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affects individuals' actions (e.g.

, strategies), creativity may result when highly salient re-

cognitions (e.g., cognitive interference), and Correspondence concerning this comment wards attract attention toward goal-relevant
affect (e.g., positive mood) while perform- should be addressed to Carol Sansone, De- stimuli and away from the task itself. Yet
ing. We suggest, then, that positive and nega- partment of Psychology, University of Utah, negative effects have been obtained even in
390 South 1530 East, Room 502, Salt Lake studies where the reward was delivered prior
tive effects are related over time and occur
City, UT 84112-0251. Electronic mail may be
within a self-regulatory process (Sansone & to task engagement (e.g., Amabile et al., 1986;
sent to
Harackiewicz, 1996; Sansone, Weir, Harpster, Hennessey, 1989). Finally, Eisenberger and
& Morgan, 1992). Cameron dismissed the results of many im-
Eisenberger and Cameron (1996) pro- I I I portant studies by suggesting that some cre-
vided a service in cautioning investigators ativity investigators have rewarded a tow
and practitioners against oversimplifyingwhat degree of divergent thinking. However, the
studies cited above did not reward divergent
is in fact a very complex and complicated Reward, Intrinsic Motivation, thinking but, instead, offered a reward for
process and in calling for "a greater synthesis and Creativity
of relevant findings involving reinforcement, doing a complex activity. These studies, and
social cognition, and personality" (p. 1164). others explicitly focused on intrinsic motiva-
Beth A. Hennessey tion, suggest that creativity depends in large
In so doing, however, they oversimplified
Wellesley College part on intrinsic motivation and that both can
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

the message from the original research as

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

be undermined by reward and other extrinsic

well as the current state of knowledge about
Teresa M. Amabile motivators. Moreover, the conditions under
this complicated process. Harvard University which these effects occur are not highly
Eisenberger and Cameron's (November On the basis of their own research,
Eisenberger, R., & Cameron, J. (1996). Detri- 1996) provocative article reiterated the points Eisenberger and Cameron (1996) claimed
mental effects of reward: Reality or myth? made in Cameron and Pierce (1994), with that generalized creativity can be boosted by
American Psychologist, 51, 1153-1166. one important addition--an examination of small or nonsalient rewards. In the "learned
Harackiewicz, J. M., Abrahams, S., & the impact of reward on creativity. The claim industriousness" investigations they de-
Wageman, R. (1987). Performance evalua- was made that any detrimental effects of re- scribed (pp. 1161-1162), however, the gen-
tion and intrinsic motivation: The effects of ward on creativity can be avoided and that eralization creativity task was administered
evaluative focus, rewards, and achievement creativity can be easily increased by the use under conditions in which participants most
orientation. Journal of Personality and So- of rewards (p. 1153). However, Eisenberger likely expected future reward for unusual
cial Psychology, 53, 1015-1023. and Cameron overlooked or failed to ad- responses--where the same experimenter
Harackiewicz, J. M., Barron, K. E., & Elliot,
A. J. (1998). Rethinking achievement goals: equately explain several demonstrations of was presenting the second task in the same
When are they adaptive for college students lower creativity on rewarded activities as com- setting as the rewarded task immediately after
and why? Educational Psychologist, 33, pared with nonrewarded activities. Moreover, that rewarded task. In addition, creativity
1-21. the evidence that they provided of increased was operationalized as the simple statistical
Harackiewicz, J. M,, Manderlink, G.. & creativity under reward is more informative infrequency of responses. Although this
Sansone, C. (1984). Rewarding pinball wiz- about relatively simple human behaviors simple measure can legitimately be termed
ardry: Effects of evaluation and cue value (e.g., filling in circles, word generation) than originality or divergent thinking, it does not
on intrinsic interest. Journal of Personality about actual creative performance. Thus, the adequately capture the elements of creativity
and Social Psychology, 47, 287-300. operationalization of creativity is key to our as it is generally defined in the literature:
Harackiewicz, J. M., & Sansone, C. (1991). critique.
Goals and intrinsic motivation: You can get novelty combined with appropriateness,
there from here. In M. Maehr & P. Pintrich Eisenberger and Cameron (1996) failed value, or usefulness.
(Eds.), Advances in motivation and achieve- to discuss a number of published experi- The operationalization of creativity as
ment (Vol. 7, pp. 21-49). New York: JAI ments that examine a variety of creative ac- statistical infrequency by Eisenberger and
Press. tivities (writing, storytelling, artwork, and Cameron (1996) is also problematic because
Lepper, M. R., Keavney, M., & Drake, M. problem solving), which revealed that prod- of its low ecological validity. Many of the
(1996). Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic ucts made by participants working for re- investigations showing detrimental effects of
rewards: A commentary on Cameron and ward are reliably assessed by expert judges reward base their results on the reliable, sub-
Pierce's meta-analysis. Review ~[ Educa- as less creative than products made by par- jective assessment of creativity by judges
tional Research, 66, 5-32.
ticipants not working for reward (Amabile, who are both familiar with the domain of the
Sansone, C., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (1996). I
don't feel like it: The function of interest in Hennessey, & Grossman, 1986; Hennessey, target products and blind to experimental con-
self-regulation. In L. Martin & A. Tesser 1989; Kruglanski, Friedman, & Zeevi, 1971). dition. This consensual assessment is much
(Eds.), Striving and .feeling: Interactions Eisenberger and Cameron proposed several closer to real-world judgments of creativity
between goals, affect, and self-regulation behavioral mechanisms to explain such detri- in the classroom, the corporation, or the art
(pp. 203-228). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. mental effects of reward on subsequent in- gallery.
Sansone, C., Sachau, D. A., & Weir, C. (1989). trinsic motivation, including satiation, nega- Finally, Eisenberger and Cameron's
Effects of instruction on intrinsic interest: tive contrast, and learned helplessness. How- (1996) suggestion that creativity can be in-
The importance of context. Journal of Per- ever, none of these mechanisms are relevant creased simply by telling people that they
sonality and Social Psychology, 57, 819-
829. to demonstrations of decreased creativity in should be original (and rewarding them for
Sansone, C., Weir, C., Harpster, L., & Mor- an activity that is itself performed for ex- being original) is likely to be fruitless. There
gan, C. (1992). Once a boring task always a pected reward; there was no prior activity that is experimental evidence that telling people to
boring task? Interest as a self-regulatory might have led to any such effects. Eisenberger be creative fails to increase judge-rated cre-
mechanism. Journal t~f Personality and and Cameron also proposed that some dem- ativity even when participants expect expert
Social Psychology, 63, 379-390. onstrations of negative effects of reward on evaluation on creativity (Amabile, t979).

674 June 1998 • A m e r i c a n Psychologist

Moreover, it is unlikely that in real-world are likely to occur naturally in classrooms mental effects of reward," concluding that
situations, where high levels of creativity are and workplaces every day, can be damaging "our analysis of a quarter century of accumu-
desired, anyone knows a priori what behav- to both intrinsic motivation and creativity. lated research provides little evidence that
iors to reward as creative. The most appro- reward reduces intrinsic task interest"
priate interpretation of Eisenberger and REFERENCES (p. 1162). Their summary was, in turn, based
Cameron's results is that they demonstrate primarily on the findings from a previous
increased divergent thinking under the ex- Amabile, T. M. (1979). Effects of external meta-analysis of this literature by Cameron
pectation of reward for divergent thinking. evaluation on artistic creativity. Journal of and Pierce (1994), reiterated in Figures 1
Recent research has revealed certain very Personality and Social Psychology, 37, and 2 of Eisenberger and Cameron's article.
specific situations under which reward can The methodology of Cameron and
Amabile, T. M., & Gryskiewicz, S. S. (1987).
have either no impact or even a positive im- Creativity in the R&D laboratory (Tech. Pierce's (1994) meta-analysis and the con-
pact on intrinsic motivation and creativity. Rep. No. 30). Greensboro, NC: Center for clusions drawn from it have been criticized in
Such effects have been termed motivational Creative Leadership. the educational literature (e.g., Kohn, 1996;
synergy, and it has been suggested that they Amabile, T. M., Hennessey, B. A., & Lepper, Keavney, & Drake, 1996; Ryan &
fit well with Deci and Ryan's (1985) cogni- Grossman, B. S. (1986). Social influences Deci, 1996). Because the same putative find-
tive evaluation theory. In one series of stud- on creativity: The effects of contracted-for ings were presented in Eisenberger and
reward. Journal of Personality and Social
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ies designed to investigate this phenomenon, Cameron' s (1996) article without details con-
Psychology, 50, 14-23.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

researchers were successful at "imlnunizing" cerning their derivation, however, it seems

Amabile, T. M., Phillips, E. D., & Collins,
elementary school students against the usu- important to alert readers to at least some of
M. A. (1993, August). Social and personal
ally deleterious effects of expected reward. influences on progressional artists' creativ- the difficulties in Cameron and Pierce's
These children, who were helped to focus on ity. Paper presented at the 101st Annual article.
intrinsic motivation and were taught explicit Convention of the American Psychological Perhaps the most striking and distress-
techniques for viewing external incentives as Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ing aspect of Cameron and Pierce's (1994)
secondary to their own interest and learning, Cameron, J., & Pierce, W. D. (1994). Rein- meta-analysis concerns their treatment of ex-
were able to maintain baseline levels of in- forcement, reward, and intrinsic motiva- periments that reported significant, even com-
trinsic motivation and creativity and some- tion: A meta-analysis. Review t~f Educa- plete "crossover," interactions between their
times even showed increases in creativity tional Research, 64, 363-423.
reward variables and other factors not in-
when promised a reward for task participa- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic
motivation and self-determination in hu-
cluded in their analysis. To take one example,
tion (Hennessey & Zbikowski, 1993). Be- man behavior. New York: Plenum. in three separate experiments (Calder & Staw,
yond the confines of the experimental labora- Eisenberger, R., & Cameron, J. (1996). Detri- 1975; Loveland & Olley, 1979; McLoyd,
tory, researchers have also interviewed many mental effects of reward: Reality or myth? 1979), identical extrinsic rewards were pre-
professional artists who believe that a con- American Psychologist, 51, 1153-1166. d i c t e d - a n d found--to produce precisely
tracted-for reward can enable them to do Hennessey, B. A. (1989). The effects of ex- opposite effects as a function of the initial
exciting work (Amabile, Phillips, & Collins, trinsic constraints on children's creativity interest value of the activity being rewarded.
1993). Moreover, when working adults feel while using a computer. Creativity Research In each experiment, superfluous extrinsic re-
that incentive systems signal the value of Journal, 2, 151-168.
wards not only undermined interest in ini-
their contribution, their motivation and cre- Hennessey, B. A., & Zbikowski, S. (1993).
Immunizing children against the negative tially attractive activities but also enhanced
ativity of performance can be enhanced effects of reward: A further examination of interest in initially boring or unattractive ac-
(Amabile & Gryskiewicz, 1987). intrinsic motivation training techniques. tivities, despite major procedural differences
Thus, we agree with Eisenberger and Creativity Research Journal, 6, 297-308. across these studies.
Cameron's (1996) position that it is a mistake Kruglanski, A. W., Friedman, I., & Zeevi, G. Indeed, if one considers effect sizes for
to categorically assert that rewards will al- (1971). The effects of extrinsic incentive reward separately within initial high-interest
ways lessen task interest and creativity. How- on some qualitative aspects of task perfor- and initial low-interest conditions, the ro-
ever, it is important to understand that the mance. Journal of Personality, 39, 606- bustness of the observed interaction is evi-
instances of motivational synergy that we 617.
dent. A Q statistic testing whether these six
have outlined here are unusual. The children effect sizes came from a single population
who were able to distance themselves from Correspondence concerning this comment clearly confirmed that they did not (Q =
the negative effects of reward had received should be addressed to Beth A. Hennessey, 24.10, p < .001). The overall effect size for
specialized training, and there was little, if Department of Psychology, Wellesley Col- the negative reward effect in the high-interest
any, longevity of these effects (Hennessey & lege, Wellesley, MA 02181. Electronic mail conditions of these three studies was -1.03,
Zbikowski, 1993). Similarly, the artists and may be sent to which differed significantly from 0 (p < .001),
other adults whom researchers interviewed whereas the overall effect size in the low-
and studied (Amabile & Gryskiewicz, 1987; interest conditions of these same studies was
Amabile et al., 1993) were highly trained +0.86, which also differed significantly from
professionals who had reached the pinnacles 0 (p < .005) but in the opposite direction.
of their fields. It is erroneous and misleading None of these estimates, however, ap-
to conclude, as do Eisenberger and Cameron, A Whole Much Less Than peared in Cameron and Pierce's (1994) analy-
that the detrimental effects of reward occur the Sum of Its Parts sis. Instead, these replicable competing ef-
under limited conditions that are easily fects were "averaged," within studies, across
avoided. Rewards may support intrinsic mo- Mark R. Lepper initial task interest, before these studies were
tivation and creativity if presented in an espe- Stanford University even entered into their table of "raw" effect
cially careful manner. Nonetheless, the pre- sizes. Not surprisingly, this procedure yielded
ponderance of evidence demonstrates that Eisenberger and Cameron (November 1996) an obviously nonsignificant average "effect
working for reward, under circumstances that addressed the literature concerning "detri- size" of-0.02 for reward in these three stud-

J u n e 1998 • A m e r i c a n P s y c h o l o g i s t 675

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