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Life skills

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines life skills as “the abilities for adaptive and
positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of
everyday life”. UNICEF defines life skills as “a behavior changes or behavior development
approach designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude and skills”.
This module of the training attempts to provide the participants with empowering skills that can
help them cope with the new life and its challenges and changes. The topics in this module will
assist participants in getting ready for the world of work and dealing effectively with the
demands and challenges of life.
Session 1

Self-awareness skills

The purpose of this session is to enable participants to be self-aware and identify their strengths
and abilities. Identifying and valuing personal strengths. It aims to help especially young people
to better understand and appreciate themselves, their community, and their social environment.
Participants will be asked to explore their own character and Identity, as well as their aspirations
and means to realize them. It is important for children and youth to know who they are and what
they want, and understand and respect that each Individual is different.

At the end of the session, participants will have:
• Define and explain the term self-awareness
• Understand the importance of self-awareness
• Identified their own strengths and acknowledged their uniqueness.


Activity 1: Brainstorming activity

Dear participants, we will begin this session with a discussion on self-awareness its purpose is to
enable trainees to share experiences and opinions.
• What does self-awareness mean?

• Have you ever talked with your friends or family about your strength and weakness?
• Do you think you know your strength and weakness? If yes please list out some of your
strength and weakness on the following table

Strength Weakness

What is self-awareness?

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom” – Socrates

Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions and
drives, as well as their effect on others. It is the ability to be aware of our emotions and monitor
them, but also, identify and name emotions of others.
Most people recognize that it is important to be self- aware. “To know thyself is the beginning of
wisdom” means: to be wise, you must first understand your own strengths and limitations.
Knowing ourselves gives us a sense of power and control over oneself. Once we master
ourselves by knowing all our opinions, thoughts, feelings and what are the premises of those, we
feel independent. Moreover, in any given relationship, whether it be personal or professional, we
need to feel that we have “enough” control over our lives and ability in getting our needs met.

Thus, self-awareness is a higher-level concept that includes being consciously aware of our
internal states (strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, and what motivates us)
and being aware of our interactions and relationships with others.

Benefits of Self-Awareness
• Linked to performance & the strongest predictor of overall success (personal &

• Helps in job search – able to see fit between position & skills (occupational fit) thus
more effective career decisions

• Helps in interview process – able to present our strengths better

• Higher job satisfaction

• Positively related to job-related well-being

• Associated with improved leadership

• Acts like a foundation for participating in continuous education

• Assists with Conflict management

How to develop self-awareness skills

Here are some ideas for how to develop self-awareness in

To be self-aware, you must be able to:

1. Identify your emotions.

2. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses.
3. Work toward growth.

Activity 2: Group discussion

Discuss with your friends about the following terms
• Do you think it’s important to be self-aware person for wellbeing of your life?
• Ask your friend weather he/she know his/her self?

Scenario; The talkative tortoise and its duck


Put participants in smaller groups. Give the following story to each group and let one
person in each group read the story to the group. Ask the group to then discuss and
answer the questions at the end:

The story is about two ducks who befriend a very talkative tortoise. The two ducks
amaze the tortoise by describing their beautiful mountain home. “We can take you
there,” the ducks tell the tortoise. Excited, the tortoise asks, “but how can you take
me there? I am too slow to walk all that way up the mountains and to your
wonderful home.” The ducks explain to the tortoise that they would hold a sturdy
stick in their beaks to carry him up into the sky and fly him to their home. But, since
he is such a talkative tortoise, the two ducks warn him not to speak during the
journey so he won’t fall. However, the tortoise forgets the warning and opens his
mouth to speak, so suddenly falls down and dies.
Activity 3: Reflection
Discuss and answer the following questions:
• What does this story tell you about self-awareness and accepting oneself?
• How does lack of self-awareness harm us?
• What are the benefits of self-awareness and self-acceptance?

personal practice

1. What did you learn from this session?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses in this skill?
3. Do you think that the session has met its overall objectives set at the beginning?
4. What do you suggest of things to be improved?
Session 2

Self-esteem skills

Each of us is different when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. ፡ When some of
us value ourselves more than we deserve; others may think less of themselves. The rest of us
see ourselves as we really are. People who have low self-esteem are less likely to solve
problems, and are more likely to be stressed and anxious. They question their own abilities
and look down on others. People who are self-reliant, on the other hand, are more confident,
more communicative, and more effective.
What, then, is the value of self-respect? Is low self-esteem harmful? What kind of damage?
Can a person improve his self-esteem? How? In this session we will see

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
• Define the term “self–esteem.”
• Help friends with low self-esteem
• Appreciate those who have high self-esteem.
• Develop skills of having high self-esteem.

Activity 1: Brainstorming activity
We begin by discussing this important topic about self-esteem. Its purpose is to convey ideas.
We kindly ask you to comment on each question.
1) What does it mean self-esteem?
2) What is the attitude of people who value self-esteem? What about the lowly?
4) Is low self-esteem harmful? Why?
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is the basis of all life skills. Self-esteem is the way an individual feels about
him/herself and how he/she believes others feel about him/her. It has been described as an
awareness of one’s worth as a unique and special person endowed with various attributes and
great potential. A person’s self-esteem can be either destroyed or boosted through the
individual’s relationship with others. High self-esteem tends to encourage healthy behavior while
low self-esteem tends to encourage unhealthy behavior.
The following table help us to distinguish peoples have low self-esteem with that of low self

Characteristics of high self-esteem Characteristics of low self-esteem people

They are confident. They hate themselves.

They communicate with others. They deal with a variety of psychological

They love themselves and others.
They are constantly under stress.
They express themselves freely.
They feel anxious and inferior.
They are confident about themselves.
They doubt their own abilities.
They believe they can work in a leadership
They lack the courage to face social pressures.
You do not want a leadership position.
They graciously accept defeat.
They are very ashamed and angry.

1 Is it possible to develop or improve self-esteem? How?
2 What are the benefits of having a balanced view of yourself?

Some developing methods and benefits of self-esteem are listed below

In order to develop the process of self-assessment, you need to consider the following.
• Identify one's strengths and weaknesses.
• Develop a positive attitude.
• Can I! I make a difference! Use positive expressions.
• Develop communication skills.
• Accepting the opinions of others.
• Appreciate our own inner values.
• Appreciate our uniqueness. Acknowledge the uniqueness of others.
• Take responsibility and accountability for everything we do.
• Replace negative statements with positive ones.
• Take care of yourself.
• Self-care.
• Reward yourself every day (for the things you have done).
• Realize that our own body is our own.
• Realize that there is something we cannot change about ourselves.
• Stop when negative situations arise in your mind.
• Focus on good works.
• Self-love.
• Self-acceptance

The benefits of being self-respecting are: people that have high self-esteem skills
People cannot deceive him in the slightest.
He is not driven by emotion.
He will be happy.
We have a lot of fun.
He faces danger.
He enjoys socializing with others.
He feels free to express himself.
He will not be selfish.
He is not too busy.
It is highly respected.
He is accepted by others.
All decisions will be free.

Activity3: Group discussion

1 When a person recognizes his or her own strengths and weaknesses, he or she can
determine his or her own worth it is. How can one identify one's strengths and
2 He is twenty years old. He lives with his family and does not sleep at night He tells his
friends. The reason for this is that high school failed, another In his mind, he was not in
the profession and the question "Who am I?" It's like walking. In general, there is a sense
of despair, a lack of personal hygiene He does not expect. He also seems to have started
using various drugs. Adjusted for this young man's life and his self-esteem you need to
do it. How to do this;

Scenario; low self esteem

Natalie has always been worried about her weight and it doesn’t help that her best friend is really
slim and is always noticed by the boys. So recently Natalie has become more interested in her
appearance and she has begun to buy teen and fashion magazines. She spends a lot of time
looking at the possible outfits that she could buy and admiring the slim bodies of the models and
One day while Natalie was hanging about with her best friend, Trisha, Natalie showed her some
of the clothes she was thinking about buying in the magazines. Trisha giggled and kidded, ‘You
can’t wear that, your stomach will be hanging over!’

Activity 4: Reflection
• What are the different ways in which Natalie could react to that comment?

• Do you think that Trisha cares about Natalie’s weight?

• Is there a different way in which Trisha could have worded her statement?

• Does Natalie feel ugly?

• In which ways could Natalie improve the way she feels about herself (self-esteem)?

Personal practice:
I. Try to identify individuals with high self-esteem in your localities and try to list down
their characteristic features.
II. Try to identify individuals with low self-esteem in your localities and try to list down
their characteristic features.
III. Try to make a plan and help youths with low self-esteem in your localities.

Dear participants, next we will go to evaluation session .

1. What did you learn from this session?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses in this skill?
3. Do you think that the session has met its overall objectives set at the beginning?
4. What do you suggest of things to be improved?

Session 3

Self-concept skills

Who are you? What makes you “you?”
You might answer with “I’m a mother,” or, “I’m a therapist,” or maybe, “I’m a believer,” “I’m a
good friend,” “I’m a brother.”
Maybe you answer with, “I am excellent at my job,” “I’m an accomplished musician,” or “I’m a
successful athlete.”
Other responses might fall into the category of traits: “I’m a kind-hearted person,” “I’m
intelligent and hard-working,” or “I’m laid-back and easy-going.”
These responses come from your internal sense of who you are. This sense is developed early in
life, but it goes through constant evaluation and adjustment throughout the lifespan.
In psychology, this sense of self has a specific term: self-concept. And in this session we will see
the term self-concept.


• Define the term self-concept

• Understand the importance of self-concept
• Help participants to develop their self-concept skills


Activity 1: Brainstorming activity

What does the term self-concept mean?

Have you idea who you are and can you define yourself’ I am…..’


1 Dear participant please write short paragraph about yourself and read it for your classmates

What is Self-Concept? A Definition

Self-concept is an overarching idea we have about who we are—physically,
emotionally, socially, spiritually, and in terms of any other aspects that make up who we
are .we form and regulate our self-concept as we grow, based on the knowledge we
have about ourselves. It is multidimensional, and can be broken down into these
individual aspects.
For example, you may have a very different idea of who you are in terms of your
physical body, and who you are in terms of your spirit or soul.
The influential self-efficacy researcher Roy Baumeister (1999) defines self-concept as
“The individual’s belief about himself or herself, including the person’s attributes and
who and what the self is.”
A similar definition comes from Rosenberg’s 1979 book on the topic; he says self-
concept is:
“…the totality of an individual’s thoughts and feelings having reference to himself as an
Self-concept is related to several other “self” constructs, such as self-esteem, self-
image, self-efficacy, and self-awareness. In the following section, we will explain these
slight—yet important—differences.
What are the importance’s of developing self-concept skills?

Our self-concept is important because it influences how we think,

feel, and act in everyday organizational life. Understanding the self-
concept is particularly important for managers because self-
knowledge helps managers understand why they do the things they
do and how their beliefs and behaviors affect themselves, others, and
the organization—for better and worse. The self-concept is, of
course, only one of many factors that affect managerial thinking,
feeling, and behavior, but it is undoubtedly one of the most powerful
influences on many important behaviors.
How to develop self-awareness
Building Self-Awareness
1. Put the time in – Self-awareness is
not learned in a book, but achieved
through self-reflection! Use what you
have learned about yourself to inform
decisions, behaviors, and
interactions with other people. Some
guided questions to get you started:
 What are 3 of your strengths and 3
of your weaknesses?
 What do you value most?
 What are the feelings you are more aware of experiencing than others?
 What are your triggers (people and situations most likely to trigger
negative or
uncomfortable emotions)?
 How do you respond under stress?
 How do the different roles you play in your life make you feel (e.g. sister,
student, best
friend, employee, athlete, etc.)?
2. Predict how you will feel and respond before a situation and reflect on
your actual
feelings and response after the situation.
3. Focus on your choices - What can you learn from your past triumphs and
mistakes? Why
did you make a particular decision? How did this choice make you feel?
4. Ask for feedback – Self-awareness is as much about acknowledging
what you still need to
learn as it is about identifying your strengths. Asking for feedback on your
behavior, interactions, can serve to improve your future actions and
responses. Feedback
can also identify aspects of your behavior you aren’t seeing clearly (your
blind spots).
5. Record (keep a journal) – Allows you to reflect on daily thoughts,
feelings, perceptions,
choices, behaviors, and interactions with others. Be honest with yourself.
Reflecting on
your experiences allows you to learn something that can guide your
personal development
so think about it and write it down!
6. Label your emotions – Feelings can be expressed using one word, but
are often held
back. Use the below Inventory of Feelings to practice labeling what you
experience in
different situations throughout your day. Your feelings provide insight into
your thoughts and
actions, as well as allow us to better relate with others. You may also
recognize trends in
how you are feeling which can teach you something about yourself.

Activity 3: Group discussion

Make a group and discuss the following questions
1 What is the importance of developing self-concept skills?

Scenario; The eagle who thought was a chicken

There’s an old, well known story of a chicken farmer who found an eagle’s egg. He put it
with his chickens and soon the egg hatched. The young eagle grew up with all the other
chickens and whatever they did, the eagle did too. He thought he was a chicken, just
like them. Since the chickens could only fly for a short distance, the eagle also learnt to
fly a short distance. He thought that was what he was supposed to do. So that was all
that he thought he could do. As a consequence, that was all he was able to do. One day
the eagle saw a bird flying high above him. He was very impressed. “Who is that?” he
asked the hens around him. “That’s the eagle, the king of the birds,” the hens told him.
“He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth, we are just chickens.”
One Possible Ending:
And the eagle went back to scratching the ground. He continued to behave like the
chicken he thought he was. Finally, he died, never knowing the grand life that could
have been his.
Second Possible Ending:
One day an owl swooped down. "Get on my back" he said, to the eagle, "I've got
something to show you." The young eagle hopped onto the owl's back and the owl flew
high into the sky. "Put me down. Put me down. I don't like it up here," the young eagle
squawked. "You'll be fine," said the owl. "Trust me." Soaring higher and higher, the owl
finally flipped himself over and the eagle fell, plummeting fast towards the ground.
"Why?" screeched the eagle. "I'm going to die." "Just open your wings," called the owl.
The eagle opened his wings and was caught by the wind. Soon he was soaring above
the farm and the chickens bellow. "You're right," cried the eagle. "I am an eagle. I can

Activity 4: Reflection
1 do you think the eagle understand him self?

2 which possible ending indicates the understanding of self-concept?

3 do you think self-concept skills help us to understand our ability?

Personal practice: who am I exercise

This is a wonderful introductory exercise that can be used with individuals or groups.
The premise is straightforward to replicate, and participants can take as long as they
need to complete the initial statements, with plenty of encouragement for discussion.
You will need:
• Pens
• Paper
To encourage participants to think more deeply about the ideas and labels they have
about themselves.
Provide each participant with a list of statements – suggested amount 15-20 – that ask
them to think about who they are. Some example statements include:
• My favorite food is …
• My favorite music is …
• An important person in my life is …
• Something I dislike …
• An idea for my future I have is …
Encourage participants to answer all statements. Ask them to reflect on the answers
they choose and why these are important to them. Remind them there are no wrong or
right answers, just the opportunity to engage with their sense of self-concept.

Dear participants, next we will go to evaluation session.

1. What did you learn from this session?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses in this skill?
3. Do you think that the session has met its overall objectives set at the beginning?
4. What do you suggest of things to be improved?
Session 4

Self-confidence skills

Self-confidence plays an important role in our everyday lives. Being confident allows us
to set and reach our goals. It provides stability when we are faced with a challenge; it
gives us that push that helps us overcome difficulties. Self-confidence is necessary in
our personal and professional lives, as without it one would not be successful in either.
It gives us the ability to stand up to face our challenges and to pick ourselves up when
we fall.

• Define the term self confidence

• Understand how to develop self-confidence skill

• Help participants to be self-confident

• Understand the importance of self confidence


Activity 1: Brainstorming activity

Dear participants, we will begin this session with a discussion on decision making. Its purpose is to
enable trainees to share experiences and opinions.

1 what does self-confidence mean

2 Do you think you are self-confident person?

1 what is the importance of developing self-confidence skills?
2 how can we develop our self-confidence skills?
Self confidence
A self-confidence play an important role in our everyday lives.beind confidence allows
us to set and reach our provides as stability when we are faced with challenges;
it gives us that push that help us overcome difficulties. Self-confidence is necessary in
our personal and professional without it one can’t be successful in give
gives as the stability to stand up to face our challenges and to pick ourselves up when
we fall.
The matter is this, we humans have limitations that we can’t deny; so thinking reasoning
itself cannot put us in a write way so, what we have to focus is that there are things we
have to accept as a matter of fact otherwise we miss a whole point that life itself cannot
garret us that we are limited this fact
Why is Self-confidence Important?
Self-confidence impacts the whole personality and life of a person. This is why the importance of self-
confidence cannot be denied or neglected. Self-confidence not only has a huge impact on different areas
of a person’s life but also impacts every smaller function of our daily lives. The following points
highlight the importance of self-confidence.

1. Leads to Better Self-esteem

Self-esteem is a combination of believing in oneself and believing in one’s self-worth. In psychology,
self-esteem is considered an important ability to have a successful life in terms of having a healthy life –
both physically and mentally. Having confidence in oneself is a gateway to developing better self-esteem
and vice versa. Many theories of psychology state that self-esteem is made up of two components that are
self-efficacy and self-confidence. It helps people to better cope with life’s difficulties and challenges,
inculcate happiness and love in life, and have mental peace.

2. Decreases Anxiety
Having self-confidence is a way to decrease anxiety and fears in a person’s life. Almost all of the issues
related to social anxiety, self-esteem, and some other forms of anxiety have a root cause of low self-
confidence in a person. If you compare two people – one having self-confidence and the other having low
confidence – there is a visible difference in their anxiety level and fears. Moreover, a person with low
self-confidence tries to avoid every possible situation where they have to be in the limelight that
reinforces the anxious behavior. So the cycles continue unless it is broken by increasing confidence.

3. Positive Self-worth
The importance of self-confidence is positively related to making people comfortable in their skin.
Confident people accept their flaws and know that this does not decrease their self-worth. It becomes
easier to accept one’s weaknesses because you are confident in your abilities that you will get over them
one day. By having self-confidence, one also has a purpose in life to achieve the goals that have been set.
On the other hand, low-confident people give up without trying. Consequently, it decreases self-worth.

4. Makes a Better Leader

Leadership is all about having confidence in one’s abilities. One can have necessary skills and talent but
without self-confidence, the trust in having to utilize these skills is lacking. This is why there are people
with excellent skillset but they are not good leadership. One of the qualities of a great leader is to have
self-confidence. A leader is also an eloquent and confident speaker and a charismatic personality. All
these qualities are tied with having the self-confidence to impress people and convince them to follow the

5. Increase Motivation
Confidence is an ability that affects everyday life activities whether big or small. When you have
confidence, you will automatically gain more motivation to perform those tasks as compared to someone
who has low confidence. People with low confidence are preoccupied with the fear of failure. This
preoccupation often loses their motivation to perform the tasks and try harder.

6. Brings Happiness
A confident person does not hesitate from doing anything in life. This brings variety into life and gathers
various skillsets. There are no regrets of missed opportunities and no self-accusatory and ruminating
thoughts. When there is no regret in life, life automatically becomes happier than it normally is.

7. Ensures Security
A person with low confidence has low self-esteem. What happens with low self-esteem is that there is a
lot of self-doubt and fear regarding oneself. there is insecurity about one’s abilities. However, confidence
ensures the security of the person. Even the person messed up a situation, there is a knowledge that it was
just one situation and other experiences will be better. Instead of falling into self-doubt and feeling
insecure about one’s abilities, confident people are secure.

8. Improved Relationships
How to develop self confidence
• Preparing for Your Journey
a. Take inventory of what you’ve already achieved.
b. Think about your strengths and weaknesses (but especially your strengths).
c. Think about your goals and values.
d. Practice stopping negative self-talk in its tracks and replacing it with positive thinking.
e. Commit to the journey to self-confidence!
• Setting Out
a. Identify and enhance the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.
b. Focus on the basics—don’t get bogged down in details or reaching for perfection.
c. Set small goals and achieve them to “pile up successes.”
d. Keep working on your positive thinking and self-talk.
• Accelerating Towards Success
a. Celebrate your successes.
b. Keep yourself grounded.
c. Assess your current level of self-confidence and identify what strategies you can use to
keep building it up (2016).
If you hit a roadblock on your journey to self-confidence, don’t worry! They happen to everyone.
Try to get back on track as soon as you can. You may find the worksheets and activities listed
later in this piece helpful.

Activity 3: Group discussion

Discuss in group about the importance of self-confidence in different fields
like in education, leadership, sport and present to your classmates

Scenario; if you believe on your self every thing is

Two grains were lying side by side on the fertile soil.

The first grain said: “I want to grow up! I want to put down roots deep into the ground and sprout
from the ground. I dream to blossom in delicate buds and proclaim the coming of spring. I want
to feel the warm rays of sun and the dew drops on my petals!”.
This grain grew up and became a beautiful flower.

The second grain said: “I’m afraid. If I put down my roots into the ground, I don’t know what
they will face there. If I grow tender stems, they can be damaged by wind. If I grow flowers, they
may be disrupted. So, I’d rather wait for the safer time.
Thus the second grain was waiting, until the chicken that passed by did not peck it

Activity 4: Reflection

1 what do you understand from the above story?

2 do you think lack of confidence has an impact on our life how?

Personal practice:
Proud of Me
Arrange students into a large group. This game is very successful as an introductory activity,
especially if the students are entering a new grade or are getting acquainted in a new place, such
as a youth group or camp. Students should stand up in turn and introduce themselves by saying,
“My name is, and I am proud of me because....” and then state a reason that they are proud of
themselves. Although to some this may sound like bragging, it is actually a chance for students
to talk about themselves in a positive light. When all students are asked to do it, each student can
see the value in the reasons they are proud of themselves, as well as in their peers


1. What did you learn from this session?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses in this skill?
3. Do you think that the session has met its overall objectives set at the beginning?
4. What do you suggest of things to be improved?

Session 4

Self-control skills

Humans have different basic needs. The demand for food, shelter and clothing is mainly
Can be mentioned. These needs must be met. That is, they must be met in a way that is inconsistent and
free from prejudice or instinct. That is, to be patient, to be reasonable, to choose the right place and time.
Individuals who are unable to control their own emotions and desires are exposed to a variety of
Then, what is self-control? When a person is said to have lost control of himself / herself it is? How to
Control It? What are the consequences of not exercising self-control? In this section We develop self-
control skills by discussing questions.

At the end of this section, participants will.
• Develop self-control skills.

• Appreciate the value of self-control.

• Understand the characteristics of self-concept

• Help young people with low self-control skills

• Be models for their friends


Activity 1: Brainstorming activity

Dear participants, we will begin this session with a discussion on self-control. Its purpose is to
enable trainees to share experiences and opinions.
• What Is Self-Control?

• What are the consequences of not exercising self-control?

• Is it possible to develop self-control? How?

1. What it means to exercise self-control?

2.What is the impact of lack of self-control?

3. Self-control skills can be developed; How?

What is self-control ?

Self-control can be defined as the effort full attempts by person to change thoughts.

The manifestations of self-control, (the benefits of self-control):

 will not be arbitrary/driven by the blood soul/ necib/, they are reasonable.

 are not vulnerable / Protect themselves from risk.'

 are not selfish.

 control their emotions.

 lead a good social life.

 show a calm personality.

 think before action, they think before speech.

Among the attributes reflected by those who lack self - control are:

 to be arbitrary, driven by a hypocritical spirit.

 not respecting others.

 not being able to control their emotions.

 Want to find happiness now.

 the absence of a long-term vision.

 young destroyer, drug user, suscermise, incitement to violence, and so on

 low self-esteem.

To develop self- control:

 learning about anger management.

 to teach lessons about sexual relations.

 lessons on how to resolve conflict.

 training on drug ugliness.

 training on patience and tolerance.

Keeping the principles that we recognize .

 training on long-term plans/ visions.

letting  know we can't get everything in the hour and place we want

Activity 3: Group discussion

1. Resentment, jealousy, envy, jealousy, and other similar words are widely spoken in our


Discuss how these words interact with self-control.

2. Boasting, lying, gossip, slander, and other similar words in our country

We hear them being said in a large way: Discuss your commitment to self-control.

3. Fraud, thieves, self-destruction, and similar words are widely used in our country these words

discussed the extent to which they had a relationship with self-control.

Scenario: Lack of attention

this scenario will focus on a lack of concentration during work and study. It is

aimed at concealing knowledge, values, and skills around self-control.

She was a young woman working in a leather factory, and her work at the

factory was complex and difficult. Therefore, vigilance is required, but the young

woman seems to have difficulty doing so, mostly because of his work. Working, it

is a condition of divorce, and after work, she attends school at the same time and

arrives at home. She says she also loses focus while trying to study.

Activity 4: Reflection

1. Discuss situations that could cause the young woman to lose focus during her

work and study?

2. How can the young woman get out of this mess?

3. What if someone can pay attention to events (the work he does, what he says

etc.) He must do it?

Personal practice:

And now how other people buy their heads in the process of dealing with other


For example, follow your sisters, siblings, tops and fathers, friends, local society

Try to comment by monitoring how they exercise self-control.

Did you realize? And how do you think about helping those with self - control

problems? With other people in general

For your honesty, you are expected to help by identifying other people's problems

of self-control.


1. What did you learn from this session?

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses in this skill?
3. Do you think that the session has met its overall objectives set at the beginning?
4. What do you suggest of things to be improved?

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