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Case Study: The Indian Premier League

1: Sponsorship is making a financial contribution to an event or person in return for them promoting
your business for example in this case study high profile business such as Amazon will pay certain team
in the IPL, in which they will represent them and wear a logo on them and promote the business

2: One advantage to sponsor of involvement in IPL is that they will able to get a

3: Viral Advertising is a marketing technique in which a company persuades an internet user to forward
it publicity in emails or via social media for example it feature Bollywood actresses such as Kangana
Ranaut or M.S. Dhoni”. These celebrities will promote sponsors

4:One benefit to business establishing brand name would be increased revenue. This is because when
you have a brand name this will mean that business will have a higher recognition, thus leading to more
customer sales since more people know about it and since there is more sale there is more revenue.

5: The use of social media platform such Instagram and Twitter in advertising has increased for example
in 2016 Twenty20 generated 6 million tweets. This tells us there are a lot of people on social media. This
will allow business to have a larger market to sell for thus increasing revenue because if they use social
media, consumer will know the brand more and thus will buy it

Another benefit of using social media is it is relatively cheap. It is not expensive and can be used to
direct consumers. This mean business will be able to target consumer that are interested in these types
of products and this is known because of their data and browsing habits, this means that business will
be able to target potentially customer more easily thus increase revenue because if they target
consumer that are likely going to buy the product sales will increase thus increasing revenue.

In conclusion, Social media should be used to advertised because more than half the world is on social
media and it cheaper then most other forms of advertisements.

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