transfer thermography is trast to direct thermography, the ink is stored on a
further sub-divided into thermal transfer and thermal donor and is transferred to the substrate by the appli-
sublimation. cation of heat.
Put simply, part of the ink layer is released from the
donor and transferred to the substrate (a large quantity
of ink is transferred). The ink on the donor may be wax
or a special polymer (resin). For this reason thermal
Thermography transfer is sometimes also called “thermal mass transfer.”
In thermal sublimation, on the other hand, the ink is
transferred from the donor to the substrate by diffu-
Direct Thermography Transfer Thermography sion. The heat melts the ink and initiates a diffusion
process onto the paper. This requires a special coating
on the substrate to take on the diffused colorants. The
Thermal Transfer Thermal Sublimation physically and chemically precise term for thermal sub-
limation is “dye diffusion thermal transfer,” which is
shortened to D2T2.
Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer
Mass/Ink Transfer (D2T2), Sublimation or Ablation Ink Donor. Figure 5.6-2 shows the structure of the ink
donors. It shows the importance of selecting a suitable
(constant ink film thickness/ (variable ink film thickness/ combination of coating on the printing material and
color density in pixel) color density in pixel) ink layer on the donor material, particularly in thermal
sublimation (D2T2).
Whereas in thermal transfer the donor material is al-
Constant Variable approximately
Pixel Size Pixel Size Constant Pixel Size
ways in contact with the substrate during transfer, there
may be a small gap between the receiving layer and the
ink layer in thermal sublimation. This can be achieved
Fig. 5.6-1 Overview of thermographic processes in thermography by spacers, for instance, which are integrated into either

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )

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