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My family.

Meet my family. There are five of us – my parents, my elder brother, my baby

sister and me. First, meet my mum and dad, Jane and Michael. My mum likes
reading and my dad likes playing chess with my brother Ken. My mum is slim and
tall. She has long red hair and big brown eyes. My mother is very kind. We are real
friends. She is a housewife. As she has three children, she is always busy around
the house. She takes care of my baby sister Meg, who is only three months old. My
sister is very small and funny. She sleeps, eats and sometimes cries. We all help
our mother and let her have a rest in the evening. Then she usually reads a book or
just watches TV. My father is a doctor. He is tall and handsome. He has short dark
hair and grey eyes. My elder brother Ken is thirteen, and he is very clever. He is
good at Maths and always helps me with it. Ken has red hair and brown eyes. My
name is Jessica. I am eleven. I have long dark hair and brown eyes. I like dancing.
I also like to help my mother with my little sister very much. We love each other
and always try to spend more time together.


slim [slɪm] стрункий

housewife [ˈhauswaɪf]  домогосподарка
busy [ˈbɪzɪ]  бути зайнятим
take care [teɪk kɛə]  дбати про когось
have a rest [hæv ə rɛst] відпочивати
spend more time [spɛnd mɔː taɪm ] проводити більш часу
1. Write T (True) or F (False).

1. Mum likes reading.________

2. My mum’s name is Alison. ________
3. She has long black hair.________
4. She has big brown eyes. _________
5. My mum is a doctor._________
6. My father is a doctor._________
7. My father is tall.__________
8. My father has short blond hair.________
9. My elder brother Ken is twenty.________
10. Jessica is thirteen._________

2. Write the missing words.

1. There are_________ of us.
2. My mum likes ____________and my dad likes __________________
with my brother Ken.
3. My mum is ___________ and _____________.
4. She takes care of my baby sister Meg, who is only__________ months
5. My elder brother Ken is good at ___________ and always helps me with

3. Answer the questions.

1. What does Jessica’s mum like?


2. What does Jessica’s dad like?


3. How old is Jessica?


4. Has Ken got red hair and brown eyes?


5. How old is Ken?


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