Radiation Pollution: A Case Study and Concluding Report

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B-3 [C.S.E]
K.I.I.T. Bhubaneswar, India

Radiation pollution is termed the unintended presence and/or

a comparatively higher level of radiation within the
surroundings or within the bodies of living entities.
It is calculable that 2 hundredth of radiation we tend to square
measure exposed to is thanks to human activities.

In physics, radiation is outlined as the emission or transmission

of energy within the kind of waves or particles through house
or through a cloth medium. We have mainly 2 varieties of
radiations that are further more classified on the premise of
their wavelength or energy transmission capabilities.

Due to it’s nature, the international society has declared a

logo to mark areas contaminated with radiation levels that are
unsafe for unprotected human bodies. Radiation normally
exists throughout nature however it’s uncontrolled
absorption is dangerous and in extreme cases even fatal to

Is the internationally accepted image for excessive radiation

harmful for unprotected bodies.
Types of radiation

Ionizing radiations

Ionizing radiation carries over ten work unit, that is enough to

ionize atoms and molecules and break chemical bonds.

Radiation with sufficiently high energy will ionize atoms.

Ionization happens once electron is stripped from the atom
that leaves the atom with a positive charge. as a result of this
living cells and a lot more significantly, the deoxyribonucleic
acid in those cells may be broken by this ionization, exposure
to radiation is taken into account in order to determine the
chance of cancer.

The chance of radiation inflicting cancer relies upon the

absorbed dose of the radiation and may be an operation of the
damaging tendency of the kind of radiation (equivalent dose)
and therefore the sensitivity of the irradiated organism or
tissue (effective dose).

Non ionized radiations

The mechanical energy of particles of non-ionizing radiation is

simply too tiny to provide charged ions once passing through
matter. For non-ionizing electromagnetic wave, the associated
particles have solely sufficient energy to alter the move, wave
or electronic valence configurations of molecules and atoms.
The impact of non-ionizing kinds of radiation on living tissue
has solely recently been studied. withal, totally different
biological effects have been ascertained for various varieties of
non-ionizing radiation.
Even non-ionizing radiation is capable of inflicting thermal-
ionization if it deposits enough heat to boost temperatures to
reach ionization energies. These reactions occur at way higher
energies than with ionization radiation, which needs solely
single particles to cause ionization.
The incidence of ionization depends on the energy of the
individual particles or waves, and not on their range. Intense

particles or waves won't cause ionization if these particles or

waves don't carry enough energy to be ionized , unless they
raise the temperature of a body to some extent high enough to
ionize tiny fractions of atoms or molecules by the method of
thermal-ionization, this but, needs comparatively extreme
radiation intensities.

The EM spectrum visual image of waves

The Electromagnetic spectrum was designed to represent the

span of electromagnetic waves on an increasing scale of
energy and corresponding wavelengths. Different wave groups
have been clubbed on the basis of their properties dictated by
their characteristic properties.


1. Nuclear Accidents From energy Generation Plants

Nuclear energy is touted to be the foremost potent supply of
energy thanks to its high latent power. The high latent power is
thanks to its high level of radiation.

2. the employment of Nuclear Weapons as Weapons of Mass

The use of nuclear missiles and atomic bombs, a kind of
energy, within the Second war explains not solely the cause
however additionally the damaging nature of radioactive
pollution or contamination.

3. Use of Radioisotopes
Isotopes like metallic element have high concentrations of
radiation in them. On the opposite hand, common Isotopes like
carbon-containing material are simply found in waterways
through waste material lines.
Since most of the raw waste material is untreated before
unharness, once free, the atom combines with different
compounds and parts available in water. This is often a similar
water that individuals fetch for domestic use.
Moreover, fish also consume this water contributing to
mercury poisoning.

4. Mining
Mining largely involves the excavation of the mineral ores, that
are further broken into smaller, manageable items. Metal and
metallic element, Uranium and Radium as examples, have been
present within the surroundings and are equally radioactive .

5. Spillage of radioactive Chemicals

There are instances of spillages over oceans, once ships hit
glaciers or coral reefs and release chemicals on waterways and
within the atmosphere. The bulk of those chemicals, as well as
rock oil product, have a major level of radiation, which may be
damaging to the surroundings.
Effects of radio-active pollution

1. Genetic Mutations
Radiation has adverse effects once it involves genetic science. It
results in harm to deoxyribonucleic acid strands resulting in the
genetic chop up over time. The degree of mutation resulting in
changes in deoxyribonucleic acid composition varies due to
the amount of radiation one has been exposed to and
therefore the reasonably exposure.

2. Diseases
Cancer happens to be the most dominant radiation-related
unwellness. it's developed over the years and poses a good risk
in world health. Others embody cancer of the blood, anemia,
hemorrhage, a mutation resulting in premature aging and
premature deaths. Leukemia, as an example, is caused by
radiation within the bone marrow.

3. Soil physiological decomposition

Exposure of radiation to the atmosphere means that it has
contaminated even the soil. radioactive substances within the
soil react along with the assorted nutrients resulting in the
destruction of these nutrients, so rendering the soil unfertilized
and extremely cyanogenic.

Solutions to radiation pollution

1. correct technique of getting rid of radioactive material

Radiative waste has some level of radiation. consequently, it
can't be disposed of within the same approach as traditional
garbage. It can't be incinerated or buried. Since there's a
chance of flow, this waste ought to be held on in serious and
thick concrete containers.

2. Proper Labeling
It is important for all materials with radioactive content to be
marked with the necessary precautions advised on the content
of the label. The reason for this is because radiation can enter
the body by a mere touch of radioactive material. Labeling
would ensure apt caution.

3. Nuclear non proliferation

It has been established that nuclear power has lots of latent
power that is very destructive. Not only that, the tests done to
perfect the energy contribute significantly to the overall make-
up of radioactive substances. Moreover, these tests, though
done in the deserted areas, end up travelling from one
ecosystem to another.

4. Alternative Energy Sources

The evolution and use of nuclear power was not devastating
initially. But considering the huge no. Of side effects we should
now focus on alternate and eco-friendly energy sources
namely solar, hydro-electric and wind power.

5. Proper Storage
It should be mandatory for containers carrying radioactive
material to be maintained properly. Such substances should
be kept in radiation proof facilities to ensure no seepage
during handling.

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