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Human Resource Concepts, Perspectives & Applications Challenges of Managing Human Resources in present era Following are the main issues that are faced by the mangers to manage the workforce of today's organization for achievement of objectives. a, To Attract People People will be interested to join any organization if it is providing them quality working envi nent, attractive benefit and opportunities to excel in future, Keeping in view the opportunities in the market, the first issues will be to good people for your organization. ract b. To Develop People Development is related to provide the opportunities for training and development to match the skills to job in particular areas. It requires careful need assessment for training and selecting effective training methods and tools, After attracting/selecting, Continuous development of workforce of the organization leads towards development of the organization. So that they will start playing their important role in the organization. c. To Motivate Motivation means to influence performance of others and to redirect the efforts in desirable direction by using different motivational tools that can help in fulfilling the mission of organization. Third important issues/concern will be to keep your workforce motivated so that they should keep on delivering effectively. d. To Keep Talented People This is related to retention of workforce in organization and to take steps that can Prevent undesirable detachments of talented and motivated workers from the organization. STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: - Strategic Human Resource Management - A Tool to Achieve Organizational Goals Strategy: “Strategy is a way of doing something. [1 includes the formulation of goals and set of action plans for accomplishment of that goal.” — ut\@n Resource a Concapts, Pernpactves ie! 0een HNe8 4 Appucninn Strategic Management: “A Process of formulating, implementing and evaluating business Strategies , achieve organizational objectives ix called Strategic Management® - Definition of Strategic Management: - “Strategic Management ts that sect of managerial decisions and Actions thay determine the long-term performance of a corporation. It includes environ tmenta) scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation and control.” The study of strategic management therefore emphasizes Monitoring ang ‘evaluating environmental opportunities and threats in the light of a corporation's strengths and weaknesses, Strategic Human Resource Management is the practice of aligning business strategy with that of HR practices to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, The aim of SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) is to ensure that HR strategy is not a means but an end in itself as far ay business objectives are concerned. The idea behind SHRM is that companies must “fit their HR strategy within the framework of overall Business objectives and hence ensure that there is alignment between the HR Practices and the strategic objectives of the organization. Evolution of SHRM With the advent of new economy industries like IT and the mushrooming of the service sector, organizations all over the world realized that human resources must be viewed as a source of competitive advantage as opposed to treating it much the same way in access to technology or capital is concerned. What this means is that the practice of HRM is being viewed as something that promotes the business objectives of the firms and not merely another factor in the way the firm is managed. How does SHRM fit in with Strategy? With the advent of today's economy where services account for a major share of the GDP and the fact that the service sector is essentially people centric, it is imperative that the people first approach be embraced by the organizations for sustainable business strategy. The practice of SHRM demands a Proactive and hands on approach by the management as well as the HR department with Human Resource Monagenont Concepts. Perspectives & Applications 53 ds to the entire gamut of activi ranging from staffing and training and development to mentoring and pay and performance management. |. Environmental Scanning: Analyze the Opportunities and Threats in External Environment >. Strategy Formulation: Formulate Strategies to match Strengths and Weaknesses. It can be done at Corporate level, Business Unit Level and Functional Level 3. Strategy Implementation: Implement the Strategies 4. Evaluation & Control: Ensure the organizational objectives are met. IMPORTANCE & BENEFITS OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT * Allows identification, prioritization and exploration of opportunities, * Provides an objective view of management problems. * Represents framework for improved co-ordination and contral © Minimizes the effects of adverse conditions and changes * Allows major decisions to better support established objectives * Allows more effective allocation of time and resources © Allows fewer resources and lesser time devoted to correcting ad hoc decisions * Creates framework for internal communication © Helps to integrate the individual behaviors * Provides basis for the clarification of responsibilities * Encourages forward thinking © Encourages favorable attitude towards change, ROLE OF HRM IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Role in Strategy Formulation: HRM is in a unique position to supply competitive intelligence that may be useful in strategy formulation. Details Human Renouroe Managonont Concepts, Parapoctives & Applications imive plans aned by competitors, opinion MIvey daty ; yer complaints, information about M_ Unique HB capabilities verve garding advanced ince om employees, elicit information about custom renuling legislation ete, ean be provided by MR adriving force in strategy formulation Role in Strategy Implementation: HRM supplies the company bbe 4 competent and willing workforce for executing: strategies. tis jnpere to remember that linking strategy and HRM effectively requires more than selection from a series of practice choices The challenge ts 10 develop a configuration of HI practice choices that help implement the organization's strategy and enhance its competitiveness. The Way SHRM works \y organizations in recent limes have function is to look after the enabling from treating If we take real world examples, man; dedicated “people managers” whose sole and fulfilling needs of the resources This is a marked change , people as just resources to treating, people as assets. For instance, Infosys states that people are its assets and the famous statement by Mr. Narayana Murthy, one of the founders of the company that the capital of Infosys walks in every morning and walks out every evening has to be taken in this context, :laborating on this point, one finds that organizations tend to leverage upon the capabilities of the people employed there and ensuring that the “human capital” is nourished and nurtured as a source of competitive advantage. This translates into a dedicated HR department and people managers in every group dealing exclusively with employee issues as opposed to treating this as a line management function. The times when management could arbitrarily dictate terms to the employees and tread upon their rights is something that is not relevant anymore. With the ballooning of the white collar workforce, it becomes necessary for organizations to pay more attention to the needs of the employees more than ever. Finally, the fact that organizations derive their strategy from employces instead of imposing strategy upon them is the essence of SHRM. SHRM Code of Bthies sa thant (he auppnst and 8 moras pbc wrdberLaretiog of attr defile fens na of ara eae rate (HAL | plealg royal hos echphoptneed pea (iC errant j Taille the emigepinn at (oe nis aie wrtaen tiaeciaris of pullie a sper ot connhidana merntens enol how! the conduct and lntantions — at tha Saciety for Human Hesource at 1 oy conte Managerient han ean adopted to | ‘© Sieiee tov pant growth in thee Maiti pay La ey eriplnyne runiote and mantain (he hagheat re oan hal are consistent with the pale profentionil wanders amang itt © Saipuent Use Heacvaty'y poly ard Woe iar, inambers. Adherence (a tha code et atoectives tor devebapng Ihe © Upton alt laws and regulations ——requaied for meentierntp i the human resource management ritating Lo my employers active Saxcty and serves to ansute pace voter vm confidence la the integrity and wares © Locowenge My emphoyte ta make @ Mletrain from wing my official ice of human resource managerent (fait and aquitabia treatment fotitiorn, eithas regular wolun> professionals, | el albem phones 4 primary com fee, to weet special prbnage, . ton. pi 0 beet formyl ! © Sartor to mae my womghoyer profs @ Malrtain the contientiaity of ‘atle t0h in eaary tate Drteeped intermiation Global Hu Resource Management - Meaning and Objectives With the advent of globalization, organizations ~ big or small have ceased to be local, they have become global! This has increased the workforce diversity and cultural sensitivities have emerged like never before. All this led to the development of Global Human Resource Management, Even those organizations who consider themselves immune to transactions across geographical boundaries are connected to the wider network globally. They are in one way or the other dependent upen organizations that may even not have heard about. There is interdependence between organizations in various areas and functions, The preliminary function of global Human Resource Management is that the organization carries a local appeal in the host country despite maintaining an international feel, To exemplify, any multinational / international company would not like to be called as local, however the same wants a domestic touch in the host country and there lies the challenge. ~ 10. jring, Waning. the profile of workers, and discover new methods of hiring, remunerating and motivating employees. New Industrial Relations Approach: - In today’s dynamic world, even unions have understood that strikes and militaney have lost their relevance and unions are greatly affected by it. The trade union membership has. fallen drastically worldwide and the future of labor movement is 1 danger The challenge before HRM is to adopt a proactive industrial relations approach which should enable HR specialist to look into challenges unfolding in the future and to be prepared to convert them into opportunities. Renewed People Focus: - The need of today’s world and business is the people's approach. The structure, strategy, systems approach which worked in post war era is no more relevant in today’s economic environment which is characterized by over capacities and intense competition, The challenge of HR manager is to focus on people and make them justifiable and sustainable. Managing the Managers: - Managers are unique tribe in any society, they believe they are class apart. They demand decision-making, bossism, and operational freedom. However in the post liberalization era, freedom given fo managers is grossly misused to get rid of talented and hard working Juniors. The challenge of HRM is how to manage this tribe? How to make them realize that the freedom given to them is to enable them make quick decisions in the interest of the organization and not to resort to witch- hunting. Weaker Society interests: - Another challenge for HRM is to protect the interest of weaker sections of society. The dramatic increase of women workers, minorities and other backward communities in the workforce has resulted in the need for organizations to reexamine their policies, practices and values. In the name of global competition, productivity and quality the interests of the society around should not be sacrificed. It is a challenge of today’s HR managers to see that these weaker sections are neither denied their rightful jobs nor are discriminated against while in service. Contribution to the success of organizations: - The biggest challenge to an HR manager is to make all employees contribute to the success of the organization in an ethical and socially responsible way. Because society's well being to a large extent depends on its organizations.

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