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Third is also one of the business houses as Gemini is a business

sign connected to Mercury which governs traders. So these

natives may have desires of engaging in some form of self-
employment rather than work under the authority of others,
although other factors in the chart will have to say whether they
can do business or not.They are attracted to all activities that
engage the intellect, body and activities that demand skills of
hand (such as art, music, painting, sculpting, writing, etc). They
may be drawn to fields like journalism, media entities, business
enterprises and forms of self-employment. Their relationship
with their younger sibling can have some peculiarity (not
necessarily a problem, just something unusual). They are
attracted to less serious modes of learning (since 9th is about
serious study) so for these natives there can be an interest
towards the “fun or adventurous side of life and learning” — like
wanting to read comics or wanting to read novels or wanting to
read humourous journals rather than pick up a book by Satre or
Camus or Adi Shankara — which all falls under the interest of
9th house-Rahu.

These natives may be drawn to collecting books inside their

home (they may have a desire to accumulate knowledge in
written form). Basically wanting a mini-library in their room
(especially if Rahu falls in Gemini rashi). They may even fancy
the idea of acquiring skills related to musical instruments (such
as instruments like guitar or veena) or skills related to writing or
journalism. They may have a lot of hobbies and a variety of
mental interests which they want to explore in this lifetime, but
this tendency could also take them on the path of becoming
“jack of all trades and master in none”. There is a lot of mental
and intellectual interests that can make them less focused and
committed towards exploring any one area of knowledge.
Mercury is basically a fun loving planet, humorous, witty,
curious, wanting to learn all things under the sky.

The negative side of this placement is that being a Mercury

house (of Kalapurusha) there is this tendency to take interest in
the playful side of life and an excess of that indulgence/desire
makes one too focussed on trivial matters of learning or formal
learning and in the process neglecting the more serious or
informal aspects of learning (such as reflecting upon
transcendental knowledge). A person can become too interested
in knowing about gossip or politics or what a musician’s lyrics
really mean rather than wanting to read Yoga Vasishta. I do not
mean this as a criticism or judgement, but there is this tendency
of Rahu to force extremes and in this case he yearns after
Mercurial forms of learning and puts aside the Jupiterian
knowledge because he says I am tired of this philosophical gyan,
just get me a nice easy book related to the arts. The way to
balance this energy (this axis) is to explore both domains of
knowledge and give equal weightage to both forms of learning.
This way, this native can apply their intellectual faculties
productively in the study of all things fun, meaningful and
profound. They can learn about newspaper gossip, they can
learn about science, and equally they can devote their learning
towards philosophy or transcendental wisdom. Depending on
the sign in which this axis falls it can either make one
knowledge focussed or money focussed (business mind) or skill
focussed or art focussed. It can go in any direction depending on
other influences. I believe Sage Ramana Maharshi has this
nodal axis (if my memory serves me right) and in his case Rahu
is in Sagittarius in 3rd so it drove him towards communicating
(3rd) about higher knowledge (Sagittarius).

3rd house is connected to dhairya (courage), astrology (8th

from 8th house — bhavat bhavam), patience, short journeys,
sexual exploration (Mithuna represents copulation), throat,
confusion of the mind (one of the significations mentioned in
Uttara Kalamrita), partition of property (dividing inheritance
between siblings), throat, defence-related work or industries,
authorship and happiness from bed-pleasures (4th from 12th
house) — so Rahu’s influence will have a say in all these matters.
It can give one interest in astrology, it can bring quarrels or
disputes related to property division, it can make one
excessively sexual or hedonistic or drive a person towards
becoming a published author. So many possibilities are there
that you can explore in relation to the sign and other influences

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