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King Abdulaziz University

Faculty of Engineering
IE-431 Quality Control
Section: FA


Quality Control
Term project: Assignment-3

Student Information
No. Name ID
1 Mohammad Hani Kashif 1847625

Instructor’s name: Dr. Ammar Al-Qahtani

Assignment No.3

Management Report
Quality control is one of the main & major courses in industrial engineering department. Quality
control cannot be defined from single definition because it cover many tools, concepts and strategies.
These strategies, tools and concepts are helpful for the industrial field in order to minimize the number of
defect parts or to increase the life of products such as laptops, car, aircraft and so on. In addition,
companies use the concepts in quality control to find the most suitable, economical periods of the
insurance it provide.
Generally, Homeworks, Assignments and Projects are useful tools to measure the knowledge of
students. In the case of Assinement-3, students have to solve the problems individually. It consist of four
problem each single one contain several points. Assignment-3 cover wide range of concepts in quality
control course. This assignment consist of two major parts, Management report and technical report.
The first part is Management report. Management report will cover the practicality of the project,
Problem statement and the Contribution. In addition to importance. It helpful to see the whole assignment
from the management view in stand of the technical view which can save an hours for the managers,
workers to understand the main idea of this assessment.
The second part is technical report. Technical report consist of the problem statement of each problem
in more details, the technical solution of each problem charts, data, functions and so on. Finally, by the end
of technical report, there will be analysis of each problem.

Practicality of Project
The practicality of this report can be in factors in order to estimate the life of the product before
getting failures. In addition, company that provide after-sell services can use the tools, concepts in this
report in order to estimate the cost of failures and the average cost of failures. Also, the concepts in the last
problem in this assignment can be helpful in choosing the best combination that consist of several factors.
Generally, problems in this assignment consist of several tools, concepts that have a wide use in industrial

Problem Statement
The questions at assignment No.3, help in solving problems such as estimation the period of
insurances, estimation the life of the product before getting the first failure. in this assignment, I begin by
carefully identifying the requires in each question and the sub-questions. After that, I write down the
information, hints that have been given in the question that can be helpful to solve the problem. Finally, I
end by listing the require steps to get the best solution. In this assignment I will solve the problem by
manual and by using excel software and CASIO graphical calculator software.

Contribution and Importance

As I mentioned above. This assignment cover several concepts, tools and strategies that can be helpful
in making the industrial field and the whole economy in general more productive with taking into
consideration the require quality such as problem No.4. In addition, the concepts in this assignment can
help in analyzing the data that lead to more accurate results such as in problem No.3.

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Assignment No.3

Technical Report
In this part of the assignment, I will cover the problem statement in more details in the technical view.
In addition, I will try to explain the technical work that have been done in each problem in more details as
much as I can. In the end of technical report, I will analysis the general results of each problem.
Assignment 3 consist of four problems, each one cover difference concepts in quality control. Problem
No. 1, about the failures of cars in “Bath-Tub” probability distribution during years. Problem No.2 similar
to problem No.1, but the difference in the chart of the data. In the case of problem No.3, the require is
finding the best fit of given data by using Linear function and Discrete function. The last problem, the
require is finding the combination that fit the constraints(tolerance range).
By the end of technical report. Each problem must be solved in full details. In addition, the requires
and information of each problem must be explained as much as possible. Finally by the end of technical
report, each results and out-put must be explained.

Problem Statement
Since each problem have a difference requires and out-puts, we need to identify each problem requires
separately. The requires in problem No.1 are finding the F(X)s of Bath-Tub probability distribution of car
failures during several years, then using Uniform random numbers, then calculate the average cost of five
difference failures. So, first I have to identity f(x) of each line in the chart, the calculate the functions of
F(X)s which is the cumulative by using integration. After finding the F(X)s, I need to write the equation
between random number and the cumulative function. Finally, I have to find the equations for X and
calculating the average cost.

In the case of problem No.2, the requires are nearly the same as problem No.1, the difference in the
charts only. On the other hand, problem No.3 is much difference from the previous problems. The requires
in problem No.3 is finding the best fit of data using Linear function and Discrete function. Finally, the last
problem which is problem No.4, the requires is finding the combinations that within the range of the

-Problem No.1
In the first problem, I need to identify the f(x)s in the below chart. As shown in the chart, Y-axis is the
probability of failures. While X-axis is the number of years.

Chart 1 Data of Problem No.1

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Assignment No.3

To find f(x)s, I need to calculate the equation of each line. As represent in the above chart, each line
have starting and ending points. By using them I can easily finding the equation of each line. The results as
follow below:
𝑓1 (𝑋) = −0.006𝑋 + 0.06
𝑓2 (𝑋) = 0.03
𝑓3 (𝑋) = 0.0021428𝑋 + 0.0085714
Equation 1 f(x) of Problem No.1

After that, to find the cumulative function. I need to integrate each line function and add the previous value
of each function to the new function. The integration of the first function is:

𝐹1 (𝑋) = −0.003𝑋 2 + 0.06𝑋

The limits are between zero and variable X, then I need to do the same to next function except that, since it
is cumulative I need to calculate the value of F1 between limits of zero and 5 then add the value of F1 to
function of F2. So, I will integrate function No.2 between 5 and X, the I will add the value of F1 to it. The
results as follow:
𝐹2 (𝑋) = 0.03𝑋 + 0.075

Finally, I will do the same to function No.3. first I will integrate f(x) No,3 between 10 and 24, then I will
find the value of F2 by integrate it between 5 and 10 and I will add the value of F1. The results as follow:

𝐹3 (𝑋) = 0.0010714𝑋 2 + 0.0085714𝑋+0.278572

So, to sum up the results. The f(x) are:
𝑓1 (𝑋) = −0.006𝑋 + 0.06
𝑓2 (𝑋) = 0.03
𝑓3 (𝑋) = 0.0021428𝑋 + 0.0085714
Equation 2 f(x) of Problem No.1

While F(X) are:

𝐹1 (𝑋) = −0.003𝑋 2 + 0.06𝑋
𝐹2 (𝑋) = 0.03𝑋 + 0.075
𝐹3 𝑋 = 0.0010714𝑋 2 + 0.0085714𝑋+0.278572
( )
Equation 3 F(x) cumulative of Problem No.1

Since R = F(X), the values of R as the follow:

𝑅1 = −0.003𝑋 2 + 0.06𝑋
𝑅2 = 0.03𝑋 + 0.075
𝑅3 = 0.0010714𝑋 2 + 0.0085714X+0.278572
Equation 4 R of Problem No.1
And the ranges are :

0 ≤ 𝑅1 ≤ 0.225
0.225 ≤ 𝑅2 ≤ 0.375
0.375 ≤ 𝑅3 ≤ 1
Equation 5 Range of R in Problem No.1

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Assignment No.3
Finally. Sometimes, I will need to find the equation for X variable by using the below formal
−(𝑏) ± √(𝑏)2 − 4(𝑎)(𝑐)
The value of X No. 1 is:
0 = −0.003𝑋 2 + 0.06𝑋 − 𝑅1
a = − 0.003
b = 0.06
c = − 𝑅1
−(0.06) ± √(0.06)2 − 4(−0.003)(- 𝑅1 )
𝑋1 =
−(0.06) ± √(0.0036) − (0.012 𝑅1 )
𝑋1 =
The value of X No.2 is:
𝑅2 = 0.03𝑋 + 0.075
𝑅2 − 0.075
𝑋2 =

The value of X No.3 is:

0 = 0.0010714X 2 + 0.0085714X+0.278572− R 3
a = 0.0010714
b = 0.0085714
c = 0.278572− 𝑅3
−(0.0085714 ) ± √(0.0085714 )2 − 4(0.0010714)(0.278572− R 3 )
X3 =
−(0.0085714 ) ± √(0.00007346889796) − (0.0042856)(0.278572− R 3 )
X3 =
The range of each X-variable is:
0 ≤ 𝑋1 ≤ 5
5 ≤ 𝑋2 ≤ 10
10 ≤ 𝑋3 ≤ 24
Equation 6 Range of X in Problem No.1

Finally, now I can find the value of each X by the given value of R:
R Value X Value
R1 0.05 X1 0.871291
R2 0.95 X2 21.35111
R3 0.5 X3 10.92212
R4 0.7324 X4 16.96619
R5 0.31 X5 7.833333
Table 1 Values of X given R
And the average cost will be (700 + 300 + 300 + 300 + 500)/5 = 420.
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Assignment No.3

-Problem No.2
In problem No.2, the requires are nearly the same as problem No.1. By using the below chart, I need
to calculate the values of f(x), F(X), R and X. after that, I have to calculate the year of failures based on
given value of R.

Chart 2 Data of Problem No.2

To find f(x)s, I need to calculate the equation of each line. As represent in the above chart, each line
have starting and ending points. By using them I can easily finding the equation of each line. The results as
follow below:
𝑓1 (𝑋) = 0.005𝑋 + 0.
𝑓2 (𝑋) = − 0.01666𝑋 + 0.06666666
Equation 7 f(x) of Problem No.2

After that, to find the cumulative function I need to integrate each line function and add the previous value
of each function to the new function. The integration of the first function is:

0.005𝑋 2
𝐹1 (𝑋) =
The limits are between zero and variable X, then I need to do the same to next function except that, since it
is cumulative I will calculate the value of F1 between limits of zero and 10 then add the value of F1 to
function of F2. So, I will integrate function No.2 between 5 and X, the I will add the value of F1 to it. The
results as follow:
𝐹2 (𝑋) = ( )𝑋 2 + (0.06666666)X - 0.333366

So, to sum up the results. The f(x) are:

𝑓1 (𝑋) = 0.005𝑋 + 0.
𝑓2 (𝑋) = − 0.01666𝑋 + 0.06666666
Equation 8 f(x) of Problem No.2
While F(X) are:
0.005𝑋 2
𝐹1 (𝑋) =
−0.001666 2
𝐹2 (𝑋) = ( )𝑋 + (0.06666666)X - 0.333366
Equation 9 F(x) of Problem No.2
Since R = F(X), the values of R as the follow: 0.005𝑋 2
𝑅1 =
−0.001666 2
𝑅2 = ( )𝑋 + (0.06666666)X - 0.333366
Equation 10 R of Problem No.2

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Assignment No.3
And the ranges are :

0 ≤ 𝑅1 ≤ 0.25
0.25 ≤ 𝑅2 ≤ 1
Equation 11 Range of R in Problem No.2
Finally. Sometimes, I will need to find the equation for X variable by using the below formal:

−(𝑏) ± √(𝑏)2 − 4(𝑎)(𝑐)


The value of X No. 1 is:

0.005𝑋 2
𝑅1 =
𝑋1 = √

The value of X No.2 is:

0=( )𝑋 2 + (0.06666666)X - 0.333366− 𝑅2
a=( )
b = 0.06666666
c = - 0.333366− 𝑅2
−(0.06666666 ) ± √(0.06666666 )2 − 4( )(- 0.333366− 𝑅2 )
𝑋2 =
2( )
The range of each X-variable is:

0 ≤ 𝑋1 ≤ 10
10 ≤ 𝑋2 ≤ 40
Equation 12 Range of X in Problem No.2

Finally, now I can find the value of each X by the given value of R:

R Value X Value
R1 0.15 X1 7.745967
R2 0.99 X2 36.46554
R3 0.5 X3 15.50394
R4 0.8 X4 24.50159
R5 0.2 X5 8.944272
Table 2 Values of X given R

And the average cost will be (700 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 700)/5 = 580.

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Assignment No.3

-Problem No.3
In the case of problem No.3, I need to find the best fit of data using Linear function and Discrete
function. So, first I have to calculate the discrete percentage of each stem below:

Chart 3 Data of Problem No.3

To find the discrete value, normal, normal 100%. In need to find the functions of the stems. Functions are:
𝑓1 (𝑋) = 0.14
𝑓2 (𝑋) = 0.0135𝑋 − 0.715
𝑓3 (𝑋) = −0.005𝑋 + 0.55666666
And the average, standard deviation. The average and standard deviation are:

Average 74 Standard deviation 20.88

After that, I need to calculate the discrete by writing the center value of each stem in X in the function. The
discrete values are:

Chart 4 Discrete Problem No.3

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Assignment No.3
By using the calculator, I can easily find the normal percentages. The normal percentages are:

Chart 5 Normal Problem No.3

The total normal percentage is 0.897. So, I need to calculate the normal 100%. The normal 100%
percentage is:

Chart 6 Normal 100% Problem No.3

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Assignment No.3
Cut of Discrete equation is:
𝐶𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 = (1 − )
𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦
The cut of discrete is:

Chart 7 Cut of discrete Problem No.3

Cut of Normal equation is:
𝐶𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 = (1 − )
𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦

Chart 8 Cut of Normal Problem No.3

Cut of Discrete 398.8733
Cut of Normal 565.88%
Since the cut of discrete is less then cut of normal, the discrete is better.

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Assignment No.3

-Problem No.4
In the case of problem No.4, first I have to identify the number of combinations.
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 = 24 = 16
By using the equation and the mean the results of each combination is :

No. Factors Value Reject/ accept

1 P1 R1 V1 L1 942.4778 Reject
2 P1 R1 V1 L2 950.3978 Reject
3 P1 R1 V2 L1 883.5729 Reject
4 P1 R2 V1 L1 1282.817 Accept
5 P2 R1 V1 L1 1130.9733 Reject
6 P2 R2 V1 L1 1539.3804 Reject
7 P2 R2 V2 L1 1443.169125 Reject
8 P2 R1 V2 L1 1060.2875 Reject
9 P2 R1 V1 L2 1140.47733 Reject
10 P1 R2 V2 L1 1202.6409 Accept
11 P1 R2 V1 L2 1293.59697 Accept
12 P1 R1 V2 L2 890.5302 Reject
13 P1 R2 V2 L2 1212.110551 Accept
14 P2 R2 V1 L2 1552.31637 Reject
15 P2 R1 V2 L2 1068.6362 Reject
16 P2 R2 V1 L2 1454.532662 Reject
Table 3 Combinations Problem No.4
The random number must be 12, the number of factors is 4. So, the number of sets will be 3.

Random Numbers
Set 1 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.4
Set 2 0.88 0.7 0.4 0.2
Set 3 0.1 0.55 0.99 0.01
Table 4 Random Numbers Problem No.4
Combination No.1
Values from the calculator
No. Of sets
P1 R2 V1 L1 Value
Set 1 48.9866 77.6893 77.3779 39.23996 1602.079
Set 2 54.6999 73.1464 78.7332 37.47136 1552.071
Set 3 44.87379 70.75397 91.63174 33.02095 1008.151
Table 4 Combination No.1, Problem No.4
Mean, standard deviation of combination No.1

Mean 1387.434
SD 268.969

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Assignment No.3

Combination No.2
Values from the calculator
No. Of sets
P1 R2 V2 L2 Value
Set 1 48.9866 77.6893 82.90239 44.49331 1501.244
Set 2 54.6999 73.1464 83.9866 43.31676 1462.731
Set 3 44.87379 70.75397 94.3053 40.3473 988.2987
Table 5 Combination No.2, Problem No.4
Mean, standard deviation of combination No.2

Mean 1317.425
SD 233.2577

Combination No.3
Values from the calculator
No. Of sets
P1 R2 V1 L2 Value
Set 1 48.9866 77.6893 77.3779 44.49331 1616.728
Set 2 54.6999 73.1464 78.7332 43.31676 1567.538
Set 3 44.87379 70.75397 91.63174 40.3473 1018.814
Table 6 Combination No.3, Problem No.4

Mean, standard deviation of combination No.3

Mean 1401.027
SD 271.0102

Combination No.4
Values from the calculator
No. Of sets
P1 R2 V2 L1 Value
Set 1 48.9866 77.6893 82.90239 39.23996 1488.605
Set 2 54.6999 73.1464 83.9866 37.47136 1449.254
Set 3 44.87379 70.75397 94.3053 33.02095 978.2621
Table 7 Combination No.4, Problem No.4

Mean, standard deviation of combination No.4

Mean 1305.374
SD 231.8601

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