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Training – Chapter 20

Training = process that involves increasing the knowledge and skills of a worker to enable them do
their job more effectively

Induction training = Training given to a new employee

when they first start a job. Some of it may involve

Activity 1 – Case Study: Google pg167/8

1: The purpose of induction training is to train new

employee so they now what to when they first start their jobs

2: The new recruits at google might learn what google culture, mission and products are. Then they
will learn how to use the technology and learn how to develop at google.

3: Induction training is really important for business such as google because if training doesn’t work
productivity will be lowered and staff might leave due to not
being able to do the work

On The job Training:

Watching another Worker = This involves a new worker to

to watch and copy an experience worker. This method is good
if the staff member teaching is a good and committed teacher.

Mentoring = This is where an experienced worker and a trainee

are paired. The trainee is put to work unsupervised and he can
ask the mentor for some advice and help.

Job Rotation = This involves a trainee spending a period of time in different departments, by working
in different departments employee will gain skill required and gain a broad knowledge of how the
business works

Off The job Training:

This is training away from the work area. The advantage
and disadvantages are highlighted in the picture to the right.

Activity – Case study: Emirates pg169/70

1: The term of the job training is training that takes place away from the work place.

2: The method of training used at emirate is both theoretical and practical. For the practical training
it take place in machines that stimulate the movement of an aircraft. The training course even
teaches the employee safety and emergency first aid training.

3: Two advantages of emirates using off the job training is that the training could take place outside
work hours so they could increase the amount or even decrease the amount of works and the
second advantage is that the customers and others are not put at risk.
Training – Chapter 20

Training in health and safety: the government aim to protect worker by putting legislation on
businesses to keep the workplace a safe place. For example employee will need to learn about;

 The dangers from hazardous substance e.g. acids

 Using a maintaining safety equipment and protective clothing e.g. fire extinguisher
 The importance of a hygienic environment e.g. one safe from for food protection
 The protection from violence, bullying, threats and stress in the workplace.

Benefits of training:

Keeping the worker up to date = Workers will need training if there is changes that might effect
their jobs

 New health and safety procedures

 After a takeover
 New technology
 New working practice
 New legislation

Improving labour flexibility = If the trainee are trained in different jobs so this increases flexibility in
the business

Improving job satisfaction = Worker feel secure if they’ve been trained to do their job because if
there will be anxiety, frustration and dissatisfaction for workers and businesses have invested money
in training so this make trainee more secure cause replacing them will cost business more money.

New jobs in the business = Owing to expansion, new products or new technology, new jobs are
created. This means jobs need to be retrained

Training for promotion = Training is usually needed when promoting cause each promotion mean
doing new skills and method. This allows them o handle different duties.

Limitation of training:

High cost of training courses and other resources = Training can be very expensive. Businesses may
need to pay training providers if they do external training and even internal training can be costly
because equipment’s

Learning by doing = Training is limited because worker do not really start learning before they arrive
at their workstation

Loss of output = If workers do off the job training that will mean that workers will not be producing
anything so output level lowers. Even if worker are trained, they will be mistake cause there still new

Employee leaving = If businesses train employee, they could leave and join a rival company. Some
businesses actually target people who have been trained so they avoid training costs.

Multiple–choice Questions pg172

1: C
Training – Chapter 20

2: A

3: C

4: D

Chapter Review – Peshawar Printworks pg 173:

1: Training is needed at Peshawar Printworks because the company invested in highly advanced
digital printing technology and the staff isn’t used to this so they have to train the staff to help them
get used to the technology.

2: Two reasons that Peshawar Printworks may be reluctant to spend on training are that the trained
workers might leave and go work for a rival printing company and another reason is that it is really
costly and in the case study it says training cost “double the annual training budget.”

3: The first advantage of on-the-job training is that the staff gets trained and used to company
system instead of on the simulator in other training and the second advantage is that output is still
being produced.

4: The benefits of training for Peshawar printworks are that the worker would be keeping up to date
with he newest technology because the staff would be getting trained on their own system so they
would be getting used it and getting better at using it so this would increase productivity for the
Peshawar printworks a lot

Another benefit for training to Peshawar printworks is that the worker morale and motivation would
increase. This is because since the worker know the Peshawar Printworks put a lot of money and
resources on training, they know that replacing people would just be more expensive, this would
make employee feel more secure and this would increase morale and make them feel motivated to
work so productivity would improve.

A disadvantage to training would be that the trained employee would be that after Peshawar
Printworks train their employee the employee might leave and join a rival printer company. This
would mean resources would have been wasted on employee that are not even staying at the

In conclusion, I think training is needed at Peshawar Printworks because they have already invested
in the technology so they pretty much must do it and the advantages outweigh the disadvantage
because the productivity increase would be much higher.

Choose three different jobs and explain the best training method?

Teacher: The best training method for a teacher would be mentoring because a new teacher
partnering with an experienced teacher. So basically the trainee teacher could be put to work
without being directly supervised so they could get used to teaching and if they need any help they
could ask the experience teacher.
Training – Chapter 20

Fast-food Employee: The best training method for a fast-food employee would be watching
another worker, since being a fast-food employee doesn’t require any qualification or any special
skills, you could do probably learn everything by watching a senior employee.

Pilot: The best possible method for training a pilot would be off-the-job training, this would allow
the worker to learn without putting the customer and other people at risk, they could use machine
to show what a flight simulator would be like and they could make training outside of work hours so
off-the-job training would be the best method.

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