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Ques1. Which of the following is a competitive strategy?

Ans. Innovation

Ques2. The rapid development of microcomputer processing power, application

software packages, and telecommunications networks gave birth to the
phenomenon of .
Ans. End user computing

Ques3. Internal enterprise information portal applications typically include access

to all of the following except:
Ans. Internet news service

Ques4. Online analytical processes involve all of the following analytical

operations except
Ans. Filtration

Ques5. All Of the following are fundamental reasons for business applications of
information technology except:
Ans. Compliance with environmental regulations

Ques6. Deciding what product lines to develop over the next five years is an
example of a(n) decision.
Ans. Unstructured

Ques7. analysis is a more complex form of goal-seeking where the goal

is to find the best value for a target variable given certain constraints.
Ans. Optimization

Ques 8. Which one of the following should be used to answer the question, “What
would happen to sales if we cut advertising by 25 percent?”
Ans. What-if

Ques9. Moving from mainframe-based legacy systems to integrated, cross-

functional client/server applications typically involves installing
Ans. All of the choices are correct (enterprise, supply chain, Customer

Ques 10. Who was the British AI pioneer responsible for proposing a test for
determining if machines could think?
Ans. Alan turning

Ques 11. All the following are competitive strategies except:

A. New Entries into the Market
B. Innovation
C. Cost Leadership
D. Alliance
Ans. A) New Entries into the Market

Ques12. A/an is a Web-based interface and integration of MIS, DSS, EIS,

and other technologies that give all intranet users and selected ex- tranet users
access to a variety of internal and external business applications and services.
Ans. Enterprise information portals

Ques13. Which of the following is an example of an unstructured data source?

Ans. Email

Ques14. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the form

dimension of information?
Ans. Information is arranged in a predetermined sequence.

Ques15. All of the following are attributes of intelligent behavior that AI attempts
to duplicate except
Ans. Emotion

Ques16. is an example of an unstructured, operational

management decision.
Ans. Cash management

Ques17. Developing a relationship with a customer such that the customer cannot
afford to switch suppliers is an example of
Ans. Locking in the customer

Ques18. Many companies are using gis technology along with global positioning
systems devices to do all of the following except:
Ans. Map customer traffic patters within each store.
Ques19. analysis involves making repeated changes to selected
variables until a chosen variable reaches a target value.
Ans. Goal-seeking analysis

Ques20. With , information is available whenever a manager

demands it.
Ans. Demand reports and responses

Ques21. Instead of focusing on the information processing requirements of

business functions, enterprise software focuses on supporting integrated clusters
of involved in the operations of a business.
Ans. Business processes

Ques22. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the content

dimension of information?
Ans. Information is related to the information needs of a specific recipient for a
specific situation

The practice of becoming the largest purchaser of products from a given supplier is
an example of:
Ans. Locking in the supplier

Ques24. All of the following are competitive forces in the marketplace except:
Ans. Alliances

Ques25. Decision support in business is changing, driven by all of the following

Ans. Changing corporate spending patterns

Ques26. All the following are examples of an information system, except:

Ans. A group of marbles in a box

Ques27. Dell, Wal-Mart, and Amazon are a few of the companies using
DSS models to stimulate and optimize supply chain flow and
reduce inventory levels.
Ans. Supply chain

Ques28. With , data about sales offices can be rolled up to the district
level, and district-level data can be rolled up to provide a regional-level
Ans. Consolidation

Ques29. A(n) strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm

seeks to become a low-cost producer of products and services in the industry.
Ans. Low cost leadership

Ques30. In its simplest form, a system consists of all the following except:
Ans. A group of cooperative users

Ques31. The rapid development of microcomputer processing power, application

software packages, and telecommunications networks gave birth to the
phenomenon of .
Ans. End user computing
Ques32. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the
operational level of management?
Ans. C) composed of self-directed teams or supervisory managers who develop
short-range plans, according . to procedures and within the budgets and
schedules established for the teams and other workgroups
Of the organization

Ques33. is defined as the use of the Internet and other

networks and information technologies to support electronic commerce,
enterprise communication and collaboration, and Web-enabled business
processes, both within a networked enterprise and with customers and
business partners.
Ans. Electronic business

Ques34. Investments in information technology that build valuable new

relationships allow a firm to:
A. Lock in the supplier
B. Lock in the customer
C. Lock out competition
D. All the above (answer D)

Ques35. A(n) strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm

significantly expands its capacity to produce goods and services, expanding and
diversifying in the market.
Ans. Growth

Ques36. A strategic information system can be any kind of information system

that uses information technology to help an organization .
A. gain a competitive advantage
B. reduce a competitive disadvantage
C. meet strategic enterprise objectives
D. all of the choices are correct
Answer (D)

Ques37. systems cross the boundaries of traditional business

functions in order to reengineer and improve vital business processes all across
the enterprise.
Ans. Cross-functional systems management

Ques38. A(n) strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm

develops unique products or services from those of its competitors, or makes
radical business changes that may alter the fundamental nature of the industry.
Ans. Innovation

Ques39. The information products from an MIS take all the following forms
Ans. Pull reports

Ques40. A weekly sales report is a typical example of a(n)

Ans. Periodic schedule

Ques41. By targeting customers who are already known to be likely buyers, the
effectiveness of a given marketing effort is significantly increased—if the
marketing takes the form of
Ans. form of the marketing does not matter
Ques42. Which of the following applications focuses on the efficiency of a firm’s
internal production, distribution, and financial processes?
Ans. Enterprise resource planning

Ques43. Business intelligence applications are based on all of the following

Ans. Rapid information input processes

Ques44. Harrah’s, Capital One, and Barclays are a few of the companies using
DSS models to identify customers who produce the greatest
Ans. Customer selection

Ques45. All of the following are basic competitive forces discussed in the text
Ans. Bargaining power of customer

Ques46. All of the following are basic competitive strategies discussed in the text
Ans. Strategic dominance

Ques47. How do information systems aid in decision making?

A. Information systems help companies determine investments.
B. Information systems help companies determine which products to sell or
C. Information systems can be used to gain competitive advantage.
D. All of the choices are correct.( Answer D all)

Ques48. The expanding role of information systems from the 1950s to the
present, in sequential order, are:
Ans. C) Data processing, management reporting, decision support, strategic and
end user support, electronic business and commerce

Ques49. Networked enterprises view systems as a strategic

way to use IT to decentralize information resources.
Ans. Cross functional enterprise

Ques50. A(n) strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm

significantly expands its capacity to produce goods and services, expanding and
diversifying in the market.
Ans. Growth

Ques51. According to the text, most retail stores today use computer-based
information systems to support business processes and operations. This support
falls broadly into the categories of:
Ans. Business decisions and strategies for competitive advantage.

Ques52. is an example of a structured, tactical management

Ans. Program control

Ques52. Decision support systems use to support the

making of semi-structured business decisions.
A. analytical models
B. Specialized databases
C. A decision maker’s own insights and judgments
D.All of the choices
Answer (D) all of the choices

Ques53. Using a decision support system involves all of the following types of
analytical modeling activities except analysis
Ans. Exception

A major
Ques54. freight company has several thousand drivers. A report containing
information about only those company drivers who have not taken a
mandatory defensive driving course is an example of a(n)
Ans. Exception

Ques55. A firm can survive and succeed in the long run if it successfully develops
strategies to confront the that shape the structure of
competition in its industry.
Ans. Competitive strategie

Ques56. A(n) architecture illustrates the inter-relationships of

the major cross-functional enterprise applications that many companies have, or
are installing, today.
Ans. Enterprise application
Ques57. Expanding a company’s product offering into global markets is an
example of a(n) strategy.
Ans. Growth

Ques58. Which of the following is a competitive force in the marketplace?

Ans. Competition

Ques59. All of the following can be used to counter competitive forces in the
marketplace except:
Ans. Bargaining

Ques60. A(n) strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm

establishes new business linkages with customers, suppliers, competitors, and
other companies.
Ans. Alliances

Ques61. Becoming a low-cost producer of products and services in an industry is

an example of a(n):
Ans. Cost leadership strategy

Ques62. AI applications can be grouped under all of the following areas except:
Ans. Linguistics

Ques63. The purpose of is to determine what products

customers purchase together with other products.
Ans. Market based analysis
Ques64. The type of information required by decision makers in a company is
directly related to the level of management decision making and the amount of
in the decision situations they face.
Ans. Structure

Ques65. Decisions made at the strategic management level tend to be more:

Ans. Unstructured

Ques66. Which of the following is one of the most common and useful types of
data mining for marketing?
Ans. Market basket analysis

Ques67. Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on

Ans. A. Computer science
B. Biology and psychology
C. Linguistics and mamathematic
D. All of the choices are correct ( answer D)

Ques68. What type of analysis should be used to respond to the statement, “ let’s
cut advertising by $1000 repeatedly So we can see its relationship to sales ” ?
----- sensitivity

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