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3 Glasses Shattered 3 Papers Crumpled.

Sapphira Macapayag

There once lived a family in a remote are in the deep forest. The mother and the father had two
daughters. Let’s call them Maeve and Genevieve, Maeve being the oldest and Genevieve being the
youngest. One day as the two sisters were busy playing out in the forest on their own. The mother and
father settled down in the living room to discuss about one thing their two daughters have been asking

“Shall we send our daughters to school?” the mother asked and the father faced her with a skeptical
look. “They need to have an environment where they can learn as well, maybe they can make friends”
the mother added and the father took a breath in and slowly nodded his head. “Very well then, let’s
send them to school” the mother gave the father a smile and went to tell her daughters the good news.

Maeve and Genevieve were very happy when they heard that they were going to school. They always
talk about school here and there.

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