Computer To Press Direct Imaging

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging

Introduction with a once imageable plate and the variant where the
In the last section computer to plate was described in- plates are re-imageable.
cluding numerous examples of the technology in use; Figure 4.4-2 is the technological comparison of these
in this case the plates were produced off-line, that is, computer to press/direct imaging technologies with
outside the press. In this chapter, however, technolo- conventional platemaking outside the press as well as
gies and systems are depicted in which the plate is pro- with computer to press/computer to print technolo-
duced in-line, that is, inside the press. The data for the gies where no plate is required.
print job is used to generate the printing plate via a It is evident from the illustration that with the increas-
direct imaging process with the appropriate imaging ing degree of automation some special additional equip-
system and plate materials. ment is necessary inside the printing unit. In the case of
A summary of the computer to ... technologies is direct imaging with the once usable plate, the imaging
shown in figure 4.4-1 with special emphasis on com- unit must be installed inside the press; if a technology
puter to press/direct imaging variants. Described is the comes into play where a plate can be used several times,
type where the plate is produced directly in the press then additional erasing and preparation systems are

Fig. 4.4-1 Computer to ... Technologies

Specifications for Digital full page (full sheet)
the output device PostScript
Data File Image, graphics, text, multicolor
proof RIP Raster Image Processor
Computer to Press
Computer Computer
to Film to Plate
Direct Imaging Computer to Print
Film (with master) (masterless)
Once imageable Re-imageable
Films master master
Plate Plate Imaging
exposure imaging Imaging
Plate Surface (print per directly with
Plates Plates imaging imaging print) ink (print
Inking Inking per print)
Printing Printing Printing


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628 4 Computer to … Technologies

Computer to Plate Computer to Press

Direct Imaging Computer to Print
Fixed image (job by job) Variable image (print by print)
(e.g., Electrophotography)
Dampening Dampening
Inking Dampening Inking Imaging Inking Imaging Inking Imaging

Plate Re-imageable Imaging
(imaged surface (with surface
off-line) Plate Preparing (without
Cleaning capability) storage
(when Cleaning capability)
Blanket changing Blanket Erasing Erasing
the job) Cleaning
Paper Blanket
Blanket Cleaning

e.g., Offset Direct imaging Direct Imaging Computer to Print

with once imageable plate with re-imageable (with and without
plate/surface intermediate cylinder)
e.g., SM 52 e.g., Quickmaster DI e.g., DICOweb Litho e.g., DocuColor 40,
NexPress 2100

Fig. 4.4-2 Printing unit equipment in computer to press/direct imaging systems compared to off-line platemaking and computer to print

needed in addition to the imaging unit. The printing The method of function of this direct imaging press
process itself is not different, that is, direct imaging tech- is explained in figure 4.4-4.
nologies and systems can be realized in various printing It can be seen from the press diagram that an imag-
processes. ing unit has been installed instead of the dampening
So far direct imaging technology has been used in off- unit (the press works with waterless offset).
set printing; however, there are also attempts to employ Figure 4.4-4b shows how this imaging unit is
direct imaging in gravure printing. For screen printing arranged so it can be automatically shifted in the axial
simple single-color printing systems using direct im- direction on each printing unit. The imaging pro-
aging technology exist. These systems are described in cedure is effected with a revolving plate cylinder and an
detail in later sections. imaging system that moves axially. As can be seen in
figure 4.4-4c, several electrodes (16) have been
4.4.1 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging arranged in the circumferential direction, by means of
which the plate is imaged for the print job using the
with Removal of the Master for technology of spark erosion. In figure 4.4-4d the print-
each Print Job ed image is shown on the plate with the printed image Computer to Press/Direct Imaging on the blanket of the blanket cylinder in the offset
Printing Systems printing unit.
With the configuration shown here it was possible to
GTO-DI/Sparc achieve an addressability of 1016 dpi. Approximately
The first computer to press/direct imaging offset press twelve minutes were needed for imaging all four plates.
was launched on the market in 1991.The four-color sheet- The press is designed for format A3+ (two pages A4 per
fed offset press shown in figure 4.4-3 is a conventional off- plate, sheet alignment: “landscape format”). The time
set press in unit design based on a waterless offset printing required for imaging a print job including the neces-
process. Each printing unit of this press is equipped with sary wash-up processes after spark erosion was about
a digitally controlled system for in-line platemaking. twenty minutes. A precise color register is given from

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 629

Fig. 4.4-3
Four-color sheet-fed offset press with
direct imaging technology (GTO-DI/Sparc,

b c d

Fig. 4.4-4 Computer to press/direct imaging multicolor press.

a Press diagram for multicolor offset printing (waterless offset);
b Imaging system on the printing unit (spark erosion);
c Diagram of the imaging system with 16 imaging electrodes;
d Imaged plate on the plate cylinder (with printed image on the blanket of the blanket cylinder) (GTO-DI/Sparc, Heidelberg/Presstek)

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630 4 Computer to … Technologies

the very beginning through imaging in the press. Only

fine adjustments might be necessary if the image gets layer
out of register during the sheet pass due to the type of Counter- Ink-repelling Imaging
electrode layer electrodes
substrate or ink.
In figure 4.4-5 the imaging process is explained in
more depth. In a high-voltage field the plate is so
altered via the electrodes of the imaging head at the
ink-accepting points due to spark erosion that the ink-
accepting layer beneath the ink-repellent surface is laid
bare. Figures 4.4-5b and 4.4-5c are high magnifications
of the printed image. It can be seen that an irregular
dot shape arises through this process of erosion in the
high voltage area. In principle this does not need to be
of disadvantage in the multicolor halftone image,
though with sharp-edged structures in the printed im-
age there are clear deficiencies in comparison with the
usual high quality of offset printing.
This press technology was launched in 1991 at a time a
when the digitization of prepress with a link-up to the
print stage was still in its infancy. Some pioneering
printshops took advantage of the new direct imaging
technology and were successful in short-run color print-
ing capturing a new market segment for short/medium
print runs in relatively high quality and with short 1 mm
throughput times (“print on demand”). The classical
prepress was then no longer required in the printshop,
the print job could be done with digital data. This led
to shorter makeready, especially when printing in
waterless offset, and to the elimination of setup work
needed to attain an exact color register. b
As shown in figure 4.4-5 the print quality achieved
with the direct imaging technology of “spark erosion”
did not meet the high standards of offset printing qual-
ity, in which sharp-edged structures can be reproduced
and halftone dots have a defined reproducible shape. 1 mm

By using laser technology for creating plates a repro-
ducible, defined halftone dot can be generated, as well
as a higher resolution than with spark erosion, which
only achieves 1016 dpi. c
Laser technologies for imaging systems for each
printing unit were, of course, expensive at the initial Fig. 4.4-5
stage. Developments focused on the use of laser diodes Imaging of the offset printing plate (waterless offset) through spark
with a wavelength in the thermal range (about 830 nm) erosion.
together with newly developed plate coatings that en- a Imaging method;
b Detail of a multicolor print (60 lines per cm/1016 dpi);
abled very efficient laser exposure processes for heat- c Detail of a printed text (GTO-DI/Sparc, Heidelberg/Presstek)
ing and ablating the material for platemaking.
Figure 4.4-6 shows the laser system as it was used in
the direct imaging press illustrated in figure 4.4-3.

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 631

This system replaced imaging units based on spark Laser beam

erosion. (imaging)
The imaging system shown in figure 4.4-6 consists of
sixteen imaging modules arranged next to each other in Ink-accepting surface
the axial direction; they comprise a laser diode, optical Ink-repelling surface
fiber, and beam forming optics. The optics are focused << 1 1m Silicone layer
so that at a resolution of 1270 dpi, the pixel on the plate
has a diameter of about 30 µm. During the revolution
of the plate cylinder the imaging system is axially shift- ~3 1m
ed having a path that corresponds to the distance from
imaging optic to imaging optic. The great distance
between imaging modules requires shorter imaging
Heat absorbing layer 0.18 mm
travel in comparison to imaging systems using sparc Base (polyester)
erosion, where the writing elements are arranged in the
direction of turn. The connection from zone to zone in Plate cylinder
the image, however, requires an extremely precise ad-
justment mechanism/ procedure. Dot
As illustrated in figure 4.4-6a, in order to achieve the
approx. 30 1m
ablation procedure for imaging, the printing plate is
coated with a special heat-absorbing layer; this is heat-
ed up so intensively by the laser pulse that an evapora-
tion or ablation process is achieved with efficient ener- Fiber optics
gy transfer from the laser onto the material.
16 laser diodes
Figure 4.4-7 shows how much improvement in print- (approx. 1W
ing quality was achieved by laser imaging in compari- per diode)
son with spark erosion (fig. 4.4-5). The quality attained
is comparable with usual offset quality and as expect-
ed led to much greater acceptance and use of direct im-
aging technologies. Controller

b Digital data
QM DI 46-4
In 1995 the third generation of direct imaging presses
came onto the market, the Quickmaster DI (fig. 4.4-8). Optics
The press concept is based on a satellite design, in which Optical
four offset printing units transfer the printed image of fiber
the respective color separations on paper sheets to a
common impression cylinder; the sheets are held at the
impression cylinder by means of gripper systems.
Compared to the modular configuration (unit de- Laser
sign), the satellite design needs much less space, which
made installation easier and opened up new operational c
The printing process is waterless offset, and imaging Fig. 4.4-6
occurs by means of laser ablation. In contrast to the Laser technology for imaging the plate in computer to press/direct
concepts referred to above, in which the plate has to be imaging.
removed after the job and a new unimaged plate man- a Printing plate for waterless offset and imaging using the laser ab-
lation technique;
ually mounted by the operator on the plate cylinder to b Structure of the imaging system;
be imaged for the next job, the Quickmaster DI has a c Imaging unit with laser diodes, optical fiber, and beam forming op-
plate cylinder that contains a supply reel with plate ma- tics to generate the dot shape and size (on the quality test;
terial. After completion of a job the used plate material GTO-DI/Laser, Heidelberg/ Presstek)

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632 4 Computer to … Technologies

terial particles that are released from the plate surface

through thermal imaging.
The press was designed for sheet format A3+, format
orientation is “portrait,” that is, the long side of the
sheet travels in direction of the print. Imaging takes
Laser place at a cylinder revolution of about 4.4 revs/sec.
(maximum printing speed is 10000 sheets per hour).
This leads to a time requirement for producing the
plate for the new job together with the necessary clean-
ing process of about ten minutes at an addressability of
a 1270 dpi. The cassette with plate material is designed so
that there is enough capacity for thirty-five print jobs.
When the plate material has been used up the cassette
is replaced; the used material enters a recycling process.
Figure 4.4-9a shows a laser imaging system inside the
printing unit in the press; figure 4.4-9b is a shot of a
plate section made by laser ablation taken by a scanning
1 mm electron microscope. It can clearly be seen that the
halftone dot consists of individual pixels created
through laser ablation. The upper layer is the ink-re-
pelling silicone layer; the area that is bared inside the
dot form accepts ink. Because the dot size of the small-
est individual halftone dot is 30 µm imaging can also
b take place on the basis of frequency-modulated (FM)
screening. For a multi-beam imaging system this de-
mands a most precise level of adjustment and great sta-
bility in the individual imaging channels.
The components of a direct imaging system are shown
in figure 4.4-10b. The data for the job are transmitted to
1 mm the raster image processor (RIP), which is linked to the
control console. The bitmap with the color separations
of the desired screening and resolution generated in the
RIP controls the imaging unit in the digital multicolor
press. Simultaneously the plates in all four printing
c units are imaged. Now the printing of the job can begin
directly. As shown in figure 4.4-10a, the direct imaging
Fig. 4.4-7 Imaging the plate by means of laser ablation. press is the output system for a digital prepress, in which
a Imaging method; the job is completely digitally represented through vary-
b Detail of a multicolored print (60 lines/cm, 1270 dpi); ing input systems for text, image, and graphics by means
c Detail of a printed text (GTO-DI/Laser, Heidelberg) of page layout and imposition systems. The raster im-
age processor (RIP) then controls the press. Proofing of
the data file can occur in a preflight check, for instance,
on the color monitor of the direct imaging press (see al-
is automatically rolled up and an unused section is un- so fig. 3.2-73) or in connection with digital proofing
rolled from the supply reel and fastened on the plate equipment as is shown in figure 3.2-71. This proofing sys-
cylinder. Imaging for the next job can start without tem is based on the NIP technology of thermo-subli-
manual change of plate. It can be seen in figure 4.4-8 mation and generates an optimized color proof for the
that a wash-up device has been installed at the plate whole format through color management.
cylinder. The cleaning process (using a cloth saturated The pre-adjustment of the ink zones of the individual
in liquid) is necessary in order to eliminate the fine ma- inking units can be calculated from the print job data

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 633

Fig. 4.4-8 Quickmaster DI computer to press/direct imaging system for multicolor printing in waterless offset (QM DI 46-4, Heidelberg)

with a high degree of accuracy; these are automatical- format A2+ (four A4 pages per side of a printed sheet).
ly adjusted by remote control during the imaging The press concept is so designed that plates for water-
process taking into account press and process charac- less offset as well as conventional offset (dampening
teristics, and also supported once again by a color man- and inking up) can be used. The imaging unit is so in-
agement system. stalled in the printing unit that space is available for the
dampening unit, and allows for access to the printing
Direct Imaging Presses for Larger Sheet Formats unit, for instance, for cleaning or changing the plate. In
The direct imaging presses described above are de- figure 4.4-11 the imaging system in the press is based on
signed for the print format A3+ (two A4 pages per sheet laser technology; around 220 beams perform the
side). Presses with a larger format require either a more imaging simultaneously, while the imaging head moves
complicated imaging unit or they need more time to parallel to the axis of the plate cylinder. Imaging and
image the plates. Printing plates working in waterless cleaning requires approximately twelve minutes.
offset are more expensive compared to plates for con-
ventional offset; this also leads to higher production Dominant DI
costs for large print formats and short runs. In the be- In addition to Heidelberg other manufacturers have
ginning phases of direct imaging, digitization of the also launched products for computer to press/direct
print jobs was not so advanced that there were enough imaging technology on the market. Figure 4.4-12 shows
jobs in digital form to fully utilize a large-format press; a sheet-fed offset press in the format A2+ from ADAST
in addition, the data quality for the whole printed sheet (Czech Republic), which is also based on thermal laser
often revealed deficiencies that led to delays in produc- imaging technology (in accordance with fig. 4.4-6)
tion. The evolutionary development both in digitiza- using a waterless offset process.
tion and in the availability of high quality and inexpen-
sive components for constructing imaging systems in Further Concepts for Computer to Press/Direct
the last few years has caused direct imaging presses to Imaging Printing Systems
become both possible and attractive for larger formats.
Evolution of DI Technology. Computer to press/ direct
SM DI 74 imaging presses were already available in 1991, before
Figure 4.4-11 shows a multicolor offset press in modu- computer to plate systems became established on the
lar design together with a direct imaging system in the market. Computer to plate systems were offered in sev-

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634 4 Computer to … Technologies

Photo CD Scanner

Text Digital Camera Graphics

Quickmaster DI RIP

a Digital Proof

Direct Imaging

Color monitor
Post- Bitmap Operator multicolor
Script RIP console press
data DI-Controller Multi-
Raster color
image processor print
b Direct imaging printing system
Fig. 4.4-10 Computer to press/direct imaging printing system.
Fig. 4.4-9 Laser imaging with computer to press/direct imaging. a Digital job preparation and direct imaging printing system in the
a Imaging system in accordance with the printing unit diagram in digital workflow;
figure 4.4-8; b System components of the direct imaging multicolor printing sys-
b Detail of a plate after imaging using the laser ablation technique tem (QM DI 46-4, Heidelberg)
(QM DI 46-4, Heidelberg/Presstek)

eral variations from about 1993 and installations began dated and installations increased all over the world.
in prepress; however, it took until 1995 before one could Small printshops were founded based on this press
really talk about penetration into the graphic industry. technology such as prepress companies that integrated
This was accompanied by the introduction of high- the technology so as to extend their service offer in the
performance systems for various print formats as well direction of print media production. After ADAST,
as the development of economically feasible and effi- which came on the market in 1996, other press manu-
cient imaging systems and adequate plates that could facturers appeared with additional offers of direct im-
be exposed by means of thermal imaging. aging systems.
With the introduction of the direct imaging press
Quickmaster DI in 1995 based on the experience with More Recent Concepts. In 1997 KBA in cooperation
two previous models, GTO-DI/Sparc (spark erosion) with Scitex presented their direct imaging press
and GTO-DI/Laser, practical experience was consoli- 74 Karat for the format A2+. Then in 1998 the com-

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 635

Fig. 4.4-11
Computer to press/direct imaging multicolor printing press (straight printing and perfecting) with laser imaging system for conventional and
waterless offset; scanning imaging head of 220 laser beams, thermal (830 nm) (Speedmaster DI 74-6, Heidelberg)

printshops want to employ direct imaging technology,

to be able to exploit the advantages of generating plates
within the press with direct data link-up to prepress.
Further models will follow.
In the following, the three newer press concepts are
explained. All the presses are based on offset technology;
from a technological point of view there is the attempt
to reduce the number of imaging systems for produc-
ing plates for the four-color separations; this is through
the design of printing units and dimensioning of cylin-
ders. Additionally the handling of the press should be
designed to be as simple as possible through inking unit
concepts and automatic plate loading and ejection.
Fig. 4.4-12
Computer to press/direct imaging printing press for waterless off-
74 Karat
set (Dominant 745C PDI, ADAST/Presstek) Figure 4.4-13 shows the operating console near the de-
livery of the direct imaging press 74 Karat. Each plate
cylinder of the press can take up two plates, and inking
is performed by a keyless short inking unit in waterless
puter to press/direct imaging four-color press True- offset (fig. 4.4-14). The technical details are described
Press 544 (format: A3+) was presented by Screen and in in the following.
1999 this was followed by a press with a similar design, It can be seen from the press diagram in figure 4.4-14
the TruePress 742 (two-color printing for the A2+ for- that only two plate cylinders are used for four-color
mat range). The three presses mentioned above are in printing. Two plates are mounted on each of the dou-
fact in their introductory phase, they nevertheless ble-sized plate cylinders. The two plates are imaged
clearly confirm and underline the trend that with the desired image using only one laser system in a

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636 4 Computer to … Technologies

laser ablation process. Printing is effected in waterless

offset. The keyless inking unit consists of an anilox
roller and chambered doctor blade system; adjustment
of the ink zones is not possible, which places greater de-
mands on the quality of the original and color match-
ing. Through adequate temperature control of the ink
form rollers, it is possible to influence the entire ink
film thickness slightly. As is shown in figure 4.4-14 the
color separations for yellow, cyan, magenta, and black
are transferred to the two double diameter blanket
cylinders. The plates on each plate cylinder are inked
by alternately engaging the two ink form rollers. For ex-
ample, the cyan form roller is engaged for the first plate
when the second plate comes in, the cyan inking unit
Fig. 4.4-13 is disengaged and the ink form roller for yellow is en-
Computer to press/direct imaging four-color press (waterless offset) gaged.
with keyless inking unit and two printing plates per plate cylinder The short inking unit shown (short ink train, only
(74 Karat, KBA/Scitex) two rollers) has the advantage that it can react quickly,
which means in principle that there is a better control
of the start-up (makeready) waste. The ink supply takes

Plate loading from

Blanket Plate cylinder the cassette
Chain delivery cylinder Imaging unit for 2 printing plates
Keyless inking unit
“Gravuflow” (with ink
cartridge, chambered
Y doctor blade, anilox roller,
one ink form roller)
+ Color: yellow
+ C
+ Inking unit
+ Color: cyan
Plate ejection
Delivery +
Plate loading
Ink cartridge
M Inking unit
Feeder pile + Color: magenta
Inking unit
K Color: black
Plate ejection

Suction belt Impression cylinder Blanket Plate cleaning

feeder with 3 gripper systems cleaning

Fig. 4.4-14
Computer to press/direct imaging printing system with two printing plates per plate cylinder (74 Karat, KBA/Scitex, diagram based on var-
ious sources, status: 1999)

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 637

place via ink cartridges similar to the ones used in con- imaged through thermal laser ablation; similar plate
ventional sheet offset presses. material is used to that used in the direct imaging
The imaging system of the direct imaging press presses described above.
74 Karat presented in 1997 is a laser system moving ax- The direct imaging press 74 Karat has an output of
ially and having thirty-two beams; imaging can range 10000 sheets (max. A2+) per hour. The time from the
from 1524 to 3556 dpi (600 dpcm and 1400 dpcm; dpcm: beginning of plate imaging with 1524 dpi to print-
dots per cm). A resolution of 1524 dpi (600 dpcm) is ing/paper run takes about 15 minutes. A print run of
typical. In the case of very high resolutions for repro- 1000 sheets is thus completed in about 30 minutes on
ducing very fine details, a resolution of 2540 dpi the basis of ripped data.
(1000 dpcm) is used. The press is designed for A2+
(four-page) format. The sheets pass through the press TruePress 544
in “landscape form”, that is, the long side of the sheet The TruePress 544 from Dainippon Screen (Screen, for
lies in the axial direction of the cylinder groups, the short) is based on a concept where all four color sep-
short side of the sheet moves in the direction of print, arations for offset multicolor printing are generated
which is generally the normal constellation with larger with a single laser imaging device.
format presses. As shown in figure 4.4-8 the direct As shown in the diagram of figure 4.4-15, imaging at
imaging press for A3+ format, the Quickmaster DI, a separate station is carried out inside the press for each
prints format A3+ with the sheet passing through in of the two plate cylinders. To do this the plate cylinder
“portrait”, that is, the short side of the sheet is in the is separated from the blanket cylinder and automati-
axial direction to the cylinder and the sheet pass occurs cally positioned in the imaging station. At this station
in the longitudinal direction of print; this results in the plate material is fed into the clamping system of the
more favorable, larger diameters of cylinders for small plate cylinder from a supply roll. The length of plate
formats, and permits a more efficient laser imaging sys- and the diameter of the plate cylinder are matched in
tem that stretches over the entire page width. such a way that two color separations fit onto one plate.
In the diagram shown in figure 4.4-14 it is illustrated The plate material is based on polyester having a light-
that plate loading and ejection are carried out auto- sensitive layer for the wavelength of approximately
matically by means of cassette systems. The plates are 633 nm; this requires special wet-chemical develop-

ROS laser Plate material

system + Plate imaging station
Plate removal Developing unit
Cylinder guidance + Magenta
Printing unit 1
Printing unit 2 2 color separations
2 color separations + + on one plate
on one plate
Yellow Dampening
Blanket cylinder +
Transfer unit
+ +
after 2 revolutions
Delivery Feeder
Perfector for
2/2 perfecting

Fig. 4.4-15
Computer to press/direct imaging four-color offset press with two color separations per plate cylinder/printing plate and a central plate
imaging station in the press (TruePress 544, Screen; diagram based on various sources, status: 1999)

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638 4 Computer to … Technologies

ment after exposure. The plate material is cut off the

supply reel and clamped onto the plate cylinder, then
it is imaged using a ROS (raster output scanner; see fig.
5.2-5) laser imaging system. This system images the
plate line by line via a fast-turning polygon mirror as
the cylinder rotates. The laser imaging can have a res-
olution of 1000 to 3000 dpi. After imaging, the plate is
wet-chemically processed in a developing unit which is
moved into the imaging station (see fig. 4.4-15).
Subsequently the plate cylinder is automatically
moved to printing position; the second cylinder is
moved into the imaging and developing station for the
plate exposure for printing the two other color separa-
tions. In an automated process the used plate is re-
moved from the imaging station and a new unused
plate section is cut off the roll and automatically Fig. 4.4-16
Computer to press/direct imaging two-color offset press (with a
printing unit similar to the printing unit 2 in the system shown in fig.
Printing is done in conventional offset. Each of the 4.4-15) (TruePress 742, Screen; status: 1999)
two plate cylinders needs only one dampening unit for
dampening the one plate with the two color separa-
tions; there must be a controlled engagement and dis-
engagement of inking units. agram, above) shows a sheet-fed press for perfecting
The press is designed for A3+ (two-page) format. without sheet reversal. Here, there are two levels, each
Production speed is 4000 sheets per hour for four-col- having five offset printing units – five units for multi-
or printing. (If the same master is used in both print- color printing on the top side of the sheet and five for
ing units), 8000 sheets per hour can be printed in two- multicolor printing on the reverse side. The plate cylin-
color. Set-up time from the beginning of imaging to ders are equipped for laser imaging similar to that car-
printing is stated as being about 25 minutes. A device ried out with the Quickmaster DI (fig. 4.4-8). The plate
for perfecting is planned (two colors per sheet side). material is on reels inside the plate cylinders and im-
This press was presented on the market at the end of aging is carried out by means of a multibeam laser sys-
1998. tem moving axially. Plates for conventional offset are
used, that is the plates are inked using dampening and
TruePress 742 inking units.
At the end of 1999, Screen presented a further comput-
er to press/direct imaging press (fig. 4.4-16). This press Expansion and Comparison of Systems
is designed for two-color printing in A2+ (four-page) As has become clear from the preceding explanations,
format. The concept for the press will be similar to the 1991 was the start of an evolutionary development in
one shown in figure 4.4-15. For two-color printing only computer to press/direct imaging printing systems.
one cylinder group is required, similar to printing unit These systems are already in widespread use in numer-
2 in figure 4.4-15. The imaging unit is aimed directly at ous companies with varying portfolios of printed prod-
this plate cylinder and the wet-chemical developing ucts. Several press models are offered, new types have
system is arranged underneath the cylinder. Imaging is been announced and others are set to follow. The press-
done with a resolution of 1200 or 2400 dpi at a print- es are focused on multicolor printing in higher quality.
ing speed of 8000 sheets per hour. Print formats mainly still focus on A3+ (two-page) for-
mats. Presses for the larger A2+ (four-page) formats are
Jprint DI still in their infancy and they will be used more and
More recent announcements in the market indicate more in connection with the ever expanding technolo-
that computer to press/direct imaging techniques are gy of prepress to image jobs in digital form.
set to be used more and more with sheet-fed presses for With the exception of TruePress from Screen, with
four-color and multicolor perfecting. Figure 4.4-17 (di- computer to press/direct imaging, thermally imaged

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 639

Printing plate material

Laser imaging system

Fig. 4.4-17
Direct imaging multicolor sheet-fed offset
press for printing both sides (perfecting)
with laser imaging (Jprint DI, Akiyama/
Presstek; announced: September 1999)

plates are used that, for the most part, work with wa- greater than 300 copies in addition to the better print-
terless offset processes. However, thermal plates for con- ing quality resulting from the printing process).
ventional offset printing are also available. Although direct imaging presses are mainly used for
Multi-functionality of the printing system is partic- short to medium print runs, the available plate mate-
ularly important in the case of larger format presses, rials permit print runs of up to about 20000 copies.
where the investment costs are correspondingly high- This feature increases the flexibility of computer to
er. This means that the press design must enable both press/direct imaging systems.
conventional and waterless offset and must also be able
to use plates that can be produced off-line by means of New Types of Plates for Direct Imaging
computer to plate or conventional platemaking meth- The development of further computer to press/direct
ods. This ensures an economically efficient employ- imaging printing systems goes hand in hand with the
ment of high-grade capital goods such as a large-size availability of innovative plate systems offering easy
multicolor offset press. handling during imaging that are also less expensive
Table 4.4-1 gives an overview of the technical specifi- (see also sec. 4.3.9). With thermal plates, where the ink-
cations for the printing systems described above that accepting (oleophilic) layer is stripped by laser ablation
are already available on the market, or that are in and for which no chemical developing is required, yet
launch or field test phases. where the fine, loosened particles resulting from this
Due to the expenditure required for laser and imag- thermal ablation process have to be cleaned off, clean-
ing technology in each printing unit in a multicolor ing is carried out using a liquid with plate contact.
press equipped with laser imaging technology, the Nowadays, times required for cleaning and for imaging
manufacturers are concentrating on the development are about the same. Special efforts should therefore fo-
of small- and medium-format presses (format range: cus on the development of plate materials where the
A3+, A2+). These printing systems are designed for the cleaning process can be considerably shortened or even
production of short print runs (medium run length eliminated.
typically of about 1000 prints, cost comparisons with Asahi Chemical Industry has announced the devel-
computer to print systems are favorable for job sizes opment of such a plate. The principle of this new plate

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640 4 Computer to … Technologies

GTO-DI/Laser QM DI 46-4 Dominant DI 74 Karat SM DI 74 TruePress 544

(Heidelberg) (Heidelberg) (Adast) (KBA/Scitex) (Heidelberg) (Screen)

Format/Orientation A3+/landscape A3+/portrait A2+/landscape A2+/landscape A2+/landscape A3+/landscape

Printing speed 4000
(sheets/h) 8000 10 000 10000 10000 15000 (8000, 2 colors)
Offset process waterless waterless waterless waterless conventional conventional
(and waterless)
Press design unit design Satellit unit design 2 plates/ unit design 2 plates/pl.cyl.
(number of (4–5) (4) (4–5) plate cylinder (4–6), perfecting perfecting 2/2
printing units) 1/4 or 2/4
Inking unit conventional conventional conventional keyless conventional conventional
(ink fountain zones) (16) (12) (20) (“Gravuflow”) (23) (12)
Plate base material Aluminum Polyester Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Polyester
Resolution (dpi) 1270 1270/2540 1016/2540 1542–3556 up to 2400 up to 3000
Pixel size on plate ∆ approx. 30 1m ∆ approx. 30 1m ∆ approx. 30 1m ∆ approx. 10 1m approx. ∆ approx. 12 1m
up to 24 1m 11 1m ¥ 11 1m
Imaging system 16 IR laser 16 IR laser 32 IR laser 32 Beam IR 220 Beam IR ROS: laser beam
diodes diodes diodes laser scanning laser scanning scanning
(large width (large width (large width head head system (633 nm)
array) array) array)
Plates ready
for print in: approx. 20 min. approx. 10 min. approx. 20 min. approx. 15 min. approx. 12 min. approx. 24 min.
On the market since 1993 [to replace 1995 [to replace (1996), 1997 (1997/2000) (1998), 1999 (1998/2000)
(presentation/ GTO-DI/Sparc] GTO-DI]
launch in):

Table 4.4.-1 Comparison of computer to press/direct imaging printing systems for multicolor sheet-fed offset printing (status: 1999)

type is shown in figure 4.4-18. The plate is coated with safer and friendlier to the environment and resources.
a material system in which microcapsules are embedded In total this leads to a better cost structure and success
in a polymer. When imaged using infra-red radiation for all partners in the printing industry, especially for
these microcapsules release a substance that triggers a the users of print media.
chemical process. The areas of the offset plate imaged This brief discussion about plate materials also leads
in this way change their surface property from ink-re- us to the topic of computer to press/direct imaging
pelling to ink-accepting (see also table 4.3-10). with re-imageable plates or surface systems. This should
This and similar plate concepts will certainly con- make it possible to prepare the subsequent job without
tribute to the expansion of direct imaging printing sys- changing the plate. To do this the previous printing
tems. They will naturally also positively influence the image would have to be erased and the neutralized sur-
use of computer to plate equipment for digital pro- face imaged with the information for the next print job.
duction (off-line) of plates by avoiding chemical and As was described before, this should take place without
mechanical cleaning processes. The development and any additional cleaning. Concepts referring to this
supply of “truly processless” plates, where neither devel- method are described in the following section 4.4.2.
opment nor separate cleaning is necessary, is a chal-
lenge for plate manufacturers and at the same time a Direct Imaging for Screen Printing
requirement of printing companies. This is because the The computer to press/direct imaging printing systems
setup times for production of the print runs become described previously focused on offset printing. This
shorter with these plates, and the production process is was for technological and economic reasons. On the

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 641

technologies. Printing systems based on this are avail-

1. Neutral plate: hydrophilic across the entire surface able nowadays on the market for single-color printing
Polymer with embedded and for printing in special colors (spot colors).
oleophilic microcapsules Processes and printing systems are shown in figure
and light absorber 4.4-19. The stencil material is kept on rolls inside the
press and is imaged by a thermal imaging head. Open-
ings are burned into the stencil material in accordance
with the image. Nowadays, there are thermal imaging
systems available for this with which the image carri-
Base (e.g., aluminum) er/stencil can be imaged across the whole width of the
page (e.g., 310 mm) with a resolution of 600 dpi. The
attainable quality for single-color prints is very high,
2. Imaging: IR laser destroys the microcapsules thermally, yet these systems are not in use for high quality multi-
the surface becomes ink accepting color prints. For prints with special colors, cartridges
IR (830 nm) containing the respective ink are used. The printing
Hydrophilic Oleophilic process described in figure 4.4-19 is a direct imaging ro-
tary screen printing process. The thermally imaged
stencil is automatically mounted on a cylinder
(screen). The ink is fed from the interior of the cylin-
der through the openings of the stencil onto the sub-
strate (see also sec. Ink feeding takes place via
3. Offset printing Printing systems for the A3+ (two-page) format are
Ink Dampening solution available (fig. 4.4-20b). Printing speeds are about 60
A3 sheets per minute. Several special color tones are
offered. Printing systems for halftone multicolor
printing in high quality are not yet available. For im-
printing one or several special colors, the whole screen
printing unit is generally exchanged. Additional infor-
mation or creative image elements are imprinted in
Fig. 4.4-18 the special color during a new sheet pass of the
Functional principle of a processless thermal offset plate for com- preprinted sheets. Figure 4.4-20a shows a direct imag-
puter to plate or direct imaging printing systems (Thermal CTP, Asahi ing screen printing system in a workflow for generat-
Chemical Industry) ing printed products.

4.4.2 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging

technical side this has to do with the quality require-
Printing Systems with Re-imageable
ments for multicolor printing and with the fact that the Master
provision of plates for computer to plate systems is fo- The flowchart in figure 4.4-21 describes the sequence
cused on offset printing technologies (applications for for processing several print jobs when the surfaces of
flexographic and gravure printing are in preparation). the plates used permit a permanent storage of the image
The profitability of these digitally imageable plates goes which is erased again after completion of the job, that is,
hand in hand with the propagation of digitally image- neutralizing the plate and re-imaging it for the next job.
able plates in offset printing. This leads to a corre- Figure 4.4-21 also shows a comparison with comput-
spondingly large market volume and thus to a reduc- er to press/direct imaging where the plate has to be re-
tion of manufacturing costs. placed after each print job. It also shows the contrast to
It was about 1988 when systems (so-called stencil computer to print where the master (e.g., electropho-
printers) were first introduced by RISO from Japan, in tography) must be imaged again after the printing of
which the stencil is produced using direct imaging each sheet.

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642 4 Computer to … Technologies

Flowchart for Image process diagram

generating a master Picture/text
Thermal Image
processing data
head Enlarged/
control compen-
reduced sation
in scale
Perforating area
Imaging head Feed rollers

roller Printing unit
material roll Plate (stencil) Scanner Scanning area
for screen
a printing b

Ink distributor system Ink supply

Wiper roller
Ink distributor


Drum (screen)
with printing
plate (stencil)
c Pressure roller d e

Fig. 4.4-19 System concept and functional components for computer to press/direct imaging screen printing systems.
a Concept of direct imaging screen printing system (stencil printer) as per fig. 4.4-20;
b Fiber structure of the stencil material;
c Principle of rotary screen printing;
d Design structure of the printing unit (ink drum);
e Ink cartridges (RISO)

The fascination of computer to press/direct imaging tical prints are to be produced. This can lead to more
with re-imageable masters is that material consump- or less visible fluctuations in the printing quality from
tion is reduced, change-over times and workflow from one print to another.
one job to another could be shortened and, at the same Figure 4.4-22 shows a further illustration for com-
time, an identical master is available for the entire parison of the computer to press process variants to-
print run ensuring consistent printing quality. For gether with an evaluation regarding efficiency, quality,
computer to print systems based on non-impact print- and typical fields of application. This comparison
ing technologies with imaging surfaces, the image refers to relatively early attempts and first ideas for di-
must be newly generated for each print, even if iden- rect imaging technologies with image carriers which,

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 643

PC or Macintosh again be obtained by physico-chemical effects. The in-

Computer terfacial physical transition now takes place, for exam-
ple, from the oleophilic (ink-accepting) state back to
the oleophobic (ink-repelling and accepting dampen-
RIP ing solution) initial state. Thus the conversion process-
Digital printer
es must be reversible. The surface properties must be
switchable. At the same time, other materials instead of
a Proof printer
polymers can be used and the term “switchable poly-
mer” can therefore be misleading.
Material properties determine this erasing, re-imag-
ing, and storing behavior of the material, yet they also
determine the useful life of a printed image for the pro-
duction run as well as the number of possible cycles for
deleting and re-imaging the material.
It should be pointed out that the material properties
and the imaging system must be coordinated, that is,
the physico-chemical processes within the plate are re-
leased by different physical effects when imaging. Ther-
mal, electric, or ionographic imaging can therefore take
place, but so can a multistage process with application
of material such as the thermo-sublimation of certain
inks on the plate or application of material via an ink
jet system and subsequent image fixing.
Fig. 4.4-20 Computer to press/direct imaging in screen printing.
Given this background, it is possible to distinguish
a Workflow;
b Printing system (Risograph GR 3770, RISO) between processes, materials, and imaging systems
where the master is either imaged by application/re-
moval of material, or without application of material
solely via interfacial physico-chemical effects with re-
on the one hand, have storing characteristics for the versible deletability and rewritability.
printed image and, on the other, can be deleted. In the So far (early in 2000) there is no system for comput-
following section the processes are described in detail. er to press/direct imaging with a re-imageable plate on
Additional variants and possibilities are detailed. the market/used in practice. However, intensive re-
The term “switchable polymer” is frequently used in search and development is being carried out. Published
connection with re-imageable plates. This term is ex- patent applications clearly indicate this, individual
plained in figure 4.4-23. “Switchable” refers to the fact technology presentations from laboratories have been
that the surface properties of a material can be switched published, and contributions in meetings confirm this
from one state to the other for printing. In reference to (e.g., [4.4-1 to 4.4-3]).
the offset technology, this means that a surface that in
its basic state is water-accepting, hydrophilic, and as Concepts for Re-imageable Masters with
such ink-repelling (oleophobic) can, for example, be Material Application/Ablation
“switched” into another state in respect of its interfa-
cial physical characteristics by certain physico-chemi- Offset Platemaking by Means of Thermal Transfer
cal influences. The oleophobic surface is turned into an
oleophilic surface, that is, ink-accepting surface. The DICOweb Litho. Figure 4.4-24 shows how a plate suit-
vital point is that this state is permanently stored in the able for offset printing is fused on the metallic surface
material and the entire print run can be produced with of a plate cylinder by thermally transferring a suitable
the same quality without any visible disturbances in the polymer. The polymer material, stored on a roll, is
printed image. The printed image of the plate can be fused on the metallic cylinder surface by a thermal laser
deleted after completion of the job, that is, it can be to create the image via laser ablation (fig. 4.4-24a).
brought back to the original. This erasing process can Depending on the laser imaging head, the image can be

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644 4 Computer to … Technologies

Fig. 4.4-21
Properties of the printing plate/master and Re-imageable master/ Re-imageable surface
process stages with computer to press/ Once imageable
surface (with (without storage
direct imaging and computer to print tech- master
storage capability) capability)

Job selection

Page to print
(data file)

Plate Erasing Imaging Computer to Print

change the image the surface

Direct Imaging a sheet

Permanent image Image on the

on the master master is lost

Next sheet

Printing the Next job

Entire job
entire job
Next job

burned in, e.g., by 64 beams simultaneously, at a reso- The difficulties here are the basic material properties
lution of up to 2400 dpi. While the cylinder rotates, the of the base cylinder required for offset printing, the sta-
plate is imaged across the entire press width through bility and quality of the ink-accepting surface areas that
axial shifting of the imaging system and the storage are thermally transferred to the base cylinder, and the
unit for the polymer material (width of the ribbon ma- additional equipment needed within the offset print-
terial about 15 mm). ing unit.
After the imaging process the material is fixed on the Figure 4.4-25b shows a two-stage thermal transfer
cylinder by supplying heat (e.g., hot air, 150°C). process for comparison with the process (direct ther-
One such master (imaged plate cylinder surface) is mal transfer) described above where the imaging
used in the printing unit illustrated in figure 4.4-24b process takes place inside the press (fig. 4.4-25a). In this
where the image is printed in a web offset process case the transfer material is imaged in a special imag-
(dampening and inking via the blanket cylinder) on ing system and several jobs can be prepared one after
the paper web. the other on the roll material (similar to computer to
After the print job is completed the ink-accepting film equipment using internal drum or capstan image-
polymer material is removed from the cylinder sur- setter design). The material roll with the prepared im-
face in a chemical and mechanical cleaning process. Af- age(s) can now be stored in the press on a cassette and
ter this cleaning process the water-accepting/hy- thermally transferred onto the metal surface of the
drophilic base cylinder is neutralized and ready for neutral plate cylinder. This means that the press only
imaging the next job. needs a cylinder-wide heat source for material transfer

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 645

Fig. 4.4-22
Printing plates/surfaces with varying stor- Job
age capabilities and visibility of the image (sheet/page to print)
on the plate/master for computer to press (data file)

Imaging system


Permanent image Re-imageable surface

(job-specific) (job-independent)

Permanent image Lost image

(erasable) (after the printing process)
Permanent fixed,
visible image Visible Latent Latent
on the master image image image

Inking Inking Inking

Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate

image (visible) image image
(blanket cylinder) (visible) (visible)

Print Print Print

Example Offset – Ferroelectric material – Electrophoto-

– Material application graphy (Photo-
through thermal transfer conductor drum)
– Ink jet imaging – Ink jet
Imaging speed medium medium high

Printing speed high high low/medium

Printing quality very high medium/high medium/high

Image content fixed fixed variable

per printed sheet
Run length medium/high medium low/medium
Computer to…
Technology Computer to Press/Direct Imaging Computer to Print

as opposed to the laser system required for the direct press using a special module, yet off-line imaging
thermal transfer. The corresponding fusing/fixing and would probably be more advantageous.)
cleaning units are illustrated in figure 4.4-24a. (In prin- Figure 4.4-25c shows the diagrammatic view of a test
ciple the transfer material can be imaged inside the installation in which both thermal transfer processes

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646 4 Computer to … Technologies

Fig. 4.4-23
“Switchable Polymer”, change of the inter- State 1: Physico-chemical
facial physical properties of the plate sur- e.g., oleophobic reaction for
face by reversible “switching” by means of (ink-repellent) imaging or erasing
adapted imaging and erasing systems for
offset printing e.g., polymer
(carrying the image)

State 2:
“Switchable Polymer”
Base material (reversible!)
(e.g., polyester)
Note: in principle possible for
conventional and waterless offset

are tested and further developed. This diagram corre- ing cell depths, that is, varying filling volumes, several
sponds to the printing system shown in figure 4.1-6 for tone values per pixel can be generated, which enables a
the technology presentation in 1995 of the DICOweb correspondingly higher quality in the color image.
Litho system (Digital Change-Over for lithographic, To erase the image on the gravure cylinder a high pres-
offset printing technology) from MAN Roland. sure water jet (fig. 4.4-26a) is used that washes out the
polymer from the cells. The base structure of the
Gravure Cylinder Production through Ablation gravure cylinder is revealed again and the polymer for
imaging the next print job can be applied again by the
DICOweb Gravure. As described in sections and filling equipment.
2.2.1, in the gravure printing process the ink fills cells that The technical realization of such a printing unit is
are engraved into the gravure cylinder in accordance with shown in figure 4.4-26b. The basic components include
the image and is then transferred onto the paper by a polymer filling system, a thermal laser imaging unit,
means of the impression roller/cylinder. In contrast to a chambered doctor blade system to supply the ink, and
offset presses the printing unit technology of rotogravure a device for erasing the image by means of a high pres-
presses is of a relatively simple design, yet the manufac- sure water jet. The gravure printing process in the ex-
ture of the gravure cylinder is time-consuming and cost- ample shown is an indirect gravure printing process
intensive. The attainable printing quality is of a very high where the image is transferred to the web via a transfer
standard. In particular the high manufacturing costs for cylinder (with rubber coating).
gravure cylinders explain why gravure printing is only As in the case of the DICOweb Litho, the DICOweb
used for very long print runs (in the range of millions). Gravure test installation was presented to the public in
Figure 4.4-26 shows a technology that might also 1995. The printing system and press diagram are illus-
make gravure printing profitable for shorter runs and trated in figure 4.4-27.
enable practical computer to press/direct imaging sys-
tems for gravure printing. Platemaking by Applying Material
Figure 4.4-26a shows how a polymer is filled into an in an Ink Jet Process
evenly engraved gravure cylinder (e.g., with 70 cells per An obvious approach is to coat an uncoated aluminum
cm, or 178 dpi, which means a cell spacing of about 140 offset plate (as used in conventional offset) with ink-ac-
µm). A blade is used to attain an even surface with bared cepting image segments using a non-impact imaging
cell walls. The polymer hardens in the cells and is partly system. A possible solution is ink jet systems using a
evaporated in accordance with the printing image using special ink such as a hot-melt ink suitable for offset
a thermal laser. Smaller cells of varying volume originate printing. In the ink jet process this ink is applied to the
within the given cell structure. Resolutions of about 1200 hydrophilic, electrolytically oxidized surface of the off-
dpi can be achieved with this method; due to the vary- set plate for imaging. The cooled ink cures on the plate

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 647

Fig. 4.4-24
Erasing Imaging Fixing
Computer to press/direct imaging offset
with re-imageable plate. Plate cylinder Refined steel
a Stages in the process: erasing, imaging, Alkaline, base surface (very
fixing; water-based smooth)
b Web offset printing unit with compo- cleaning fluid
nents for imaging and erasing the plate Heating
(DICOweb Litho, MAN Roland) element
Transfer (hot air
+ ribbon or inductive)

IR laser
(heating up
+ 1504C for a
short period)
Cleaning cloth

surface Ink-accepting Heat-insulating
polymer layer

Impression Print Calibration

Printing substrate

Fixing Metallic sleeve

Plate Laser
Erasing cylinder

e.g., 64 beams,
830 nm,
Dampening up to 2400 dpi
unit Inking unit

surface. In order to achieve more stability and longer ink jet imaging means that the offset printing unit is
running times, it might need to be fixed through heat- equipped with this sort of system.
ing or other physico-chemical processes. Setting up such a direct imaging system with re-use-
Section 4.3 also dealt with computer to plate systems able plates means that the ink-accepting layer must be re-
based on ink jet processes. Such a system, where offset moved from the plate after completion of the print job.
plates are made off-line, is illustrated in figure 4.4-28. The basic difficulties in implementing this include de-
Computer to press/direct imaging systems based on veloping a system with which the surface can be cleaned

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Fig. 4.4-25
Imaging systems for computer to press/di-
rect imaging with re-imageable offset plate
a Principle of thermal transfer of ink-
accepting material to the metal cylinder
and printing unit diagram of a lab proto-
b Principle for two-stage thermal transfer
with external imaging on webs with subse-
quent in-line transfer to the plate cylinder
for offset printing and diagram of the print-
ing unit of a lab prototype;
c Schematic drawing of the test press (lab
prototype) in accordance with fig. 4.1-6 a
(DICOweb Litho, MAN Roland; status: 1995)

Blanket-to-blanket unit
Individual printing units Chill Rollers

Reel stand Dryer Sheeter


economically. At the same time the hydrophilic, water- Platemaking with Magnetography
accepting properties of the plate base must remain intact. and Toner Application
It is to be expected that research and development Magnetography as a variant of the non-impact print-
efforts will involve the development of new types of ing technologies is described in section 5.4. Here, a
ink jet inks and plate surfaces suitable for offset, to magnetic pattern is applied to the imaging cylinder in
bring this technology closer to reality. accordance with the image. The magnetic fields at-

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 649

Fig. 4.4-26
Computer to press/direct imaging gravure Water Evenly engraved
printing system. Erasing gravure sleeve
a Stages in the process: erasing, filling,
and imaging;
b Printing unit for indirect gravure printing
with erasing and imaging systems
(DICOweb Gravure, MAN Roland)
Polymer Filling Blade

IR laser approx. 16 tone

values per cell,
140 µm Imaging 1200 dpi

Substrate Calibration

Transfer Network
Blanket cylinder

Engraved sleeve
doctor Laser
blade) Gravure


tract ferrous magnetic powder toner particles via a not yet been put into action, since the circumference
special inking unit, and the particles are then trans- of the imaging cylinder is generally smaller than the
ferred onto the paper. In principle the magnetogra- image-length, but above all because the magnetic pat-
phy imaging drum is capable of storing a magnetic tern is not sufficiently stable to ensure constant print
pattern generated on the surface so that images with quality.
the same image content can be printed on paper with- Figure 4.4-29 shows a concept of generating a plate
out re-imaging. In working practice this variation has suitable for offset printing on the basis of the imaging

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Fig. 4.4-27
Lab prototype for computer to press/direct
imaging gravure printing system with
re-imageable master (DICOweb Gravure,
MAN Roland)

CTP Dryer Web

Reel stand printing unit monitoring unit Sheeter

cylinder with its hard metallic surface. The magneto-

graphical imaging occurs via an imaging system with
micro-magnet heads (fig. 4.4-29a). Then the magnet-
ic toner is applied, which is fused in order to attain a
permanent image. The materials on the imaging
cylinder surface and the fused toner have to be con-
ditioned so that they are suitable for offset printing,
that is, the image is transferred via the blanket cylin-
der onto the paper using dampening solution and ink-
ing up with offset inks. The illustration does not in-
clude the cleaning equipment, which must basically
consist of mechanical and chemical cleaning compo-
nents in order to remove the fused toner. Nipson, a
leading company in magnetographic printing, calls
this concept/technology “Magnetolithography.” Figure
4.4-29b shows the individual process stages as they
occur in a direct imaging offset press (the erasing
process is not included). This approach has so far got
no further than the laboratory phase, although aware-
ness of it has increased through reports at technical
Fig. 4.4-28 conferences.
Computer to plate equipment for making an offset plate with ink jet
imaging technology (IRIS 2 Plate, Scitex/IRIS)
Generating Re-imageable Offset Printing Plates
using Photo-Electrolytic Effects
Figure 4.4-30 shows a schematic diagram of a photo-
electrolytic platemaking process of an offset plate.

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4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 651

Inking unit
Blanket cylinder

Digital data for

Dampening printing image
Imaging Offset
system printing
Image cylinder Hydrophilic Developed Dampening
Latent image on
Oleophilic image cylinder
Imaging Blanket cylinder
based on
magnetography Toner application Fuser (thermal) Printed image
a b

Fig. 4.4-29 Magnetolithography: concept for imaging an offset plate through magnetic fields, powder toner, and heat fusing.
a Principle for platemaking (erasing system is not shown);
b Block diagram for a direct imaging system with magnetolithography (NIPSON)

The plate cylinder is coated with nickel oxide. This the semi-conductor effects and in the system for the
nickel oxide has semiconductor properties and be- electrolyte application and the imaging.
comes conductive through light, and is coated with a
liquid electrolyte containing copper ions. The copper In-line Coating of the Printing Plate
ions are deposited in an image-wise pattern in connec- Concepts have been in discussion for a long time that
tion with imaging via a laser light source. The base involve coating of the printing plate processes inside the
cylinder surface is hydrophilic, the copper oleophilic. In printing unit to set up re-imageable printing systems.
this way a suitable surface is created for offset printing. Corresponding to the extract from a patent docu-
Decoating the cylinder surface for erasing the image ment (Creo), figure 4.4-31 describes how the ink-ac-
can occur on an electro-chemical basis, simply by cepting surface of a special image carrier material is
means of voltage reversal. This means that the copper transformed into a hydrophilic ink-repelling state by
is separated from the cylinder surface and remains in means of laser exposure, and an offset printing plate on
the electrolyte bath. a hydrophilic base is produced. Through the subse-
The structure of an offset printing unit based on this quent dampening and inking, the polymer can be ab-
imaging and erasing principle is described in figures 4.4- lated in the exposed areas of the plate.
30b and 4.4-30c shows the first public presentation in a After completion of the print job the imaging layer
web offset test installation (although the offset plate was must be removed in a mechanical and chemical process
imaged outside the press). In this case it is designed as a (fig. 4.4-31d). The “switchable polymer” must be ap-
sleeve and can be slipped onto the base cylinder, sup- plied in an in-line process, e.g., sprayed on as shown in
ported by air pressure coming out of the base cylinder. figure 4.4-31e.
Without a doubt this is an interesting technological In addition to this patented method there are also
approach, but here too, the problems lie in the realiza- concepts from the patent applicant in which a major
tion of an appropriate cylinder surface on the basis of ablation and re-application of material is not necessary

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
652 4 Computer to … Technologies

Fig. 4.4-30 Imaging

Re-imageable offset plate based on photo- (e.g., UV laser, 351 nm)
electrolytic copper deposition/decoating.
a Function principle for photoelectrolytic Copper deposit
imaging of the surface;
b Direct imaging system in the offset print- Cu electrolyte bath
ing unit (US patent 5.206.102); NiO (p-type)
c Print presentation on the lab prototype of (photoconductive)
a web offset press (ADOPT/CP, Goss
Graphic Systems) Sleeve (Ni)

Cu: oleophilic
a –U NiO: hydrophilic

Laser CPU
(light source) Image data
Application roller
for electrolyte Plate Impression
cylinder cylinder
Copper electrolyte
NiO coating (1 1m) cylinder

but only a “refreshing” of the imaging layer in order to Re-imageable Printing Plate Systems
achieve the switchability. without Material Application
This results in the ability to image and produce an There are various approaches for creating re-imageable
image carrier that is suitable for offset printing with- surfaces that do not require the application of a new
out the need to apply a new material coating material coating. These materials could be, e.g., oxidic
(“switchable polymer” in accordance with figure ceramics or polymers.At the present time none of these
4.4-23). technologies is available in practice.

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 653

Fig. 4.4-31
Process for generating a re-imageable
plate suitable for offset printing.
a Laser imaging of the ink-free areas of the
print image;
b Dampening and inking of the plate, grad-
ually washing out the non-image areas;
c Dampening and inking up in offset print-
ing after longer print runs; a d
d Erasing the printed image through re- Inking unit
moval of material (based on the status Dampening unit
shown in sequence b);
e Coating with material to prepare imaging
next print job (US patent: 5.713.287, Creo)


Cylinder surface is hydrophilic

Ferroelectric Materials for Re-imageable Plates/Sur- Image information can be transferred to the surface
faces. In the following, the possible applications of fer- of ferroelectric materials by using the various states
roelectric, ceramic materials for direct imaging sys- (positive, negative, neutral) to store the image infor-
tems are described. mation.
The structure and effect of ferroelectric material for re- If the initial state of the entire surface is neutral (as
imageable surfaces with storage capability are illustrated in fig. 4.4-33c), an image can originate through a selec-
in figure 4.4-32. In the mixed crystal (fig. 4.4-32a) titani- tive polarization of the image areas. This image is per-
um can be at two different positions which leads to a manently stored, as the material was changed in the mi-
varying polarity. Figure 4.4-32b shows the structure of croscopic orientation of the electric dipoles and the
ferroelectric ceramic materials with their typical do- structure is only lost when the orientation of the
mains and particle sizes. The orientation of the various dipoles (erasing process) is destroyed, for example by
domains differs. As can be seen from the hysteresis curve heat. An ionographic imaging system can be utilized for
shown in figure 4.4-32c, the domain orientations and selective polarization (see sec. 5.3.2 and figs. 4.5-12 and
thereby the polarization of the material can be changed 4.5-13) and the surface is selectively charged by a sys-
by applying varying electric field intensities. The indi- tem having no physical contact with the surface. As
vidual domains can also be arranged in such a way that shown in figure 4.4-33c this results in the dipoles being
the material is electrically neutral. Accordingly, ferro- oriented in the ferroelectric material.
electric material can exist in three states: electrically pos- Another alternative for imaging is to use electrodes,
itive, electrically negative, and neutral. The material can which are in contact with the material surface, to polar-
be switched back and forth between the states as required ize the material in accordance with the image data. The
and the states themselves are stable, that is, they do not hysteresis curve (fig. 4.4-33c) shows that the dipoles can
change until they are influenced by electric fields or heat. be brought back into a random state (electrically neu-
The principle structure of a printing unit based on tral) through the application of heat (erasing process).
ferroelectric surfaces is shown in figure 4.4-33a. The Depending on the polarity of the voltage source or of the
following is a description of possible imaging and eras- ionographic imaging system, both a positive and nega-
ing systems. tive orientation of the dipoles in the material can be

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
654 4 Computer to … Technologies

Unpoled Poled
Pr = 0 Pr

P C2
4+ •

Ti Pb2+
• • • •

(Pos. 2) •
O2– Crystallite Crystallite
Ti 4+
Zr4+ (grain) Domains (grain) Domains
(Pos. 1) Ti4+ Ceramic 0 E V
Ceramic m
grain boundary grain boundary

P = Polarization
E = Electric field intensity
Pr = Remanence
(residual polarization)

10 1m

a b c

Fig. 4.4-32 Ferroelectric material for use as re-imageable surfaces with storage capability for direct imaging printing systems.
a PZT (lead-zirconate-titanate) mixed crystal for building up ferroelectric coatings;
b Polarization in ferroelectric material;
c Hysteresis loop (polarization dependent on the electric field intensity) [4.4-4]

achieved. The choice of polarity depends on which type The concepts for these systems with regard to their
of ink is used to ink up the latent image in order to trans- application in print production focus primarily on liq-
fer it to the substrate/paper (fig. 4.4-33a). uid toners and their exploitation for offset is likewise a
Another possibility to image ferroelectric materials topic of discussion (see also [4.4-1] to [4.4-3]).
is shown in figure 4.4-33b. Here the initial orientation
of the dipoles may be uniformly positive or negative. Chemical Material Systems for Generating
Imaging can occur through reversal of polarization in Re-imageable Surfaces
accordance with the image either without contact via From patent literature, individual scientific publica-
an ionographic imaging system, or with contact using tions, and lectures at conferences research and devel-
imaging electrodes. opment work exploring re-imageable materials is
A further imaging variation is depicted in figure known. These can be used in offset and made available
4.4-34. Here the initial state is once more uniformly pos- for practical application.
itive or negative. In this case, however, a thermal system They are concerned with physico-chemical processes
is used for imaging. This system produces a random, in which reversible changes of material states lead to a
electrical neutral orientation in the material. A thermal transformation in surface properties. An example of
imaging head with direct contact to the surface can be this is the different concentration of oxygen in metal
used for this, as can a thermal non-contact laser beam. oxides, such as zirconate. The material possesses dif-
Direct imaging concepts based on ferroelectric ma- ferent wetting properties with different concentrations
terials have been around since about 1993. MAN of oxygen. With a normal concentration of oxygen the
Roland has applied for numerous patents and has pre- material surface is hydrophilic and laser irradiation can
sented reports on lab tests in this field at several con- be used to reduce the concentration of oxygen, there-
ferences. by making the material surface oleophilic. Through

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
4.4 Computer to Press/Direct Imaging 655

Fig. 4.4-33
Structure of a printing unit for re-image- Image data
able plates with imaging and erasing
a Basic principle of the printing unit (func- Imaging unit
tional components);
b Imaging through reversal of polarization
by means of ion source or electrodes; eras-
Erasing unit
ing the image through uniform, homoge-
neous polarization; Inking unit
c Imaging through aligning random mi- e.g., Imaging cylinder
crodipoles by means of ion source or elec- liquid toner (PZT ceramic)
trodes; erasing the image through depolar-
ization of the microdipoles with heat Cleaning system
(MAN Roland)


starting with poled state FE

charge +Ps current base electrode
flow e0eE flow

+Ec E[V/cm]

charge flow during poling
writing without electrode writing with electrode

heating >Tc*

charge +Ps current base electrode

flow flow

+Ec E[V/cm]

charge flow during poling

*Tc = Curie-temperature

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )
656 4 Computer to … Technologies

Initial state: polarized

Impression cylinder


Erasing unit
(e.g., ion source) Intermediate
(elastic surface) Thermal imaging
Imaging unit Electrically
(e.g., thermal laser) charged
Plate cylinder
< 0.3 mm

Liquid toner
Inking unit

Electrically neutral
a b

Fig. 4.4-34 Direct imaging with re-imageable plate cylinder.

a Structure of a printing unit for testing plate cylinders with ferroelectric surface for printing with liquid toner;
b Imaging through supply of heat, erasing the image by means of electric fields (MAN Roland)

thermal treatment a normal oxygen level can be at- [4.4-3] IS&T’s Eleventh International Congress on
tained again, that is, it becomes hydrophilic. Advances in Non-Impact Printing Technologies
(Proceedings). The Society for Imaging Science and
Likewise, it seems possible for photo-catalytic materi- Technology (IS&T), Springfield (VA) 1995.
al such as zinc oxide or titanate to be turned hydrophilic [4.4-4] Ruschmeyer, K. et al.: Piezokeramik. Expert Verlag,
or hydrophobic by means of the appropriate irradiation. Renningen-Malmsheim 1995.
Special reversible, interfacial physical phenomena are
also known in polymers with functional side chains, as is Further Reading for 4.4
the case with fluoro-polymers. These substances – some Kipphan, H.: Computer to ... -Technologies; New
of which are related to PTFE (“Teflon”) – could be con- Developments in the Graphic Arts Industry for
sidered for use as re-imageable surfaces in offset printing. Producing Multicolor Printed Products. IS&T’s Tenth
For this type of material the expression “switchable International Congress on Advances in Non-Impact
polymer” (fig. 4.4-23) is appropriate. Printing Technologies (Proceedings). The Society for
Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), Springfield
(VA) 1994, pp. 301–306.
References in 4.4 Kipphan, H.: Digital Multicolor Printing; State of the Art
[4.4-1] The 9th International Congress on Advances in and Future Challenges. SPIE Proceedings “Color
Non-Impact Printing Technologies/Japan Hardcopy ’93 Hardcopy and Graphic Arts IV”, Vol. 2413, Bellingham
(Proceedings). The Society for Imaging Science and (WA) 1995, pp. 7–31.
Technology (IS&T), The Society of Electrophotography Kipphan, H.: Direct Imaging in Theory and Practice –
of Japan (SEPJ), Springfield (VA) 1993. Computer to Press vs. Computer to Print. TAGA –
[4.4-2] IS&T’s Tenth International Congress on Advances Proceedings, Rochester (NY) 1996, pp. 589–612.
in Non-Impact Printing Technologies (Proceedings).
The Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T),
Springfield (VA) 1994.

© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )

4.5 Computer to Print

Introduction be given, accompanied by examples of practical print-

The following deals with those computer to press tech- ing system applications using these techniques.
nologies that do not require a master (fig. 4.5-1). So- Multicolor printing systems based on NIP technolo-
called non-impact printing technologies (NIP tech- gies (e.g., thermal sublimation and drop on demand
nologies) form the basis for printing systems of this ink jet) were also explained in section 3.2.11 (digital
kind. A brief description of computer to print systems, proof). These are also computer to print technologies
systems based on electrophotography or ink jet tech- but are not dealt with here on account of their relatively
nology, has already been given in section 4.1. low productivity.
The overview of the printing technologies is given Selected practical examples of computer to print sys-
again in figure 4.5-2. The printing technologies that op- tems in industrial use and designed for relatively high
erate without a fixed master, namely the non-impact productivity are detailed in the following section. These
printing technologies, are highlighted. This chapter will are systems for multicolor printing, single-color print-
explain the NIP technologies highlighted in color in ing, and printing with special colors.
figure 4.5-2. As highlighted in figure 4.5-2, NIP technologies can
In chapter 5 a detailed description of the physical and be used for printing with sheet-fed and web-fed systems.
technological principles of these NIP technologies will Since the NIP technology normally requires a fixing

Fig. 4.5-1
Computer to print technology compared to PostScript Page/Sheet to be printed
computer to press/direct imaging data file
image, graphics, text,
single-color or multicolor
Computer to Press

Direct imaging Computer to Print

(with master) (masterless)

Once imageable Re-imageable

master master e.g., e.g.,
Electrophotography Ink jet

Plate imaging Surface imaging Imaging Imaging directly

(per job) (per job) (print per print) with ink
(print per print)
Inking Inking
Printing Printing


© H a n d b o o k o f P r i n t M e d i a, H . K i p p h a n ( I S B N 3 - 5 4 0 - 6 7 3 2 6 - 1 )

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