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New thriller / action story.

In a far away land called Beauveirix. People are sorted into groups. Three groups.
And that’s the Royalties, Elites and Ordinaries. Sure the Royalties and Elites have
much power than the Ordinaries but that will change when all gangs are involved –
the only highest ranked will be the Game Master whose identity will remain
unknown. The Royalties are where the richest families who are labelled as the
Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses are sorted here. The Elites are where owners
and their families are sorted along with the politicians. The Ordinaries are where
the rest are sorted if they don’t qualify into Royalties and Elites. Aurora Xyrene
Deveraux a princess in disguise. The strongest female and the leader of the Blood
Gang everyone knows her under her codename Winter. Alessandro Rome Szaldia a
prince famous for his looks, kind acts and charming smile. The strongest male
fighter and the deadliest. A leader of the Silver Gang. He is also known under his
codename Venom. Starting from the day Aurora had a mini fight battle with
another gang the young prince have all his eyes on her. At first Aurora doesn’t like
the prince because the prince couldn’t get near the Ordinary girl he announced that
all Ordinaries will be working as assistants for the Royalties. And the prince chose
HER. But as time passes the princess in disguise finds herself falling for the prince.
Later on the two confessed their love and bam! They’re together. Then one day the
game master announced a game for all the top ranked gangs to join. And the winner
will get three things, information about the legendary Night Sky. Night Sky is the
strongest and most powerful female gangster in the Era before them. But no one
knew Night Sky’s identity nor her rank. The second thing they’ll earn is the Game
Master’s identity as his identity is unknown. The third is the precious, valuable
and powerful symbol anyone can obtain and that’s the Yin-Yang symbol. But the
thing of this game is you have to win to survive. You have to kill in order to
survive. Once severly injured or killed you and your gang will immediately be
disqualified. Many people indeed are injured and were killed. But what shocked
them is when the Game Master knew the true identity of Aurora. And all hell broke
when Aurora saw her older brother on stage his hands tied at the back and his face
all bloody. Lesson learned for everyone who witnessed it – never anger Aurora
Deveraux or you’ll completely face Winter. At the end Aurora was able to save his
brother with the help of her gang, Alessandro’s gang and her brother’s gang. Her
gang also won and she was able to save the three gangs and leave the Game Master
behind as the island blows up. Adios Hijo De Puta was what Aurora said as they
left. Aurora reunited with her family and for the first time everyone saw Aurora cry
when she saw her brother being held captive at the island. Aurora and Alessandro
had a fight because Alessandro thought Aurora doesn’t trust him enough and that
he doesn’t want to love someone who doesn’t love him when he fully trusts the
person he loves. And on that same night Aurora received a news that her older
brother got kidnapped while resting cause’ her brother was still asleep for three
days. This angered Aurora more. And on that night she vanished. No one knew
where she went. And this made Alessandro worry more about Aurora. The gang did
all they can to search for the run away princess. And finally they found her in a five
star hotel in Russia patiently sitting on a golden chair a red wine in hand and
wearing a red dress. Then five men in black started appearing and blocked her
paths. Aurora stood up and broke the glass of wine with her hand and took off her
sunglasses and threw them at one of the guy’s and a fight began. Where’s my
brother? She asked as she got hold of the last man standing who is taller and more
muscular than her. Spain the man choked and Aurora smirked before killing the
man. She took out her phone and dialled someone before leaving. The rest watched
her as she went in a silver Lamborghini and they followed her to the airport where
she went in a private jet. Everyone followed her to Spain and finally cornered
Aurora. Aurora was of course happy to see them but was still giving Alessandro a
silent treatment. In Spain they faced ten groups with twenty to fifty people before
going to the final location in a big mansion. Booby traps were present and hidden
men were present. In the end they finally found her brother who is tied again but
fully awake. But a gun shot was heard before they left. Alessandro was shot which
made Aurora run to him and for the second time they saw her cry. As they got home
Aurora remained at Alessandro’s side until he woke up. They both apologized for
their mistake and VUALA! They lived happily every after.

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