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Company Overview:
Square company is one of the most and largest company in our country. They have several
branches all over the country providing and distributing product and services. Now-a-days they
capture most of the market shares of our country. They have a reputation name in the
pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh for manufacturing quality medicines for more than four
decades. SPL made its debut in a humble way in 1958 from a small house of the village
Ataikola near Pabna. Some big concerns like Square Consumer Products Ltd., Square
informatics and Square Hospitals Ltd. Incorporated at that time; square was joined with a
management agreement with Burmungrad Hospital International of Thailand for the
management of Square Hospitals ltd. Square today is a corporate giant active in divergent
business and industrial fields. Its present unassailable status is the outcome of its successful
diversification whether related diversification or unrelated. Our objectives are to conduct
transparent business operations within the legal & social frame work with aims to attain the
mission reflected by our vision. Our Mission is to provide quality & innovative healthcare relief
for people. Our vision is leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a
part of the process of the human civilization. As per provisions of the Article of Association,
Board of Directors holds periodic meetings to resolve issue of policies and strategies, recording
minutes/decisions for implementation by the Executive Management. So it is clear to us that
SCL a pivotal and most contributing company in our country for govt. as well as for our

Historical: The first proprietary medicine was introduced in 1959 under the name of Easton’s
Syrup, when the number of working people was 12, turnover was Tk. 55000/- and occupied a
floor space of 3000 sq.ft. Mr. Samson Chowdhury, the owner of the transferred the newly
established company to Pabna where a few people were accepted as co-workers accumulate
more capital for smooth operation of the company. The first processed tablet was introduced in
1962 under the generic name Santonin. In the next year the introduction of Path dines injection
accelerated the growth of the firm with a rapid expansion of business turnover. In 1964, the
annual turnover of the company rose to Tk. 1 million and the Square Pharmaceuticals was
converted into Private Limited Company.
2. Target Market
It is quite difficult to serve all the people in the country. Targeting a
particular market segment is quite important for a company to
flourish in the market. Select plus is an anti dandruff shampoo
By Square which is little bit costly so our aim is to target
selective peoples.

Demographic Geographic Psychographic

Age: 14-70 Dhaka, Chittagong, Lifestyle: Trendy and

Khulna well uniformed.
Gender: Male and Female both
Place: Mainly Urban Personality: Seeks and
Occupation: Higher middle class and areas. prefers quality, modern.
high class, Officers, house wife,
businessman, university students. Attitude: Positive
attitude about anti
Income: Though Select plus is costly dandruff shampoo.
shampoo we targeting people with a
family monthly income of BDT 18000 Social class: Specially
or above. middle class and upper
3. IMC objectives:
IMC Objectives (SMART) is the main objectives that make people aware of our product to
increase our market value by increasing sales. We also have some IMC objective to create
awareness for Select plus shampoo by following criteria:

Our goals for the campaign must be Specific. By this campaign we want to increase 25% awareness.
Measurable: The goals of our company have to be measurable in numbers. It should provide that can be
measured to show whether the objectives will be achieved or not.

Before setting the objectives we should access to capabilities and its marketing environment to ensure that our
objectives are achievable.

To increase our market share, we have to review some things like resources, workers, employees, competitors
and current market share to ensure that increase is realistic.

Time-Bound: The elements of our objectives should be done by given time. So it must be Time specific.

4. External Sources:
A. Internet:

As internet is the most broad and fastest growing contact point so it is one of the important contact point for our
product.Now a days customer are more internet oriented and our target market is the middle
level and also rich poeple they are always busy with this internet. we have a Facebook page for
our product so that they can see our information and latest updated of our product through this
internet.we have our own website where customer will able to order there product to sit in the
B. Mobile phone:

Mobile phone is another important contact point for us. Now every one has there own mobile phone so
that it is easier to stay connented with our target market. we call center of our own. Where consumer can easily
communicate with us. If any of our consumer has any kinds of confushion about our product so they can call
our expertise and they can easily get the solution of there problem and the call center is open 24 our so that our
consumer can call when ever they want and definetly they will get there solution according to there problem.
C. Television:

We always try our best to provide repetitive good ads in Tv to grab the attention of
consumer and result in instant purchase of our sampoo.And the ads also be showing globally so
the other country people also able to see our product and they can purchase.

D. Billboards:

and There will be billboards 3D billboards present in every corner of our country. And the
biggest billboards are presnt in the jam and long road area so that our customer can see our
product image and they will remain our ads and instant purchase our product.

E. Flashmob:

Our target customer is

mostrly rich and middle
class people so we arrange
flashmob infront of the
busy and jam that
the road people can show
our flashmob and they
will aware of our product. and the other part flash mob will take place in front of shopping mall,
big store, big market and educational institution.

A. Friends:
Friends who already like select plus shampoo can have positive words of mouth can influence
other to buy this product. Because when ever a customer are willing to purchase a product at
first they take some suggesion by there friend and if the opinion is positive they will instant
purchase it.

B. Family:

Family seniour member like parents siblings, cousins will also influence them to
purchase this product.

C. Relatives:

Include uncle, aunts,cousin who are already have a great experience of our product and
they will also suggest them to purchase this product.

D. Memories:

We will offer our customer to rewind those memories with with our product and allow them
to take good picture of there hair with there face and make a good note and post it to our
Facebook or instagram page. We will select the best 5 post and will give them a very special
and lovely gifts and the other hand the best picture we we select and we also offer them to
participate on our upcoming new ads.

E. Personel Experience:

We are going to take conversation to our customer about there feelings and experience to use our
shampoo and then we will showing this conversation as vedio,audio and report in the TV channel, Radio, and
Tools Contacts Points
TV: repetitive ads in Tv to grab attention of consumers and result in
Advertising instant purchase of select plus sampoo.

Internet: Can contact us through facebook and instagram, or

our website.
Interactive marketing
Mobile: Can remind consumer through mobile app which
include games

Billboard: There will be billboards and 3D billboards present

in every corner of jam areas.
Support media
Flash mob: As we are targeting middle level and rich level
people so flashmob will take place in front of big mall,market
and the educational institution.
Point of purchase: Consumer will be able to see our offer on
Seles Promotion the packaging.

5) IMC Tools:

Advertising is the most effective way to let our customer know about select plus. We will put advertise on tv, newspaper


Our ad will be based on a war between two countries. Firstly, 7-12 people in a village will be shown in the ad
they will be doing their household chores. Some will be seen gossiping, some will be seen cooking. And a child
will be seen reading an old book. 10-15 soldiers of the oppressor country will attack on a sudden there. All the
soldiers will enter the village. All of the villagers will be running to and fro. Some of soldiers will be shooting
the villagers and some of them will arrest the women of the village. One of the soldiers will arrest a girl. She
will try to escape from him. But all on a sudden the soldier will fall in love seeing the hair of the girl. Then he
will leave the girl instead of arresting and will let her escape. Then the ad will end finally after seeing our
product, ‘Select Plus’ Shampoo.

News paper ad:

We will put ads on news papers and magazine ads. most of the people of our country read news paper. So news
m\paper ads would be very effective. We will put ads on important dailies of our country like prothom alo.kalet
kanthho,daily star ect

We also put ads on magazine

Radio ads:

We will also use radio advertisement .Our adds will be aired on radio firty,redio amar,ABC radio etc:

B. Interactive Marketing:
In interactive marketing we will use mobile marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization
Mobile marketing:
Make Your Special One’s Day More Special

Now day’s mobile marketing becoming more popular. So we will come with an innovative idea. We will hang a
big LED screen at the busiest place of Dhaka city. People can give massages through this screen to their close
people. We will create a mobile application. People have to download the application and create an account.
Then they can post their massage with photographs on that application and send to the LED by using Bluetooth
and the message with the picture will be shown continuously
throughout the day.

Social Media marketing:

Face book page:

We will create a Face book page of select plus. We will share all of the product and promotional news through
this page. We will also arrange a sweet stake which will be mentioned in sales promotion part.

You tube:

We will also use YouTube. We put our ads on


Search Engine marketing

We will also use search engine Marketing

C. Personal selling
In Personal selling we will make a caravan named select plus! This caravan will go all of the top class school,
colleges and universities and will try to sell select plus shampoo

D. Support Media and Sales Promotion: Support media

Support media is a off stream media for mid to large companies. We use some support Medias to let our
customer know about our product
Regular Billboard:

We will put Billboards in road side and the top of the high-rise buildings. So it can easily attract our customer.
As regular billboards are so boring, we will use something innovative .We will use two types of billboards. One
for the product and another one to let purple know about the sales promotional contest

Mobile billboard:

We will also use mobile billboards. Mobile billboard can move one place to another so many people can know
about select plus

Outdoor furniture:

We will also use outdoor furniture. We will use it in bus stops. We will make a stand for passengers which
shape will like a shampoo.

We will also use kiosks

Flash mobs:

Our flash mob will be done in TSC, Dhaka

University campus. There will be 30-40 people
who will participate in this flash mob. All of
them will be students. Both male and female
students will participate here. The duration of the flash mob will be of 2-3 minutes. All of the participants will
be seen dancing for the flash mob. They will do the flash mob according to the instructions of two directors.

Consumer oriented sales promotion:

What does Freedom mean to u???

It’s December and in this month we achieved our freedom. So we will come with a sales promotion contest named

To take participate in that contest, the customer has to buy a pack of select plus and they will get a paper. In which they
have to write what freedom means to them and post them to select plus’s address.

The customer can take participate through online too. When they will buy a select plus, they will get a code number. To
take participate in online; the customers have to go to select plus website and type that code. They will get a space in
where they have to write what freedom means to them and post it with their email address.

We will take the best 20 answers and with that 20 c0ntenstet we will start our second part of the promotion
That will be a cycle race among the best 20 contestant. And the winner of the race will get a Dhaka-Singapore-Dhaka
trip, the 1st runner up will get Dhaka-Kolkata-Dhaka trip and the 2 nd runner up will get a Dhaka-Cox’s bazaar-Dhaka trip.

And the all 20 contents will get a gift hamper of select plus

Selfie with bff

We will also arrange a sweet stakes on social media.

Here, Customers has to post their selfe with their bff (best friend forever) and have to post in on the face book page of
select plus. The selfie will get most likes that will be the selfie of the week. Every Friday we will announce the selfie of
the week. And the winners will get special gift hampers
Bonus Pack:
We will use bonus pack as your sales promotion. We will give 20% extra with a large pack of select plus

We will also use sampling. We will give samples to our product to the customers. So the customer can know about select

Trade oriented promotions:

Trade Allowance:

Promotional allowance:

We will give promotional allowances to our retailer. If agoora, meeza mazar minimart, shompo give efficient effort to
promote our product, the will get incentive.

Sales training programmed:

We will also use sales training program. We will provide free training to the sales man of super stores

Trade show:
We will also organize a trade show

Vertical Cooperative Advertising:

We will make billboards for the retailers with the photo and information’s of our product. The retailer just adds up their

E. PR event:
Stand beside cancer patient:

Now days cancer patients’ are increasing day by say. But everyone don’t have the ability to get right treatment as cancer
treatment is costly .so we will howl the cancer patient .we have desired tat we will donate 10% of your net profile to the
cancer patient .because everyone has the equal right to alive.

Let’s make the world a better place:

We will start a project named Lets make the world a better place. Still there are many people in our country who
are illiterate. They don’t have any knowledge. The aim of the project is to make the illiterate, Literate. Our
volunteer teachers will teach them twice a week. After completing a basic course, they have to sit for an
examination. After passing the examination, they will get a certificate. We will also give them chance to get a
job in their company. So many poor people will get chance to improve their condition.

f. Direct marketing: We will also use direct marketing. In direct marketing we goanna use-
1) Website

2) Email

3) Mail

6. Develop source, message, appeal, theme, slogan, major selling ideas and
execution style:
MAJOR SELLING IDEAS: An important part of creative strategy is determining the central theme that
will become the major selling idea of the campaign of an ad campaign. Several approaches can guide the
creative teams’ search for a major selling idea and offer solution for developing effective advertising. The
approaches we will follow in our ad are given below:-

 Unique selling proposition: As we have made the ad theme by our creative marketer we can surely
say that this type of concept for a shampoo ad has never been made for any product. In this case, we are
unique by our execution

 Creating a brand image: Select plus is a product by Square Toiletries. And we all know that
Square group is one of the most famous brands in Bangladesh. So already we have a strong brand image.
In this situation we will specially focus on our main group Square.
 Finding the inherent drama: Our ad will be made on a beautiful heart touching story of a war
soldier and a young lady of his enemy country. Whose beautiful long black hair bound the soldier to fall
in love with her? It’s a very interesting story where viewers can find interest and also the message of the

The advertising appeal refers to the approach used to attract the attention of consumer or to influence their
feelings towards their products or services. Basically there are four types of appeals in marketing.

1. Informational/Rational Appeal
2. Emotional Appeal
3. Combination of Emotional and Rational
4. Others (Seasonal, Festival, Teaser and Reminder)

Emotional Appeal: In our ad we will show emotional appeal, how we will use emotional appeal. In our ad,
we will show a soldier who actually attacks the village with his team to arrest the people of other village but he
falls love a young lady of that country to see her long black dandruff free hair. Basically we want to show, the
emotional feelings of the soldier protect whim to arrest the lady.
Education style:

In execution, we are using dramatization. We are trying to reach are massage to our customer through drama
.Dramatization is a very important execution style because, drama attract the customers, mind.

7. Market analysis:
Market analysis is a kind of market research to identify the specific or potential target market .To sells the
product, we must know about the target market, the internal and external factors. It will help us to be cost
effective during camping:


Establishment then, media objectives:

1) We hope to reach 56% of your target market in 3 months by using out TVC
2) By using the print and broadcast media be believe that we will increase 65% of preference within 5
3) We will increase 70% of frequency by using the broadcast, print and internet media.

Broadcast Media
Media Vehicle Channel Frequency /day Time /week
TV  Bangladesh  5  7
 BTV World  3  7
 ATN Bangla  3  5
 NTV  4  4
 RTV  2  3
 channel I  4  5

Radio  Radio today  5  7

 Radio furty  6  7
 Radio amar  7  6
 ABC Redia  5  7

Print Media:
Media Vehicle channel Frequency/day Days/week
News Paper  Daily Prothom  1  4
 Daily Jugantor  1  4
 Daily Shamakal  1  3
 Daily  1  3
 daily kaler  1  4
 Daily amader  1  3
 Daily BD  1  2
 Daily Star  1  2
 Daily sun  1  1

Magazine  Shaptahik 2000  1  1

 Aajkaal  1  1
 Anando alo  1  1
 The star  1  1

 Internet Media’
 Website
 Face book
 YouTube

Market Coverage:

Full market coverage:

Our aim is to let more people know about select plus. So we will make full market coverage. So that, all
of our target customer can know about select plus. We will use broadcast media, print media and
internet media as our media vehicle. We will also try to minimize the waste coverage

Geographic coverage:
Not all geographic area has the same level of interest of select plus shampoo. As we mentioned that, our
target customers are basically urban area’s people so we will make geographic coverage
Primary coverage:
Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, rajshahi, Barisal, rangpur, sylhet.
Secondary coverage:
Mymensingh, bagura, jossore, noyakhali .

We will use continuity scheduling. Continuity scheduling is a continuous pattern is developed such as
daily, weekly, in every 5 hours etc. So it will be a reminder for our customers. Whenever they will buy
any shampoo, name of select’s plus will come to their mind.
We will also use pulsing scheduling.

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