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18 Underwood Road, E4 7ET, Chingford, London

Personal profile

I am a hardworking, determined and organised individual who thrives of success. I also have a passion for football which i play
on the weekend with my local team, this has taught me valuable skill such as how to interact and work with others in intense
situations. I believe I would be an ideal candidate for the office manager as I deliver great customer service and have lots of
experience using applications such as Microsoft Office and Sims.


I believe I have strong teamworking skills as I have had to work in a team multiple times and have had time to develop my skill,
for example last year I was part of a team who competed in the Drapers Den competition where we had to work together to
develop a business idea that benefits society where we had to create a presentation and present it to industry experts where
we won the competition.

I believe I have demonstrated communication skills to a high standard multiple times because as i goal keeper i have to
verbally communicate with my fellow teammates how we should defend when the opposition is attacking us. I also regularly
demonstrate high standard communication skills when I am working as I have to assist customers politely with any problems
or queries.

Work experience

July 2018 - Present Shop Assistant - CSS DIY

I was a shop assistant in DIY shop where my job role was mostly customer service
based as I was mainly greeting customers and assisting them with any problems or
queries they had. through my experience I learnt how to deliver excellent customer
service to consumers as I was mentored by my manager, as I had to regularly
speak to new customers my confidence also increased greatly as before I was a shy
kid however now I am ale to start a conversation with most people. My
responsibilities also included handling transactions for customers at the till, I also
had to restock the shelves and maintain the shop floor and I had the responsibility
of opening the shop when the manager was a away.


September 2019 - Present BTEC - Sir George Monoux College

I am currently in my second year of my BTEC Course "Business and Enterprise", in
my first year I received a D*D* Grade and I am predicted the same for this current

September 2015 - June 2019 GCSE - Hawkswood

5 GCSE's including a 5 in English Language, 5 in Business Studies, 5 in Mathematics,
5/6 in Combined Science. My grades was not what I was expected however
throughout that academic year I was struggling with my own personal problems so
nevertheless I am proud of myself with the grades I received.

Other interests

January 2015 - Present Reading

For most of my teenage life I have enjoyed reading action & adventure books as I
love suspense and find it hard to put the book down as I want to find out what
happens next, I also enjoy reading books because I can paint a live picture in my
head due to the descriptive writing used. I believe that by reading for many years
my geographical and historical knowledge as well as my vocabulary has increased.

January 2010 - Present Football

I am a starting 11 player for my weekend league football team where I play as a
goal keeper, as I thrive to be the best at what I do I spends lots of time training
therefor I have had to learn how to organise myself and manage my time
effectively so that I have enough time to train, complete my school work, and
spend time with my family .


Chan Singh CSS DIY - Manager/Owner

020 8471 1586

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