Reinforcement Activity No. 1 The Paintings of Juan Luna

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Readings in Philippine History

Reinforcement Activity No. 1:

The Paintings of Juan Luna

A. What characteristics did Juan Luna possess that made him a great artist?

Juan Luna is known for his dynamic and unique style, as well as his dramatic and
fascinating canvases. His career is regarded as a key example of the Romantic and Realism art
styles. Juan was not only a painter, but also a nationalist and powerful political figure who took
part in the late-nineteenth-century Philippine Revolution. Luna is a strong, charismatic man who
has illustrated his personality on every painting he made. His works were characterized by their
strength and joy in life. He became a great artist because of his love for our country, as well as
his abiding concern for the poor and the oppressed which later imbued his paintings with deep
social realism and meaning.

B. What contributions did Juan Luna accomplish for the entire Indios and for the rest of
the mestizos in the colony at that time?

Juan Luna's greatest achievement was proving to the whole world that Filipinos, or
Indios, were intellectually capable and capable of competing with any foreigner. In the interest of
Filipino self-respect and pride, he battled nationalism in Europe's cultural centers. He became a
sign of the best that his race had to give to his fellow nationalists. Luna was completely aware of
his status as a leading standard bearer of his countrymen in the short period of less than twenty
years–and he burned both ends of his candles. Luna also used his works/paintings like
“Spoliarium” to awaken his fellow Filipinos from ignorance, blindness, mental darkness and
oppression. Luna breached conventional barriers and displayed the Filipino’s artistic prowess
despite when Filipinos were deemed inferior by their colonial masters.

C. How would this contribution reflect on us today?

Juan Luna’s contribution reflects to our patriotic needs or nationalistic symbolism that will
inspire us to rise up against political oppression. It represents the spirit of our social, moral, and
spiritual lives, with mankind facing unredeemed trials and cause fighting prejudice, fanaticism,
and injustice. These contributions will also remind us today that one’s talent and love for art and
country can empower one to overcome limitations and challenges in creating enduring beauty
and continuing art’s social relevance. Luna proved that no barriers can prevent the Filipinos’
talent and brilliance from reaching greatness.

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