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Activity 1: Air and transport

1: new -old / old

((3440000 – 642000) / 642000) x 100 = 435.83%
2: Two feature that have supported the airline industry are people are allowed to
work in any country they choose, this is one of the main feature that support the
airline industry because if people decide where to choose, they will most likely
choose aircraft to move out of the country and the second reason is that there
good traded freely across international border this is a main feature because good
can be transported oversee by airplanes so these feature have boomed the airline
3: The two reasons for the development of globalization reduced cost of travel. In
the case study it states that “Budget airline around the world have increased
growth”. This is because since it cheaper it allows more people to travel and more
business meeting to happen oversee. Another reason is that “More business
travel” due to this increase more businessmen have traveled oversees using the
Activity 2: Globalization and smartphone producers
1:1424 x 0.214 = Mobile sold
The number of mobiles sold are 304.736 million.
2: two benefits for mobile users such as Samsung and Huawei are that since they
can choose where they place their head office, they can have reduced taxes
because they can choose a country where the taxes are really low like Ireland so
they can lower their costs and increase profit. The second benefit for mobile users
such as Samsung are that they have a wider access to labor so they can get people
from all over the world so the business will have greater human capital.
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