Tandog FSM 31 - Activity 1

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Name: Judie Lee M. Tandog

Course and Section: FSM 31



At the end of this lesson, the student should able to develop a clear and
practical understanding of the following;

a. Definition of Conventional literacy; and

b. Expanded views of literacy in the 21st century.

• Traditional Literacy is the ability to read and write.

• The Traditional or Conventional concept of Literacy can be divided into sub-
1. Basic Literacy, which is the ability to recognize letter and words.
2. Comprehension Literacy, which is the ability to understand the meaning of
what is being read; and
3. Functional /Practical Literacy, which is the ability to read written materials
needed to perform everyday vocational task.
• Modern views of Literacy equate it with knowledge.
• New Literacies have risen due to Increase reach, increased means of communication,
and increased breadth of content. These new literacies are globalization and
multicultural literacy, social and financial literacy, media and cyber/digital literacy, eco
literacy, artistic and creative literacy and critical literacy.

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Given the Traditional / Conventional concept of Literacy, How Literate are you?
I became literate through the ability to understand and learning by studying. It will teach
me to recognize letter and words, the meaning of what I’ve read, and perform a
vocational task. Because of these things i will become literate and learning new things.

2. How deep is your level of Comprehension?

In the scale of 1-10 I rate myself in 6 from the level of Comprehension, because most of
the words I’ve read especially in English words it is difficult and deep to analyze and
understand the words. I still need to search for him to find out what is the meaning and
synonyms of each word.

3. Which of the new literacies are you knowledgeable in? Which of the new literacies do
you lack knowledge in?
The new literacies that I knowledgeable are the social and financial literacy, and media
and cyber/digital literacy these two discussed about the effectively use of a financial skills
including the personal financial management, budgeting and investing. On the other hand
the cyber/digital literacy is all about the people who use media, access to information
increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media and mobile
devices. Because of these you will be having the skills you need to live, learn and work in
a society where communication exist.

4. Although reading education in the Philippines aims to develop Functional / Practical

Literacy in learners, what level of literacy is being developed when classroom practices
focus more on memorization rather than on understanding and application?
In my perspective the level of literacy being developed in a classroom when it focuses
more on memorization rather than on understanding and application it is called the Basic
Literacy. This literacy you will be able to recognize the letter and words but you will not
understand what is the meaning of it.

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