Core Vocabulary Part 2 Students

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Part 2:

Unit 1: Sociology – Fact and Opinion

Critical Thinking Skill: Distinguishing fact from opinion: Perceptions of the

civil rights movement
1. Preeminent Ưu việt
2. Sanguine Lạc quan
3. Platform Nền tảng
4. Oratorically Hùng hồn , thuộc về
lời nói
5. Cast Miêu tả
( cast : buổi diễn thử)
6. Nurture Nuôi dưỡng = foster
Supporting Skill 1: Recognizing and Interpreting states of opinions:
Gandhi’s salt strategy
1. Sweeping Sâu rộng Sweeping changes: thay
đổi sâu rộng
2. Traction = support : ủng hộ
3. Meticulous Tỉ mỉ
4. Unconscionable Vô lương tâm
5. Crackdown Đàn áp
6. Succumb Chịu thua, đầu hàng
Supporting skill 2: Recognizing and Interpreting states of facts: Gandhi’s
1. Parallel Song song A relationship or
similarity between two
things, especially things
that exist or happen in
different place or at
different times
2. Inflict Bắt phải gánh chịu To make someone
suffer something bad or
3. Emulate Noi gương To do to try something
or behave in the same
way as someone else,
especially because you
admire him or her
4. Plight Cảnh ngộ, hoàn cảnh A bad, serious, or sad
condition or situation
5. Ostracize Xa lánh, tẩy chay To stop accepting a
person as a member of
6. Laud Tán dương, khen ngợi To praise someone or
Reading- Writing Connection: Understanding and Producing Critiques:
Competing Approaches to Civil Rights struggle
1. Preach Giảng đạo, thuyết giáo
2. Alienate = ostracize : xa lánh
3. Nil Số 0
4. Saddle with Làm gánh nặng
5. Galvanize Làm ai đấy phần khởi
6. Slay Ám sát
Slain (past
7. Lock up Khóa , nhốt ai đó
8. Ripple Gợn sóng
Part 2:

Unit 2: Economics

Critical Thinking Skill: Understanding Implication and Inference:

Accounting in Context
1. Insinuate Nói bóng gió To get inside
something through
hard to see entry points
2. Breakthrough Đột phá An important new
discovery in something
3. Fall under Thuộc vào nhóm / rơi To be included in
vào nhóm
4. Adherence Sự tuân thủ Connection or
5. Inclined toward Nghiêng/Thiên về phía Tending to favor oen
thing over others
6. Turbulent Sóng gió unsettled
Supporting Skill 1: Making strong inferences avoiding weak ones: The
effects of tariffs on research and development
1. invigorate Tiếp thêm sinh lực To make livelier or
2. Dozens of Hàng tá Multiple, existing in
numbers larger than
about 24
3. Dinosaur Cổ , lỗi thời Something that is old
and out of step with
modern standards
4. Jump start Nhảy vọt To cause something or
put it in motion
quickly through strong
5. Play to their Tận dụng, thế mạnh To focus efforts on
strengths taking advantage of a
specific resource
6. Brain drain Chảy máu chất xám The loss of an
economy’s smartest
Supporting skill 2: Distinguish between deliberate implications and direct
statements: Smoking, Sin Taxes and changing habits
1. Have a taste for Có vị .., nếm To want to have or
experience something
pleasurable as a matter
or habit
2. Well meaning Có ý tốt = be kind Trying to do the right
thing but not really
knowing how
3. Coincide with Trùng hợp To happen at the same
time as something else
especially by chance
4. Fizzle (out) Thất bại = fail To fail by slowly
losing strength
5. In effect Có hiệu lực (adj) Actually in place or
valid at a given time
often refers to a rule or
6. Waft Thoang thoảng To float in the air
usually refer to a gas
smell or sound
Reading- Writing Connection: Summarizing: Paraphrasing: The many
definitions of income
1. u Income inequality Không công bằng Disparity in earnings
2. Accounting for Considering
3. Stagnant Trì trệ Not moving
4. Keep track of Theo dõi , theo sát To follow or monitor
the condition of
5. Cap (to set an upper limit) To set an upper limit
6. Internal Revenue Cục thuế nội bộ The tax authorities
7. Salient Quan trọng Of great importance
Part 2:

Unit 3: Biology

Critical Thinking Skill: Evaluating Evidence and Argumentation: The truth

about cancer rates
1. Incidence Tỉ lệ mắc bệnh The number of times
something happens,
especially something
2. Bring to light Đưa ra ánh sáng To make or become
widely known or evident
3. Take the stage (become the focus of To become the focus of
everyone attention) everyone’s attention
4. Skewed Lệch = wrong, Especially because it has
incorrect been affected by a
particular thing or
because you do not
know all the facts
5. Vested interest Quyền lợi A personal or private
reason for wanting
something to happen
6. Disproportionate Không cân đối Unrealistically large or
Supporting Skill 1: Identifying and evaluating evidence: Cancer Research,
Diagnoses and Prognoses
1. Prognosis Tiên lượng A doctor’s opinion of
how an illness or disease
will develop
2. Helical Hình xoắn ốc Having the shape or
form of a curve that goes
around a central tube or
cone shape in the form
of a spiral
3. Carcinogen Chất gây ung thư Any substance that can
cause cancer
4. Contingent upon Phụ thuộc vào Depending on
something that may or
may not happen in the
5. Delve into Đi sâu vào To try to find more
information about
someone or something
6. Malignant Ác tính Very dangerous and
serious; tending or likely
to grow and spread in a
rapid and uncontrolled
way that can cause death
Supporting skill 2: Recognizing and dealing with faulty Rhetoric: Mad Cow
1. Food chain Chuỗi thức ăn The hierarchical system
in which larger animals
and plants eat smaller
2. Lie dormant Nằm bất động The reside in a place
without being active
3. Overreach Vượt quá quyền hạn, Improperly aggressive
trách nhiệm action beyond one’s area
of responsibility
4. Innards Lòng, ruột The internal organs and
tissues of an animal
5. Closed case =resolved : đã giải A situation in which a
quyết rồi, đóng lại former mystery or
problem has been
6. Efficacious Công hiệu Effectively improving
Reading- Writing Connection: Understanding Extended metaphor:
Alzheimer’s diseases and Prion Diseases
1. Succumb
2. Riddle Câu đố
3. Tissue mô
4. Incubation ấp ủ
5. Pivot Trục
6. Propagate Trồng trọt
Part 2:

Unit 4: Humanities

Critical Thinking Skill: Synthesizing information from several sources:

Depiction of the Underworld
1. Divergent Dị biệt Differing from each
other or from a standard
2. Descend Bước xuống Go down
3. Intermediary Người trung gian Coming between two
other stages. Levels
4. Get a pass Lách được, tránh Be excused from, be
được allowed to avoid
5. Transgression Tội lỗi Sin or wrongdoing
6. Fall in line with Tuân thủ Follow, proceed in
agreement with a system
or set of rules
Supporting Skill 1: Understanding multiple perspectives: How Realistic
were homeric descriptions?
1. Dry Khô khan Not interesting or
exciting, boring,
2. Aesthetic Thẩm mỹ Relating to beauty and
the study of beauty
3. Epoch Kỷ nguyên A period of history,
especially one in which
important events take
4. Metallurgy Luyện kim The scientific study of
metals and their uses
5. Fanciful Huyền ảo Imagined rather than
based on facts
6. Quasi-historic Gần như lịch sử From the past, but not
portrayed exactly as they
really were
Supporting skill 2: Evaluating Credibility and Motives of Sources
1. Funerary Đám tang Related to ceremonies
for the dead
2. Call something into Thắc mắc về cái gì To express doubts about
question đó something
3. Trump Lấn át To be stronger than
something else
4. Cremation Hỏa táng The practice of burning a
dead body
5. Stumble across Tình cờ tìm thấy To find something by
6. Eschew Từ chối Reject , decide not to do

Reading- Writing Connection: Understanding and Using direct and indirect

quotations: Virgil as the guide of Dante
1. Archaic Cổ xưa Very old , no longer very
2. Neoclassical Tân cổ điển In the style of ancient
Greece or rome but
produced long
3. Anthropomorphized Given human
charactertistics, even
though it
4. First and foremost Most importantly
5. milieu Social or cultural
6. Of his ilk Similar to him
Part 2:

Unit 5: Environmental Engineering: Visuals

Fundamental Skill: Indoor Air Pollutants-VOCs

1. Bottling-up Cảm giác ngột ngạt
2. Lead Chì
3. Naturally occurring Xảy ra tự nhiên
4. Fragrance Nước hoa = perfume
5. Pesticide Thuốc trừ sâu
6. Noble gas Khí hiếm
Supporting Skill 1: Recognizing and Understanding Definitions within a
text: Is Air-Conditioning necessary?
1. Expel Trục xuất, thổi ra
2. Follow suit Tuân theo, làm theo
3. Pivotal Quan trọng= salient
4. corroborate Chứng nhận, chứng thực
5. Proclivity Khuynh hướng
6. alleviate Làm giảm bớt
Supporting skill 2: Working with classification: Indoor Air Pollutants and
1. Proximity Gần nhau
2. According to =by using the criterion of
3. Suite = a collection of thing
that fit together : bộ
4. Pathology
5. Breathing in Hít vào= inhale
6. pharyngitis Bệnh viêm học

Reading- Writing Connection: Understanding and producing references to

Other Sources: Sick Building Syndrome
1. vague Mơ hồ
2. Sours Chua
3. Mitigating =alleviate ; giảm bơt
4. rate
5. Stagnant
6. Multilayered Nhiều lớp= complex

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