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yGuRE 2.2%: Pumps in paraliel on multiplying the ordinate of the single-pump characteristic cries are used in applications involving unusually high he “The case of t¥0 identical pumps arranged in parallel In this case, the flow through each pump is Q and the h ree tts though the two-pump system is equal to 2Q, while te nau eave Hp Contequently, the characteristic curve ofthe two-pamp system is derived from he conse ae ttig curve ofthe individual pumps by multiplying the abscissa (Q) by +o ire estrated in Figure 2.21(b). In a similar manner, the characteristic curves rptems containing m identical pumps in parallel can be derived rom fhe singe oe Mmrateitie curve by mulupying the abscissa (Q) by n. Pumps in paral rae er caves where the desired flowrate is beyond the range of a single pumP are ee to provide flexibility in pump operations, since some pumps in the system ara ve rdown during low-demand conditions or for service. This arrangement can be shin sewage pump stations and water-distribution systems, where flowrates ‘ary significantly during the course of a day ‘Winen pumps are placed either in series or in parallel, it i usually desirable that these pumps be identical; otherwise, the pumps wil be loaded unequally sn he ciency ot the pump system will be les than optimal In cases where nonicent strc ape placed in series, the characteristic curve ofthe pump system is obtained Oy puma the heads added by the individual pumps fora given orate In cases Wher sa engieal pumps are placed in parallel, the characteristic curve of the pump syste aaaiee ed bystimming the flowrates through the individual pumps fora given head EXAMPLE 2.13 Ifa pump has a performance curve described by the relation hy = 12 - 0.10? then what isthe performance curve for: (a) a system having three of these pumps in Series: and (b) a system having three of these pumps in parallel? Solution (a) For a system with three pumps in series, the same flow, Q. Boe through each pump. and each pump adds one-third of the head, Hp, added Py the pump system. Therefore, Me a2 —01 64 Chapter2__ Flow in Closed Conduits and the characteristic eurve of the pump system is Hy = 36 - 030° (6) Fora system consisting of three pumps in parallel, one-third of the total flow, goes through each pump. and the head added by each pump is the same as't total head, Hp added by the pump system, Therefore ty «12 ~ 04(2), eristic curve of the pump system is Hy = 12 ~ 0.0112 2.5. Design of Water-Distribution Systems Water-distribution systems move water from treatment plants to homes, offic industries, and other consumers. The major components of a water distribution syste are pipelines, pumps. storage facilities, valves, and meters, The primary requiremer of a distribution system are (o supply each customer with a sufficient volume of wat at adequate pressure, 10 deliver safe water that satisfies the quality expectations customers, and to have sufficient capacity and reserve storage for fire protection a ‘emergency conditions (AWWA, 2003c). 2.5.1. Water Demand Major considerations in designing water-supply systems are the water demands of t population being served, the fire flows needed to protect life and property, and 1 proximity of the service area to sources of water. There are usually several categori of water demand within any populated area, and these sources of demand can broadly grouped into residential, commercial, industrial, and public, Residential wat use is associated with houses and apartments where people live; commercial water is associated with retail businesses, offices, hotels, and restaurants; industrial wa use is associated with manufacturing and processing operations; and public wa use includes governmental facilities that use water. Large industrial requirements typically satisfied by sources other than the public water supply. A typical distribution of per-capita water use for an average city in the Unit States is given in Table 2.4. These rates vary from city to city as a result of differenc in local conditions that are unrelated to the efficiency of water use. Water consumpti is frequently stated in terms of the average amount of water delivered per day (to. categories of water use) divided by the population served, which is called the avera per-capita demand. The distribution of average per-capita rates among 392 wate supply systems serving approximately 95 million people in the United States is sho in Table 2.5. The average per-capita water usage in this sample was 660 Lid, with standard deviation of 270 Lid. Generally, high per-capita rates are found in watel supply systems servicing large industrial or commercial sectors, affluent communiti arid and semi-arid areas, and communities without water meters (Dziegielewsh et al., 1996). 7

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